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Each student will compete with his/her self, NOT each other. Students will use pre-test standards to formulate their workout. Each
workout is unique, in that it applies to each student utilizing the fundamental principles in the weight room. Each student is held
accountable for his/her progress, not measured with the class, group, or specific sport.

Listed below is a grading procedure that has been developed to benefit both the student and instructor. The student’s grade reflects
his/her effort, participation, and work ethic. Therefore, he/she is held completely accountable in the weight room. The student is
guaranteed success in all aspects of the class if he/she follows the expectations of the weight room and all the components involved.
The student realizes that he/she is held completely accountable for his/her work ethics and efforts in the class.

Formative Grading: Dress Out/Daily Participation 70 %

Summative Grading:
Post test – Bench Max + 10 lbs. 1RM of Pre-Test 5%
Post test- Clean Max + 10 lbs. 1RM of Pre-Test 5%
Post test – Squat Max + 20 lbs. 1RM of Pre-Test 5%
Post Agility Test /Fitness Gram Vertical/40 yard sprint/Pro-Agility 5%
Written Final Exam 10 %

The final grade in this class includes:

 Participation
 Final post test evaluations
 Written exam

By signing and dating this contract, you understand the requirements and standards your child must meet in order to successfully
complete this class. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your student’s strength coach. We look
forward to working with your son/daughter this semester.

Allatoona Weight Training Physical Education Teachers

_________________________________ _______ ____________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date Student Name (PRINT NAME)

_________________________________ ____________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number Parent/Legal Guardian e-mail


Dressing Out:
The student will have no longer than 7 minutes to dress and be in the weight room for roll call. If he or she fails to do
so, then that student will be considered tardy. To be dressed out requires the following: Shorts or sweat pants, T-shirt
or sweatshirt, shoes (tennis), clothes must be worn properly.
***Tank tops are NOT part of the dress code***
Note: If the student fails to dress out, he or she will be required to write a report from a book during class
for ½ credit. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the day or the portion of class the student cannot
perform the required lifts (if the students dresses, but cannot workout due to injury).

The tardy policy is to be followed by the A.H.S. and Cobb County School policies.

Students have two days to bring in a note for excused absences or they will be counted unexcused and 10 points
will be deducted from their daily participation grade.

Dress Code will be enforced and up to 100 points/day will be deducted for lack of participation. Failure to dress
for class will result in the following consequences: 1st) Zero for class grade, 2nd), (Zero for class grade) Parental
Contact and Detention, 3rd) Zero for class grade and Administrator Referral.

Student Expectations:
* To be in designated area BEFORE the tardy bell rings
* Cell phones are not to be visible or used during class. (We will follow AHS policy that is found in the student
handbook). Students will be required to put cell phones in appropriate holders supplied by teacher.
* Come to class prepared / dressed out to work EVERY DAY
* Students will give their best every day.
* Students will be respectful to everyone in class (including the teacher).
* Students will be responsible for keeping the weight room clean and maintained at ALL times.
* Students will dress out / work out on game day for their respective sport with certain applied modifications.
* Students will provide a certified Doctor’s note (not from parent) for a specific injury, along with particular
limitations and the time frame expected of the injury. If an injury limits a student from participating in class over
an extensive period of time, other alternatives will be made for grading purposes.

• The teacher may modify any program to meet the needs of a student in special situations.
Students who become injured during the semester and who cannot physically continue their program will
participate in a modified program:
Will receive credit for work up to that point and be given a major writing assignment for the
remainder of the semester as credit for part of the fitness program they are unable to finish.


3300 Dallas Acworth Highway ◆ Acworth, GA 30101 ◆ Phone (770) 975-6503 ◆


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