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I Annamayya in Alphabet II Annamayya in Alphabet

“u∫: Annamayya in Alphabet

in First Published
May 2015
Published by
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu
Plot No. 61, Flat No. 5,
Siddartha Apts., Siddartha Nagar
Hyderabad - 500 038.
Cell : 09393021360

Annamacharya's Sankeerthanas in
Price :
alphabetical order
[keertanas in Devanagari Script & Telugu] DTP & Printing
(Bhavamruta in English) Devanagari : M.V.S.V. Nagendra
By English : K. Murali Krishna
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu 9848 51 51 09
III Annamayya in Alphabet IV Annamayya in Alphabet


Tallapaka Annamacharya (Annamayya) is one of the

early Vaggeyakaras in Telugu. He is well known as Pada
Kavita Pitamaha. His Sankeertanas contained the essence
of Vedas, Itihasas and Puranas. They were sung by him
with great Vishnu Bhakti and Saranagati Bhava. They came
out from the deapth of his heart and hence are of great
interest to the sadhakas of the Bhakti cult. Hearing them
rendered musically is a great feast to the ears. They bring
happiness to the mind. It is therefore no wonder, they are
very popular.
His keertanas are mostly in Telugu and some in
Sanskrit. Lord Sri Venkateswara of Tirumala is his "Ishta
Daiva". He praised him by singing more than 32,000
sankeertanas. They were recorded on copper plates and
preserved in Tirumala. However most of them are not
readily available. According to some sources about 12000
of them are available in print.
Annamayya used Venkata as a his Makuta (Stamp
of identity) in all his keertanas. His keertanas are pregnant
with Bhakti Bhava. They were classified under 1. Sringara
Bhakti, 2. Adhyatmika Bhakti 3. Viragya Bhakti etc., by some
V Annamayya in Alphabet VI Annamayya in Alphabet
During his life time he visited a large number of description of the content and its significance is given.
temples and praised the gods installed in those temples with
It is not always easy to translate the telugu idiom
different names describing their Avatara Leelas in these
used in the keertanas into english. However every attempt
keertanas. He identified all those gods as none other than
has been made to express the meaning of the idiom in
Sri Venkateswara himself.
english as near to the original as possible.
He participated in many festivals celebrated in a large
It is hoped that this would create interest in learning
number of temples and sang keertanas in praise of the
these telugu keertanas and get a knowledge of telugu
respective gods. To mention a few, he praised Lord Narsimha,
language and alphabet.
Lord Vishnu, Lord Sri Rama, Sri Krishna - Chennakesava,
Vittala, Anjaneya and other gods. In this endeavour keertanas starting with the follow-
ing letters could not be found in the source books.
Annamayya criticised and chided religious fanatics and
condemned social in justice in his keertanas. He used many J (|∞∞), JÓ (|∞∂) E: (Jó) , Q (Y), W (V),
similies and popular proverbs in Rayalaseema dialect. ^ (~°≠), a (&), b (@), e (~î°),
His son Peda Tirumalayya and his grandson China
j (_è»), m (}), s (^äŒ), p (à◊).
Tirumalayya also followed his foot steps and sang many Telugu alphabet has short > L> 'Z' pronounced as 'a'
keertanas praising Sri Venkateswara using same Venkata in word 'any'; and short >EÁz> 'X' pronounce as 'o' in word
Makuta of Annamayya.
'original'. These letters do not exist in 'devanagari alphabet'.
The sankeertanas presented in this book are chosen
In Annamayya's telugu keertanas words having short >L>
from out of more than 700 from different collections. They
are arranged in telugu alphabetical order as the theme of
' ' and short >EÁz> 'X' long >L> 'U' and long >EÁz> 'F' both
presentation. As the present day generation even amongst as vowels and in combination with consonents are used.
telugu people do not know telugu alphabet and language, So, reading such words from 'devanagari script' leads to
the keertanas are given in 'Devanagari' script and the mistakes in pronounciation. This difficulty can be appreciated
meaning (explanatory note) of the keertanas in english.
Before giving the explanatory note of sankeertana a brief
VII Annamayya in Alphabet VIII Annamayya in Alphabet

from the following examples. Devanagari letter ' ' used in

L In the same way, other consonent vowel combinations
printed in normal and thick or bold letters should be
the word ' L≤g' in keertana number '7' has to be pronounced
pronounced appropriately as indicated above. This method
as 'a' in word 'any'. Similarly ' EÁz ' in ' EÁz N ˛úu∫ ' in
of printing letters helps the readers to pronounce the Telugu
sankeertana number '10' shall be pronounced as 'o' in word words correctly without confusion.
'original'. ' ' in the word '
L L™uå' in keertana number '8' I consider myself very fortunate to become an ardent
shall be pronunced as 'a' is the word 'agent'. Like wise lover of Annamacharya's sankeertanas. I owe it to the
' EÁz' in the word 'EÁz úƒåÁn™\' in keertana number 11 blessings of Lord Sri Venkateswara. Every day I religiously
has to be pronounced as long 'o' in word 'owner'. attend to writing 'Bhavamritam' to Annamayya keertanas in
Telugu. So far I have completed such work for 2300 keertanas.
In the consonent owel combination also the short and However the present book is meant to serve the lovers of
long sounds have to be pronounced correctly at appropriate Annamayya's keertanas, who do not know Telugu language.
places. It contains 41 keertanas.

For example in the Vowel consonant combinations : In this endeavour, many of my friends helped me. I
owe my grateful thanks to Dr. B.V.S.R. Murty for the help
in the word ' ƒz¬uÃåut N˛Áıg' in keertana number given to me in preparing this book, Annamayya in Alphabet
'14', line 3 ' ' should be pronounced as 've' in the word
ƒz in the present form. My sincere thanks are also to Sri M.V.S.V.
Nagendra for doing the perfect D.T.P. work in Devanagari
'very' and 'N˛Áz' should be prononued as 'ko' in the word
script and to Sri Murali Krishna for his DTP work in english. I
'KOREA'. Like wise in the word 'ƒzt™Ï¬'z in the same keertana fail to do justice if I do not thank Sri M.V.S.L.N. Murty and
line 3 'ƒz' should be pronounced as 'va' in the word 'vacant'. Chandra Pavan for their valuable suggestions in preparing
'¬z' as 'la' in 'lane'. In the word 'ututƒÁz' (in the last line of this book.

the same keertana) 'ƒÁz' should be pronounced as 'Vo' in

word 'vocal'.
IX Annamayya in Alphabet X Annamayya in Alphabet
If anybody is writing or reading anything on PREFACE
Annamayya today it is because of the pains taken by TTD.
All the singers of the world, music lovers and devotees of Sri Annamacharya is famous as the Pada Kavita
the Lord Venkateswara are indebted to TTD for their ser- Pitamaha. His Sankeertanas in praise of his personal God
Sri Venkateswara in both Telugu and Sanskrit run into Tens
vices to the supreme Lord of Seven Hills.
of thousands. More than 30,000 of them are preserved on
I pray to Lord Venkateswara to bless all of them. I Tamra Patras (Copper sheets) in Tirumala.
have no words to say except "Lord! you have given me much In this context I mention here the inspiring words of
more than I deserve. Even if you give me thousand births I Prof. Sri Pingali Lakshmi Kantam garu, a great Telugu Scholar
should not leave you even in one". of all times - a poet, academician and a literary critic - to
appreciate the heartening effect of Telugu Bhakti Songs. In
ErÁuååÁ™ÆÁ tÁz Áå∆z Áå uƒu“oÁå “∫z his book “Parvatarohanam” (1934) he visualised in his poetic
q™ÀƒnƒÊ q™ÀƒnƒÊ ∆z ∆{¬ u∆QÁ™mz fancy that Lord Venkateswara chose to settle on Seshagiri
(Tirumala) so that he can hear the songs at close quarters
and enjoy their sweetness in a pleasent mood. How well
these words look right for Annamacharya's Keertanas!

Sri Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu garu, a

Technologist by training and an innovative instrumentation
Engineer by profession turned a full-time writer in Telugu on
different bhakti traditions.

At present he is engaged in writing commentaries in

Telugu on Annamacharya's Sankeertanas which stimulated
much interest in the minds of his friends. He has allready
covered more than 600 keertanas and compiled 400 of them
in 4 volumes. His latest book on telugu commentary is on
some of the keertanas arranged in alphabetical order. Now
XI Annamayya in Alphabet XII Annamayya in Alphabet

this book is being rendered into english for the benefit of the Dedicated to the memory of
non telugu-knowing people. In this book the original
sankeertanas are presented in devanagari Script (as most of
the people in India know that script) and the commentary in
english language. To the best of my knowledge no such book
is available on this subject.

Sri Annamacharya's Sankeertanaas contain many

telugu words used in 16th Century Rayalaseema dialect.
Many of those words are not in vogue in current telugu
literature. In view of this difficulty an attempt is being made
by scholars to compile those rare words and phrases with
S r i Ta l l a pa k a A n n a m a c h a r y a
appropriate explanatory notes. Further it is difficult to find
Devanagari Alphabet
suitable words and expressions in english for some of the
telugu and sanskrit expressions present in these keertanas, E (J) EÁ (P) F (W) F| (D) G (L)
in order to convey the Bhakti and Tatwa Jnana aspects in
them. H (T) J (|∞∞) J Ó (|∞∂) L (U) Lz (S)
I understand how difficult it would have been for
EÁz (F) EÁ{ (B) EÊ (JO) E: (Jó)
Deekshitulu garu in this endevour to give appropriate english N˛ (Hõ) Q (Y) T (QÆ) V (Ѷ¨∞) W (VV )
commentary. A reading of this book reveals the sincere efforts
made by him to adhere to the text of the song and express
Y (K«) Z (Kè«) \ ([) ^ (~°≠) a (&) b
the contents in English in the best possible way inspite of (@) e (~î°) g (_») j (_è») m (}) o (`«) s
the above limitations. It is hoped that this endeavour of the (^äŒ) t (^Œ) á (^èŒ) å (#) ú (Ѩ) ¢˛ (Ѷ¨) §
author will bring to the readers the greatness of
Annamacharya as a Bhakta and Tattvavetta of all times. (|) ß (Éèí) ™ (=∞) Æ (Ü«∞) ∫ (~°) ¬ (Å)
p (à◊) ƒ (=) ∆ (â◊)   (+¨) à (ã¨) “
Date : 01-12-2011.
(ǨÏ) q (Hõ∆) fi („`«) r ([˝)
XIII Annamayya in Alphabet XIV Annamayya in Alphabet

uƒ Æ ÃÓuYN˛Á 18. Zy Zy 媬 35

19. \Ƭufl™ ƒ∫¬ufl™ 37
About this book 20. gÁ
gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ 39
Foreword 21. oTÏå´Æ “u∫ åyNÏ˛ 41
Prayer 22. tåÏ\Ï¬Ï Tuåu∫ 43

N¿˛.ÃÊ ÃÊN˛yo|å 23. á∫umåzÊt∫zuëÁ 45

24. ™Á
å™Á ™Áz ∫VÏNÏ˛¬åÁÆN˛
™Áz å™Áz 47
1. EutƒÁz
ƒÁz E®utƒÁzƒÁz 1
25. ú∫™Án™Ïg{å “u∫ 49
2. EÁN˛ub ƒzp¬ 3
26. åzfiÁå¬
¢˛Á¬åz 51
3. FõúÏugbÏ N˛¬TÊub 5
27. §Êug uƒu∫uY 53
4. F|og z ∫VÏ∫Á™Ï 7
28. ßuO˛ N˛Áz¬ut ƒÁgz 55
5. GSTσzc∫ z 9
29. ™åÏ\Ïg{ úÏuc 57
6. H∫Nz˛ tÁzz∫NÏ˛åÁ 11
30. Ær™Óuo| ÆrN˛o| 59
7. L≤ug ™ÁåÏ  \ã™™Ï 13
31. ∫Á\yƒ åzfiÁÆ 61
8. L ™uå úÁzTgƒÄÁÏ 15
32. ¬fl™yN˛¡ÆÁm™Ï ¬y¬oÁz oÁz 63
9. Lzåtzut N˛Áuå tÊtϬÁz 17
33. ƒÄÁzåÏ E¬™z™z¬Ï™ÊT 65
10. EzN˛úu∫N˛ÁzN˛úu∫ 19
34. ∆∫mÏ ∆∫mÏ ÃÏ∫ı∫ ¸
ı ÃëÁÏo 67
11. EÁz úƒåÁn™\ 21
35.  Á
 Ázg∆ N˛pÁuåuáuN˛ 69
12. EÁ{å´ÆÁ \ÁågƒÏ 23
36. Ó\ ƒ{…mƒÁYÁ∫ 71
13. EÊTå¬y∫z EÁ∫oÏ¬Ï 25
37. “u∫åÁ™ ™z N˛gÏ EÁåÊtN˛∫™Ï 73
14. N˛cztÏ∫ ƒ{NÏ˛Êe™Ï 27
38. qy∫Áu£á N˛ãÆN˛NÏ˛ 75
15. ToϬuëÁ uQ¬™{å 29
16. VÏ©™uåÆug »Ïuo 31 39 ufiN˛∫m∆ÏuÚTÁ YzuÃå úåϬNÏ˛ 77
17. YN¿˛™Á “u∫ YN¿˛™Á 33 40. rÁåÆr™yTuo ™ÁzqÃÁáå™Ï 79
XV Annamayya in Alphabet XVI Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - §Á{u¬
»y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm »y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm Oh! Srimannarayana, Srimannarayana,
»y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm åy »yúÁt™z ∆∫mÏ @@ »y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm @@
N˛™¬Á Ãoy™ÏQN˛™¬ N˛™¬u“o
N˛™¬ uüÆ N˛™¬zqm We seek the protection of your auspicious Feet.
N˛™¬ÁÃåu“o TªgT™å »y-
N˛™¬åÁß åy útN˛™¬™z ™z ∆∫mÏ @@ »y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm @@ For the lotus face of Kamala (The Goddes
ú∫™ÆÁzuT \åßÁTázÆ »y- Lakshmi) You are like SUN (who blossoms lotus). You
ú∫™úϪ  ú∫Ánú∫Á
ú∫™Án™Á ú∫™ÁmÏøú »y- are her beloved. You are lotus eyed. You are benevolent
uoªƒıN˛buTu∫tztzƒÁ ∆∫mÏ @@ »y™ëÁÁ∫ÁÆm @@ to BRAHMA seated in the lotus. You travel on
„áê~°÷# 'GARUDA' (the kite). Oh! KAMALANABHA! (who
~åQÆO : É∫o has lotus in the Navel!) we seek the protection of your
N=∞<åfl~åÜ«∞} N=∞<åfl~åÜ«∞}
N=∞<åfl~åÜ«∞} h Náê^Œ"Õ∞ â◊~°}∞ IIN =∞<åfl~åÜ«∞}II lotus feet.
Hõ=∞ÖÏ ã¨f=ÚYHõ=∞Å Hõ=∞ÅÇ≤Ï`« Oh! the benevolent to great Yogis! (the ascetics!)
Hõ=∞Å „Ñ≤Ü«∞ Hõ=∞ÖËHõ∆}
Hõ=∞ÖÏã¨#Ç≤Ï`« QÆ~°∞_»QÆ=∞# N- Oh! unreachable even to gods! Oh! Paramatma! (the
Hõ=∞Å<åÉèí h Ѩ^ŒHõ=∞Å"Õ∞ â◊~°}∞ IIN =∞<åfl~åÜ«∞}II supreme soul!) Oh! Paramanu roopa! (the smallest of
Ѩ~°=∞Ü≥∂y [# ÉèÏQÆ^èÕÜ«∞ N- the smallest!) Oh! the God of TIRUMALA Hills! we
Ѩ~°=∞ѨÙ~°∞+¨ Ѩ~å`«Ê~å
seek your auspicious blessings.
Ѩ~°=∂`å‡ Ñ¨~°=∂}∞~°∂Ѩ N-
u~°∞"ÕOHõ@yi^Õ"å â◊~°}∞ II N =∞<åfl~åÜ«∞}II
XVII Annamayya in Alphabet XVIII Annamayya in Alphabet
1 Annamayya in Alphabet 2 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ™ÜÆ™Áƒuo E I/23 K≥OQÆ@ #Å¡k"À âıëêK«Å=Ú

1 EutƒÁz E®utƒÁz »y“u∫ ƒÁÃ™Ï xOy#∞#fl ^Õ=`«Å x["åã¨=Ú
=ÚOy@ #Å¡k"À =¸Å#∞#fl ^èŒ#=Ú
úutƒzƒz¬Ï ∆z Ï¬ úgT¬™Æ™Ï @@ EutƒÁz @@ |OQÍ~°∞ tY~åÅ |Ç¨ï „|Ǩχ=∞Ü«∞=Ú IIJk"ÀII
Etz ƒıN˛bÁY¬ ™uQ¬ÁzëÁo™Ï ÔH·=źѨ^Œ=Ú "ÕOHõ@ #QÆ=∞k"À
EutƒÁz §¿÷ÁtϬ N˛úÏøú™Ï N"ÕOHõ@ѨuH˜ ã≤~°∞Öˇ·#k
EutƒÁz uånÆuåƒÁÙuQ¬ ™ÏåϬNÏ˛ ÉèÏqOѨ ã¨HõÅ ã¨OѨ^Œ~°∂Ѩ=∞k"À
Etz YÓgÏgtz ™¿ÁzMNÏ˛gÁåÊt™Æ™Ï @@ EutƒÁz @@ áê=#=ÚÅÔHÅ¡ áê=# =∞Ü«∞=Ú IIJk"ÀII
YıTb å®utƒÁz ∆z ÁY¬™Ï
uåÊuTåÏëÁ tzƒo¬ uå\ƒÁÃ™Ï E EutƒÁz ƒÁz
ƒÁz E®utƒÁz
™ÏÊuTb å®utƒÁz ™Ó¬åÏãå áå™Ï
(This keertana is in the praise of Venkatachala and
§ÊTÁª u∆Q∫Á¬ §“Ï §¿÷™Æ™Ï @@ EutƒÁz @@ Seshachala)
N{˛ƒ¡Æút™Ï ƒıN˛b åT™utƒÁz Lo! look there! That is the abode of SRIHARI. It appears
»yƒıN˛búuouN˛ uê¬{åut as though it is full of innumerable hoods of 'ADISESHA' (the
ßÁuƒÊú ÃN˛¬ ÃÊútøú™utƒÁz sarpent bed of Srihari).
úÁƒå™Ï¬Nz˛® úÁƒå ™Æ™Ï @@ EutƒÁz @@ The VENKATACHALA is the highest peak in this
mountain range. This is unattainable even for BRAHMA and
other Gods. That is the permanent residence of all the
~åQÆO : =∞^茺=∂=u J 'MUNIS' (Ascetics). Look at it. Bow to it. It gives eternal
happiness (ANANDA).
Jk"À JÅ¡k"À NǨÏi "åã¨=Ú This is SESHACHALA nearby. It is the permanent
Ѩk"ÕÅ∞ âı+¨µÅ Ѩ_»QÆÅ=∞Ü«∞=Ú IIJk"ÀII residence of all Devatas (ANGELS). It is the hidden treasure
in front of you, with golden peaks reminding you of
J^≥ "ÕOHõ\ÏK«Å =∞dÖ’#fl`«=Ú PARABRAHMA.
Jk"À „|Ǩ‡^Œ∞Å HõѨÙ~°∂Ѩ=Ú VENKATACHALA is the place of MOKSHA (salvation).
This is full of VENKATACHALAPATI's splendour. The
Jk"À x`«ºx"åã¨=∞dÅ =Ú#∞ʼnõΩ
fullfilment of the SOULS has taken the shape of this
J^≥ K«∂_»∞_»^≥ "≥Ú‰õΩ¯_®#O^Œ=∞Ü«∞=Ú IIJk"ÀII mountain. It is the sanctity of all the senctities.
3 Annamayya in Alphabet 4 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ™ÏQÁu∫ EÁ I/158 PѨ^Œ=zÛ# "Õà◊ – Pé_ç |_ç#"Õà◊

áêѨѨ٠"Õà◊Å –ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_ç# "Õà◊
2 EÁN˛ubƒzp¬ - å¬ú{å ƒzp¬åÏ FÑ≤#O`« ǨÏi<å=∞–"≥ÚHõ¯>Ë QÆuQÍHõ
ozNÏ˛ƒ “u∫åÁ™™z - utMNÏ˛ ™u∫ ¬ztÏ @@ EÁN˛ub @@ =∂Ѩ٠^•Hõ ÉÁ~°e#–=∞é˜ÖË^Œ∞ `≥éQÆ∞ IIPHõeII
N˛Áz∫™ÁuƒÆÏëÁƒzp - NÏ˛¬™Ï Yzugåƒzp ã¨OÔHÅɡ\ ˜ì# "Õà◊ – K«OѨ aez#"Õà◊
Yz∫ƒug ÆÁzª¬Yz - u\uMN˛åƒzp JOH˜eQÍ #ѨCÅ"å–~åy# "Õà◊
EÁz∫ú{å “u∫åÁ™ - ™ÁzMN˛bz TuoTÁN˛ "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√ <å=∞"Õ∞ – q_çÑ≤OK« QÆuQÍHõ
™∫uY ouõúåå{å - ™u∫ ¬ztÏ oz∫TÏ @@ EÁN˛ub @@ =∞O‰õΩ |∞kú ÉÁ~°e#– =∞é˜ÖË^Œ∞ `≥éQÆ∞ IIPHõeII
EÁútƒuXYåƒzp - EÁ∫ug §ugåƒzp
úÁúúÏ ƒzp¬ - ßÆúugå ƒzp EÁ EÁN˛ub ƒzp¬
EÁzuúåÊo “u∫åÁ™ - ™ÁzMN˛bz TuoTÁN˛ (Hari's name only will give strength and it saves one
™ÁúÏ tÁN˛ §Áz∫u¬å - ™u∫¬ztÏ oz∫TÏ @@ EÁN˛ub @@ passing through troubles)
ÃÊNz˛¬§zucå ƒzp - YÊú u§u¬uYåƒzp While suffering from hunger, or when tired after
EÊuN˛u¬TÁ åõúϬƒÁ - ∫ÁuTå ƒzp strenuous work, the name of Lord Hari only gives strength.
ƒıN˛bz∆Ï åÁ™™z - uƒuguúÊY TuoTÁN˛ There is no other way to overcome such sufferings.
™ÊNÏ˛ §ÏuÚ §Áz∫u¬å - ™u∫¬ztÏ oz∫TÏ @@ EÁN˛ub @@ In a helpless situation or when family prestige is at stake
or when caught by others and imprisoned for some alleged
misdeads, there is no other way than to depend on the name
~åQÆO : =ÚMÏi P of Lord Hari to gain strength.
While in danger or in distress or at times when
PHõ\ ˜"Õà◊Å–#ÅÃÑ·# "Õà◊Å#∞ frightened by the adverse situations or sin, remembering the
name of Lord Hari by making special effort is the only way
`Õ‰õΩ= ǨÏi<å=∞"Õ∞– k‰õΩ¯ =∞i ÖË^Œ∞ IIPHõeII out. There is no safety by delaying in making such efforts.
H˘é=∂qÜ«Ú#fl"Õà◊–‰õΩÅ=Ú K≥_ç#"Õà◊ When hand-cuffed and taken for beheading or when
creditors stand at the doorstep demanding the debt money,
K≥é=_ç Ü≥Ú~°∞ÅKÕ–lH˜¯#"Õà◊ praying to Lord Venkateswara that he only can save one
XéÃÑ·# ǨÏi<å=∞–"≥ÚHõ¯>Ë QÆuQÍHõ from these dangers is the only thing to do. Indulging in foolish
thinking doesnot help.
=∞éz `«Ñ≤Ê#<≥·#–=∞é˜ ÖË^Œ∞ `≥éQÆ∞ IIPHõeII
5 Annamayya in Alphabet 6 Annamayya in Alphabet
Hõ#Hõ~°`«fl Hõ"å@ HÍO`«∞ e~°∞QÆ_» QÆO\˜
∫ÁT: - §Á{u¬ F I/38 Ѷ¨∞#"≥∞ÿ# nѨã¨OѶ¨∞=ÚÅ QÆO\˜
3 FõúÏugbÏ N˛¬TÊub åz¡¬ ¬ÁzN˛™Ï¬NÏ˛- J#∞Ѩ=∞ =∞}˜=∞Ü«∞=∞QÆ∞ H˜s@=Ú QÆO\˜
åõúgTÏ uoªƒıN˛bÁáy∆Ï TÊub @@ FõúÏugbÏ @@ Hõ#HÍO|~°=Ú QÆO\˜ „QƉõΩ¯# "Õ∞Å∞H˘O\˜ IIWѨC_ç@∞II
J~°∞^≥·# â◊OYK«„HÍ^Œ∞ e~°∞QÆ_» QÆO\˜
Euo∆Æʧ{å ∆z Áu¸ u∆Q∫™Ï TÊub ã¨iÖËx JÉèíÜ«∞ ǨÏã¨Î=Ú#∞ QÆO\˜
üuo¬zuå TÁzúÏ∫üß¬Ï TÊub u~°∞ "ÕOHõ\ÏK«ÖÏkèѨÙx E_»QÆ QÆO\˜
∆oN˛Ázub ÃÓÆ|oz\™Ï¬Ï ƒz¬ÏTT TÊub ǨÏiQÆO\˜ QÆ∞~°∞QÆO\˜ #O`«@ "Õ∞Å∞H˘O\˜ IIWѨC_ç@∞II
YoÏ∫ÁÀÆÏ úÁzgTÊub Y´Æå ™z¬ÏN˛Áıub @@ FõúÏugbÏ @@
N˛åN˛∫nå N˛ƒÁb N˛ÁÊoÏu¬ªTg TÊub F FõúÏugbÏ N˛¬TÊub
Vå™{å tyúÃÊV™Ï¬ TÊub (In this Keertana Annamayya describes his happiness
EåÏú™ ™um™Æ™TÏ uN˛∫yb™Ï TÊub when he had the darshan of the Lord and his splendour in
his dream)
N˛åN˛Áʧ∫™Ï TÊub T¿MNÏ˛å ™z¬ÏN˛Áıub @@ FõúÏugbÏ @@ Lo! Just now I had a dream. In that dream I had the
Eªt{å ∆ÊQYN¿˛ÁtÏ u¬ªTg TÊub "darshan" of Sri Venkateswara, the father of "all the worlds"
(the universe). I am very happy because he gave his
Ãu∫¬zuå EßÆ “Ào™ÏåÏ TÊub "darshan".
uoª ƒıN˛bÁY¬ÁuáúÏuå \ÓgT TÊub I saw the pre-eminent peak of the Seshadri mountain
“u∫TÊub TϪTÊub åÊob ™z¬ÏN˛Áıub @@ FõúÏugbÏ @@ and the dazzling light of the incomparable "Gopuram". I saw
Lord Venkateswara as brightly shining light of hundreds of
crores of Suns. I also saw the four-headed Lord Brahma. All
~åQÆO : É∫o W this made me to wake up suddenly.
I saw the bright light emanating from the Jewel-studded
golden doors on either side of the Lord and innumerable
WѨC_ç@∞ HõÅQÆO\˜ <≥Å¡ Ö’Hõ=ÚʼnõΩ– lamps shining all round. I also saw the incomparable dimond
#ѨÊ_»QÆ∞ u~°∞"ÕOHõ\Ïnèâ◊√ QÆO\˜ IIWѨC_ç@∞II studded crown of the Lord. I saw the "Pitambara" worn by
Him. All this made me to wake up suddenly.
Juâ◊Ü«∞Oɡ·# âıëê„k tY~°=Ú QÆO\˜
I saw the rarely visible conch and the discuss (of Lord
„ѨuÖËx QÀѨÙ~°„ѨÉèíÅ∞ QÆO\˜ Vishnu) on either side of Lord. I also saw the Lord's hand
â◊`«HÀ\˜ ã¨∂~°º`Õ[=ÚÅ∞ "≥Å∞QÆQÆ QÆO\˜ expressing the "Abhaya Mudra" (protection from fear). Thus
K«`«∞~åã¨∞º á⁄_»QÆO\˜ K«Ü«∞º# "Õ∞Å∞H˘O\˜ IIWѨC_ç@∞II I witnessed the Tiru Venkatachalapathi, the Hari, the Guru.
All this made me to wake up suddenly.
7 Annamayya in Alphabet 8 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - åÁb F| XXIX/196

‰õÄ_» ÃÑ>ˇì "å#~°∞Å, ‰õΩOÉèíHõ~å‚k ^≥·`«∞ºÅ
`À_»<Õ ~å=}∞ [OÃÑ ^Œ∞~°=Ú ÔQÖˇÛ
4 F|ogz ∫VÏ∫Á™ÏgyogzN˛ÁÊTƒyªgÏ "Õ_»∞Hõ`À ã‘`å^Õq QÆ∂_≥#∞ ѨÙ+¨ÊHõ "≥∞ÔH¯
F|ogÏ YzuÃå Yzo¬zuãåÆ{åÁ T¬ƒÏ @@ F|ogz @@ ~¸_»∞ *’_≥· ã≤OǨã¨# "Õ∞Öˇ #Ü≥∂^茺֒# IID`«_ÕII
Q∫tÓ mÁtϬåÏ QÊgoÏÊg™Ï¬Ï ÃzÃz ѨÙ_»q∞ Ü«∞O`«Ü«Ú QÍK≥ á⁄O^Œ∞QÍ ^Œ#O`«ÖËã≤
EªtÏTÁ ƒÁu¬åÁzMN˛ Æ©™Ïå åzÃz H˘_»∞‰õΩÅQÍOK≥#∞ ‰õΩâ◊Å=ÙÅ
Ã∫uƒ N˛Áıg¬ Yzo Ùϸ™Ï §ÊuáÊYz Ü≥∞_»Ü«∞Hõ N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√_≥· =~°=ÚeK≥Û
F∫ƒ{ uƒßy mÏuåuN˛XYz ¬ÊN˛Á∫Á[Æ™Ï @@ F|ogz @@ J_»i `å~°Hõ „|Ǩχ"≥∞ÿ W^≥ "≥ÅÃã. IID`«_ÕII
NÓ˛g úzcz ƒÁ媬, NÏ˛ÊßN˛mÁ|ut t{nÆϬ
oÁzgåz ∫ÁƒmÏ \Êúz tÏ∫™Ï Tz¡Yz
F| F|og z ∫VÏ∫Á™Ï
ƒzgÏN˛oÁz ÃyoÁtzuƒ TÓgzåÏ úÏ…úN˛ ™zMNz˛ (Lord Rama is none other than Sri Venkateswara.
Annamayya describes Lord's several valourous acts extoled in
F|gÏ \Ázg{ uÃÊ“ÁÃå ™z¬z åÆÁzÜƬÁzå @@ F|ogz @@ Ramayana)
úÏgu™ ÆÊoÆÏ TÁYz úÁıtÏTÁ tåÊo¬zuà This Lord Venkateswara is Raghu Rama himself, the
N˛ÁzgÏNÏ˛¬TÁÊYzåÏ NÏ˛∆¬ƒÏ¬ undaunted warrior. His heroic deeds are innumerable.
ÆzgÆN˛ »yƒıN˛bz∆Ïg{ ƒ∫™Ïu¬XYz He made the demons KHARA, DOOSHANA and their
Egu∫ oÁ∫N˛ §¿÷™{ Ftz ƒz¬Ãz @@ F|ogz @@ followers into minced meat in the DANDAKA forest. His marvelous
skill in killing valiant VALI (who defeated Ravana) with a single
arrow is a miracle. He got the cause-way built across the Sea to
~åQÆO : <å@ D enable his army of monkeys to reach LANKA. He gave
VIBHEESHANA the kingdom of LANKA to rule permanently.
D`«_Õ ~°Ñ¶¨Ú~å=Ú_ô`« _ÕHÍOQÆ g~°∞_»∞ He organised the great army of the monkeys. He killed
~¸`«_»∞ KÕã≤# KÕ`«ÖˇxflÜ≥ÿ∞<å QÆÅ=Ù IID`«_ÕII RAVANA, KUMBHAKARNA and all other demons to win the war.
Happily united with Sita Devi, he merrily travelled to AYODHYA on
Y~°^Œ∂+¨}Ï^Œ∞Å#∞ YO_»`«∞O_»=ÚÅ∞ ¿ãÃã PUSHPAKA and ruled the Kingdom of KOSALA.
J~°∞^Œ∞QÍ "åe<˘Hõ¯ Ü«∞=Ú‡# <Õ<≥ He protected the whole world with his benevolent rule. He
ã¨~°q H˘O_»Å KÕ`« ã¨=Ú„^Œ=Ú |OkèOK≥ had two sons KUSA and LAVA who were equal to him in all
W~°"≥· qcè+¨}∞xH˜K≥Û ÅOHÍ~å[º=Ú IID`«_≥II respects. He continues to protect us even now as Lord
Venkateswara from Tirumala giving us countless boons. As Taraka
Brahma he bestows on us the MOKSHA.
9 Annamayya in Alphabet 10 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - Q™ÁÃΩ G V/92

`˘Ü«∞ºÅ∞ e@∞ KÕ`«∞Å #ÅyOK«Hõ
=ÙÜ«∞ºÅ x_»ˆ~ "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡
5 GSTÏ ƒzc∫z ƒÁzÆ©™Á Yz- H˘Ü«∞º=∂@Å#∞ H˘O_»Å u=∞‡x
´ÆÁzSTyuåtz u∆∆σÁzÆ©™Á @@ GSTÏ ƒzc∫z @@ <˘Ü«∞º# u@ì‰õΩ~À~°=∂‡ IILQÆ∞æ "≥@ìˆ~II
N˛gÏúϬÁzuå ¬ÁzN˛©™Ï¬Ï Tt¬y-
åÁzg¬ÓYNÏ˛∫z ƒÁzÆ©™Á
oÁzugNz˛ug êTå oÁz¬T tyÆ∫z
G GSTσzc∫ z
ƒÏugNz˛ug úÁu¬uƒ ƒÁzÆ©™Á @@ GSTÏ ƒzc∫z @@ (Upto the early days in the twentieth century, mothers
used to give to the babies a the mixture of brest milk, casteroil
Yõú¬Ï ƒcÌN˛ ÃëÁúÏ §Á¬Ïuå- and some other medicinal powders in the mornings for some
åÏõú∫ ™zNÏ˛ ∫ÁzÆ©™Á months to help improving their digestion. This is called
EõúÏgz ÃN˛¬™Ï åut™yåÁz∫åz "UGGU" in Telugu. The babies generally refuse to swallow
ƒÁzõútÏ uo´Æ∫z ƒÁzÆ©™Á @@ GSTÏ ƒzc∫z @@ it, because of its taste and odour. Yasoda's efforts to make
Krishna drink Uggu is described in this Keertana.
oÁz´Æ¬Ï u¬bÏ YzoϬ å¬uTÊYN˛
ƒÏ´Æ¬ uåg∫z ƒÁzÆ©™Á Annamacharya describes in this Sankeertana the
feelings of YASHODA while giving Uggu to Krishna)
N˛Áz´Æ™Áb¬åÏ N˛Áıg¬ uo©™uå
åÁz´Æå uocNÏ˛∫ÁzÆ©™Á @@ GSTÏ ƒzc∫z @@ YASHODA is urging her associates to hold the baby
KRISHNA when he was pushing off her hands to drink UGGU.
~åQÆO : Y=∂ãπ L All the Brahmandas are in the womb of this baby
krishna. Hold him so that he will not move otherwise the
LQÆ∞æ "≥@ìˆ~ "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ K≥– Brahmandas in his womb may get disturbed. The hot "UGGU"
Ü≥Úºwæx^≥ tâ◊√ "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ IILQÆ∞æ "≥@ìˆ~II will spill on him when he moves forward and backwards so
Hõ_»∞ѨÙÖ’x Ö’Hõ=Ú‡Å∞ QÆ^Œb– rapidly. So hold him tightly to prevent the mishap.
<˘_»Å∂K«‰õΩˆ~ "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ Do not lift him. He is a small baby. His mouth is not big
`˘_çÔH_ç ã¨~°∞QÆ# `˘ÅQÆ nÜ«∞ˆ~ like yours to swallow all that "UGGU" in one gulp.
=Ù_çÔH_ç áêeq "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ IILQÆ∞æ "≥@ìˆ~II
Girls! please do not handle him so roughly. Please put
K«Ñ¨ÊÅ∞ =@∞ìHõ ã¨#flѨ٠ÉÏÅ∞x– him in the cradle and gently swing it. Do not call him with
#∞ѨÊ~° "≥∞`«Î‰õΩ~ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ harsh words, even with love, because he is none other than
JѨC_≥ ã¨HõÅ=Ú #kg∞<À~°<≥ "KONDALA TIMMA" (Lord of Seven Hills)
"˘Ñ¨Ê^Œ∞ uÜ«∞ºÔ~ "ÀÜ«∞=∂‡ IILQÆ∞æ "≥@ìˆ~II
11 Annamayya in Alphabet 12 Annamayya in Alphabet
Hõ~°‡O|∞ Hõã¨@∞"À–Hõ_çy#ѨC_»∞ QÆ^•
∫ÁT: - TÁ{¬ H II/104
6 H∫Nz˛ tÁz∫NÏ˛åÁ GëÁoÁzëÁo ÃÏQ™Ï =∞~°‡O|∞ NǨÏix–=∞éQÆ∞ *ÁzÛ#QÆ^•
‰õÄi‡ `«# [#‡"≥∞–‰õΩ¯_»∞ ÔH‰õΩ¯_Ò@ IIT~°ˆHII
ÃÁ∫Ê§Ï tzu¬uÃN˛Á \Æ™Ï YzN˛ÁzåÏb @@ H∫Nz˛ @@
`«# âßO`« =∂`«‡Ö’–^ŒQÆe#ѨC_»∞ QÆ^•
o¬úϬÁzúu¬ uYÊo-tÁubåõúÏgÏ TtÁ ѨxQ˘#fl `«# K«^Œ∞=ٖѶ¨e~ÚOK«∞@
E¬u∫t{ƒÊ§Ï- ünÆq™Á{b Z#ÖËx N"ÕOHõ–>Ëâ◊fi~°∞x ^•ã¨ºO|∞
N˛¬Ï Ê§Ï tÏ™|t™Ï - TguYåõúÏgÏ TtÁ `«#‰õΩ #aƒ# QÆ^•–^Œi*Ëi =∞#∞@ IIT~°ˆHII
o¬N˛ÁzëÁ ™ÁzqÊ§Ï - oåNÏ˛ \zúgÏb @@ H∫Nz˛ @@
N˛™˙§Ï N˛ÃbσÁz - N˛uguTåõúÏgÏ TtÁ H H∫Nz˛ tÁzz∫NÏ˛åÁ
uå™|¬rÁåÊ§Ï - åz∫ƒzªb (Sadhana required to obtain Moksha is described in
™™˙§Ï »y“u∫uå - ™∫TÏ \ÁzuÄÁåTtÁ this Keertana.
NÓ˛u™| oå \ã™™zMNÏ˛gÏ Nz˛MNÏ˛gÁ{b @@ H∫Nz˛ @@ Can any one get the eternal bliss (Ananda of Moksha)
without hardwork (Sadhana). One has to understand first,
oå ∆Áão™Án™¬Áz - tTu¬åõúÏgÏ TtÁ the implications of such "Sadhana" and work hard. Then only
úuåTÁzëÁ oå YtÏƒÏ - ¢˛u¬uÆÊYÏb one achieves success (MOKSHA).
Lå¬zuå »y ƒıN˛bzæÁªuå tÁÀÆÊ§Ï Only when the mind ceases to pursue the worldly
oåNÏ˛ åu£§å TtÁ - tu∫\zu∫ ™åÏb @@ H∫Nz˛ @@ thoughts, "The God Almighty" appears in his vision. Only
when one is free from the contamination of arrogance in
mind, he is capable of obtaining the most desired fruit of
~åQÆO : Q“à◊ T MOKSHA.
T~°ˆH ^˘~°‰õΩ<å L#fl`À#fl`« ã¨∞Y=Ú Only when one washes off his mind free from desires,
™ê~°O|∞ ^≥eã≤HÍ [Ü«∞=Ú KÕH˘#∞@ IIT~°ˆHII the "Pure Wisdom" (sacred knowledge) dawns. Only when
one learns the secret of getting the protection of Lord Hari,
`«ÅѨÙ֒Ѩe zO`«–^•\˜#ѨC_»∞ QÆ^• he achieves the highest reward of his birth, namely the Love
for God.
Only when peace of mind touches one's heart, one gets
HõÅ∞+¨OѨ٠^Œ∞~°‡^Œ=Ú–QÆ_»z#ѨC_»∞ QÆ^• the fruit of his learning and the uncomparable "SEVA"
`«ÅH˘#fl "≥∂Hõ∆O|∞–`«#‰õΩ *Ë Ñ¨_»∞@ IIT~°ˆHII (service) of Sri Venkateswara becomes his nature; then he
lives at the feet of the Lord.
13 Annamayya in Alphabet 14 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - §Á{u¬ L XV/38 `«yÖˇ^Œ |Ǩï ÅOѨ@=ÚÅ `«yÖˇ^Œ |Ǩï |O^èŒO|∞Å

`«QÆ∞Å#∞ "≥∂Hõ∆Ѩ٠=∂~°æ=Ú `«ÅѨÙ# Ü≥∞O`≥·<å
7 LMN˛ug ™ÁåÏ  \ã™Ê§zuå ¢˛¬™z™ÏëÁut JQÆѨ_ç N "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊fi~° JO`«~åºq∞"≥·
uåMN˛™Ï uåëÁz åu©™uo åyuYÊu§N˛åÏ @@ LMN˛ug @@ #y#y ##∞ h"Õeu <åHÍ ~¸=∂Ü«∞ IIZHõ¯_çII
™ªƒåÏ EÁ“Á∫ʧÏåÏ ™ªƒåÏ ÃÊÃÁ∫ÃÏQ™Ï
™ªƒåÏ FÊu¸ÆßÁzT™Ï ™Áრåy ™ÁÆ
L L≤ug ™ÁåÏ  \ã™™Ï
(Several pitfalls in Sadhana are narrated in this Peda
™∫Yzt ÃÏrÁåʧÏåÏ ™∫Yzt o‹ƒ∫“ÀÆ™Ï Tirumalayya's Keertana)
™∫Yzt TϪƒÏåÏ t{ƒ™Ï ™Áრåy ™ÁÆ @@ LMN˛ug @@ What is the benefit of being born as a human being? Oh
uƒgσåÏ úÁú™Ï úÏlÆ™Ï uƒgσåÏ åÁtÏTÏ|m™Ï¬Ï Lord! It is true that I depend on your benevolence. You do whatever
uƒgσåÏ u™uMN˛u¬ ÆÁÃ¬Ï uƒ…mÏg åy ™ÁÆ you like to protect me.
uƒugYzt  bΩN˛™˙§Ï¬Ï uƒugYzt ƒ{∫ÁSÆʧÏåÏ I do not forget the attraction for good food and worldly
pleasures. I also do not forget to indulge in the pleasures of senses.
uƒugYzt åÁYÁ∫ʧÏåÏ uƒ…mÏg åy ™ÁÆ @@ LMN˛ug @@ Oh! Madhava! I am trapped in the illusion created by your MAYA in
ouT¬zt §“Ï ¬Êúb™Ï¬ ouT¬zt §“Ï §ÊᩧϬ this world. I am devoid of the wisdom of knowing the secret of the
real nature of human Soul and PARAMATMA. I also forget about
oTϬåÏ ™ÁzqúÏ ™ÁT|™Ï o¬úÏå Æıo{åÁ the benevolence shown to me by the 'GURU' in the illusion created
ETúug »y ƒıN˛bzæÁ∫ EãoÆÁ|u™ƒ{ by your MAYA in this world.
åuTåuT ååÏ åyƒzu¬uo åÁN˛Á F| ™ÁÆ @@ LMN˛ug @@ I do not leave the activities which result in sins or
righteousness. I also do not leave the bad habits and my
~åQÆO : É∫o Z aspirations. Oh! Vishnu! all this is the result of illusion created by
your MAYA in this world. I fail to perform the SHATKARMAS, (Six
ZHõ¯_ç =∂#∞+¨[#‡O ɡuÎ# Ѷ¨Å"Õ∞=Ú#flk duties... namely YAJNA, YAAJANA, ADHYAYANA, ADHYAPANA,
xHõ¯=Ú x<≥fl#q∞‡u hz`«ÎOaHõ#∞ IIZHõ¯_çII DANA and PRATIGRAHA) I fail to develope disinterest in worldly
=∞~°∞=#∞ PǨ~°O|∞#∞ =∞~°∞=#∞ ã¨O™ê~°ã¨∞Y=Ú activities. I also fail to follow the spiritual precepts. Oh! Vishnu! all
=∞~°∞=#∞ WO„kÜ«∞Éè’QÆ=Ú =∂^èŒ= h=∂Ü«∞ this is the result of illusion created by your MAYA in this world.
=∞~°K≥^Œ ã¨∞*Ï˝#O|∞#∞ =∞~°K≥^Œ `«`«Î fi~°Ç¨ÏѨº=Ú I am attracted by countless lustful pleasures and innumerable
=∞~°K≥^Œ QÆ∞~°∞=Ù#∞ ^≥·==Ú =∂^èŒ= h=∂Ü«∞ IIZHõ¯_çII bondages of the world. Even for once I do not attempt to follow
the path to free myself from the above distractions. Oh! Lord
q_»∞=#∞ áêѨ=Ú Ñ¨Ù}º=Ú q_»∞=#∞ <å^Œ∞~°∞æ}=ÚÅ∞ Venkateswara! You are ANTARYAMI (all pervading). You gave me
q_»∞=#∞ q∞H˜¯e Ü«∂ã¨Å∞ q+¨µ‚_» h=∂Ü«∞ your DARSHAN. You laughed at me to make me understand my
q_çK≥^Œ +¨@¯~°‡O|∞Å∞ q_çK≥^Œ "≥·~åQƺO|∞#∞ faults. You are my protector. So I pray to you to free me from the
q_çK≥^Œ <åKå~°O|∞#∞ q+¨µ‚_» h=∂Ü«∞ IIZHõ¯_çII influence of MAYA.
15 Annamayya in Alphabet 16 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - u“ãtÁz¬™‚ L IV/482 =∂Ü«∂<å^äŒ∞_»@ =∞Ç≤Ï=∞ =zOK«∞>ˇO`«
ÜÕ∞Ü≥∞_» ^•q+¨µ‚_»@ ~Ú~°"≥O`«
8 L™uå úÁzTgƒXYÏåyouå üßÁƒ™Ï áêÜ«∞Hõ N "ÕOHõ\Ï„k ѨuÜ≥ÿ∞ =~°=ÚeKÕÛ
ƒz™ªƒÁz úÏlÆϬÁ¬ uƒå∫Áz ÆyN˛o¬Ï @@ L™uå @@
"Õ~Ú~°∂ѨÙÅ "å_»@ q™êÎ~°"≥∞O`« IIU=∞xII
Eåão ÃÓÆ|oz\Ïgb N˛ÁÊuo Yzõúåıo
tåÏ\ÁÊoNÏ˛Êgb üoÁú™ıo
™åuÃ\TϪgb ™u∫YMN˛tå™ıo
L L ™uå úÁzTgƒÄÁÏ
ƒå\\Ï TuååÆuc ƒÁgb Våoıo @@ L™uå @@ (The undescribable greatness of Lord are narrated in
this Keertana)
TÊTÁ\åNÏ˛gb N˛gÏ Yzõúz úÏlÆ™ıo Can anyone express in words the undescribable
YıTb ßÓN˛ÁÊoÏgb uÃÊTÁ∫™ıo grandeur of this Lord? Oh! Pious people! You can understand
it only by hearing stories describing the virtues of divinity
∫ÊTTÏ ¬fl™y∆Ïgb ∫Á\Ã™Ï ¬ıYåıo and the 'Leelas' (sportive, playful and charming 'acts') of the
EÊTuƒÊYÏ Ãƒz|∆Ïgb ÃÊútıo @@ L™uå @@ Lord.
His brilliance exells that of countless suns. He destroyed
™ÁÆÁåÁsÏgb ™u“™ ƒuYÊYÏbıo unconquerable demons by his overwhelming valour. His
Æz ÆzgtÁuƒ…mÏgb uÆ∫ƒıo excelling beauty is matchless because he himself is the father
úÁÆN˛ »y ƒıN˛bÁu¸ úuoÆ{ ƒ∫™Ïu¬ÄÁz of the most handsome Manmatha. He is the creator and
father of Brahma Deva himself. Then, can anyone describe
ƒzuÆøúϬ ƒÁgb uƒÀoÁ∫™ıo @@ L™uå @@ his greatness?
~åQÆO : Ç≤ÏO^Àà◊ U His toe is the birth place of the most sacred river
GANGA. Can anyone describe his sanctity? He is the devine
Lord of the Earth decorated with beautiful nature. Then, how
U=∞x á⁄QÆ_»=K«∞Ûh`«x „ѨÉèÏ==Ú
"Õ=∞~°∞"À ѨÙ}∞ºÖÏÅ q#~À ~¸Hõ`«Å∞ IIU=∞xII handsome he must be! He is the Lord of LAKSHMI, the
Godess of wealth. Then what to say of his regal splendour.
J#O`« ã¨∂~°º`ÕA_»@ HÍOu K≥ѨÊ<≥O`« He is the "paramatma", the Lord of Brahmanda. Who can
^Œ#∞*ÏO`«‰õΩO_»@ „Ѩ`åѨ"≥∞O`« excel him in supremacy?
=∞#ã≤[QÆ∞~°∞_»@ =∞iK«Hõ¯^Œ#"≥∞O`« He is known as "Mayanatha". Then who can describe
his glory? He is all pervading 'VISHNU'. Can anyone locate
=#[A QÆx#Ü«∞\˜ì "å_»@ Ѷ¨∞#`≥O`« IIU=∞xII his residence (the place where he stays)? This Lord has
QÆOQÍ[#‰õΩ_»@ Hõ_»∞ K≥¿ÑÊ Ñ¨Ù}º"≥∞O`« innumerable forms. Can anyone imagine the extent of his
spread in space and forms? That is the greatness of
K≥OQÆ@ Éèí∂HÍO`«∞_»@ ã≤OQÍ~°"≥∞O`« Venkateswara, the Lord of Venkatadri who bestows unlimited
~°OQÆQÆ∞ ÅH©∆ ‡â◊√_»@ ~å[ã¨=Ú ÖˇOK«<≥O`« boons on his devotees.
JOQÆqOK«∞ 㨈~fiâ◊√_»@ ã¨OѨ^≥O`« IIU=∞xII
17 Annamayya in Alphabet 18 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - åÁ∫ÁÆmtz∆Áuq Lz X/27 Ü≥∞O^Œ∞‰õΩñ QÀÑ≤OKÕ "≥∞O^Œ∞‰õΩ "≥∞KÕÛ

"≥∞O^Œ∞ñ QÆ^Œ∞Ì "Õ∞ eO^Œ∞Ö’
9 Lzåtzut N˛Áuå tÊtϬÁz åzut JO^Œ∞ xO^Œ∞ñ ^•<≥ Ü«∞Å∞¡H˘#fl
åÁåÁøuú »yåÁsÏgz N˛ÁN˛Á #O^Œ#O^Œ#∞<Õ #=Ú‡@ QÍHÍ IIS#II
Æz√ƒu∫ tÓu ÊYz ™z√ƒu∫ ßÓu ÊYz
™z√ƒª ÀƒoãfiÏ u¬ãtϬÁz ÜÕ∞KÀ@∞ =∞Ozk ÜÕ∞KÀ@∞ K≥_»¤k
E√ƒ¬ uå√ƒ¬åão∫Án™Ïg{å ÜÕ∞KÀ@∞ ã¨`«=∞ø xO^Œ∞Ö’
Æ√ƒå\ÁqÏuå ååÏb TÁN˛Á @@ Lzå @@ HÍKÕ\ ˜ N"≥OHõ@<å^äŒ∞ñ_≥
ÆzãtÏNÏ˛ TÁzuúÊYz ™ıtÏNÏ˛ ™zXYz
™ıtÏ TÒÏ ™zu¬ÊtϬÁz Lz Lzåtzut N˛Áuå tÊtϬÁz
EÊtÏ uåÊtÏ tÁåz Æ¡¬ÏN˛Ázãå
åÊtåÊtåÏåz å©™Ïb TÁN˛Á @@ Lzå @@ (Rendered by China Tirumalayya, the grand son of
Annamayya, this keertana is a great philosophical thought
Æz YÁzbÏ ™ÊuYut Æz YÁzbÏ Yzhut of the poet)
Æz YÁzbÏ Ão™Á{ uåÊtϬÁz In this world just think, what is the right think to do
N˛ÁYzub »yƒıN˛båÁsÏgz and what is wrong thing. If you can see Lord Sri Hari ap-
pears in any "Form".
YzYzo TÁmÁY{ Yzu¡¬ÊYz TÁN˛Á @@ Lzå @@
Whom shall I scold? Whom shall I praise? Who is an
~åQÆO : <å~åÜ«∞}^ÕâßH˜∆ S independent authority in this world? If you scold anybody
here or there you are scolding only the "Lotus eyed God" Sri
Hari only.
S# ^Õk HÍx ^ŒO^Œ∞Ö’ <Õk Why we show our anger on some people and why
<å<å~°∂Ñ≤ N<å^äŒ∞ñ_≥ HÍHõ IIS#II we show our appreciasion to some people? In both these
acts, is there any justification at all? In both these people
Ü≥∞=fii ^Œ∂+≤OKÕ "≥∞=fii Éèí∂+≤OKÕ who is all pervaded in them? Is he not the "son of Nanda
"≥∞=fi~°∞ ã¨fi`«O„`«∞ eO^Œ∞Ö’ Gopa"?
J=fiÅ x=fiÅ #O`«~å`«∞‡ñ_≥·# which place is good and which place is bad? which
Ü«∞=fi#*ωõ∆Ωx ##∞@ QÍHÍ IIS#II place is permanent for you? The protector in all the places
is Lord Venkateswara himself. He is the permanent resi-
dent in our hearts to benefit every one.
19 Annamayya in Alphabet 20 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - Q∫“∫uüÆ EÁz XVII/485 "≥∞éÜ«Ú N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√ "Õ∞# ã≤OQÍ~°=ÚQÍ#∞

`«éK≥·# ™⁄=Ú‡Å∞ ^èŒi~ÚOK«QÍ
10 EÁzN˛úu∫ N˛ÁzN˛úu∫ N˛Áz´ÆÁ∫™{ "≥∞é∞QÆ∞ É’}© JÅ"Õ∞Å∞ =∞OQÆÜ«Ú `å#∞
™ÁzN˛™Ïå N˛¬¬z¡¬ ™Áz¬uYåbΩ¬ÏÊgz @@ EÁzN˛úu∫ @@ "≥∞é∞Ѩ٠"Õ∞Ѷ¨∞=Ú QÆ∂_ç "≥∞éã≤#@∞¡O_≥ IIXHõѨiII
\TtzN˛úuo™z™zå Yu®å N˛úÓ|∫ áÓu¬
u\uTN˛Ázuå å¬ÏƒÊN˛ uYÊtTÁåÏ
™zuT Yʸ™ÏuQ åÏ∫™Ïå uåu¬úzTÁå
EÁz EzN˛úu∫N˛ÁzN˛úu∫
úÁzTª ƒzëÁz¬ utT§Ázuà åbΩ¬ÏÊgz @@ EÁzN˛úu∫ @@ (In this sankeertana Annamacharya describes the
splendour and beauty of the bright figure of Lord Sri
úÁzu∫ ™z∫TÏ YzMNÏ˛¬ úÓuÃå ocÌúÏåÏTÏ Venkateswara).
N˛u∫uT Fªtzì N˛Á∫TÁåÏ
The charismatic appearence of the Lord's beauty is
N˛u∫T™å uƒßÏgÏ TåÏN˛ ™Áz“™t™Ï excelling moment to moment. His spell-bound splendour
oÁzu∫uT ÃÁ™\ uÃu∫ oÁzu¬uN˛åbΩ¬ÏÊgz @@ EÁzN˛úu∫ @@ appears to be springing up from his face.
™z∫ÆÏ »y ƒıN˛bzbz∆Ï ™zå uÃÊTÁ∫™ÏTÁåÏ Goddess Sri Lakshmi is resting in his 'heart'. The
o∫Y{å ÃÁz©™Ï¬Ï áu∫uÆÊYTÁ camphor dust sprinked extensively on his body and the grace
™z∫TÏ §Ázmy E¬™z ™z¬Ï ™ÊTÆÏ oÁåÏ emanating from the Goddess Lakshmi, the "Chandramukhi"
™zªúÏ ™zV™Ï TÓug ™z∫uÃåbΩ¬ÏÊgz @@ EÁzN˛úu∫ @@ (having face shining like moon) is spreading like moonlight
~åQÆO : Y~°Ç¨Ï~°„Ñ≤Ü«∞ X all around.
The perfume of the civet applied on his face was flowing
XHõѨi H˘HõѨi H˘Ü«∂º~°"≥∞ÿ down his cheeks. This appearence and his graceful gait
"≥ÚHõ=Ú# Hõà◊ÖˇÅ¡ "≥ÚÅz#@∞¡O_≥ IIXHõѨiII reminds one of an amorous elephent from whose cheeks
flows the "Mada Jala" (Liquid oozing from the forehead of
[QÆ^ÕHõѨu"Õ∞# K«e¡# Hõ~°∂Ê~° ^èŒ∂o mighty elephant).
lyH˘x #Å∞=OHõ zO^ŒQÍ#∞
"≥Úy K«O„^Œ=Úd #∞~°=Ú# xeÃÑQÍ# Lord Venkateswara wore invaluable glittering jewelery.
The beauty of the Lord with sparkling Jewellery is a
á⁄QÆ~°∞ "≥<≥flÅ kQÆÉ’ã≤ #@∞¡O_≥ IIXHõѨiII marvelous site. His consort "Alamelmanga" by his side was
á⁄i "≥∞é∞QÆ∞ K≥‰õΩ¯Å ѨÓã≤# `«@∞ìѨÙ#∞QÆ∞ like a lightening on a dark cloud. (Sri Venkateswara's body
Hõiy W~°∞^≥ã¨Å HÍ~°QÍ#∞ is dark coloured and Lakshmi is shining like a bright
HõiQÆ=∞# qÉèí∞_»∞ QÆ#∞Hõ "≥∂ǨÏ=∞^Œ=Ú lightening).
`˘iy ™ê=∞[ ã≤i `˘eH˜#@∞¡O_≥ IIXHõѨiII
21 Annamayya in Alphabet 22 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - »y∫ÁT EÁz IV/327 F ~°q „QÆǨÏ} F ^Œ#∞*ÏO`«Hõ

=∂~°∞ÖËHõ =∞u =∞Åã≤uQÍ
11 EÁz úƒåÁn™\ EÁz VåÏgÁ ^•~°∞}Ѩ٠q#`å `«#Ü«∂^Œ∞Å∞
§ÁúÏ §ÁúåT ú∫uTuoTÁ @@ EÁz úƒåÁn™\ @@ QÍ~°qOѨx@∞ HõeyuQÍ IIF Ѩ=<å`«‡[II
EÁz “åÏ™ÊoÏg GtÆÁY¬ uå- F ^Œâ◊=ÚYǨÏ~° F "ÕOHõ@Ѩu–
ƒÁ|“N˛ uå\Ã|ü§¬Á áê^Œã¨~À~°∞Ç¨Ï áêʼnõΩ_®
tz“™Ï ™ÁzuYå ozTσNÏ˛ uåbσ¬z D ^ÕǨÏ=Ú`À WxflÖ’Hõ=ÚÅ∞
ÃÁ“Ãu™bσ¬z YÁubuoTÁ @@ EÁz úƒåÁn™\ @@ h ^ÕǨÏ"≥∞Hõ¯ xezuQÍ IIF Ѩ=<å`«‡[II
EÁz ∫uƒ T¿“m EÁz tåÏ\ÁÊoN˛ EÁz EÁz úƒåÁn™\
™Áª¬zN˛ ™uo ™¬uÃuoTÁ
(The valour and wisdom of Hanuman, a great Rama
tÁªmúÏ uƒåoÁ oåÆÁtÏ¬Ï Bhatka is described in this Keertana)
TÁ∫uƒÊúuåbÏ N˛u¬uTuoTÁ @@ EÁz úƒåÁn™\ @@ Oh! Vayuputra! Oh! Invincible warrior! Your super
natural powers and wisdom astonished each and everyone.
EÁz t∆™ÏQ“∫ EÁz ƒzÊN˛búuo-
Oh! Hanumanta! you have set one of your feet on
úÁtÃ∫Ázª“ úÁ¬NÏ˛gÁ Udayachala (the mountain where the SUN rises) and the
F| tz“™ÏoÁz FuëÁ¬ÁzN˛™Ï¬Ï other on Astachala (the mountain where the sun sets) and
raised your body to the height of the path of the sun to learn
åy tz“™zMN˛ uåu¬uYuoTÁ @@ EÁz úƒåÁn™\ @@ "VEDAS" from him. By this act, you exhibited your courage
and (the extent of) your guts.
Oh! Ravigrahana! In your child-hood, mistaking the
~åQÆO : N~åQÆO F 'SUN' for a fruit, you jumped into the sky to grab and eat the
SUN. You killed numerous demons in Lanka and elsewhere,
F Ѩ=<å`«‡[ F Ѷ¨∞#∞_® while discharging your duties in the service of Sri Rama.
Your unimaginable valourous acts (such as burnning Lanka
ÉÏѨ٠ÉÏѨ#QÆ Ñ¨~°yuQÍ IIF Ѩ=<å`«‡[II and warning Ravana) are unparallel. Seeing your valour,
F ǨÏ#∞=∞O`«∞_» L^ŒÜ«∂K«Å x– strength, speed and wisdom, "Garuda" and others accepted
your superiority and respected you.
~åfiǨÏHõ x[ã¨~°fi„Ѩ|ÖÏ Oh! the destroyer of pride of Ravana! Oh! adorer of
^ÕǨÏ=Ú "≥∂z# `≥QÆ∞=‰õΩ x@∞=Öˇ the lotus feet of Venkatapati! you made your body as the
™êǨÏã¨q∞@∞=Öˇ Kå\˜uQÍ IIF Ѩ=<å`«‡[II Lord's chariot.
23 Annamayya in Alphabet 24 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - uo¬ÊTΩ EÁ{ IV/497 #O@∞# `˘_»g∞^Œ#∞ #e<åH˜∆ ∆<≥H˜¯OK«∞Hõ

JO>Ë=Ù ã≤QÆ∞æÅ∞ „ѨǨ¡^Œ=~°^Œ
12 EÁ{å´ÆÁ \ÁmgƒÏ ü⁄Át ƒ∫t ÔQO@Hõ U áÈ^Œ∞Ì#∞ ˆHÅ∞ ˆHÅ∞ H©eOK«∞Hõ
EÁå¬Ï ƒzcNÏ˛™Ï ü⁄Át ƒ∫t @@ EÁ{å´ÆÁ @@ JO@∞"åÜ«∞ =k"À „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ IIB#Ü«∂ºII
ƒzÃ∫N˛ »yÃuooÁz ƒzgÏN˛ å√ƒÏ¬Ï å√ƒy HõO^Œ∞=`À HÍyeOz ÔH·=ã¨=Ú ¿ãã¨∞H˘O\˜
EÁÃ¬Ï YÓúzƒÏ ü⁄Át ƒ∫t =O^Œ=ÚQÆ hÔH#∞ „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ
Ãzà ƒzucå YzoϬ Yz∫Tσuc oyÃzƒÏ á⁄Ok N"ÕOHõ>=Ú# á⁄Oz BÉèíà◊=ÚÖ’#
EÁ ÃÏÒÏ¬Ï YzõúzåÏ ü⁄Át ƒ∫t @@ EÁ{å´ÆÁ @@
JOk =~åeKÕÛ=Ù „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ IIB#Ü«∂ºII
åÊbÏå oÁzg™ytåÏ åu¬åÁuq åzuMNÊ˛YÏN˛
EÊbzƒÏ uÃSTÏ¬Ï ü⁄Átƒ∫t
TıbN˛ L úÁzÒÏåÏ Nz˛¬Ï Nz˛¬Ï N˛yu¬ÊYÏN˛
EÁ{ EÁ{å´ÆÁ \ÁågƒÏ
(Peda Tirumalayya son of Annamayya praises
EÊbσÁÆ ƒutƒÁz ü⁄Át ƒ∫t @@ EÁ{å´ÆÁ @@ Venkateswara as Prahlada varada (Narasimha) in this
NÊ˛tσoÁz N˛ÁuTu¬ÊuY N{˛ƒÃ™Ï ÃzÃÏN˛Áıub Keertana)
ƒÊt™ÏT åyNz˛åÏ ü⁄Át ƒ∫t Oh! Prahlada Varada! (Benefactor of Prahlada) You
úÁıut »yƒıN˛b™Ïå úÁıuY EÁ{ßp™Ï¬Áz ¬ Ázå are very ingeneous. Can I or any one meet with the conditions
of your commands? So please do not impose any conditions
EÊut ƒ∫Áu¬XYzƒÏ ü⁄Át ƒ∫t @@ EÁ{å´ÆÁ @@ on me.
Oh! Prahlada Varada! I describe the story of your killing
~åQÆO : uÅOQ∑ B the demon Hiranyakasipa. You held him with the same hands
you used to cajole your consort Lakshmi.
B#Ü«∂º *Ï}_»=Ù „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ Oh! Prahlada Varada! cajoling your consort Lakshmi
P#Å∞ "≥@ì‰õΩ=Ú „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ IIB#Ü«∂ºII sitting on your Lap with love, you made her blush feeling
shy with your acts. Holding her hands, you did not leave her
"Õã¨~°Hõ Nã¨u`À "Õ_»∞Hõ #=ÙfiÅ∞ #gfi from your embrace.
Pã¨Å∞ K«∂¿Ñ=Ù „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ Oh! Prahlada Varada! embrasing her in exclusive
¿ã㨠"≥\ ˜ì# KÕ`«∞Å K≥~°QÆ∞=\˜ì f¿ã=Ù privacy, you held her (Lakshmi) gracefully in your hands.
P ã¨∞^Œ∞ÌÅ∞ K≥¿ÑÊ#∞ „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^Œ IIB#Ü«∂ºII Acquiring Sri Venkatachala as your abode you have also
shown your gracious presence at Ahobalam to grant boons
to Prahlada.
25 Annamayya in Alphabet 26 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ÃÏ∫ub EÊ XIX/346 ã¨∞~°Å‰õΩ #=∞$`«=Ú ™⁄ik <˘ã¨Oy#

13 EÊTå ¬y∫z ÆÁ∫oÏ¬Ï Ç¨ÏiH˜k "À Ѩã≤_®~°`«∞Å∞
EÊT\ TϪåNÏ˛ åÁ∫oÏ¬Ï @@ EÊTå @@ `«~°q∞k ^Œ∞+¨µìÅ ^Œ#∞AÅ #_»z#
»y tzuƒ oÁzgÏo Yz¬TÏYÏ å√ƒz
√ƒz JiÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°∞# HÍ~°`«∞Å∞ IIJOQÆ#II
EÁut™ úϪ Ïuå N˛Á∫oÏ¬Ï xK«ÛÅ∞ HõàϺ} xkèÜ≥ÿ∞ ÜÕ∞ˆQ\˜–
™zutåy ∫™um ™z¬™Ï ¬Ágzub JK«∞Û`«∞#‰õΩ x"≥ Ü«∂~°`«∞Å∞
EÁutnÆ oz\Ïå N˛Á∫oÏ¬Ï @@ EÊTå @@ K˘zÛ N "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√_»∞ #Å"Õ∞ŇOQÆ
ÃÏ∫¬NÏ˛ å™wo™Ï ÃÁzu∫ut åÁzÃÊuTå Ü«∞K«∞ÛQÆ xezi Ü«∂~°`«∞Å∞ IIJOQÆ#II
“u∫uN˛ut ƒÁz úuÃgÁ∫oϬÏ
o∫u™ut tÏ…bϬ tåÏ\Ϭ åguYå EÊ EÊTå¬y∫z EÁ∫oϬÏ
Eu∫ßÆÊN˛ªå N˛Á∫oÏ¬Ï @@ EÊTå @@ ('This is an "Arati, (Nirjanam) song in praise of the Lord')
uåÄÁ¬Ï N˛¡ÆÁm uåuáÆ{ ÆzTzub- Oh! Women folk! wave the arati (lights) before our Lord,
EÄÁÏoÏåNÏ˛ uåƒz ÆÁ∫oÏ¬Ï the father of Manmatha with adoration (showing
YÁzuÄÁ »y ƒıN˛bz∆ÏgÏ å¬™z¡™ÊT "NIRAJANAM").
ÆÄÁÏT uåu¬uYu∫ ÆÁ∫oÏ¬Ï @@ EÊTå @@ Let us offer Nirajanam to this Purushottama, jovially
playing and smiling with Lakshmi. We offer Nirajanam to
this Lord shining like the Sun and Jesting in playful mood

~åQÆO : ã¨∞~°\ ˜ JO with 'Bhudevi' the Goddess of Earth.

Let us offer Nirajanam in a golden plate to our Lord
JOQÆ# bÔ~ Ü«∂~°`«∞Å∞ Hari who gave the 'Nectar' skilfully to Devas (Gods). Let us
JOQÆ[ QÆ∞~°∞#‰õΩ <å~°`«∞Å∞ IIJOQÆ#II offer Nirajanam to the Lord who repeatedly Vanquished the
terrible demons and established fear (terror) in his enemies.
N ^Õq `À_»∞`« K≥ÅQÆ∞K«∞ #"Õfi We offer Nirajanam to our Lord Achyuta who is being
Pk=∞ ѨÙ~°∞+¨µx HÍ~°`«∞Å∞ taken in procession. He is the Lord to whom we perform
"Õ∞kh ~°=∞}˜ "Õ∞Å=Ú ÖÏ_Õ\ ˜ 'Nitya Kalyanam' every day in his honour. This Nirajanam is
Pk`«º `ÕA# HÍ~°`«∞Å∞ IIJOQÆ#II infact to Sri Venkateswara and his consort Alamel Manga.
27 Annamayya in Alphabet 28 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - u“ÊtÁz¬™Ω N˛ III/471 ã¨~°fi^Õ=`«Å∞ =∞$QÆ*Ï`«∞Öˇ· K«iOKÕ H˘O_»
x~°fiÇ≤ÏOz [Å^èŒ∞ÖË x@ìK«~°∞Öˇ·# H˘O_»
14 N˛cztÏ∫ ƒ{NÏ˛Êe™Ï N˛ÁmÁYuÆå N˛Áıg =Ùifi`«Ñ¨ã¨∞ÖË `«~°∞=ÙÖˇ· xez# H˘O_»
ozcz¬ÁÆz ™u“™¬z uoª™¬ N˛Áıg @@ N˛cztÏ∫ @@ ѨÓ~°fiѨ٠@O[<å„k ~¸ á⁄_»"å\˜ H˘O_» IIHõ>ˇì^Œ∞~°II
=~°=ÚÅ∞ H˘\Ï~°∞QÆ =Hõ¯}˜Oz ÃÑOKÕ H˘O_»
ƒzt™Ï¬z u∆¬¬{ ƒz¬uÃåut N˛Áıg Ѩ~°QÆ∞ ÅH©∆ ‡HÍO`«∞ ™È|#Ѩ٠H˘O_»
Æztzà úÏlÆ∫ÁÃϬz Æzª¬{åut N˛Áıg ‰õΩiã≤# ã¨OѨ^ŒÖˇÅ¡ QÆ∞ǨÏÅ xO_ç# H˘O_»
qi"≥·# kk"À N"ÕOHõ@Ѩ٠H˘O_» IIHõ>ˇì^Œ∞~°II
TÁutu¬ §¿÷Áut ¬ÁzN˛™Ï¬ N˛Ázå¬ N˛Áıg
»y tzƒÏgÏÊgzub ∆z Áu¸ F| N˛Áıg @@ N˛cztÏ∫ @@ N˛ N˛cztÏ∫ ƒ{NÏ˛Êe™Ï
Ã|tƒz o¬Ï ™wT\ÁoϬ{ Yu∫ÊYz N˛Áıg ('In this Keertana Annamayya describes "Tirumala" as
uåƒ|u“ÊuY \¬áϬz uåcYª¬{å N˛Áıg Vaikuntha itself and all the things present there represent
his devotees)
ƒÏuƒ|oúÃϬz oªƒÏ¬{ uåu¬uYå N˛Áıg Look at that mountain which is "Vaikuntha", the
úÓƒ|úÏbÊ\åÁu¸ Æy úÁzgƒÁub N˛Áıg @@ N˛cztÏ∫ @@ permanent abode of Sri Hari. His "Aiswarya" (divine
affluence) has solidified into this hill.
ƒ∫™Ï¬Ï N˛ÁzbÁªT ƒ≤˛umÊuY úıYz N˛Áıg The Vedic Mantras turned into rocks of this mountain.
The virtues of the saints became the Watersprings and the
ú∫TÏ ¬fl™yN˛ÁÊoÏ ÃÁz§åúÏ N˛Áıg streams on this mountain. The boundaries of various worlds
NÏ˛u∫uÃå ÃÊút¬z® TÏ“¬ uåÊugå N˛Áıg (Lokas) including 'Brahma Loka' took the shape of the peaks
of this mountain. This is Seshadri which is the abode of Sri
ƒıN˛búÏ N˛Áıg
uƒu∫ƒ{å ututƒÁz »yƒı @@ N˛cztÏ∫ @@ Hari, the Devadeva.
The various kinds of animals moving on this mountain
~åQÆO : Ç≤ÏO^Àà◊=Ú Hõ are different Divine beings like Gandharvas, kinneras and
others. The different oceans turned into streams on this
Hõ>ˇì^Œ∞~° "≥·‰õΩO~î°=Ú HÍ}ÏK«~Ú# H˘O_» mountain. This long mountain is the anicient 'Anjanadri'.
`≥>ˇìÖÏÜ≥∞ =∞Ç≤Ï=∞ÖË u~°∞=∞Å H˘O_» IIHõ>ˇì^Œ∞~°II The endless boons the Lord grants to his devotees
are present in this "Godown" packed with these boons. This
"Õ^Œ=ÚÖË tÅÖˇ· "≥Åã≤#k H˘O_» auspicious mountain appears full with riches of Lakshmi-
ÜÕ∞^≥㨠ѨÙ}º~åã¨∞ÖË ÜÕ∞~°∞Öˇ·#k H˘O_» Kanta, (the husband of Goddess Lakshmi). These riches
QÍkq „|Ǩ‡k Ö’Hõ=ÚÅ H˘#Å H˘O_» showering from different sources filled to the brim in the
N ^Õ=Ù_»∞O_Õ\ ˜ âıëê„k ~¸H˘O_» IIHõ>ˇì^Œ∞~°II caves of this mountain. This is the vast Venkatadri.
29 Annamayya in Alphabet 30 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - ™Áz“å T II/372 "≥Å~ÚOK≥h`«_ÕHÍ "Õ^ŒÑ¨Ù ~°Ç¨Ï㨺=ÚÅ∞
K«Åq∞ h`«_Õ K«∂ÃÑ â◊~°}ÏQÆu
15 ToϬuëÁ uQ¬™{å N˛u¬ÆÏT™ÊtÏåÏ xeÑ≤<å_ô`«_ÕHÍ x[=Ú„^• ^è•~°}=Ú
Tuo F|ogz YÓúz VåTϪt{ƒ™Ï @@ ToϬuëÁ @@ =∞Åã≤ ~å=∂#∞AÅ∞ =∂\ÖÏ_Õ ^≥·==Ú IIQÆ`«∞ÅxflII
F|ouå N˛ªmåzN˛Á F¬ƒ{…mƒÏ¬™{uo- xÜ«∞=∞=ÚÅ∞ D`«_ÕHÍ xeÃÑ „ѨѨ#∞flʼnõΩ
™youå ƒ®åz NÊ˛ub™y uoª™um ^ŒÜ«∞`À "≥∂Hõ∆=Ú K«∂ÃÑ`«QÆh`«_Õ
F|ogz Gútz∆u™ÄÁzåÏ E…bÁqu∫ ™ãfi™Ï #Ü«∞"≥∞ÿ N "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√ #QÆ"≥∞ˆH¯ "åH˜@#∞
F|ogz ∫Á™ÁåÏ\Ïu¬“ú∫t{ƒ™Ï @@ ToϬuëÁ @@ ^ŒÜ«∞K«∂z =∞=Ú‡x>Ëì `«e¡^ŒO„_ç ^≥·==Ú IIQÆ`«∞ÅxflII
ƒz¬uÆÊYz åyogzN˛Á ƒztúÏ ∫“ÀÆ™Ï¬Ï T ToϬuëÁ uQ¬™{å
Y¬u™ åyogz YÓúz ∆∫mÁTuo (The great and noble qualities of Guru Sri
uåu¬uúåÁgyogzN˛Á uå\™Ï¸Á áÁ∫m™Ï Ramanujacharya are extold in this Keertana)
All the paths of Dharma are full of obstructions and
™¬uà ∫Á™ÁåÏ\Ï¬Ï ™Áb¬Ágz t{ƒ™Ï @@ ToϬuëÁ @@ are damaged completely in this Kaliyuga. In these
uåÆ™™Ï¬Ï F|ogzN˛Á uåu¬úz üúëÁϬNÏ˛ circumstances, the God in the form of this great Guru
(Ramanujacharya) showed the virtuous path.
tÆoÁz ™Ázq™Ï YÓúzoTåyogz We became 'Vaishnavas' (who sought the refuge in
åÆ™{ »y ƒıN˛bz∆ÏåT™z≤z˛ ƒÁuN˛båÏ vishnu) because of the compassion of this Guru. We also
obtained the initiation into "Vaishnavism" and this precious
tÆYÓuY ™©™Ïuåcz ou®tÊug~t{ƒ™Ï @@ ToϬuëÁ @@ jewel 'Ashtakshari Mantra', from him only. He is none other
than Ramanujacharya.
~åQÆO : "≥∂ǨÏ# QÆ This great Guru revealed the secrets of 'Vedas'. He
also showed compassion on us by showing the path of
QÆ`«∞Åxfl dÅ"≥∞ÿ# HõeÜ«ÚQÆ=∞O^Œ∞#∞ Saranagati (Surrender). He also made us aware of the
importance of wearing 'Vaishnava Mudras'. This Guru
QÆu D`«_Õ K«∂ÃÑ Ñ¶¨∞#QÆ∞~°∞^≥·==Ú IIQÆ`«∞ÅxflII Ramanuja is none other than God talking with us.
D`«x Hõ~°∞}<ÕHÍ WÅ"≥·+¨‚=ÙÅ "≥∞ÿu– This Guru only stipulated the code of conduct for those
who took refuge in the God. He only showed us the
g∞`«x =Å¡<Õ HõO\˜ g∞ u~°∞=∞}˜ significance of MOKSHA. He stands at the threshold of the
D`«_Õ LѨ^Õâ◊q∞K≥Û#∞ JëêìHõ∆i =∞O„`«=Ú mountain path blessing and guiding us (Bhaktas) to the Lord
D`«_Õ ~å=∂#∞A eǨÏѨ~°^≥·==Ú IIQÆ`«∞ÅxflII Venkateswara's "Sannidhi". He looks after us with all his
compassion. He is the father, the mother and Guru of us.
He is Ramanujacharya.
31 Annamayya in Alphabet 32 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - úÓuƒ| N˛¡ÆÁum V VI/71

=∞O^Œ~°^èŒ~°∞_»x =∂^èŒ=Ù_»x QÀ–
16 VÏ©™uåÆzug «Áwuo NÓ˛gTåÏ qO^Œ∞x áê_Õ~°∞ "≥Å^Œ∞e^Õ
N˛©™uå åzoÏ¬Ï N˛ÁTT Yz¬Tz @@ VÏ©™uå @@ #O^Œ „=[=Ú# #Å∞QÆ_» <å=ÙÅ
=∞O^ŒÅ ¿ÑÜ«∞Å =∞Oz~°==ÚÅ IIѶ¨Ú=∞‡xII
åy¬ƒmÏ|guå åy∫\ÁqÏguå
§Á¬Ïuå åuoƒ¬Ï úÁgz∫Áz "ÕOHõ@ѨuÜ«∞x "Õ^ŒxÅÜ«Ú_»x
úÁ¬Ï uútÏNÏ˛YÏåÏ §Áå¬ N˛ÁTϬ ѨOHõ[<åÉèí∞x áê_Õ~°∞
ÃÁzu¬ úzªTÏ fiXYÏYÏ Yz¬∫zTz @@ VÏ©™uå @@ JO‰õΩÅ KÕ`«#∞ JÅ~°∞ ~°=O|∞Å
aOHõѨ٠=∂@Å |$O^•=#=Ú# IIѶ¨Ú=∞‡xII
™Êt∫áªguå ™ÁáƒÏguå TÁz-
uƒÊtÏuå úÁgzgzª ƒz¬tÏu¬tz
åÊt ƒ¿\™Ïå å¬ÏTg åÁƒÏ¬
V VÏ©™uåÆug »Ïuo
™Êt¬ úzƬ ™ÊuY∫ƒ™Ï¬ @@ VÏ©™uå @@ (This Keertana describes the grandeur of "Nanda
Vraja" where Sri Krishna spent his childhood)
ƒıN˛búuoÆuå ƒztuå¬ÆÏguå The butter heated in big vessels in every house
úÊN˛\åÁßÏuå úÁgzgzª produced a unique boiling sound like that of 'SRUTI' in music.
EÊNÏ˛¬ YzoåÏ E¬ª ∫ƒÊ§Ï¬ The Gopikas sang melodiously describing dark
u§ÊN˛úÏ ™Áb¬ §wÊtÁƒå™Ïå @@ VÏ©™uå @@ complexioned (Neela Varna) and Lotus-eyed (Neerajaksha)
Bala Krishnas milking the cows, collecting milk in big vessels.
Churning curds, the Gopikas sang engrossed in thoughts
~åQÆO : ѨÓifi HõàϺ}˜ Ѷ¨∞ of Krishna, unaware of the surroundings.
The Gopikas sang the songs describing krishna as
Ѷ¨Ú=∞‡xÜ≥∞_ç â◊$u ‰õÄ_»QÆ#∞ Mandaradhara, Madhava and Govinda, and his going behind
Hõ=∞‡x <Õ`«∞Å∞ HÍQÆQÆ K≥ÅÔQ IIѶ¨Ú=∞‡xII the herds of cows and calves in the forests of Nandavraja.
Producing captivating sounds of the ornaments worn
hÅ =~°∞‚_»x h~°*ωõ∆Ω_»x
by them, Gopikas sang describing this kid krishna as
ÉÏÅ∞x #u=Å∞ áê_Õ~À Venkatapati, the Veda Nilaya (treasure of Vedas) and
áêÅ∞ Ñ≤^Œ∞‰õΩK«∞#∞ ÉÏ#Å HÍQÆ∞Å Pankajanabha.
™Èe ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞ „`«K«∞ÛK«∞ K≥ň~ÔQ IIѶ¨Ú=∞‡xII
33 Annamayya in Alphabet 34 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - åÁb Y I/183 áê#∞H˘x ^Œ#∞AÅ |Å∞H˜s@ =∞}∞Å

17 YN¿˛™Á “u∫ YN¿˛™Á ™ê#Å∞ fi# F K«„Hõ=∂
ƒN¿˛™{å tÁåƒÏ¬ ƒ≤˛u¬ÊYƒÁz @@ YN¿˛™Á @@ <å<å r==ÚÅ „áê}=ÚÅ∞ QÍz ^èŒ~°‡-
=¸x xÅ∞ѨQÆ^Œ"˘ F K«„Hõ=∂ IIK«„Hõ=∂II
YÏuc YÏuc úÁoÁ¬™Ï YÁzuXY u“∫lÆÁqÏuå
Yc¬Ï Yyu∫å EÁz YN¿˛™Á "≥~°z „|Ǩ‡^Œ∞Å∞ "Õ^Œ=∞O„`«=ÚÅ h
úucå »y“u∫Yzo úÁÆN˛ F| \T™Ï¬Ï =~°∞@∞¡H˘xÜ«∂_Õ ~À K«„Hõ=∂
EÁzcÌN˛Ázuå N˛ÁƒTtƒÁz EÁz YN¿˛™Á @@ YN¿˛™Á @@ Jé˜=Úé˜ u~°∞"ÕOHõ\Ï„nâ◊√ g^èŒ∞Å
X~°Ñ¨ÙÅ "≥∞~°Ü«Ú^Œ∞"À F K«„Hõ=∂ IIK«„Hõ=∂II
úÁåÏN˛Ázuå tåÏ\Ϭ §¬ÏuN˛∫yb ™mϬ
ÃÁå¬Ï oyu∫å EÁz YN¿˛™Á
åÁåÁ \yƒ™Ï¬ üÁm™Ï¬Ï TÁuY á™|-
Y YN¿˛™Á “u∫ YN¿˛™Á
™Óuå uå¬ÏúTtƒÁz EÁz YN¿˛™Á @@ YN¿˛™Á @@ (The prowess of the Sudarsana Chakra in the hands
of Sri Hari is described in this Keertana)
ƒz∫uY §¿÷ÁtÏ¬Ï ƒzt™ãfi™Ï¬ åy
Oh! Sudarshana! the discuss of Lord Hari! kill the
ƒªbΩ¬Ï N˛ÁzuåÆÁgz ∫Áz YN¿˛™Á crooked demons and save us.
Eu∫™Ïu∫ uoªƒıN˛bÁ¸y∆Ï ƒyáϬ
EÁz∫úϬ ™z∫ÆÏtσÁz EÁz YN¿˛™Á @@ YN¿˛™Á @@ Oh! Sudarshana! entering 'Patala Loka' in search of
demon Hiranyaksha you killed him. Oh! Sudarshana! you
have taken oath to protect all the worlds by constantly
remaining in the hands of Sri Hari.
~åQÆO : <å@ K« Oh! Sudarshana! by your swift rotations you have killed
the demons and incidentally polished the diamonds in their
K«„Hõ=∂ ǨÏi K«„Hõ=∂ crowns. Oh! Sudarshana! you have protected many lives
=„Hõ"≥∞ÿ# ^•#=ÙÅ =Hõ¯eOK«"À IIK«„Hõ=∂II by killing the evil and thus established the path of 'Dharma'.
K«∞\˜ì K«∞\˜ì áê`åà◊=Ú K˘zÛ Ç≤Ï~°}Ϻ‰õ∆Ωx Oh! Sudarshana! when Brahma and other Gods are
K«@ìÅ∞ pi# F K«„Hõ=∂ in fright, did they not praise you with Vedic Chantings? Oh!
Ѩ\ ˜ì# NǨÏiKÕ`« áêÜ«∞Hõ D [QÆ=ÚÅ∞ Sudarshana! when the Lord of Venkatachalapathi goes
X@∞ìH˘x HÍ=QÆ^Œ"˘ F K«„Hõ=∂ IIK«„Hõ=∂II around "TIRU VEEDHIS" (Sacred streets of Tirumala) you
spread your glow around.
35 Annamayya in Alphabet 36 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - YN¿˛ƒÁN˛ Z I/397 Ѩã¨∞~°"≥∞ÿ "≥`«ÖËx áê@∞ Ѩ_»=K«∞Û QÍHõ
18 Zy Zy 媬tzub \yƒå™Ï
Hõã¨@∞"À <˘~°∞Å ÉÁQÆ_»QÍ =K«∞Û<å
=Ùã¨∞~°∞ =∂<≥· ѨÙ\˜ì=ÙO_»<≥·# =K«∞ÛQÍHõ
N˛ÁYÏN˛ »y“u∫ åyƒz N˛ªumÊoÏTÁN˛ @@ Zy Zy @@ qã¨∞=Hõ gi"åi "Õã¨iOK«=K«∞Û<å IIpè pèII
Eguƒ¬Áz ™wT\ÁuoÆ{åÁ TÁƒXYÏTÁN˛ Ü≥∞"≥∞‡Å |∞}ϺŠ¿ãã≤ ~ÚÅ ÜÕ∞Å=K«∞ÛQÍHõ
ƒug uåoª¬ TÁz¬ÏƒT ƒXYÏåÁ ? Hõq∞‡ ǨÏi^•ã¨∞_»∞ QÍ=K«∞Û<å
ƒÏug¬Ázuå úuqÆ{ ƒÏÊgå{åÁ ƒXYÏTÁN˛ <≥=∞‡k N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊ hz`«Î"Õ∞ HÍHõ
uƒgσNz˛√ƒu∫å{åÁ ƒzgƒXYÏåÁ ? @@ Zy Zy @@ ^˘=ڇŠHõ~°‡=Úeq `ÀÜ«∞=K«∞Û<å IIpè pèII
úÃÏ∫™{ ƒzo¬zuå úÁbÏ úgƒXYÏ TÁN˛
N˛ÃbσÁz åÁzª¬ §ÁzTgTÁ ƒXYÏåÁ ? Z Zy Zy 媬
ƒÏÃϪ ™Áå{ úucƒÏÊgå{å ƒXYÏTÁN˛ (In this Keertana Annamayya advises all to serve Lord
uƒÃσN˛ ƒyu∫ƒÁu∫ ƒzÃu∫ÊYƒXYÏåÁ ? @@ Zy Zy @@ instead of serving conceitful, selfish and corrupt people)
Æz©™z¬ §ÏlÆÁ¬ Ãzuà F¬ Æz¬ƒXYÏTÁN What a pity!! what a pity!! what a life the human beings
are leading! Oh! Sri Hari! with your compassion you have to
N˛u©™ “u∫tÁÃÏgÏ TÁƒXYÏåÁ ? protect these humanbeings.
åz©™ut »yƒıN˛bz∆ åy uY™z N˛ÁN˛ Why should people constantly serve the conceitful
tÁz©™Ï¬ N˛™|™Ïu¬uƒ oÁzƃXYÏåÁ ? @@ Zy Zy @@ superiors? It is better, one is born as a wild animal in a
forest. What a pity for anyone to request such people for
favours unendingly. It is better to be a captive bird in a
~åQÆO : K«„Hõ"åHõO Kè« nest.
Why should one praise the corrupt and selfish people?
pè p #~°∞Å^Õ\ ˜ r=#=Ú Is it not better to be born as an animal undergoing endless
troubles? What is the good of serving this or that master? It
HÍK«∞Hõ NǨÏi h"≥ Hõ~°∞}˜O`«∞QÍHõ IIpè pèII is better to live as a tree in the forest even though it cannot
be put to any use.
J_»qÖ’ =∞$QÆ*ÏuÜ≥ÿ∞<å QÍ=K«∞ÛQÍHõ
One may perform meritorious sacred deeds and
=_ç x`«~°∞Å Q˘Å∞=QÆ =K«∞Û<å become an emperor but is it possible for him to become a
blessed Hari Bhakta? Oh! Sri Venkateswara! everything in
=Ù_çÖ’x ѨH˜∆Ü≥ÿ∞ =ÙO_»<≥·<å =K«∞ÛQÍHõ this world happens according to your mandate (direction).
q_»∞=ÔH=fii<≥·<å "Õ_»=K«∞Û<å IIpè pèII Can anyone surpass the result of one's own karma
37 Annamayya in Alphabet 38 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - ¬u¬o \ II/288 K«O^Œ∞~°∞`À_» |∞\˜ì# ã¨OѨ^ŒÅ "≥∞é∞QÆ"À
19 \Ƭufl™ ƒ∫¬ufl™ ÃÊT¿Á™ ƒy∫¬ufl™ HõO^Œ∞= „|ǨχÅQÍKÕ HõÅÊ=e¡"À
uüÆÏ∫Á¬ƒ{ “u∫uN˛ §z∫uÃuoƒ©™ @@ \Ƭfl™y @@ JOk# QÀqO^Œ∞xH˜ JO_»<Õ `À_»∞h_≥·
=ÙO^•#=Ù =∂~ÚO@<Õ =ÙO_»==∞‡ II[Ü«∞ÅH©∆ ‡II
úÁ¬\¬uåuá¬Ázuå úÃå{å ™yTg
™zu¬u™ oÁ™z∫¬Ázuå u™ÊYÏ ƒÁÃå ѨkÜ«∂~°∞ =<≥flÅ |OQÍ~°∞ Ѩu=∞
åy¬ƒmÏ|åÏ∫™Ïú{ uåÊugå uåáÁ噃{ K≥^Œ~°x "Õ^Œ=ÚÅ zQÆ∞~°∞É’_ç
¬zƒÏ ¬ÁzN˛™Ï¬Ï ™©™z¬ƒ©™
L¬z @@ \Ƭfl™y @@ Z^Œ∞@ N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√ xÖÏ¡Å"≥· h=Ù
x^èŒ∞Å xeKÕ `«e¡ h "å~°=∞=∞‡ II[Ü«∞ÅH©∆ ‡II
YãtϪoÁzg§Ïucå ÃÊút¬ ™zªTƒÁz
NÊ˛tσ §¿÷¬TÁYz N˛¡úƒu®ƒÁz \ \Ƭufl™ ƒ∫¬ufl™
EÊutå TÁzuƒÊtÏuåuN˛ EÊgƒ{ oÁzgÏåyg{ (In this Keertana Annamayya praises various forms of
ƒÏÊtÁåƒÏ ™ÁuÆÊbåz ƒÏÊgƒ©™ @@ \Ƭfl™y @@ Godess Lakshmi)
Oh! Jaya Lakshmi! Varalakshmi! Brave Lakshmi! You
úutÆÁª ƒëÁz¬ §ÊTÁª úuo™ joined Sri Hari as his consort.
Yzt∫uå ƒzt™Ï¬ uYTϪ§Ázug
You are born in Kshirasagara (Ocean of Milk) as the
LztÏb »yƒıN˛bz∆Ï uå®Á¬ƒ{ åyƒÏ tasty cream. You have the pleasent fragrance of the Lotus
uåáϬ uåu¬Yz ou® åy ƒÁ∫™©™ @@ \Ƭfl™y @@ flower. You made Sri Hari's heart as your abode and ruled
all the worlds. Oh! Mother! Please look after us also.
Oh! Lakshmi! born along with Moon (in Kshirasagara )
~åQÆO : Åe`« [ you are the source of lusterous riches. You have the ability
to protect even Brahmadeva. You approached Lord Govinda
[Ü«∞ÅH˜∆ ‡ =~°ÅH˜∆ ‡ ã¨O„QÍ=∞ g~°ÅH˜∆ ‡ and remaind with him all the time. Oh! Mother Lakshmi!
„Ñ≤Ü«Ú~åÅ"≥· ǨÏiH˜ ɡ~°ã≤u==∞‡ II[Ü«∞ÅH©∆ ‡II Please stay in our house with us.
áêÅ[ÅxkèÖ’x Ѩã¨<≥·# g∞QÆ_» Oh! Lakshmi! you are like the purest form of Gold (24
"Õ∞eq∞ `å"≥∞~°Ö’x q∞OK«∞ "åã¨# carat Gold). Your qualities were praised in unequivocal terms
by the vedas. You are the source of all the wealth. You are
hÅ=~°∞‚#∞~°=ÚÃÑ· xO_ç# x^è•#=∞"≥· in front of us as the consort of Sri Venkateswara. Oh! Mother!
UÖË=Ù Ö’Hõ=ÚÅ∞ =∞"Õ∞‡Å==∞‡ II[Ü«∞ÅH©∆ ‡II we are your children.
39 Annamayya in Alphabet 40 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - Q™Áà g II/374 g gÁ

20 gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊ “∫z gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊ @@ gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ @@ (In this cradle song the Lord's Dasavataras are
™yå NÓ˛™|ƒ∫Á“ ™wTúuo EƒoÁ∫
tÁåƒÁ∫z TÏm∆Á{∫z á∫myá∫ ™ª\åN˛ @@ gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ @@ Oh! Sri Hari! Let me move (swing) your cradle. Let me
swing your cradle.
ƒÁ™å ∫Á™ ∫Á™ ƒ∫Nw˛…m EƒoÁ∫
Oh! the enemy of demons! The source of valour! The
≈ÆÁ™¬ÁÊT ∫ÊT ∫ÊTÁ ÃÁ™\ƒ∫t ™Ï∫“∫m @@ gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ @@
protector of mother earth! The Father of cupid (Manmatha)!
tÁªm(oÁ∫m) §ÏÚ N˛u¬uN˛ t∆uƒá EƒoÁ∫ You have taken the incarnation of the Fish (Matsyavatara)
∆y(Ãy)∫úÁmz TÁzÙÁmz »y ƒıN˛buTu∫ NÓ˛b uå¬Æ to take back 'Vedas' stolen by 'somaka' demon; the Tortoise
@@ gÁz¬ÁÆÁÊY¬ @@ (Koormavatara) to lift Mandhara mountain to facilitate
churning the ocean for Nector (the Amruta); the Boar
(Varahavatara) to restore earth after killing demon
~åQÆO : Y=∂ãπ _» Hiranyaksha; the narasimhavatara to kill Hiranyakasipu and
protect his son Prahlada.
Oh! Syamalanga! Ranganatha! Protector of Gajendra!
g∞# ‰õÄ~°‡ =~åÇ¨Ï =∞$QÆѨu J=`å~° Murari! You have taken the incarnation of Vamana to punish
^•#"åˆ~ QÆ∞}â∫ˆ~ ^èŒ~°}© ^èŒ~° =∞~°∞[#Hõ II_ÀÖÏÜ«∂OK«ÅII 'Bali'; Parasurama to kill evil kings; Dasaratha Rama to
protect sages by killing demons like Ravana; Sri Krishna to
"å=∞# ~å=∞ ~å=∞ =~°Hõ$+¨‚ J=`å~°
free the earth from evil acts of proud kings.
âߺ=∞ÖÏOQÆ ~°OQÆ ~°OQÍ ™ê=∞[=~°^Œ =Ú~°Ç¨Ï~°} II_ÀÖÏÜ«∂OK«ÅII
Oh! seerapani! (Balarama), Gosamane! (Protector of
^•~°∞}(`å~°}) |∞^ŒÌ HõeH˜ ^Œâ◊q^èŒ J=`å~° Cows), Lord of Venkatagiri! You have taken the incarnation
j ( ã‘)~°áê}Ë QÀã¨=∂}Ë N "ÕOHõ@yi ‰õÄ@ xÅÜ«∞ II_ÀÖÏÜ«∂OK«ÅII of Bhagavan Buddha to establish peace; Kalki to put an
end to the evil acts of crooks. Thus you protected dharma
on this earth by taking Dasavataras.
41 Annamayya in Alphabet 42 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - N˛¡ÆÁum o XX/303 #~°HÍã¨∞~°∞ #_»z #=Ùfi`å KÕ~Ú"Õã≤uq

ã¨iQÍ ã¨`«ºÉèÏ"≥∞ áÈ ã¨O„QÍ=∞ÅH˜∆ ‡
21 oTÏå´Æ “u∫ åyNÏ˛ tÁå™Ï tzXYÏN˛Ázuåå Ç≤Ï~°}ºHõã≤ѨÙQ˘\˜ì ~ÚO„^•^Œ∞ʼnõΩ hKÕ
\T™Ï¬Áz ßÓN˛ÁÊo ÃÁ{ßÁSƬufl™ @@ oTÏå´Æ @@ =~°q∞Ñ≤ÊOz# Ü«∂ˆH =~°ÅH˜∆ ‡ II`«QÆ∞#Ü«∞ºII
uN˛©™Ï¬ u∆∆ÏúÁ¬Ïuå Tzu¬uY YzN˛ÁıubuƒT xO_ç# =Ù~°=Ú g∞^Œ xdÅ ã¨OѨ^ŒÅ`À
é™uoÊuY ªuM™um \Ƭufl™ JO_»#∞O_Õ≥ Ü«∂ˆH áÈ PkÅH˜∆ ‡
E©™Ï™ÁzååÏ \¬uáåguY ¬ÊN˛ ÃÁuáÊuY "≥∞O_»QÆ∞ N"ÕOHõ\Ï„k g∞^Œ h ã¨~°∞㨠<ÕˆQ
N˛©™∫YzN˛ÁzëÁ Ãyoz Vå ƒy∫¬ufl™ @@ oTÏå´Æ @@ QÆO_»∞g∞ˆ~ Hõà◊Å`À HõàϺ}ÅH˜∆ ‡ II`«QÆ∞#Ü«∞ºII
å∫N˛ÁÃϪ åguY å√ƒÏoÁ YzuƃzuÃuouƒ
Ãu∫TÁ ÃnÆßÁ™z úÁz ÃÊT¿Á™¬ufl™
o oTÏå´Æ “u∫ åyNÏ˛
(In this Keertana Lord Sri Venkateswara's "Vaibhav" in the
u“∫lÆN˛uÃúÏTÁzuc FʸÁtϬNÏ˛ åy Yz company of his consort Soubhagya Lakshmi etc are described)
ƒ∫u™uõúÊuYå ÆÁNz˛ ƒ∫¬ufl™ @@ oTÏå´Æ @@ Oh! Sri Hari! only you deserve the praise. You took as a gift
three feet of space from 'Bali', measured the entire Earth with
uåÊugå ƒÏ∫™Ï ™yt uåuQ¬ ÃÊút¬oÁz one foot and made that Earth (Bhookanta) your "Soubhagya
EÊgåÏÊgz ÆÁNz˛ úÁz EÁut¬ufl™ Lakshmi".
™ıgTÏ »yƒıN˛bÁu¸ ™yt åy êà åzTz You defeatd malicious 'Sisupala' in the battle, took away
TÊgÏ™y∫z N˛p¬oÁz N˛¡ÆÁm¬ufl™ @@ oTÏå´Æ @@ 'Rukmini' and married her. This significant victory brought to you,
Rukmini as Jayalakshmi. You walked over to 'Lanka' bridging the
sea with stones and brought back "Sita" after killing "Ravanasura".
~åQÆO : HõàϺ}˜ `« This is demonstrated as your valour and that is why Sita is your
'Veera Lakshmi'.
`«QÆ∞#Ü«∞º ǨÏi h‰õΩ ^•#=Ú ^≥K«∞ÛH˘x# When your consort Satyabhama killed "Narakasura" in
[QÆ=ÚÖ’ Éèí∂HÍO`« ™œÉèÏQƺÅH˜∆ ‡ II`«QÆ∞#Ü«∞ºII battle, you patted her back for her prowess and for her success
in the battle. She is your "Sangraama Lakshmi". Taking the form
H˜=ڇŠtâ◊√áêÅ∞x ÔQez KÕH˘O\˜qQÆ of "Narasimha" you killed demon "Hiranyakasipu" and granted
boons to the 'Devas', at the behest of your consort "Varalakshmi".
ã¨=∞‡uOz ~°∞H˜‡}˜ [Ü«∞ÅH˜∆ ‡
J=Ú‡"≥Ú##∞ [Åkè#_»z ÅOHõ ™êkèOz Oh! Lord! you gave Lakshmi your heart to stay all the time
with you and she did so with all her riches as "Adilakshmi". You
Hõ=∞‡~°KÕH˘#fl ã‘`Õ Ñ¶¨∞# g~°ÅH˜∆ ‡ II`«∞QÆ#Ü«∞ºII please reside in my heart with full splendour and prosperity along
with your consort, your 'Kalyana Lakshmi'.
43 Annamayya in Alphabet 44 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - ∆ÊN˛∫Áß∫m™Ω t "Õ^•O`« q^Œ∞_»∞ q+¨µ‚_»∞ Hõ$+¨µ‚_»∞
N^ÕqH˜ |u âıY~°∞_»∞
22 tåÏ\Ï¬Ï Tuåu∫ o‹ƒu™ut áÈk |~°ã¨∞Îu ѨÙ}º=ÚHõO>Ë
ƒå\ÁqÏuå Nw˛ú ƒuÃÊYåz¬Á @@ tåÏ\Ï¬Ï @@ áê^Œ∞QÆ Ç¨Ïi k>Ëì áêѨ=Ú "Õ∞Å∞! II^Œ#∞AÅ∞II
“u∫ ú∫™Án™ÏgåÁut úϪ ÏgÏ <å~åÜ«∞}∞ _»∞#fl`«∞ _»K«∞º`«∞_»∞Ѩ–
ÃϪ¬NÏ˛ 媬NÏ˛ ÃϬßÏgÏ HÍ~°∞_»∞ N"ÕOHõ@qÉèí∞_»∞
“u∫ N˛Ázú™ÏoÁz åãÆϬ ƒ∫™Ï¬Ï KÕi ~¸`«_Õ tH˜∆OK« ~°H˜∆OK«
=Ó~° ^Œ~Ú==ÚÅ∞ "˘y x`«x ã¨~å! II^Œ#∞AÅ∞II
Ãu∫TÁ ƒıYT \T™Ï¬¬Ázå @@ tåÏ\Ï¬Ï @@
ƒztÁÊo uƒtÏgÏ uƒ…mÏgÏ Nw˛…mÏgÏ t tåÏ\Ï¬Ï Tuåu∫
»ytzuƒuN˛ §uo ∆zQªgÏ (This Keertana reveals that the 'Danujas' know fully
well the prowess and benevolance of Lord Vishnu. They
úÁzut §∫ÀoÏuo úÏlÆ™ÏNÊ˛bz seem to understand that they would gain the Moksha if they
úÁtÏT “u∫ utcz úÁú™Ï ™z¬Ï @@ tåÏ\Ï¬Ï @@ die in his hands. So, they chose the path of enmity).
Danujas know Vishnu Tatva. So, they chose not to stay
åÁ∫ÁÆmÏgÏëÁoÏgXÆÏoÏgÏú- with him and serve him. (They preferred to fight with him
N˛ÁªgÏ »yƒıN˛buƒßÏgÏ and be killed by him so that benevolent Vishnu would grant
them moksha)
Yzu∫ Æyogz u∆uqÊY ∫uqÊY
Hari is 'Paramatma'; 'Anaadi Purusha' (one whose
ƒÓ∫ tuƃ™Ï¬Ï ƒÁzuT uåouå Ã∫Á @@ tåÏ\Ï¬Ï @@ origin is not known). He is easily accessible to both humans
^Πand Devas. Because of enmity of danujas towards him, he
would kill them nullifying the boons given by other Gods.
Krishna is known to philosophers as Vishnu himself.
~åQÆO : â◊OHõ~åÉèí~°}O He is the loving husband of Sridevi. Knowing all this the
Danujas preffered to abuse him and get killed by him rather
^Œ#∞AÅ∞ QÆxi `«`«Î fiq∞k than pouring repeated praises on him (If they praise him
=#*ωõ∆Ωx Hõ$Ѩ =ã≤OK« <ÕÖÏ! II^Œ#∞AÅ∞II they will be denied early Moksha)
Narayana is the highest God. He is 'Achyuta'.
ǨÏi Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡ _»<åk ѨÙ~°∞+¨µ_»∞ (Undestructible). He helps everyone (whthout discrimination)
ã¨∞~°∞ʼnõΩ #~°∞ʼnõΩ ã¨∞ÅÉèí∞_»∞ with his favours. He is none other than the Lord Venkateswara
capable of punishing enemies and protecting the helpless.
ǨÏi HÀѨ=Ú`À ##∞ºÅ =~°=ÚÅ∞ Is any other God worshipped by others equal to
ã¨iQÍ "≥OK«QÆ [QÆ=ÚÅÖ’#! II^Œ#∞AÅ∞II Venkateswara?
45 Annamayya in Alphabet 46 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - tzÃÁ¬™Ω á II/260 áêÅ∞Ѩ_ç #~°∞Öˇxfl –áê@∞¡|_ç H˘ez<å
23 á∫umåıt∫zuëÁ - oú™Ï¬Ï YzuÃåÁåÏ
<ÕeH˜ KÕѨ\ ˜ì# "å_Õ –Ü≥∞‰õΩ¯_»∞ |O@∞
=¸Å<≥O`« ^èŒ#=Ú<åfl – =ÚOz ^•# ^èŒ~°‡=ÚÅ∞
“u∫Nw˛ú T¬ƒÁgz - EuëÁbÁ §Ó[ÆÏgÏ @@ á∫um @@ `åeq∞`À xzÛ#^Õ – ^•Ñ¨Ù~°"≥∞ÿ xÅ∞Û#∞ II^èŒ~°}˜II
u™uo¬zuå uƒϬzuëÁ - ™zutuåú{ \u®åÁåÏ ZxflHõ‰õΩ Q˘_»∞‰õΩÅ∞ – Ü≥∞O^Œ~°∞ QÆey<å#∞
ouooÁz uƒuåƒz - oT§ÊgÏåÏ Wxfl\Ï ^èŒ~°‡Ñ¨~°∞_Õ – ~¸_Õ~°∞#∞
Fo∫ N˛ÁÊo¬Ï ™u∫ - Æıtª Tu¬uTåÁåÏ L#flu [^Œ∞=ÙÖˇxfl – =ÙO_ç<å N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√
úuo ™uëÁÊuYåtz - úcúÏ tzƒÏ¬Ï @@ á∫um @@ ã¨#∞fluOz# =∞O„`«"Õ∞ – ã¨`«"≥∞ÿ Ѷ¨eOK«∞#∞ II^èŒ~°}˜II
úÁ¬Ïúug 媬zuëÁ - úÁbΩ¬Ï§ug N˛Ázu¬uYåÁ
åzu¬uN˛ Yzúucå ƒÁgz - Æz≤Ï˛gÏ §ÊbÏ
á á∫umåzÊt∫zuëÁ
(In this Keertana Annamacharya gives many examples of
™Ó¬åıo áå™ÏëÁÁ - ™ÏÊuY tÁå á™|™Ï¬Ï futile activities in this world to suggest that no sadhana other than
oÁu¬u™oÁz uåuÄÁåtz - tÁúÏ∫™{ uå¡YÏåÏ @@ á∫um @@ God's Bhakti helps man to reach him)
However much penance one might have done in this world
LuëÁN˛NÏ˛ TÁzgÏNÏ˛¬Ï - Æıtª Tu¬uTåÁåÏ only that person blessed by Sri Hari is the most revered peson
FuëÁbÁ á™|úªgz - ÆygzªåÏ but none.
GëÁuo \tσϬzuëÁ - ƒÏÊugåÁ »yƒıN˛bz∆Ï Annamayya gives many examples in the following stanzas.
ÃëÁÏuoÊuYå ™Êfi™z - Ão™{ ¢˛u¬ÊYÏåÏ @@ á∫um @@ However many seeds one may sow in fields, only those
sown at the appropriate time will sprout, grow, and yield crop.
However many wives a king may have, only she whom the king
~åQÆO : ^Õ™êà◊O ^èŒ recognises as the queen, will be the one who will be previleged.
However many people struggle to serve the king, only the
^èŒ~°}˜<≥O^ŒÔ~xfl – `«Ñ¨=ÚÅ∞ KÕã≤<å#∞ person whom the king trusts will be his confidential aide. However
ǨÏiHõ$Ѩ QÆÅ"å_Õ – Jxfl\Ï |∂Aº_»∞ II^èŒ~°}˜II much money is kept in the treasury, only that money liberally given
away to the needy and deserved will give credit to the person.
q∞uÖËx q`«∞ÎÖˇxfl – "Õ∞kxÃÑ· [e¡<å#∞ However many sons a person may have, the son with noble
`«u`À quÎ#"Õ – `«QÆ |O_»∞#∞ character will bring credit to the parents. However much
knowledgeable a person may be, only if he sings in praise of Lord
W`«~° HÍO`«Å∞ =∞é˜ – Ü≥∞O^Œ~°∞ QÆey<å#∞ Sri Venkateswara as "OM NAMO VENKATESAYA". he will be the
Ѩu =∞xflOz#^Õ – Ѩ@ìѨ٠^Õ=ÙÅ∞ II^èŒ~°}˜II 'own person' of the Lord.
47 Annamayya in Alphabet 48 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - åÁb å IV/471 ǨÏ~°HÀ^ŒO_» ǨÏ~° ã‘`åOQÆ<å =Å¡Éèí

Y~°^Œ∂+¨}Ïi "åe QÆ~åfiѨǨ
24 å™Áz å™Áz ∫VÏNÏ˛¬ åÁÆN˛ utuƒ\ƒÊ˘ `«~°}˜ `«#∂*Ïk `«~°∞K«~° áêÅHõ
å™Áz å™Áz ∆ÊN˛∫ åT\ÁåÏoÁ @@ å™Áz ™Áz @@
™Áz å™Áz â◊~°kè ÅOѶ¨∞# Hõ$`« ™œq∞„u ã¨"Õ∞`« II#"≥∂ #"≥∂II
uƒu“o á™|úÁ¬N˛ ƒy∫t∆∫s ∫Á™ a~°∞^Œ ~å=} t~ÀÉèË^ŒHõ qcè+¨}
T“å ƒÁuÃåy oÁbN˛™t|å =~°^Œ ™êˆH`«Ñ¨Ùi"å㨠~åѶ¨∞=
E“¡ÆÁ∆Áú uƒ™ÁzYå EÃÏ∫NÏ˛¬ ßÊ\å x~°∞Ѩ=∞ N"ÕOHõ@ xÅÜ«∞ q[Ü«∞#QÆ~°
Ó\ uƒæÁÁu™fi Ãå ∫qN˛Á @@ å™Áz ™Áz @@
™Áz å™Áz ѨÙ~° qǨ~° ѨÙO_»sHÍH∆Í II#"≥∂ #"≥∂II
“∫N˛ÁztÊg “∫ ÃyoÁÊTåÁ ƒ®ß å å™Á ™Áz ∫VÏNÏ˛¬åÁÆN˛
™Áz å™Áz
Q∫tÓ mÁu∫ ƒÁu¬ TƒÁ|ú“Á (In this Keertana Annamayya prays to Sri Vijaya Raghava
of Vijayanagara who is none other than Sri Venkateswara. He
o∫um oåÓ\Áut oªY∫ úÁ¬N˛ refers to many events in Ramayana)
∆∫uá ¬ôå Nw˛o ÃÁ{u™ufi Ùzo @@ å™Áz ™Áz @@
™Áz å™Áz Oh! Raghukula Nayaka! oblations to you again and again.
You are worshipped by the Devas. Siva and Parvati sing your
u§ªt ∫Áƒm u∆∫ÁzßztN˛ uƒßy m glory all the time.
ƒ∫t ÃÁNz˛oúÏu∫ƒÁà ∫ÁVƒ Oh! the valorous son of Dasaratha! You are the protector of
the Vedic Dharma. You have killed devil Tataka who lived in a
uåªú™ »yƒıN˛b uå¬Æ uƒ\ÆåT∫ dense forest. You saved Ahalya from the curse of her husband.
úÏ∫ uƒ“Á∫ úÏÊg∫yN˛ÁqÁ @@ å™Áz ™Áz @@
™Áz å™Áz Oh! the destroyer of the demons! you have protected Viswamitra's
"Yajna" (sacrifice).
You broke Lord Siva's bow. You are the beloved husband of
~åQÆO : <å@∞ # "Sita Devi". You are the destroyer of Khara and Dooshana. You
killed the proudest and valient "Vali" of Vanara race. You have
#"≥∂ #"≥∂ ~°Ñ¶¨Ú‰õΩÅ <åÜ«∞Hõ kq[=O^Œº protected 'Sugreeva' the son of Sun God and the ruler of monkey
race and others.
#"≥∂ #"≥∂ â◊OHõ~° #QÆ*Ï#∞`å II#"≥∂ #"≥∂II You have crossed the sea along with Lakshmana and other
Vanaras to reach "Lanka". You hold the noble title of "Ravana
qÇ≤Ï`« ^èŒ~°‡áêÅHõ g~°^Œâ◊~°^äŒ ~å=∞ Siro Bhedaka" for cutting down the ten head's of Ravana and
QÆǨÏ# "åã≤h `å@Hõ =∞~°Ì# Killing him. You granted several boons to Vibheeshana. Oh!
Saketapuravasa! Pundarikaksha! Resident of Vijayanagarapuri!
JǨÏÖϺâßѨ q"≥∂K«# Jã¨∞~°‰õΩÅ ÉèíO[# Vijaya Raghava! now you reside as Lord Venkateswara on the
ã¨Ç¨Ï[ qâßfiq∞„`« ã¨=#~°Hõ∆HÍ II#"≥∂ #"≥∂II uncomparable Venkatachala.
49 Annamayya in Alphabet 50 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - ∆ÏÚáãÆÁuà ú XX/36 HÍ=∞^èÕ#∞ `À|∞@∞ìQÆ HõÅÊHõ=Ú `À|∞@∞ìQÆ
^À=∞\˜ K«Å¡x K«O„^Œ∞ `À|∞@∞ìQÆ
25 ú∫™Án™Ïg{å “u∫ úcúÏ ∫Áumuƒ åyƒÏ h =∞QÆx ѨOѨÙ##∞ x[ã≤~°∞ezÛuq
á∫ ™©™Ï uƒYÁu∫ÊYtTÏ åyNÏ˛ å©™Á @@ ú∫™Án™ @@ <Õ=∞Ѩ٠q`«~°}=Ú hˆH `«QÆ∞#=∂‡ IIѨ~°=∂`«‡II
N˛™¬\Ï TëÁou® N˛Á™Ïuå TëÁou® áêÅ[Åkè Hõ#º=٠Ѩ^•‡ã¨xq h=Ù
E™ª¬ TëÁou® EÁut™ ¬ufl™ áêŠѨO_Õ "ÕOHõ@Ѩu ^Õqq
uƒ™¬úÏ åyúuouN˛ uƒëÁú™Ï Ãzuà ™©™Ï ÜÕ∞e# W`«x |O@¡‰õΩ WǨÏѨ~åezÛ =∂
åz™uN˛ Æzu¬uo tÆ åyNz˛ oTÏå©™Á @@ ú∫™Án™ @@ áêÅQÆeyuq ã¨O|O^èŒ=Ú "Õ∞Å=∂‡ IIѨ~°=∂`«‡II
N˛Á™ázåÏ oÁz§ÏcÌT N˛¡úN˛™Ï oÁz§ÏcÌT
tÁz™ub Y®uå YÊ¸Ï oÁz§ÏcÌT
ú ú∫™Án™Ïg{å “u∫
(In this Keertana Annamayya praises Almelmanga,
åy ™Tuå úÊúÏååÏ uå\uêu¬uÄÁuouƒ the consort of Lord Venkateswara)
åz™úÏ uƒo∫m™Ï åyNz˛ oTÏå©™Á @@ ú∫™Án™ @@ Mother Alamel Manga! You are the consort of Lord Sri
Hari (Paramatma). Oh Mother! you only have to look after
úÁ¬\¬uá N˛ãÆƒÏ útΩ™ÁÃuåuƒ åyƒÏ our welfare.
úÁ¬ úÊgz ƒıN˛búuo tzuƒuƒ Oh! Mother of Brahma! Oh! Mother of cupid
Æzu¬å Fouå §ÊbΩ¬NÏ˛ F“ú∫Áu¬uÄÁ ™Á (Manmatha)! Oh! Mother of all Devas! Oh! Lakshmi! You
are the pre-eminent of all mothers. You are the only person
úÁ¬Tu¬uTuouƒ ÃʧÊá™Ï ™z¬©™Á @@ ú∫™Án™ @@ who can represent to our benevolent father Sri Hari our
request to make us his dear ones.
~åQÆO : â◊√^Œú^èŒ<åºã≤ Ѩ You are born in the ocean along with "Kamadhenu"
(the devine cow), "Kalpavruksha" (the devine tree) which
Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_≥·# ǨÏi Ѩ@ìѨ٠~å}˜q h=Ù provide all the things as per the desires of people. You are
the younger sister of "Chandra" (the Moon God) whose light
^èŒ~° =∞=Ú‡ qKåiOK«^ŒQÆ∞ h‰õΩ #=∂‡ IIѨ~°=∂`«‡II helps for the best production of crops. You grant plentiful
riches to us on the behest of Lord Sri Hari. It is only you who
Hõ=∞ÅA QÆ#fl`«e¡ HÍ=Úx QÆ#fl`«e¡ can distribute wealth to us liberally.
J=∞~°∞Å QÆ#fl`«e¡ Pk=∞ÅH˜∆ ‡ You are the daughter of Palajaladhi (the ocean of Milk
q=∞ÅѨ٠hѨuH˜ q#flѨ=Ú ¿ãã≤ =∞=Ú‡ or Ksheerasagara). Lotus is your thrown. Above all, you are
the consort of skilful Sri Venkateswara. We are his servents.
<≥=∞H˜ ÜÕ∞eu ^ŒÜ«∞ hˆH `«QÆ∞#=∂‡ IIѨ~°=∂`«‡II You protect us. You provide us the best of this and the other
worlds. Oh! Mother! be with us and protect us.
51 Annamayya in Alphabet 52 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - »y∫ÁT ¢˛ I/281 ^•~°∞}À[˚fiÅ ^èŒQÆ^Œúy`« ^ŒO„ëêì#Å q–
26 ¢˛Á¬åzfiÁå¬ ü§¬ uƒ˘Ï®oÁ- HÍ~°ã¨∞ÊùeOQÆ ã¨OQÆ„H©_»Ü«∂
Nz˛¬y uƒ“Á∫ ¬fl™yåÁ∫uÃÊ“ @@ ¢˛Á¬åzfiÁ @@ "≥·i^•#= Ѷ¨∞’~° =Oâ◊ Éèí㑇Hõ~°}–
ü¬Æ ™Áªo VÁz∫ ßuÀ™N˛Á ¢Ó˛nN˛Á∫- HÍ~°} „ѨHõ@ "ÕOHõ@ <å~°ã≤OǨ IIá¶êÅ<Õ„`åII
¬u¬o uåæÁÁà gÁz¬Á ∫YåÆÁ
NÏ˛¬∆{¬ NÏ˛Êußåy NÏ˛™Ïtu“o ∫uƒ TTå-
¢˛ ¢˛Á¬åz
(Annamacharya praises Lord Sri Hari's incarnation as
Y¬å uƒuá uåúÏm uå≥Á¬ åÁ∫uÃÊ“Á @@ ¢˛Á¬åzfiÁ @@ Narasimha (with ferocious lion-cum-man's body) the protector of
Prahlada from the cruel torture given by his father, Hiranyakasipa.
uƒƒ∫Vå ƒtå tÏuƒ|uá“Ãå uåUåÓo- The fear creating appearence of Narasimha is described vivdly
¬ƒut√Æ ƒª  ¬Á¬Á VbåÆÁ in this Keertana.
uƒuƒá \Êoσ¿Áo ßσå™SåyN˛∫m Oh! Lord! In the incarnation of Narasimha you surprisingly
appeared from out of a pillar. You had an eye on your forehead.
åƒåƒ uüÆ TÏmÁm|ƒ åÁ∫uÃÊ“Á @@ ¢˛Á¬åzfiÁ @@ You blindfolded every one as a dazzling lightening in a dark cloud.
tÁªmÁz¶ƒ¬ áTÜáuTo tÊ…b~Áå¬ uƒ- Oh! Nischala Narasimha! By yourself, you effortlessly and
skillfully created the mountains, the Earth and the entire universe.
N˛Á∫À¢Ï˛u¬ÊT ÃÊTN¿˛ygÆÁ You aslo regulated the movements of the Sun and the Moon in
ƒ{u∫tÁåƒ VÁz∫ ƒÊ∆ ßÀ™yN˛∫m the sky. All this is done while exhaling and inhaling - as if it is a
N˛Á∫m üN˛b ƒıN˛b åÁ∫uÃÊ“Á @@ ¢˛Á¬åzfiÁ @@ movement of a swing, - without any movement of your body.
However when you appeared as Narasimha everybody felt your
~åQÆO : N~åQÆO Ѷ¨ presence as "Pralaya Maruta" (the destructing noisy winds) which
annihilate the universe.
á¶êÅ<Õ„`å#Å „Ѩ|Å q^Œ∞ºÅ¡`å– Oh! Lord Narasimha! you appeared displaying your
ˆHb qǨ~° ÅH©∆ ‡<å~°ã≤OÇ¨Ï IIá¶êÅ<Õ„`åII ferocious broad face with boisterous laughter and a little saliva
„Ѩà◊Ü«∞ =∂~°∞`« Ѷ¨∞’~° Éèíã≤‡HÍ Ñ¶¨Ó`å¯~°– flowing from your mouth foreboding the cruel death of "Hiranya
Åe`« xâßfi㨠_ÀÖÏ ~°K«#Ü«∂ Kasipa". Your appearence created fear of burning everything into
ashes, in all the living beings in this world. However, Oh! Lord!
‰õΩÅâ‹·Å ‰õΩOcèh ‰õΩ=Ú^ŒÇ≤Ï`« ~°q QÆQÆ#– contrary to your ferocious appearance you possess (ever new)
K«Å# qkè xѨÙ} xâ◊ÛÅ <å~°ã≤OǨ IIá¶êÅ<Õ„`åII endearing qualities and bless your devotees.
q=~°Ñ¶¨∞# =^Œ# ^Œ∞ifikèǨÏã¨# xѶ¨¸fl`«– Oh! Lord! your ferocious brightly shining teeth reminded
Å=k=º =~°∞+¨ ÖÏÖÏ Ñ¶¨∞@#Ü«∂ the sparkles of fire. In a playful way you destroyed the frightful
qq^èŒ [O`«∞„"å`« Éèí∞=# =∞wflHõ~°} enemy, the demon Hiranyakasipa and his clan (except Prahlada).
#=#= „Ñ≤Ü«∞ QÆ∞}Ï~°‚= <å~°ã≤OǨ IIá¶êÅ<Õ„`åII Oh! Venkateswara! for protecting 'Prahlada' you incarnated as
Lakshmi Narasimha.
53 Annamayya in Alphabet 54 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - áãÆÁuà § V/227 Ѩ_»∞K«∞ QÆ∞ɡƒ`« Ѩ~°Ñ¨ÙÃÑ· áÈHõ–

=Ú_ç H˘OQÆ∞ x„^Œ =ÚOѨÙ##∞
27 §Êug uƒu∫uY uúëÁ úÁú¬oÁz åÁug Ѩ_çÜ«Ú`å (?) =^ŒÌ Ѩ=oOz #\˜ì
tÏÊgTygÏ ƒÄÁz tÁz§ÓuY @@ §Êug uƒu∫uY @@ `˘_»∞‰õΩ^˘OQÆ =K≥Û ^À|∂z II|O_ç qizII
úzªTÏ ƒzëÁ¬Ï uüÆ™Ïå ƒz- Q˘Å¡Ñ¨Öˇ¡Ö’ We¡Å∂¡ K˘zÛ
™ª™ÏuXYu¬ÊYÏ ™ÁÆN˛ÁgÏ H˘Å¡ÖÏ_ç# HÀ_≥QÍ_»∞
ƒzªƒÏå tå uƒá™Ï tÁYÏNÏ˛uå Ü≥∞Å¡~Ú<å "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√_»∞ W^≥
tÁz∫tÁıT ƒÄÁz tÁz§ÓuY @@ §Êug uƒu∫uY @@ `˘e¡\ ˜ ^˘OQÆ =K≥Û ^À|∂z II|O_ç qizII
úgÏYÏ TÏ£§zo ú∫úÏú{ úÁzN˛- § §Êug uƒu∫uY
™Ïug N˛ÁıTÏ uå¸ ™ÏÊúÏååÏ
úugÆÏ oÁ ƒÒ úƒu¬ÊuY åuc (In this Keertana Annamacharya describes how the
Gopis sang praising Krishna's smart childish acts in covert
oÁzgÏNÏ˛tÁıT ƒXYz tÁz§ÓuY @@ §Êug uƒu∫uY @@ and suggestive language)
TÁz®ú®z¬Áz Fu®®Ó YÁzuÄÁ Oh! Gopis! beware of this mischievous "devil". He
N˛Áz®¬Áugå N˛ÁzgzTÁgÏ broke the 'cart' when he was just a baby. He did countless
Æz®uÆåÁ ƒıN˛bz∆ÏgÏ Ftz mischievous deeds while playing with other children.
oÁzu®ub tÁıT ƒÄÁz tÁz§ÓuY @@ §Êug uƒu∫uY @@ This trickster stealthily ate butter and curds in our
houses, acompanied by his friends. This "Chief of Thieves"
never gave scope for anyone to know about his acts while
~åQÆO : ^èŒ<åºã≤ | playing this mischief. So beware of this mischievous "devil".
This mischievous boy approaches sleeping damsels,
|O_ç qiz Ñ≤#fl áêѨÅ`À <å_ç lies in their bed and opens the knots of their saries. Beware
of this cunning 'devil'.
^Œ∞O_»w_»∞ =K≥Û ^À|∂z II|O_ç qizII
This passionate boy enters the houses and indulges
ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞ "≥#flÅ∞ „Ñ≤Ü«∞=Ú# "Õ– in amorous acts with the young girls. This mischievous boy
=∞~°∞=ÚzÛeOK«∞ =∂Ü«∞HÍ_»∞ is none other than Lord Sri Venkateswara, in the incarnation
of krishna. This God is known for stealing the hearts of
"≥~°∞=Ù# ^Œ# q^èŒ=Ú ^•K«∞‰õΩx "Bhaktas" from times immemorial. That is why beware of
^˘~°^˘OQÆ =K≥Û ^À|∂z II|O_ç qizII this mischievous 'devil'.
55 Annamayya in Alphabet 56 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ∫Á™uN¿˛Æ ß I/410 ѨzÛáêÅÖ’x "≥#fl–Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞

|K≥Û# "åã≤# ~°∂ѨٖѨ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞
28 ßuMo N˛Áz¬ut ƒÁgz - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ |K«∞Û KÕu"˘~°QÆÅ∞¡–Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞
ßÏuMo ™ÏuMo tÁåz uÆÄÁÏ - ßÏuƒ ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ @@ ßuMo @@ WK«ÛH˘Åk "å_»∞ áÈ–~¸ Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ IIÉèíH˜ÎII
úucå ƒÁu∫ Yz u§h - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ Ñ¨Å∞‰õΩÅÖ’x `Õ@–Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞
§c §Æub áå™Ï - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ Ñ¨e~ÚOK«∞ xO^ŒiH˜ –Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞
úcúTub ƒz¬ÏTÏ - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ |eq∞ N"ÕOHõ\Ï„k –Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞
LcÆztÏbåz ƒÏëÁÁ - ugtz ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ @@ ßuMo @@ ZÅq∞ r=ÙÅ „áê}–g∞Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ IIÉèíH˜ÎII
úuXYúÁ¬¬Ázuå ƒzëÁ - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ
§XYzå ƒÁuÃå øúÏ- ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ ß ßuO˛ N˛Áz¬ut ƒÁgz
§XYÏ YzuoƒÁz∫T®Ï - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ (In this Keertana Annamacharya describes the
FXYN˛Áz¬ut ƒÁgÏ úÁz - Æy ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ @@ ßuMo @@ greatness of Paramatma and identifies Sri Venkateswara
with Paramatma)
ú¬ÏNÏ˛¬¬Ázuå ozb - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ Paramatma is attainable only by uncompromising,
úu¬uÆÊYÏ uåÊtu∫uN˛ - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ persisting and undivided "Bhakti". In this world, paramatma
only can grant us prosperity the Bhakti as well as redemption
§u¬u™ »y ƒıN˛bÁu¸ - ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ (the Mukti) from samsara.
L¬u™ \yƒÏ¬ üÁm - ™y ú∫™Án™ÏgÏ @@ ßuMo @@ For Bhaktas, Paramatma becomes a child for showing
their affection. For them, he only is the worldly prosperity
and the bright day light. He is always before them. That is
~åQÆO : ~å=∞„H˜Ü«∞ Éèí Paramatma, the Almighty.
Paramatma is all pervading like the Butter in fresh
ÉèíH˜Î H˘Åk "å_ՖѨ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ (Raw) Milk. He has no form. He knows everyone's devotion
Éèí∞H˜Î =ÚH˜Î ^•<≥ ~ÚK«∞Û– Éèí∞q Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ IIÉèíH˜ÎII to him, just as a touchstone judges the quality of Gold. He
exists as Antaryami and reveals himself as per his wish in
Ѩ\ ˜ì# "åi KÕ a_»¤–Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ any form.
|@ì |Ü«∞\˜ ^èŒ#=ږѨ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ Paramatma is the essence of the wisdom expressed
in Vedas. He grants the wishes to his Bhaktas according to
Ѩ@ìѨQÆ\ ˜ "≥Å∞QÆ∞–Ѩ~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ their deservedness. This Paramatma is none other than Sri
Venkateswara who is the 'Supreme Power'. He exists in all
Z@ìÜ≥∞^Œ∞@<Õ =Ù<åfl–_ç^Õ Ñ¨~°=∂`«∞‡_»∞ IIÉèíH˜ÎII living beings. This is paramatma, the Almighty.
57 Annamayya in Alphabet 58 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - EßÁzuT ™ I/196
™ ™åÏ\Ïg{ úÏuc
29 ™åÏ\Ïg{ úÏuc ™åÏ\Ïuå ÃzuƒÊuY
EåÏutå™ÏåÏ tÏ:Q ™Êtåz¬ @@ ™åÏ\Ïg{ @@ (In this Keertana Annamacharya advises man-kind to
\ÏczgÏ N˛gÏúÏN{˛ YÁz∫uå YÁzbΩ¬Ï YÁzuÄÁ serve Lord of Venkatadri instead of indulging in futile activity
and serving men)
úczgÏ NÓ˛ubN{˛ §uo™Áu¬
úÏucå YÁzubNz˛ úÁz∫u¬ ™åÃÏ úzuc A man who serves another man for his livelyhood
ƒuc ¬Êúb™Ï ƒt¬åz∫gÏ TÁå @@ ™åÏ\Ïg{ @@ undergoes great suffering all the time. Having born as a
EÊtu∫¬Áz úÏuc EÊtu∫¬Áz úzu∫uT man, what is the good in leading such a life.
EÊtu∫ øú™Ï ¬bÏ oÁå{
Just to fill his 'stomach' man indulges in many
EÊt™{å »y ƒıN˛bÁ¸y∆Ï ÃzuƒÊuY
EÊt∫Áuå út™Ï EÊtzåbÏ TÁå @@ ™åÏ\Ïg{ @@ undesirable activities or beg for his food. He spends all the
time thinking about the worldly ways to achieve his goal.
~åQÆO : JÉè’y =∞ Hankering after such ways of live, he finds it impossible to
get out of them. Such is the life of the unfortunate man.
=∞#∞A_≥· ѨÙ\˜ì =∞#∞Ax ¿ãqOz
J#∞k#=Ú#∞ ^Œ∞óY =∞O^Œ<ÕÅ II=∞#∞A_≥·II Man repeatedly takes birth in several wombs in different

A>ˇì_»∞ Hõ_»∞ѨÙÔH· K˘~°x KÀ@∞¡ K˘zÛ bodies and grows and perishes. In stead why not he serve
Ѩ>ˇì_»∞ ‰õÄ\˜ÔH· |u=∂e the charming Lord Venkateswara. By serving him, one will
ѨÙ\˜ì# KÀ\˜ˆH á⁄~°e =∞#ã¨∞ "≥\ ˜ì be free from this mess and confusion and obtain the
=\˜ì ÅOѨ@=Ú =^ŒÅ<Õ~°_»∞ QÍ# II=∞#∞A_≥·II unattainable Moksha.
JO^ŒiÖ’ ѨÙ\˜ì JO^ŒiÖ’ ÃÑiy
JO^Œi ~°∂Ѩ=Ú Å@∞ `å<≥·
JO^Œ"≥∞ÿ# N"ÕOHõ\Ï„nâ◊√ ¿ãqOz
JO^Œ~åx Ѩ^Œ=Ú JO^≥#@∞ QÍ# II=∞#∞A_≥·II
59 Annamayya in Alphabet 60 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - Q™ÁÃ Æ IV/45 [QÆuH˜ h áê^Œ [Å"Õ∞ ã¨O„áÈHõ∆}
lyh‰õΩ ã¨O„áÈHõ∆} ¿ãÜ«Ú"å~°=∂
30 Ær™Óuo| ÆrN˛o| ÆrßÁzMo uƒuëÁbÁåÏ Ñ¨QÆ@∞# ##∞fl <Õ_»∞ áê=#=Ú ¿ãÜ«Ú@‰õΩ
ÆrÁut ¢˛¬øú u™bÏ åyƒ{ ƒÏÊgƒz @@ Ær @@ JQÆ∞ ѨÙ}ºf~°÷=ÚÅ Jaè¿+Hõ =∞O^Œ"Õ IIÜ«∞[˝II
úu∫uNÊ˛Y \yƒÏ¬NÏ˛ üÁm™ƒ{å åyNÏ˛ "Õ^Œ=ÚÅ∞ `≥zÛ# N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊ <Õ=Ú h‰õΩ
uå∫uo üÁm üuo…e åz™Ï ÃzÃz™Á "Õ^Œ =∞O„`«=ÚŠѨÓ*Ïqkè ¿ã¿ã=∂
~¸ ^≥㨠h ^•ã¨∞Å"≥∞ÿ# =∞=Ú‡QÍK«∞@ H˘~°‰õΩ
™u∫uT ™Á úÓ\¬Êut ™©™Ï TÁYzug N˛Áz∫NÏ˛ "Õ^Œ=¸iÎ"≥· ~ÚO^Õ qKÕÛã≤ LO_»"Õ IIÜ«∞[˝II
“u∫ åy ™Óuo| üÁm™Áƒu“ÊYƒz @@ Ær @@
\TuouN˛ åy úÁt \¬™z ÃÊüÁzqm
Æ Ær™Óuo| ÆrN˛o|
(There are many forms of worship of God in the HINDU
u\uTåyNÏ˛ ÃÊüÁzqm ÃzÆσÁ∫™Á RELIGION. Some of the religious rituals performed in worship of Lord
Venkateswara are described by Annamayya in this Keertana. The
úTbÏå åëÁÏ åzgÏ úÁƒå™Ï ÃzÆÏbNÏ˛ paradox in performing the rituals in yajnas and in puja-vidhi are deftly
pointed out by him in the following stanzas)
ETÏ úÏlÆoys|™Ï¬ Euß zN˛™Êtƒz @@ Ær @@ At the outset he praises Lord of Tirumala, who takes several forms
connected with performance of "Yajna" (Ritual of sacrifice).
ƒzt™Ï¬Ï ozuXYå »yƒıN˛bz∆ åz™Ï åyNÏ˛ Oh! Venkateswara! you are the "Yajna Murty" (Personification of
ƒzt™Êfi™Ï¬ úÓ\Áuƒuá ÃzÃz™Á Yajna). You are the "Yajna Karta" (Performer of Yajna). You are the "Yajna
Bhokta" (the one who enjoys the fruits derived from "Yajna", you are
Æy tzà åy tÁÃϬ™{å ™©™ÏTÁYÏb N˛Áz∫NÏ˛ also the "Yajna-phala Roopa" (the form in which the fruits of Yajna are
ƒzt™Óuo|ƒ{ uÆÊtz uƒXYzuà GÊgƒz @@ Ær @@ received by the performers). Is it not that you only take all these forms
connected with "Yajna"!
A carefull scrutiny of the "Sastras" reveals that you are the life
~åQÆO : Y=∂ãπ Ü«∞ (chaitanya) in all the living beings (Jeevas). So, we do "Pranapratishtha"
to activate your presence in the idol so that you accept our 'puja' with
love and protect us.
Ü«∞[˝=¸iÎ Ü«∞[˝Hõ~°Î Ü«∞[˝Éè’HõÎ qxfl\Ï#∞
Gangajal (the water of River Ganga) which emanates from your
Ü«∞*Ï˝k Ѷ¨Å~°∂Ѩ q∞@∞ h"≥· =ÙO_»"Õ IIÜ«∞[˝II feet is sprinkled on the "Jeevas" in this world to cleanse them from their
sins. However we bring sacred water from several teerthas (places), to
ѨiH˜OK« r=ÙʼnõΩ „áê}=∞"≥·# h‰õΩ perform "Abhishek" to you, with great pomp and sprinkle that water on
us as Ganga water itself.
x~°u „áê} „Ѩu+¨ª <Õ=Ú ¿ã¿ã=∂
Oh! Sri Venkateswara! you only gave us the vedas. We, your
=∞iy =∂ ѨÓ[ÅOk =∞=Ú‡ QÍK≥_ç H˘~°‰õΩ servants, perform your Pooja invoking those "vedic mantras", and pray
to you to protect us. You are the "veda murty" who is present here in
ǨÏih =¸iÎ „áê}=∂=Ç≤ÏOK«"Õ IIÜ«∞[˝II front of us. What a paradox!
61 Annamayya in Alphabet 62 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - åbß{∫uƒ ∫ II/273 Éèíi`« ^èŒ~å‡Ü«∞ â◊¥~°Ê}MÏOQÆ Ç¨Ï~°}ÏÜ«∞

Y~°^Œ∂+¨}Ïk iѨ٠YO_»<åÜ«∞
31 ∫Á\yƒ åzfiÁÆ ∫ÁVƒÁÆÁ å™Áz `«~°}˜ ã¨OÉèí=Ãã·#º ^ŒHõ∆HÍÜ«∞ #"≥∂
ÃÁ{\ãÆ uå¬ÆÁÆ \ÁåN˛y∆ÁÆ @@ ∫Á\yƒ @@ x~°∞Ѩ=∞ =∞Ǩ "åikè |O^èŒ<åÜ«∞ II~år=II
t∆∫s oåÓ\ÁÆ oÁbN˛ t™åÁÆ Ç¨Ï`«~å=}ÏÜ«∞ ã¨OÜ«∞q∞<å^äŒ =~°^•Ü«∞
NÏ˛u∆N˛ ÃÊ߃ Ær TÁzúåÁÆ J`«∞e`« JÜ≥∂^蕺 ѨÙ~åkèáêÜ«∞
ú∆Ïúuo ™“ÁáåÏß˙\åÁÆ å™Áz Ç≤Ï`«Hõ~° N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊fi~åÜ«∞ #"≥∂
uƒ∆t ßÁT|ƒ ∫Á™ uƒ\ÆN˛∫mÁÆ @@ ∫Á\yƒ @@ q`«`« "åqeáê\˜ g~°~å=∂Ü«∞ II~år=II
ßu∫o á™Á|Æ ∆Óú|mQÁÊT “∫mÁÆ ∫ ∫Á\yƒ åzfiÁÆ
(This Sankeertana is in the praise of Lord "Veera Raghava"
Q∫tÓ mÁut u∫úÏ QÊgåÁÆ of Vavilipadu presently located in Kadapa district. In this Keertana
o∫um ÃÊ߃Ã{ãÆtqN˛ÁÆ å™Áz Annamacharya praises Lord Rama who performed different acts
of valour narrated in "Ramayana" from his childhood to coronation
uåªú™ ™“ÁƒÁu∫uá §ÊáåÁÆ @@ ∫Á\yƒ @@ as the King of Ayodhya. For Annamayya Sri Rama is no other
than Sri Venkateswara)
“o∫ÁƒmÁÆ ÃÊÆu™åÁs ƒ∫tÁÆ Oh Raghava! I repeatedly bow to you. You are the Lord of
EoÏu¬o EÆÁzÜÆÁ úÏ∫ÁuáúÁÆ Sita Devi. You are well known as the personification of generosity
and kindness.
u“oN˛∫ »yƒıN˛bzæÁ∫ÁÆ å™Áz Oh! Rama! you are the son of king Dasaratha. You are the
uƒoo ƒÁuƒu¬úÁub ƒy∫∫Á™ÁÆ @@ ∫Á\yƒ @@ killer of "Tataka" and protector of Viswamitra's yajna. You have
broken the matchless great bow of Lord Siva and later won over
"Parasu Rama" who challenged you for the above act. I repeately
bow to you.
Oh! Lord! you are Dharma personified. You have caused to
~åQÆO : #@Éèˇ·~°q ~° cut the 'nose' of 'Soorpanakha'. You have destroyed all alone
'khara' and "Dooshana" along with their army of demons. You
have marshalled the army of vaanaras headed by 'sugreeva' and
~år= <Õ„`åÜ«∞ ~åѶ¨∞"åÜ«∂ #"≥∂ also caused to construct an unparallel bridge of stones by the
™œ[#º xÅÜ«∂Ü«∞ *Ï#H©âßÜ«∞ II~år=II army of monkies across the sea to reach "Lanka". Oh! Lord Rama!
I repeatedly bow to you.
^Œâ◊~°^äŒ `«#∂*ÏÜ«∞ `å@Hõ ^Œ=∞<åÜ«∞ Oh! Raghava! you have killed the unconquerable demon
‰õΩtHõ ã¨OÉèí= Ü«∞[˝ QÀѨ<åÜ«∞ "Ravana". As protector of sages you have bestowed peace to
them by killing all the demons. After these great deeds and
Ѩâ◊√Ѩu =∞Ǩ^èŒ#∞~°ƒùO[<åÜ«∞ #"≥∂ restoring order, you became the sovereign king of 'Ayodhya'. Oh!
qâ◊^Œ ÉèÏ~°æ= ~å=∞ q[Ü«∞Hõ~°}ÏÜ«∞ II~år=II Lord Venkateswara! graced by your presence as "Vavilipati Veera
Rama" you are bestowing favours to your devotees. Oh! Lord! I
repeatedly bow to you.
63 Annamayya in Alphabet 64 Annamayya in Alphabet
∫ÁT: - EÁu“u∫ ¬ XVII/165 =∂@Å∞ g∞H˜^ŒÌiH˜ =∞^Œ#=∞O„`«=ÚÅ∞
"Õ∞\˜`«ÅÉÏÅ∞ g∞Ö’ q∞OK«∞#=ÙfiÅ∞
32 oÁz§Ágz u™tz åzgÏ
¬fl™yN˛¡ÆÁm™Ï ¬y¬oÁz QÍ@"≥∞ÿ# ѨÙÅHõÅ∞ HõѨC~°=ã¨O`åÅ∞
¬fl™yåÁ∫ÁÆmϬz ¬¬åÆÏ åyƒÏåÏ @@ ¬fl™y @@ h@∞#ɡO_®¡_»~°Ü«∞º <≥~°"ÕÔ~ g∞‰õΩ#∞ IIÅH©;II
H“ye H“ye g∞‰õΩ HõO^Œ∞# ÃÑO_ç¡ K«qÔH
YÓúϬz YÓúÏ¬Ï ™yNÏ˛ ÃÓåN˛™Ï §ÁuÃN˛™Ï áêy#HÀiHõÖË áê=HÀà◊√§
ƒÓúÏYÏëÁ TÏ£§u¬uƒ §Ó\TÏÊg¬Ï Py# N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊ JÅ"Õ∞Å∞=∞OQÍ h=Ù
gQÆHõ ÃÑO_®¡_»∞_»Ü«∞º "Õ_»∞HÍÜ≥∞ g∞‰õΩ IIÅH©;II
oyúϬ™Ázuƒozåz¬Ï oy∫uå ™áÏúN|˛™Ï
tÁúÏT§ıugΩ¬ÆÁgz∫´Æ oTÏtTÏ ™yNÏ˛åÏ @@ ¬fl™y @@ ¬ oÁz
¬fl™yN˛¡ÆÁm™Ï ¬y¬oÁz
(Annamacharya describes in this Sankeertana some of the
emotional expressions reflecting the glamour and facination of a youthful
™Áb¬Ï ™yuN˛Òu∫uN˛ ™tå™Êfi™Ï¬Ï bridegroom towards his beautiful bride. Sri Alamelmanga and Lord
Venkateswara are referred here as the bride and bridegroom. The
™zubo¬§Á¬Ï ™y¬Áz u™ÊYÏå√ƒÏ¬Ï expressions of the bridegroom are appropriately compared with several
ceremonial functions performed in a Hindu marriage)
TÁb™{å úϬN˛¬Ï N˛õúÏ∫ƒÃÊoÁ¬Ï Today we sing your playful sport in the "Lakshmi Kalyana
åybÏå§ıgΩ¬Ág∫´Æ åz∫ƒz∫z ™yNÏ˛åÏ @@ ¬fl™y @@ Mahotsavam". In this ceremony Oh! Sri Venkateswara! Devi
Alamelmanga is Lakshmi and you are Narayana.
Your expressive looks at each other (the "First sight") are binding
N˛Á{uTu¬ N˛Á{uTu¬ ™yNÏ˛ NÊ˛tÏå úıugΩ¬ YuƒNz˛ both of you. The jewel worn in "papidi" (separation of hair as a straight
line on the head) of Alamelmanga is "Basikam" (an ornament tied up on
úÁuTåN˛Ázu∫N˛¬z úÁƒN˛Áz®Ï the forehead of the bride / bridegroom). The swinging breasts of devi
Alamelmanga are comparable to the "Booja Kundalu" (small pots used
EÁuTå »yƒıN˛bz∆ E¬™z¬Ï™ÊTÁ åyƒÏ in marriage ceremony). The sweetness of lucious lips of bride are
compared to the "madhu parkam" (mixture of curd, honey and other
ƒyTN˛ úıgΩ¬ÁgÏg´Æ ƒzgÏN˛ÁÆz ™yNÏ˛ @@ ¬fl™y @@ sweet substances). Oh! Lord! you both have come together and married
with grandeour.
~åQÆO : PÇ≤Ïi Å Oh! Lord! the amorous dialogue between you and Alamelmanga
are suggestive of "Madana Mantras". The exchange of smiles between
you is like pouring "Talambralu" (Turmeric coated rice) on each others
ÅH©;HõàϺ}=Ú bÅ`ÀÉÏ_Õ q∞^Õ <Õ_»∞ head, a playful act in the course of Hindu marriage. While playing
ÅH©;<å~åÜ«∞}∞ÖË ÅÅ#Ü«Ú h=Ù#∞ IIÅH©;II "Karpoora Vasantam" during the ceremony, the comphor dust spread on
your bodies caused "Goose pimples" to both of you. Oh! Lord! you married
K«∂ѨÙÖË K«∂ѨÙÅ∞ g∞‰õΩ ã¨∂#Hõ=Ú ÉÏã≤Hõ=Ú Devi Alamelmanga in this way.
Oh! Lord! your act of embracing each other gave beauty to the
=ÓѨÙK«∞#fl QÆ∞|ƒeq |∂[QÆ∞O_»Å∞ "Kalyana Mandapa". The accomplished desires for each other are like
fѨÙÅ"≥∂q`Õ<≥Å∞ f~°x =∞^èŒ∞Ѩ~°¯=Ú "Pavukollu" (the wooden foot wear) of the bridegroom. Oh! Lord
Venkateswara! you married Devi Alamelmanga with great pomp and fun
^•Ñ¨ÙQÆɡO_ç¡Ü«∂_Õ~°Ü«∞º `«QÆ∞^ŒQÆ∞ g∞‰õΩ#∞ IIÅH©;II in this way.
65 Annamayya in Alphabet 66 Annamayya in Alphabet
ѨÅ∞‰õΩÅ `ÕxÜ«∞ ÖÁÅ∞Hõ K≥O`«
∫ÁT: - u“ãtÁz¬™‚ ƒ zÅ∞HõÅ∞ HõÅHõŠѨÅ∞Hõ ~°=Å
33 ƒXYzåÏ E¬™z¬Ï ™ÊT F| yÅ∞‰õΩ áê=Å∞ =Ú^Œ∞Ì QÆ∞Å∞Hõ "Õ∞\˜
úXY¬ N˛ugÆÁ¬ úmuo Yz¬ÊT @@ ƒXYzåÏ @@ HõeH˜ K«∂ѨÙÅ "≥Ú#Å∞ `«à◊√Hõx zÅ∞Hõ II=K≥Û#∞II
§ÊTÁª Yzutuƒby¬Ï úÓuå ~°OÉèÏk ã¨`«∞ÖˇÅ¡ KÕi Z^Œ∞@
«ÁwÊTÁ∫ƒoÏ¬Ï ƒzƒzƒ ¬z Ï ∫ÁTÁ QÆOcè~° QÆ`«∞Å#∞ g∞~° #@<å–
∫ÊT{å uƒÊ\Á™∫¬Ï ƒyƒ ~°OÉèí=ÚÅ#∞ "Õ∞Å∞ HÀi H˘Å∞=
™ÁÊT¡Æ ¬y¬ ÃÁıúTÏ \ƒ∫Á¬Ï @@ ƒXYzåÏ @@ JOÉè’*ωõ∆Ω_Ò "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√<˘Ü«∂ºi II=K≥Û#∞II
ú¬ÏNÏ˛¬ ozuåÆ ¬Áz¬ÏN˛ Yıo
uY¬ÏN˛¬Ï N˛¬N˛¬ ú¬ÏN˛ ∫ƒ¬
ƒ ™z¬Ï™ÊT
ƒÄÁzåÏ E¬™z
uT¬ÏNÏ˛ úÁƒ¬Ï ™ÏÒÏ TϬÏN˛ ™zub (This Sankeertana describes the grace with which Devi
Alamelmanga approached Lord Venkateswara.)
N˛u¬uN˛ YÓúϬ ™Ázå¬Ï o¬ÏN˛uå uY¬ÏN˛ @@ ƒXYzåÏ @@
Wearing the pretty emerald studded golden Bangles
∫ÊßÁut ÃoϬz® Yzu∫ LtÏb Devi Alamelmanga was approaching Venkateswara
TÊßy∫ ToϬåÏ ™y∫ åbåÁ- gracefully.
∫ÊߙϬåÏ ™z¬Ï N˛Ázu∫ N˛Áz¬Ïƒ Many beautiful damsels carrying golden torches in their
EÊßÁz\ÁqÏgÁ{ ƒıN˛bz∆ÏåÁz´ÆÁu∫ @@ ƒXYzåÏ @@ hands acompanied her. Some damsels were wearing
"Vinjamaras" (Fans made of long bushy white tail of an animal
called "Chamara"). Her "Mangalyam" oscillating in an
~åQÆO : Ç≤ÏO^Àà◊O = attractive manner on her breasts appeared charmingly when
she was approaching the Lord.
=K≥Û#∞ JÅ"Õ∞Å∞ =∞OQÆ D On her way to meet the lord, the parrots made sounds
ѨK«ÛÅ Hõ_çÜ«∂ŠѨ}u K≥ÅOQÆ II=K≥Û#∞II imitating human speach and the ornaments worn on her feet
made synchronous sounds. Her shyful glances towards the
|OQÍ~°∞ KÕkq\©Å∞ ѨÓx Lord Venkateswara were like lightening expressing her
â◊$OQÍ~°=`«∞Å∞ "Õ"ÕÅ∞ ~åQÍ eagerness to meet the Lord.
~°OÔQ·# qO*Ï=∞~°Å∞ g= "Rambha" and other Apsaras assembled in her
=∂OQÆÖº bÅ ™⁄OѨQÆ∞ [=~åÅ∞ II=K≥Û#∞II presence and began to dance making complicated
movements gracefully wishing the best to Devi Alamelmanga,
the graceful consort of Lord Sri Venkateswara.
67 Annamayya in Alphabet 68 Annamayya in Alphabet
Jxq∞¿+O„^Œ∞Å∞ =Ú#∞Å∞ kHõÊ`«∞
∫ÁT: - \Ê^Óub ∆ Å=∞~° H˜<≥fl~° ã≤^Œ∞úÅ∞,
34 ∆∫mÏ ∆∫mÏ ÃÏ∫¸ı ÃëÁÏo - ∆∫mÏ »yÃuoƒ®ßÁ Ѷ¨∞#`«`À ~°OÉèÏk HÍO`«Å∞
∆∫mÏ ∫Áqà Tƒ|ÃÊ“∫ - ∆∫mÏ ƒıN˛båÁÆN˛Á @@ ∆∫mÏ @@ HÍz<å Ô~K«ÛiHõÜ«∂ IIâ◊~°}∞II
N˛™¬áªgÏåÏ - N˛™¬ u™fiÏgÏ Z#flQÆÅ „ѨǨ¡^Œ =ÚY∞ºÅ∞
x#∞fl H˘Å∞=QÆ =zÛi
N˛™¬ ∆fiÏgÏ úÏfiÏgÏ, q#flѨ=Ú q#=Ü«∞º u~°∞Ѩu
N¿˛™™ÏoÁz ™y N˛Áz¬ÏƒÏuN˛õúÏgÏ "ÕOHõ\ÏK«Å <åÜ«∞HÍ IIâ◊~°}∞II
N˛ÁuYåÁ ∫zÄÁu∫N˛ÆÁ @@ ∆∫mÏ @@
Euåu™ ı¸Ï¬Ï ™ÏåÏ¬Ï utMúoÏ- ∆ ∆∫mÏ ∆∫mÏ ÃÏ∫ı∫ ¸
ı ÃëÁÏo
¬™∫ uN˛ëÁz∫ uÃÚϬÏ, (In this sankeertana, Annamacharya describes the
VåooÁz ∫ÊßÁut N˛ÁÊo¬Ï supremacy of Lord Venkateswara over all the Devatas. So he seeks
Sri Venkateswara's protection - SARANU).
N˛ÁuYåÁ ∫zÄÁu∫N˛ÆÁ @@ ∆∫mÏ @@ Oh! Lord! Devendra praises your greatness. You are the
beloved Lord of Lakshmi, who gives wealth to her devotees. You
LëÁT¬ ü⁄Át ™ÏPÆÏ¬Ï are the destroyer of demon's pride. I seek your ptotection
uåëÁÏ N˛Áz¬ÏƒT ƒuÄÁu∫ (SARANU). Oh! Lord Venkateswara! I pray to you to give me
uƒëÁú™Ï uƒåƒ´Æ uoªúuo Oh! Lord! you are the Parabrahma (God Almighty). Lord
ƒıN˛bÁY¬ åÁÆN˛Á @@ ∆∫mÏ @@ Vishnu who holds Lotus (kamala) in his hands, the Sun God
(Kamala Mitra), the Moon God (Kamala Satru), Brahma Deva (the
God born in Lotus) and Kamala putra Manmatha have all come.
~åQÆO : [O~°≠∂\˜ â◊ All of them are waiting in 'Que' to serve you one by one. I make
announcement about their waiting to serve you.
â◊~°}∞ â◊~°}∞ ã¨∞ˆ~O„^Œ ã¨#∞fl`«–â◊~°}∞ Nã¨u=Å¡ÉèÏ The chiefs among Devatas, the sages, the Dikpatis
(protectors of all the Directions), Devatas, Kinneras, Siddhas and
â◊~°}∞ ~åHõ∆㨠QÆ~°fiã¨OǨÏ~°–â◊~°}∞ "ÕOHõ@<åÜ«∞HÍ IIâ◊~°}∞II famous Rambha and other Apsaras are waiting to have your
audience (Darshan). Oh! Lord! I make announcement about their
Hõ=∞Å^èŒ~°∞_»∞#∞–Hõ=∞Å q∞„`«∞_»∞ awaiting to serve you.
Hõ=∞Å â◊„`«∞_»∞ Ѩل`«∞_»∞, Prahlada and other well known Bhaktas are waiting here to
serve you. Oh! Tirupati venkatachala Nayaka! Please hear my
„Hõ=∞=Ú`À g∞ H˘Å∞=ÙH˜Ñ¨C_»∞ submissions about these matters. Oh! Lord! I bow to you to give
HÍz <å Ô~K«ÛiHõÜ«∂ IIâ◊~°}∞II me protection.
69 Annamayya in Alphabet 70 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ¬u¬o   II/135 J=∞$`« =∞^äŒ#∞#‰õΩ #k"À <≥·"Õ^Œº=Ú

QÆq∞K«O„^Œ <Õ„`«∞#‰õΩ HõѨC~°q_≥=Ú
35  Ázg∆ N˛pÁuåuáuN˛  Ázg∆ÁzúYÁ∫™Ï¬Ï J=∞i# N"ÕOHõ\Ï„k g∞k ^Õ=Ù#‰õΩ
\ÁgoÁzg uåÄÁ¬ÏåÏ Ã™ú|ÆÁu™ @@  Ázg∆ @@ `«q∞`À „|^ŒH˜∆}ÏÅ∞ ^ŒO_»=ÚÅ∞ xqQÀ IIëÈ_»â◊II
E¬ª uƒæÁÁn™ÏåNÏ˛ EÁƒÁ“åu™tz Ã|-
uå¬ÆÏåNÏ˛ EÁÃå™Ï åzu©™uåtz    Á
 Ázg∆ N˛pÁuåuáuN˛
E¬ TÊTÁ \åNÏ˛åNÏ˛ EUÆ|úÁ˘ÁY™åÁ¬Ï (According to "Vedic" Tradition God is full (purna) in all aspects.
He is considered to have sixteen noble qualities "Kalas" and therefore
\¬uá∆ÁuÆuN˛ u噶Áåu™tz @@  Ázg∆ @@ called "shodasa kalanidhi". As per tradition God is worshipped by
performing Sixteen kinds of rituals, called "Shodasa Upacharas (Sevas).
ƒ∫úyoÁʧªåNÏ˛ ƒÀfiÁ¬ÊN˛Á∫u™tz Annamacharya mentions in this sankeertana these "Sixteen upacharas"
Ãu∫ »y™ÊoÏåNÏ˛ ßÓ m™Ïu¬ƒz regularly performed in worshiping Lord of Tirumala, Sri Venkateswara).
I perform the "Shodasa upacharas" to the "Shodasa Kalanidhi",
á∫myáªåNÏ˛ TãáúÏ…ú áÓú™Ï¬Ï Lord Venkateswara, regularly with full devotion with worldly objects.
uo∫u™tz N˛Ázub ÃÓÆ|oz\ÏåNÏ˛ tyú™Ï @@  Ázg∆ @@ Oh! Sri venkateswara! you are the "Viswatma", present in the entire
universe. But still I invoke you in this idol to be present to receive my
E™wo ™såÏåNÏ˛ åutƒÁz å{ƒz˘™Ï offerings. Oh! Lord! you reside in every thing (Sarvanilaya). However I
Tu™Yʸ åzfiÏåNÏ˛ N˛õúÏ∫uƒgz™Ï offer you this throne to sit and accept my worship. "Ganga" emanates
from your toes. Inspite of that I offer to you "Arghya" (Cleaning hands
E™u∫å »yƒıN˛bÁu¸ ™yut tzƒÏåNÏ˛ with water), "Padya" (cleaning the feet) and "Achamana" (Rinsing the
ou™oÁz §¿tuqmÁ¬Ï tÊg™Ï¬Ï uåuƒTÁz @@  Ázg∆ @@ mouth) with water. Though you are "Jaladhi Sayana" (lying in the ocean)
I perform the ritual of giving you a bath.
~åQÆO : Åe`« +¨ You wear the choisest "Pitambara" (Yellow silk garment) but I offer
vastram (clothes) to you. You are the Lord of all the wealth in the universe.
However I offer these worldly ornaments to you. You are the "Dharani
ëÈ_»â◊ HõàÏxkèH˜ ëÈ_»â’ѨKå~°=ÚÅ∞
dhara" (Lord of Earth). I offer to you "Gandha" (Sandal Paste), Pushpa
*Ï_»`À_» xK«ÛÅ∞#∞ ã¨=∞~°ÊÜ«∂q∞ IIëÈ_»â◊II (flowers), and insense (Dhoopa) in the form of rituals. I offer to you a
"deepam" (ordinary light), although your eternal shining is more than that
JÅ~°∞ qâßfi`«∞‡#‰õΩ P"åǨÏ#q∞^Õ ã¨~°fi– of crores of suns put together. Still I offer a "deepam" (Ordinary light) as
xÅÜ«Ú#‰õΩ Pã¨#=Ú <≥q∞‡x^Õ a ritual.
JÅ QÆOQÍ [#‰õΩ#‰õΩ J~°…º áê^•ºK«=∞<åÅ∞ Oh! Lord! you caused to churn ksheera samudra (ocean of milk)
[Åkèâß~ÚH˜ x=∞[˚#q∞^Õ IIëÈ_»â◊II and offered life protecting "Amruta" (Necter) to Devatas. However I now
offer to you as "Naivedyam" food we consume for living. I offer to you
=~°Ñ‘`åO|~°∞#‰õΩ =„™êÎÅOHÍ~°q∞^Õ whose eyes are the sun and the moon, the "Karpoora Tambulam" as
ã¨i N=∞O`«∞#‰õΩ Éèí∂+¨}=Úe"Õ "Mukhavasa" (Mouth Freshner). Oh! Lord residing on Venkatachala! we
offer to you with love and respect "Pradakshina Namaskara" (Salutations
^èŒ~°}©^èŒ~°∞#‰õΩ QÆO^èŒ=Ù+¨Ê ^èŒ∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞ to God moving around the diety). and also sashtanga namaskar (salutation
u~°q∞^Õ HÀ\˜ ã¨∂~°º`ÕA#‰õΩ nѨ=Ú IIëÈ_»â◊II lying on floor with eight parts of body touching it) to show the humility
before God's greatness).
71 Annamayya in Alphabet 72 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ÃÁ™Êo à I/10 Ѩ~°=∞ÉèÏQÆ=`« Ѩ^Œ¿ã=#"Õ∞

ã¨~°q<≥#fl =∂ ã¨O^茺
36 Ó\ ƒ{…mƒÁYÁ∫ ƒo|åϬ ã≤i=~°∞ =∞Ç≤Ï=∞Å∞ K≥Å∞"˘O^ŒQÆ "Õ–
ÓƒÁÙz ™Á ÃÊÜÆ @@ Ó\ @@ ã¨~°Hõ q#∞>Ë =∂ ã¨O^茺 IIã¨Ç¨Ï[II
Euo∆Æ™TÏ »y“u∫ ÃÊN˛yo|å =∞O`«∞ÔHHõ¯ u~°∞=∞O„`« Ѩ~î°#"Õ∞
ã¨O`«`«=Ú#∞ =∂ ã¨O^茺
ÃooʧÏåÏ ™Á ÃÊÜÆ HõO`«∞ QÆ∞~°∞_»∞ "ÕOHõ@yi ~åÜ«∞x
™uo ∫Á™ÁåÏ\™o™z ™ÁNÏ˛åÏ ã¨O`«~°Ê}"Õ∞ =∂ ã¨O^茺 IIã¨Ç¨Ï[II
YoÏ∫o™z∫uÃå ÃÊÜÆ @@ Ó\ @@ à Ó\ ƒ{…mƒÁYÁ∫
ú∫™ßÁTƒo útÃzƒå™z (A brahmin is ordained to perform "Trikala Sandhya Vandana"
Ã∫uƒåzëÁ ™Á ÃÊÜÆ (worship to God three times a day, that is early in the morning, at
uÃu∫ƒª ™u“™¬Ï Yz¬ÏƒÁıtT ƒz- noon and in the evening). In this keertana Annamacharya refers
to it as "SANDHYA". However great saints engaged in "Bhagavat
Ã∫N˛ uƒåÏbz ™Á ÃÊÜÆ @@ Ó\ @@ Seva" (In the service of God) all the time may miss to perform the
ritual of Sandhya. Annamacharya has described different ways of
™ÊoÏNz˛MN˛ uoª™Êfi úeå™z Bhagavat Seva in this Keertana and emphatically states that the
sevas performed in the three specific times mentioned above as
ÃÊoo™ÏåÏ ™Á ÃÊÜÆ performance of Sandhya Vandana)
NÊ˛oÏ TϪgÏ ƒıN˛buTu∫ ∫ÁÆuå To be in the company of "Sahaja Vaishnava Achara -
ÃÊoú|m™z ™Á ÃÊÜÆ @@ Ó\ @@ Vartanas" (people who by nature constantly engage themselves
in the service to Lord Vishnu) is my sandhya.
To be immerced all the time pre-eminently in singing the
~åQÆO : ™ê=∞O`« 㨠praise of Lord Sri Hari is my sandhya. Keeping in mind the
principles enunciated by Sri Ramanujacharya and do
ã¨Ç¨Ï[ "≥·+¨‚"åKå~° =~°Î#∞Å Bhagavatseva is to me the skillful way of performing sandhya.
ã¨Ç¨Ï"åã¨"≥∞ =∂ ã¨O^茺 IIã¨Ç¨Ï[II To me, serving "Parama Bhagavataas" (saints who consider
Sri Hari as every thing and live a truely religious life) and sitting at
Juâ◊Ü«∞=∞QÆ∞ NǨÏi ã¨OH©~°Î# their feet leading a pious life is nothing but Sandhya Vandana.
Hearing the glory of the Lord Sri Hari with love and attention without
ã¨`«`«O|∞#∞ =∂ ã¨O^茺 respite is Sandhya to me.
=∞u ~å=∂#∞[=∞`«"Õ∞ =∂‰õΩ#∞ To me, reciting all the time the famous "Tirumantra" (the
Ashtakshari Mantra, namely "OM NAMONARAYANAYA") is
K«`«∞~°`«"≥∞~°ã≤# ã¨O^茺 IIã¨Ç¨Ï[II Sandhya. Above all serving the most beautiful Lord of Venkatagiri
and the Father of Manmatha with full devotion (to my entire
satisfaction) is sandhya to me.
73 Annamayya in Alphabet 74 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - \ÁzåΩúÏu∫ “ IV/408 Hõ_»y N "ÕOHõ@Ѩu <å=∞=Ú

|_ç|_ç<Õ ã¨OѨ`«¯~°=Ú
37 “u∫åÁ™™z N˛gÏ EÁåÊtN˛∫™Ï
J_çÜ«∂ÅOaÅ #u ã¨∞Y=¸Å=Ú
™ªTƒÁz ™ªTƒÁz ™ªTƒÁz ™åÃÁ @@ “u∫ åÁ™™z @@ `«_»="À `«_»="À `«_»="À =∞#™ê IIǨÏi <å=∞"Õ∞II
åu¬åÁqÏuå »yåÁ™™Ï
N˛u¬tÁz “∫™Ï N{˛ƒ¡Æ™Ï
¢˛¬ÃÁ∫™Ï §“ϧÊá™ÁzYå™Ï
“ “u∫åÁ™ ™z N˛gÏ EÁåÊtN˛∫™Ï
o¬YƒÁz o¬YƒÁz o¬YƒÁz ™åÃÁ @@ “u∫ åÁ™™z @@ (Annamacharya expresses his love and longing for "Sri
åTáªåÁ™™Ï å∫N˛“∫m™Ï Hari nama". He describes in this Keertana the fruitful benefits
of chanting "Hari Nama" and the happiness one gets in this
\TtzN˛ u“o™Ï é™o™Ï process. Mind is very fickle. Therefore he persuades the mind
ÃTÏm uåTÏ|m™Ï ÃÁqÁnN˛Á∫™Ï to get addicted to the Lord's name and contemplate on it,
úÁzTgƒÁz úÁzTgƒÁz úÁzTgƒÁz ™åÃÁ @@ “u∫ åÁ™™z @@ with Love. He advises us to make all these "Sadhanas"
(efforts) a natural habit.
N˛guT »y ƒıN˛búuo åÁ™™Ï
Oh! Manasa! chanting the name of Hari makes you
§ug§ugåz ÃÊúnN˛∫™Ï very happy. So you get adicted to chant this name.
EugÆÁ¬Êu§¬ åuo ÃÏQ™Ó¬™Ï Oh! Manasa! chanting the auspicious name of the Lotus
ogƒƒÁz ogƒƒÁz ogƒƒÁz ™åÃÁ @@ “u∫ åÁ™™z @@ eyed Lord Sri Hari purifies one from all the "Kalidoshas" (the
~åQÆO *’<£Ñ¨Ùi Ç¨Ï inherent faults in human behaviour in "Kaliyuga"). Not only
this, it grants one "Vairagya" the detachment of the 'self' from
the materialistic world. Oh! Manasa! get adicted to the Lord's
ǨÏi<å=∞"Õ∞ Hõ_»∞ P#O^ŒHõ~°=Ú
=∞~°∞QÆ"À =∞~°∞QÆ"À =∞~°∞QÆ"À =∞#™ê IIǨÏi <å=∞"Õ∞II
Oh! Manasa! chanting the sacred name of the Lord
#o<å‰õ∆Ωx N<å=∞=Ú who held the "Govardhanagiri" prevents one from going to
Hõe^À+¨Ç¨Ï~°=Ú ÔH·=ź=Ú "naraka" (The Hell). This name is considered and accepted
Ѷ¨Å™ê~°=Ú |Ǩï|O^èŒ"≥∂K«#=Ú as beneficial to all in every way. Oh! Manasa! contemplate
`«ÅK«"À `«ÅK«"À `«ÅK«"À =∞#™ê IIǨÏi <å=∞"Õ∞II well on this. Chanting the name of the Lord in "Saguna" and
"Nirguna" forms brings the lord to one's presence. So Oh!
#QÆ^èŒ~°∞<å=∞=Ú #~°HõǨÏ~°}=Ú Manasa! praise the Lord heartfully.
[QÆ^ÕHõ Ç≤Ï`«=Ú ã¨=∞‡`«=Ú Oh! Manasa! sing the name of Sri Venkatapati with all
ã¨QÆ∞} x~°∞æ}=Ú ™êH∆Í`å¯~°=Ú effort for obtaining his grace. Chanting his "Sacred Name" is
á⁄QÆ_»"À áêQÆ_»"À á⁄QÆ_»"À =∞#™ê IIǨÏi <å=∞"Õ∞II the root for obtaining his grace and eternal happiness. Oh!
Manasa! contemplate on his name all the time.
75 Annamayya in Alphabet 76 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - ™Áz“å q XXIX/295

K«~°} H˜ã¨ÅÜ«∞=ÚʼnõΩ ã¨H˜Ü«∞ ~°OÉè’~°∞ʼnõΩ
x~°`«=∞QÆ∞ =Ú`ÕÎÅ h~å[#O
38 qy∫Áu£á N˛ãÆN˛NÏ˛ »y ™“Á¬ufl™uN˛uå Jik [Ѷ¨∞#O|∞#‰õΩ Ju= x[<åaèH˜x
åy∫\Á¬Æ™ÏåNÏ˛ åy∫Á\åÊ @@ qy∫Áu£á @@ x~°u <å<å=~°‚ h~å[#O IIH©∆~åaúII
ѨQÆ@∞ N"ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√ Ѩ@ìѨÙ~å}˜Ü≥ÿ∞
\¬\Áuq ™Áz™ÏåNÏ˛ \≤Ï˛ƒ NÏ˛YʧϬNÏ˛ <≥QÆ_»∞ ã¨uHõà◊ʼnõΩ#∞ h~å[#O
åz¬N˛ÁzëÁ N˛õúÏ∫úÏ åy∫Á\åÊ [QÆu #Å"Õ∞ŇOQÆ K«Hõ¯^Œ#=ÚÅÔHÅ¡
ƒzum oϪ™ÏåNÏ˛ “ÀoN˛™¬Ê§ÏåNÏ˛
Eu¬ƒz xQÆ∞_»∞ x[ â’Éèí#Ѩ٠h~å[#O IIH©∆~åaúII
uå¬ÏƒÏ ™ÁumMƙϬ åy∫Á\åÊ @@ qy∫Áu£á @@
Y∫m uN˛Ã¬Æ™Ï¬NÏ˛ ÃuN˛Æ ∫ÊßÁzª¬NÏ˛
q qy∫Áu£á N˛ãÆN˛NÏ˛
(In this Sankeertana Annamacharya praises Devi
uå∫o™TÏ ™Ï¬z åy∫Á\åÊ Alamelmanga's beauty while offering her the "Nirajanam"
Eu∫ut \VåʧÏåNÏ˛ Euoƒ uå\åÁußuN˛uå (adoration by waving lights before her idol). Alamelmanga is the
incarnation of Sri Mahalakshmi, the consort of 'Vishnu' whose
uå∫uo åÁåÁƒm| åy∫Á\åÊ @@ qy∫Áu£á @@ incarnation is venkateswara on earth in Kaliyuga).
úTbÏ »yƒıN˛bz∆Ï úcúÏ ∫ÁumÆ{ I offer 'Neerajanam' to Devi Alamelmanga, none other than
'Sri Mahalakshmi' who is born to the "Ksheerabdhi" (ocean of milk)
åzTgÏ ÃuoN˛ppNÏ˛åÏ åy∫Á\åÊ and occupied the heart of 'Sri Mahavishnu'.
\Tuo 嬙z¡™ÊT Y≤˛tå™Ï¬Nz˛® I offer NIrajanam with camphor light to lotus eyed
Alamelmanga's face and shapely bosom. I also offer Nirajanam in
uåTÏgÏ uå\ ∆ÁzßåúÏ åy∫Á\åÊ @@ qy∫Áu£á @@ a plate studded with diamonds to her dark coloured braided hair
beautifully tied up into a knot and to her delicate "anjali" (joined
~åQÆO : "≥∂ǨÏ# Hõ∆ hands resembling a Lotus).
I offer Nirajanam in a plate decorated with pearls to her feet
H©∆~åaú Hõ#ºHõ‰õΩ N=∞ǨÅH˜∆ ‡H˜x as delicate as "twigs" of a tree and to her 'thighs' resembling the
trunks of plantain trees, regularly. I offer 'Nirajanam' of different
h~°*ÏÅÜ«∞=Ú#‰õΩ h~å[#O IIH©∆~åaúII colours of light to her 'waist' and 'Navel'.
[Å*ÏH˜∆ "≥∂=Ú#‰õΩ [‰õΩ¯= ‰õΩK«O|∞ʼnõΩ I offer "Nirajanam" to the brightly shining ornaments and all
<≥ÅH˘#fl HõѨÙÊ~°Ñ¨Ù h~å[#O the grace present in Almelmanga, the queen of Sri Venkateswara.
There is no beauty in this world which she does not posses. I
Je"Õ}˜ `«∞~°∞=Ú#‰õΩ ǨÏã¨ÎHõ=∞ÅO|∞#‰õΩ finally offer this auspicious "Nirajanam" to her splendid grace.
xÅ∞=Ù =∂}˜Hõº=ÚÅ h~å[#O IIH©∆~åaúII
77 Annamayya in Alphabet 78 Annamayya in Alphabet

39 ∫ÁT: - YN¿˛ƒÁN˛ fi II/236 `«# =∞#¿ã ѨiѨÓ~°‚"≥∞ÿ# QÀ^•=i QÆOQÍ HÍ"Õi

Hõ#HõaO^Œ∞ Ü«∞=Ú<å QÆÜ«¸k =ÚYº Hˆ „∆ `«O|∞Å ã¨O`«`=« Ú<£
ufiN˛∫m∆ÏuÚTÁ YzuÃå úåϬNÏ˛ tzƒÏgÏ ™zXYÏåÏ ¬ÁzN˛™Ï ™zXYÏåÏ k#Hõ~° ™È=∞ „QÆÇϨ }HÍÅ=ÚÅ f~åúK~« }° Å∞¿ãã≤# ѶŨ =ÚÅ∞
EÁzN˛ub N˛Ázub TÏumoʧTÏ ™ÁT|™Ï¬ÏÊgT üÆÁà úgåz¬ `«#∞^•<Õ ã≤kúOK«∞#∞ =Ó~°ˆH ^Œ=ÙfiÅ∞ u~°∞QÆQÆ =∞iÜÕ∞Ö II„uHõ~°}II
@@ ufiN˛∫m @@ ǨÏiÜ«∞#∞ Ô~O_»∞Hõ∆~°=ÚÅ∞ #∞_çq# JdÅ "Õ^Œ=ÚÅ =∞O„`«=ÚÅ∞
oå ™åÃz úu∫úÓm|™{å TÁztÁƒu∫ TÊTÁ N˛Áƒzu∫ QÆi=∞ ^èŒ~°‡âß„ã¨Î ѨÙ~å}Ï^Œ∞Å∞ „Hõ=∞=Ú# K«kq# ѨÙ}º=ÚÅ∞
Ѩ~°=∞ `«áÈÜ«∂QÆO|∞Å∞ "≥Ú^ŒÅQÆ∞ |Ǩï™ê^èŒ#=ÚÅ ™ê~°O|∞
N˛åN˛u§ÊtÏ Æ™ÏåÁ TÆÁut ™ÏPÆ qzfiʧϬ ÃÊoo™Ïå‚ Ñ¨iѨHõfiOɡ· Ѷ¨e~ÚOK«OQÍ |@ì|Ü«∞Å∞ "≥^ŒHõQÆ<ÕÖ II„uHõ~°}II
utåN˛∫ ÃÁz™ T¿“mN˛Á¬™Ï¬ oysÁ|Y∫m¬ÏÃzuÃå ¢˛¬™Ï¬Ï
"≥Ú^ŒÅ N"ÕOHõ@ѨuH˜x KÕÜ≥∞uÎ "≥ÚH˜¯# =∂„`«=Ú Ö’Ñ¨Å<Õ
oåÏtÁåz uÃuÚÊYÏåÏ ƒÓ∫Nz˛ t√ƒÏ¬Ï uoªTT ™u∫Æz¬ ѨkÅѨ٠ëÈ_»â◊^•#Ü«∂QÆ=ÚÅ∞ ѨOK«=∞ǨÜ«∞[˝O|∞Å∞#∞
@@ ufiN˛∫m @@ =^ŒÅHõ ™êOQÆO|∞Å∞QÍ *Ëã≤# "å_Õ HÍ_® ѨÅ∞=∂~°∞
“u∫ÆåÏ ∫ıgq∫™Ï¬Ï åÏuguƒå EuQ¬ ƒzt™Ï¬ ™Êfi™Ï¬Ï =∞k=∞k #∞O_Õ HÍÜ«∞ˆH¡â◊=Ú =∂\˜H˜ =∂\˜H˜ `«#ˆHÖ II„uHõ~°}II
Tu∫™ á™|∆ÁÀfi úÏ∫ÁmÁtÏ¬Ï N¿˛™™Ïå Yutuƒå úÏlÆ™Ï¬Ï fi ufiN˛∫m∆ÏuÚTÁ
ú∫™ oúÁzÆÁTÊ§Ï¬Ï ™Ázt¬TÏ §“ÏÃÁáå™Ï¬ ÃÁ∫ʧÏ
(Annamayya is suggesting that man should do his duty with unity
úu∫úÅÊ˛§{ ¢˛u¬uÆÊYTÁ §c§Æ¬Ï ƒztN˛Tåz¬ @@ ufiN˛∫m @@ of Mind, Speach and action)
If only we do our duty with "TRIKARANA SUDDHI" Pure mind,
clean speach and selfless deeds then God appreciates that. Even the
™Ázt¬ »yƒıN˛búuouN˛uå YzÆzu ™Ázu≤˛å ™Áfi™Ï ¬Ázú¬åz world appreciates it. When there are many a ways to please Him why
should we sweat to do that.
úut¬úÏ  Ázg∆tÁåÆÁT™Ï¬Ï úÊY™“ÁÆrʧϬÏåÏ
If we have a PURE MIND where is the necessity of doing TEERDHA
ƒt¬N˛ ÃÁÊTʧϬÏTÁ \zuÃå ƒÁgz N˛ÁgÁ ú¬Ï™Áª SNANA (sacred baths) in rivers like GANGA Why should we do
"GRAHANA SNANAM" (Sacred bathing during Eclipses?)
™ut™ut åÏÊgz N˛ÁÆM¬z∆™Ï ™ÁubuN˛ ™ÁubuN˛ oåNz˛¬
If we say HARI in a pure speach it is equivalent to reading all
@@ ufiN˛∫m @@ "VEDAS". Then where is the need of "SASTRAS" and "PURANAS". When
penace is "HARI BHAKTI" itself why not just pray HARI.
~åQÆO : K«„Hõ"åHõO „`« If we salute LORD SRI VENKATESWARA with pure heart that
KARMA (action) is equivalent of doing all charities (DANAS) and all holy
„uHõ~°} â◊√kúQÍ KÕã≤# Ѩ#∞ʼnõΩ ^Õ=Ù_»∞ "≥∞K«∞Û#∞ Ö’Hõ=Ú "≥∞K«∞Û#∞ sacrifices (YAJNAS). When we bear a human body pain is inevitable.
XHõ\ ˜ HÀ\˜ QÆ∞}˜`«O|QÆ∞ =∂~°æ=ÚÅ∞O_»QÆ „Ѩܫ∂㨠Ѩ_»<ÕÖ II„uHõ~°}II Why should we bother about it?
79 Annamayya in Alphabet 80 Annamayya in Alphabet

∫ÁT: - áãÆÁuà r II/148 `«nÜ«∞ QÆ∞~°∞„Ѩ™ê^Œ–ѨÙ~À_®â◊ q∞zÛ

40 rÁåÆr ™yTuo ™Ázq ÃÁáå™Ï H˘^Œn~° ^ŒfiÜ«∞=∞#∞–‰õΩO_»ÅO|∞Å∞ "≥\ ˜ì
åÁåÁs|™Ï¬Ï uåëÁz - ågúz ™ÁTϪgÏ @@ rÁåÆr @@ Ü≥∞^ŒÖ’ N "ÕOHõ>Ëâ◊√–x@∞ „Ѩ`«ºHõ∆=Ú KÕÃã
Wk"À ã¨fi~°∂Ѩ nHõ∆–~ÚK≥Û#∞ =∂QÆ∞~°∞_»∞ II*Ï˝#Ü«∞[˝II
E¬u∫ tz“™åzub - ÆÁT∆Á¬¬Ázå
§¬™{ ErÁåúÏ - ú∆ÏƒÏ §ÊuáÊuY r rÁåÆr™yTuo ™ÁzqÃÁáå™Ï
N˛¬uà ƒ{∫ÁSÆúÏ - N˛Ϭ TÁzuÃN˛Ázuà (Yajna is a "ritual" prescribed in the "vedas" to propiciate a "Devata"
ƒz¬Æ rÁåÁuTí¬Áz - ƒzu¬Yz ™Á TϪgÏ @@ rÁåÆr @@ to obtain some worldly (Iha) and other-worldly (para) benefits. Different
"Yajnas" are performed in favour of different Devatas. Animals are
™ÁzMNÏ˛YÏ ƒ{…mƒÏ¬åz - ™ÏuåÃß TÓgúzuc sacrificed in these rituals some times. The benefits accrued by performing
YÁzMNÏ˛YÏ »y úÁtoys| - ÃÁz™úÁå™Ï uåÊuY these sacrifices are temporary in nature. However there is another kind
of "Yajna" called "Jnanayajna". In that Yajna, a person receives Jnana
YMN˛TÁ ÃÊN˛yo|å - ÃÁ™TÁå™Ï Yzuà (knowledge) by the benevolance of his "Guru". Singing the names of
uÆMNÏ˛ƒoÁz Ær™ÏÃzà z - uÆÊYz§Áz ™Á TϪgÏ @@ rÁåÆr @@ God with devotion will result in attaining 'Moksha'. In this Sankeertana
Annamacharya offers his oblations to the Vaishnava Guru "Sri
otyÆ TϪüÃÁt - úÏ∫ÁzgÁ∆u™uXY Ramanujaacharya" for the guidence received from him in this connection.)
N˛Áztty∫ ˚Æ™ÏåÏ - NÏ˛Êg¬Ê§Ï¬Ï ƒzuc My Guru taught me the secrets in performing my duties to acquire
Æzt¬Áz »y ƒıN˛bz∆Ï - uåbÏ ünÆq™Ï YzÃz the four-fold purusharthas with 'Moksha' as final goal.

FutƒÁz Àƒøú tyq - uÆXYzåÏ ™Á TϪgÏ @@ rÁåÆr @@ My Guru has taught me to consider this physical body as the
'Yagasala' (the place of sacrifice) and the ignorance as the sacrificial
~åQÆO : ^èŒ<åºã≤ [˝ animal. This animal of ignorance should be cut into pieces with the sword
of detachment and sacrificed in "Jnana-Agni".
*Ï˝#Ü«∞[˝ g∞QÆu "≥∂Hõ∆ ™ê^èŒ#=Ú Our Guru made me to perform "Jnana Yajna" systematically taking
<å<å~°÷=ÚÅ∞ x<Õfl– #_»ÃÑ =∂QÆ∞~°∞_»∞ II*Ï˝#Ü«∞[˝II interest in it as follows. He advised me to pay my respects to the
assemblies of "Vaishnava Saints". He made me to take "Sri Pada Teertha"
JÅi ^ÕǨÏ=∞<Õ\ ˜–Ü«∂QÆâßÅÖ’# (the water purified by washing the feet of God or saints) as "Somarasa"
|Å"≥∞ÿ Ü«∞*Ï˝#ѨٖѨâ◊√=Ù |OkèOz (the Juice of 'soma' plant offered to Devatas in sacrifices). He made me
to sing heartily the sankeertanas in praise of the Lord.
HõÅã≤ "≥·~åQƺѨٖHõ`«∞ÎÅ QÀã≤HÀã≤
He blessed me with the "Jnana Prasada" as "Purodasa" (Food
"≥ÅÜ«∞ *Ï˝<åyflÖ’–"ÕeK≥=∂ QÆ∞~°∞_»∞ II*Ï˝#Ü«∞[˝II offered to Gods in sacrifices). He blessed me by giving his "Upadesa" in
my ears (initiation to the Two Sacred mantras- Srimannarayana Charanam
"≥Ú‰õΩ¯K«∞ "≥·+¨‚=ÙÅ<Õ–=Úxã¨Éèí QÆ∂_» ÃÑ\˜ì Saranam Prapadye" and "Srimate Narayanaya Namaha") - as Two
K˘‰õΩ¯K«∞ N áê^Œf~°ú–™ê=∞áê#=Ú xOz "Kundalas" (Ear Rings). He has also blessed me by giving the "Swaroopa
K«Hõ¯QÍ ã¨OH©~°Î#–™⁄=∞QÍ#=Ú KÕã≤ Deeksha" (knowledge of God in his entirety) so that I could have the
Darshan of my beloved Lord "Sri Venkateswara" in my heart.
~Ú‰õΩ¯=`À Ü«∞[˝=Ú¿ã–~ÚOK≥É’ =∂ QÆ∞~°∞_»∞ II*Ï˝#Ü«∞[˝II
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu Alphabet
Age : 62 Years

Qualification : M.Tech

Address : Flat No.5, Plot No. 61

Siddardha Apartments,
Siddardha Nagar,
Hyderabad 500 038.
Telangana, India.

Hobby : Writing on the Almighty in classic poetry

Aim in Life : To be membered as good man

I Like : Karnatic Music

I Hate : Hipocracy Annamacharya's Sankeerthanas in

alphabetical order
I Fear : Being Hated [keertanas in Devanagari Script & Telugu]
(Bhavamruta in English)
My Website :
e-mail :
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu
Ring : +91-09393021360 M.Tech

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