Complementary Questionnaire Sample

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(To be completed by the applicant in French or in English and to be joined to the

application form)

1/- Identity:

Surname:………………………………………………….First name:……………………...
…………………………………………………… Date of birth: …………………………….
Father’s name…….…………………………….. Mother’s name…….……………..……..

Surname of your spouse….…………………………… Name of your spouse:


Date of birth of your spouse ………………………………………………

Surname of your child/children: …………………………………………….. Name of

your child/children:

- + date of birth :

- + date of birth :

- + date of birth :

2/-Purpose of travel (please check the appropriate box):

Private visit to friends □ Family visit □ Business visit □ Individual tourism □

Other (please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………

3/- Profession and financial resources in Nigeria:

3.1 What is your current professional status?

Businessman □ Employee □ retired □unemployed □ student □ house wife □
other □

3.2 If other, please specify: …………………………………………………………………

3.3 If you are employee, please specify the name and address of your employer
Telephone number: ………………………………… Fax number: ………………………
Email: ………………………………………
3.4 How long have you been working for your employer?

3.5 What is the activity of your company? …………………………………………………


3.6 If your purpose of travel is business, how long has your company been co-
operating with the inviting company ?

3.7 What is your profession/job? ……………………………………………………………


3.8 Your monthly income (NGN) _________________________________________

- Salary or professional income : _________________________________________

- Retirement pension :__________________________________________________

- Rental income :______________________________________________________

- Other income (spouse, parents, scholarship) ______________________________

3.9 Have you been granted leave? Yes □ no □

If you have answered yes, is it a paid leave?

4/- Family status:

4.1 What is the nationality of your spouse?

4.2 Do you have any children? Yes □ no □

4.3 If you have answered yes, how many? ……………………………………………

4.4 If you have answered yes, do they travel with you? yes □ no □

4.5 Where do they live? Nigeria □ France or in a Schengen state □

Other Foreign country □ ……………………………………………………………………
5/- Your housing in Nigeria :

5.1 Are you owner? Yes □ no □ tenant? Yes □ no □

5.2 Since when do you live at this address? ………………………………………………

6/- Your stay in the Schengen Space countries:

6.1 You are travelling:Alone □ with family □ with friends □ with colleagues □

6.2 : If you are travelling with family/friends or colleagues, please write down the
surname, given name and date of birth of each person travelling with you :

Surname Given name Date of birth Relationship

6.3 Do you have family or friends in the Schengen Space? Yes□ no □

6.4. If so, please write down the surname, given name and date of birth of each
member of your family living in the Schengen space:

Surname Given name Date of birth Relationship

6.5. If so, where does/do your family/friends live ?

6.3 What will be your itinerary in the Schengen Space? …………………………………

6.4 Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes□ no □

If you have answered yes, which ones?

7/-Previous visas issued by a Schengen state consular representation:
7.1: Have you previously been refused a Schengen visa ? yes □ no □

7.2: If so, which consulate did you apply to and when ?

8/- When do you plan to leave? ……………………………………………………………

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are

correct and complete. I am aware that any false statement will lead to my
application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and
may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Schengen state
which deals with the application.

I am aware that the French consular authorities may ask me to show up at the
French visa section before or after the issue of my visa.

Place: Date: Signature :___________________

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