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A portal is a "supersite" on the Internet that provides a comprehensive entry point for a
huge array of resources and services. Portals typically contain news, free e- mail services,
search engines, online shopping, chat rooms, discussion boards and links to other sites.
Yahoo, MSN and AOL are the typical portals to enter the Internet. The idea of a portal is
to collect information from different sources and create a single point of access to
information - a library of categorized and personalized content. It is very much the idea
of a personalized filter into the web. Hence, Portals gather information from one or more
servers as well as from the Internet, and deliver that information through a single,
consistent interface. This gives users one interface to all the documents, e-mail, Web
sites, competitive information, databases, and so forth that they need to do their jobs.

But today, instead of mega portals, the vertical portals are more important and are widely
spread out enterprises and communities. Now portals become the entry point of an
enterprise or a community and provide a personalized, browser-based user interface to the
following components: Intranet, Extranet, Front end for business applications,
Groupware, Knowledge management solution and Intelligent Search Engine. Not each
portal will include all these components, but they are a typical function of what can be
found in today's portals and the functions will surely grow in the future. For example,
groupware component might include workflow processes, collaborative applications, or
chat rooms and discussion boards. The Intranet component might include self-service
applications where employees can order office supply or apply for a vacation. The
knowledge management section might include relevant documentation or regulations
needed by the employees to perform their jobs. And there will be a personal section
where employees can store and access their personal information, such as weather
reports, sports news, or just short information snippets.


Initially, the term portal was used to refer to well-known Internet search and navigation
sites that provided a starting point for web consumers to explore and access information
on the World Wide Web. The original portals were search engines. The initial value
proposition was to offer a full text index of document content and a chance to take
advantage of the hyperlinking capabilities built into the web protocols.

Internet navigation sites, such as Yahoo!, Excite, Infoseek, AOL, MSN, Netscape Net-
center and Lycos, represented the next phase of portal development. The term "Internet
portal" (or "web portal") began to be used to describe these mega-sites because many
users used them as a "starting point" for their web surfing. The term "search engine" had
become inadequate to describe the breadth of the offerings, although search and
navigation are still pivotal to most people's online experience.

Compared to the original Internet search engines, Internet portals offer a more structured,
navigable interface. Browsing an organized hierarchy of categories developed by people
(rather than computers) who scoured the Internet for relevant and useful Websites is more
effective than issuing a keyword search against the entire web.

Fig 1.1 Evolutions of Portals


According to the analyst and consulting company Ovum - as described in their analysis
"Enterprise Portals: New Strategies for Information Delivery", 2000 - the ideal portal is
based on 8 functionality areas:

1. Search and navigation

2. Information integration (content management)

3. Personalization

4. Notification (push technology)

5. Task management and workflow

6. Collaboration and groupware

7. Integration of applications and business intelligence

8. Infrastructure functionality

In general a portal is the integration of information technologies that have been

developed in the various enterprise application areas for a long time. Although most of
the functionalities are not new, the power of a portal is considerably more than the sum of
its partial technologies. Thus, a successful portal consists of a well-integrated mixture of
the basic portal functionalities.




The success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined,
thoroughly investigated, and properly carried out through the choice of solution. User
need identification and analysis are concerned with what the user need rather than what
he/she wants. Not until the problem has been identified, defined, and evaluated should the
analyst think about solutions and the problem is worth solving. This step is intended to
help the user and the analyst understand the real problem rather than its symptoms.

Identification of the needs greatly simplifies the system development. This is the pre
analysis stages, which will gathers the reasons for requests made for a particular
application and the origin of the application proposal. Requests for new application
development are typically motivated by one of these general objectives.

Business firms or individual users requests new application proposals for increased
capability like improving processing speed, ability to handle increased volume, and faster
retrieval of information. In our investigation we found several needs of the project, “Web

Using the computer’s inherent ability to calculate, sort, and retrieve data and information
when greater speed than that of people doing the same task is desired. Providing the
capacity to process a greater amount of activity, perhaps to take advantage of new
business opportunities, needs locating and retrieving information from storage and
conducting complex searches, automatically present its users with the information
appropriate to the user’s role suggest additional information to the user, and/or allow the
user to voluntarily personalize the information presented by the portal allow the user to

search for information that was not previously known to be relevant to the user’s role, but
which may be available through the portal.
1. Enables universal login
2. Handles both structured and unstructured data
3. For multi-channel consistency
4. For messaging and notification
5. Automated tuning: pervasive content can be tuned based on personalization,
location, browser, etc.
6. Integration to other systems
7. Security
8. Access different data
9. Transactions
10. Search
11. Publish Content
12. Personal Content


The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests. It is not a
design study, nor does it include the collection of details to completely describe the
application. Rather, it is collecting the information that permits to evaluate the merits of
the project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed
The data that the analyst collected during preliminary investigation are gathered through
two primary methods: reviewing existing applications and collecting opinions of the
users throw different methods.
Collaboration software like WEB PORTAL provides users with the processes and
environment to create and exchange information inside and outside the walls of an
organization. It includes a powerful set of workflow components and is used extensively
in knowledge management and online learning applications as well. Portals target the
entire Internet community. These sites, often referred to as "mega portals", usually
contain search engines and provide the ability for user to personalize the page by offering

various channels (i.e. access to other information such as regional weather, stock quotes
or news updates). Yahoo!, MSN and AOL constitute mega portals. These portals are
gateways to contents and services of other web sites.
As a result of both these, we extracted the drawbacks of the existing system and the
merits of the proposed system. They are listed below:


1. Automatically present its users with the information appropriate to the user’s role.
2. Suggest additional information to the user, and/or allow the user to voluntarily
personalize the information presented by the portal.
3. Allow the user to search for information that was not previously known to be relevant
to the user’s role, but which may be available through the portal.
4. The initial appearance of the portal, ‘pre-personalized’ according to the user’s role.

5. User is offered a menu of personalization options to choose from.

6. System itself unilaterally makes decisions for the user according to ‘guesses’ about
user preferences.

7. User has the opportunity to subscribe to active information sources such as newsfeeds
& periodically updated reports &ask to be alerted if documents are updated.

8. Portals providing task management services can help users take part in and/or manage
formally defined business processes.

9. Enables informal communication between suppliers and customers.

10. The runtime infrastructure associated with the portal will have a primary effect on
manageability, scalability, security and availability.

2.4.1 Project Feasibility: Preliminary investigation examines project feasibility; the
likelihood the system will be useful to the organization. Feasibility report is the important
outcome of the preliminary investigation. There are three aspects of feasibility study.

2.4.2 Operational Feasibility: There is lot of support from management; in fact they
request it. Because of the persons in the organization has been facing problems with the
existing system there is no resistance to the change. And also the current methods are not
acceptable to the users that are why they are welcoming to the new system. From the
beginning of this new system we made users to involve in some way reducing the
resistance. The new system will not cause any problems in any way and also will show
efficient performance in all respects. By considering all these things the proposed new
system is operationally feasible.

2.4.3 Technical Feasibility: There is no technology and equipment to implement the

new system but it can be acquired. It is not a burden rather than that of existing system.
The proposed equipment can safely handle the data required to use the new system. The
web portal can easily be expanded to satisfy the new requirements in future. There is lot
of security, accuracy and reliability in the new system rather than existing system. By
considering the above reasons the web portal is technically feasible.

2.4.5 Economic Feasibility: The cost to implement this new portal includes cost of
full systems investigation, cost of hardware and software and the cost of user training.
The cost that may spend if the new system was not developed is greater than the cost of
the new system. The cost to implement the portal is one time investment later they need
not spent any more. The organization must get benefit if they invest on the portal
development. By considering the above reasons the web portal is economically feasible.
As this web portal has passed all the three aspects of feasibility study we can declare it as
a feasible project.

2.5 Software Engineering Paradigm Applied: Several popular software

engineering approaches are based on the notion of data flow. The structured
analysis/structured design (SA/SD) methodology is representative of the data flow
approach. SA/SD begins with a single process or function that represents the overall
purpose of the desired software. SA/SD recursively divides complex processes, until one
is left with many small functions that are easy to implement.
SA/SD and OMT modeling have much in common. Both methodologies support the three
orthogonal views of a system – the object, dynamic, and functional models. The
difference is that SA/SD emphasizes the functional model while OMT emphasizes the
object model. We believe that for most problems an object-oriented approach is superior
to a data flow approach. An object-oriented design is more extensible, provides better
trace ability, and better integrates database and programming code.
Michael Jackson advocates a different approach to system development, called JSD. A
JSD model begins with consideration of real world. One culls out the most important
entities and actions in the real world, from the perspective of the application. The
remaining JSD steps develop detailed pseudo code that precisely specifies desired
software behavior and their correspondence to real world actions.
We regard JSD as a valuable approach, as are SA/SD and OMT. Each methodology has
its niche where it clearly excels. JSD is an excellent methodology for real-time and micro
code applications. We consider JSD a poor approach for high-level analysis and database
We have compared OMT object modeling to the entity-relationship (ER) information-
modeling notation. In essence, OMT object modeling is an enhanced form of ER. OMT
object modeling improves on ER in the areas of expressiveness and readability. The OMT
methodology builds on earlier object-oriented work and benefits from insights that have
come with experience.
As seen from above discussion we had decided that SA/SD is suitable for our application
design. So, the software engineering paradigm we used is SA/SD methodology.




Creating anything completely from scratch is always a difficult proposition: you can't
benefit from something that's been created before; there's no "platform" on which to
build; and there's nothing available to use as a model or blueprint. So it is when creating
e-business Web applications. The first time a company constructs the type of application
that's meant to run solely across the Internet, it may draw on experiences gathered on a
different network platform, but the business ramifications of always being live and not
being able to predict the volume of user traffic make this a new situation.
A portal — a sort of information clearing-house for a specific collection of Web users
having similar needs or interests — represents just such a new situation. A company
building and operating this type of software product faces a project that has no clear
sponsor to resolve disputes about requirements. This leads to a challenging requirements
definition process, which is important for appropriately narrowing the scope of the portal
and staying focused on the original business objectives. Using a requirements framework
can help. A requirements framework enables the same set of requirements to be used for
different Web application projects. Using such a framework can significantly reduce the
amount of time needed for the initial elicitation of requirements and subsequent
enhancements to them. In this article, I'll discuss the requirements that emerged from the
development of a local community portal and describe how that requirements baseline
constitutes a framework for additional Web application development projects. Whereas
this article is based on actual experiences in constructing a requirements framework,
other Rational Developer Network articles on this subject take a slightly different
approach. The other articles (listed later under "Related Resources") discuss frameworks
from the standpoint of use-case models and software architectures.

A project I was recently involved in focused on creating an online community portal. This
portal was to provide access to local business directories, include multiple content feeds
containing local news and information, and give local shops a chance to build
inexpensive online stores where customers could purchase various items.
Because this was a new business activity, there was no legacy application to turn to for
initial system requirements, UML models, or test plans; everything had to be done from
scratch. The business plan emphasized building an initial community and then reusing
that existing code base to deploy the resulting framework" into a second and subsequent
communities. This effort involved a number of activities: site design, user interface
prototype definitions, development, and finally testing and deployment.
Rollout of the initial portal was critical to the success of the overall plan. It was essential
that the systems engineering team develop a set of reusable artifacts that would greatly
shorten the development cycle of subsequent portals. The initial artifact that was targeted
for reuse was the Project Requirements.


1. We listed below the requirement in design the online system:
2. Software required
3. Net beans
4. Java-jdbc,servlet
5. Microsoft Sql server
7. XML


1. General
2. Navigation
3. Home Page
4. People
5. Community

6. News
7. Sports
8. Entertainment

Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their
relationships within and outside the system. A key question is what must be done to solve
the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and
determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related systems.
During analysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points, and transactions
handled by the present system. Data flow diagrams, interviews, on-site observations, and
questionnaires are examples. Once analysis is completed, the analyst has a firm
understanding of what is to be done. The next step is to decide how the problem might be
3.5.1 Process Chart: A System consists of many different activities or processes. We
know the relation between the processes that one process will contain several individual
processes. We often show these relations in terms of process charts.

Fig 3.1 Generic Architecture of Portals

Fig 3.2 System Configuration of Portals

Fig 3.3 Overall Architecture for Web Portal Server
3.5.2 Data Flow Diagrams: A graphic tool used to describe and analyze the moment
of data through a system – manual or automated – including the processes, stores of data,
and delays in the system. Data flow diagrams are the central tools and the basis from
which other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output,
through processes, may be described logically and independently of the physical
components associated with the system.

Fig 3.4 Data Flow Diagram In Web Portals

3.5.3 Data Dictionary
A data dictionary is a catalogue – a repository – of the elements in a system. As
the name suggests, these elements center around data the way they are structured to meet

user requirements and organization needs. In a data dictionary you will find a list of all
the elements composing the data flow through a system.

Data Structure: user data

Description: This data structure describes the details
Table 3.1 User’s Data Stored in Database
Name Type Description
CID Varchar(20) User id
NAME Varchar (10) Name of user
AGE Varchar (20) Age
SEX Varchar (20) sex of the user
FATHERS_NAME Varchar (6) Name of father
MOTHERS_NAME Varchar (20) Name of mother
TEMPORARY ADDRESS Varchar (20) Temporary address
PERMANENT ADDRESS Varchar (20) Permanent address
MOBILE NUMBER Varchar (20) Mobile number
OFFICE NUMBER Varchar (20) Office number
OCCUPATION Varchar (20) Occupation
EDUCATION Varchar (12) Education
STATUS Varchar (20) Status

Data Structure: sign up

Description: this data structure define the sign up details of user
Table 3.2 Table for Sign-Up in Database
Name Type Description
Name Varchar(20) Name
Last name Varchar(20) Surname
Desired_login_name Varchar (20) Login name
choose password Varchar (20) Password
Re_enter_password Varchar (20) Re enter password
Security question Varchar (20) Security ques.
Answer Varchar (20) Answer
Recovery email Varchar (20) Recovery email
Data structure: sign in
Description: this data structure define the sign in details of user

Table 3.3 Table for Sign-In in Database

Name Type Description
User_email_id Varchar (20) User name

Password Varchar (20) password


The design of a portal has to be flexible enough to meet diverse clients' and users' needs,
yet structured enough to accommodate a wide range of content and visual elements. A
good portal should offer an attractive and usable default design which is not so deeply
entrenched in the coding that it is difficult or costly for the customer to modify. Although
portals are a special breed of external or internal Websites offering a blend of
information, applications and services, this implies that portals always have more than
just information to offer, as many Websites do. Moreover, portals are typically based on
more advanced Web technologies that go beyond the simple HTML interface of typical
Web pages. So, there are more things to consider, fewer technical limitations, but also a
more complex environment for the users - and designers - to work with The structure and
the content of generic portal pages below proposes each design issue and indicates
relations between page types. (R means related pages and S means similar pages.)
1. Output Design
2. Input Design
3. Data Design
4. Process Design

4.1.1 Output Design: Computer output is the most important and direct source of
information to the user. Efficient O/P design should improve the system’s relationships
with user & help in decision making. A major form of output is hard copy from printer.
Output from computer system is required to communicate the result of processing to
users. Designing computer output should process in an organized. Well thought out
manner. The right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is
designed so that the user will find the system easy to use effectively. The term output
applies to any information by an information system, whether printed or displayed. While
designing computer outputs the following steps have to be followed.

In addition to deciding on the output device, the systems analyst must consider the print
format and the editing for the final printout. The task of output preparation is critical,
requiring skill and ability to align user requirements with the capabilities of the system in
operation. The design considerations we have followed while designing output are:
1. Name or title.
2. Space and arrangement
3. Headers and footers.
In online applications, the layout sheet for displayed output is similar to the layout chart
used for designing input. In these cases, the output forms are similar to the input forms.
Other type of applications output forms like reports used to make decisions must be
designed carefully. The following layout describes our report designing:

Fig 4.1 Output of Our Web Portals

4.1.2 Input Design: Inaccurate input data are the most common cause of errors in
data processing. Errors entered by data entry operators can be controlled by input design.
Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a computer-based
format. In the system design phase, the expanded data flow diagram identifies logical
data flows, data stores, sources and destinations. A system flowchart specifies master files
(database), transaction files and computer programs. Input Media: In this project, earlier stages identified the data that is input to
the transactions. The next step is what media should be used for the input. Since this is an
online data entry project we need computer based online forms as the media for input
entry. There are three approaches for data entry with forms: menu based formatted forms,
and prompts. We adopted the formatted form approach for entering data. A formatted
form is a preprinted form or a template that requests the user to enter data in appropriate
locations. It is a fill-in-blank type. The form is flashed on the screen as a unit. The cursor
is usually positioned at the first blank. After the user responds by filling in the appropriate
information, the cursor automatically moves to the next line, and so on until the form is
completed. Form Types: There are three types of forms classified by what it does in the
system. They are: action forms – to perform some action such as storing, modifying, and
deleting data, memory forms – to perform extraction and display operations on existing
historical data, and report forms – to generate decision support data from existing
records. We used reports as output forms. As an input media we used both action and
memory forms in combination. Form Layout: When form is designed, a list is prepared of all the items to
be included on the form and the maximum space to be reserved. The form user to make
sure it has the required details should check the list:
1. Title
2. Data Zoning

3. Rules and Captions Design Considerations: In designing these forms we taken care several

attributes that are mentioned below:

Fig 4.2 Form Layout

1. Identification and wording.

a. Form titles and labels.
2. Maximum readability and use.
a. Legible, intelligible, uncomplicated, and space.
3. Physical factors.
a. Composition, color, layout.
4. Order of data items.
a. Logical sequence, data relation.
5. Ease of data entry.
a. Field positions.
6. Size and arrangement.
a. Size, storing, filing, and space for signs.
7. Use of instructions.
a. Online help for data entry, status info.

The above diagram describes the sample form layout we used to design forms in our

4.1.3 Database Design: Database design is the process of developing database

structures to hold data to cater to user requirements. The final design must satisfy user
needs in terms of completeness, integrity, performance and other factors. For a large
enterprise, the database design will turn out to be an extremely complex task leaving a lot
to the skill and experience of the designer. A number of tools and techniques, including
computer-assisted techniques, are available to facilitate database design.
The primary input to the database design process is the organizations’ statement of
requirements. Poor definition of these requirements is a major cause of poor database
design, resulting in databases of limited scope and utilities which are unable to adopt to
The major step in database design is to identify the entities and relationships that reflect
the organizations’ data, naturally. The objective of this step is to specify conceptual
structure of the data and is often referred to as data modeling.
There are several methodologies to model the data logically. We adopted ER modeling as
our data modeling technique. ER model is technique for analysis and logical modeling of
systems data requirements. It uses three basic concepts: entities, attributes and relations. Entity: Entity is a distinguishable object. These entities are classified into
regular entities and weak entities. A weak entity is an entity that is existence dependent
on some other entity i.e. it does not exist if that other entity does not exist. A regular
entity is that it is not weak.

Fig 4.3: Graphical Notation of Entity Attribute: Entities have properties known as attributes. All entities of a given
type have certain kinds of properties in common. Each kind of property draws its value
from a corresponding value set. Properties can be of various types: Simple or composite,

key, single or multi, missing, and base or derived. Attributes are graphically represented
as shown below.


Fig 4.4- Attribute Representation Relation: Relationship defines an association among entities. The entities

involved in a given relationship are said to be participants in that relationship. The
number of participants in a given relationship is called the degree of that relationship. An
ER relationship can be one – one, one – many, and many - many. Cardinality of a
relationship refers to representing the number of occurrences of entities in a given
relationship. The graphical notation of relation is represented as shown below.


Fig 4.5- Relationship Representation

A. Entities:
1. User details
2. Sign-up details
3. Sign-in details
B. Attributes:
Table 4.1 Attributes
Entity Attributes
User details Userid,name.age,sex,fathers name, mothers
Name, temporary address, permanent
address, mobile no., office
Sign up Name,surname,login name,password,re
enter password,security
ques,answer,recovery email
Sign in User name,password

C. Relationships:

User enter details
Database stores details
User sign-in details
Database shows result Normalization: Normalization is the process of refining the data model built
by the ER diagram. The normalization technique, logically groups the data over the
number of tables, with minimum redundancy of data. The entities or tables resulting from
normalization contain data items, with relationships being represented by replication of
key data items. The goal of relational database design is to generate a set of relation
schemes that allow us to store information with minimum redundancy of data and allow
us to retrieve information easily and efficiently. The approach followed is to design
schemas that are in an appropriate form one of the so-called normal form.
The first step towards normalization is to convert the ER model into tables or relations.
The next step is to examine the database for redundancy and if necessary, change them to
non-redundant forms. This non-redundant model is then converted into a database
definition, which achieves the objective of the database design phase. We defined
database from the above ER model by normalizing it to 3 rd normal form. We will show
the definitions of those database tables later at the time of physical database design phase.

4.1.4 Process Design: Structured design is a data flow based methodology. The
approach begins with a system specification that identifies inputs and outputs and
describes the functional aspects of the system. The next step is the definition of the
modules and their relationships to one another in a form called a structure chart,
using a data dictionary, DFD, and other structured tools. Structured design
partitions a program into small, independent modules. They are arranged in a
hierarchy that approximates a model of the business area and is organized in a top –
down manner. Modules: Well-structured designs improve the maintainability of a system. A

structured system is one that is developed from the top down and modular, that is, broken

down into manageable components. In this project we modularized the system so that
they have minimal effect on each other.
1. User module:- this module undertake all the details enter by the user. These
details entered into database.
2. Database module: This module undertakes the tables created and store the data
entered by the user.
3. Administrative module: The administrative system is another perspective from
management side which is invisible to the other user of the system. This is the
heart of entire system to drive it in good track. This also includes several reports.


Following the logical design is physical design. The physical design may also be called as
system development. This produces the working system by defining the design
specifications that tell programmers exactly what the candidate system must do. In turn,
the programmer writes the necessary programs or modifies the software package that
accepts input from the user, performs necessary calculations through the existing file or
database, produces the report on a hard copy or displays it on screen, and maintains an
updated database at all times. In this phase we have done the following activities:
1. Hardware & Software specifications.
2. Cost estimations.
3. Coding
4. Testing


A major element in building systems is selecting compatible hardware and software. The
systems analyst has to determine what software package is best for the candidate
system and, where software is not an issue, the kind of hardware and peripherals
needed for the final conversion. Hardware and software selection begins with
requirement analysis, followed by a request for proposal and vendor evaluation. The
final system selection initiates contract negotiations.
We consider the following to select hardware and software for development environment:

1. Reliability
2. Functionality
3. Capacity
4. Flexibility
5. Usability
6. Security
7. Performance

8. Serviceability
9. Ownership

5.1.1 Hardware:

Processor: 1 GHz

Hard disk: 20 GB

RAM: 128 MB

Secondary Storage: Floppy, CD, Zip drives and disks

5.1.2 Software:

Front End: HTML

Application Logic: Java Servlets, JSP

Back End: Microsoft SQL

Middle ware: JDBC

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate reviews of specification, design and coding. Testing represents an interesting
anomaly for the software. During earlier definition and development phases, it was
attempted to build software from an abstract concept to a tangible implementation. No
system is error free because it is so till the next error crops up during any phase of the
development or usage of the product. A sincere effort however needs to be put to bring
out a product that is satisfactory.

The testing phase involves the testing of development system using various data.
Preparation of the test data plays a vital role in system testing. After preparing the test
data, the system under study was tested using those data. While testing the system, by

using the test data, errors were found and corrected by using the following testing steps
and corrections were also noted for future use. Thus, a series of testing is performed on
the proposed system before the system is ready for implementation.

The various types of testing done on the system are:

1. Integration testing
2. Validation testing
3. Unit testing
4. Output testing
5. User Acceptance testing

5.2.1 Unit testing: Unit testing focuses on verification effort on the smallest unit of
software design module. Using the unit test plans prepared in the design phase of the
system development as a guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors
within the boundary of the modules. The interfaces of the modules are tested to ensure
proper flow of information into and out of the modules under consideration boundary
conditions were checked. All independent paths were exercised to ensure that all
statements in the module have been executed at least once and all error-handling paths
were tested. Each unit is thoroughly tested to check if it might fail in any possible
situation. This testing is carried during the programming state itself. At the end of this
testing phase each module is found to be having an adverse effect working satisfactorily,
as regard to the expected output from the module.

5.2.2 Integration Testing: Data can be lost across an interface, one module can on
another; sub-functions when combined may not produce the desired major function:
global data structures can present problems. Integration testing is a systematic technique
for the program structure while at the same time concluding tests to uncover errors
associated with interface. All modules are combined in this testing step. Then the entire
program is tested as a whole. Each of the module is integrated and tested separately and
later all modules are tested together for some time to ensure the system as a whole works
well without any errors.

5.2.3 Validation Testing: At the culmination of the integration testing, the software is
completely assembled as a package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and
corrected, and a final series of software validation testing began. Here we test if the
system functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer. The
system is tested against the system requirement specification.

5.2.4 Output Testing: After performing validation testing, the next phase is output
testing of the proposed system, since no system can be useful if it does not produce the
desired output in the specified format. The output generated or displayed by the system
under consideration is tested by asking the user about the format required by them, here,
the output format is considered in two ways: One is on the screen and the other is on the
printed form. Beta testing is carried output by the client, and minor errors that have been
discovered by the client are rectified to improve the user friendliness of the system.


A crucial phase in the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new
system design. Implementation simply means converting a new system design into
operation. In system implementation, user training is crucial for minimizing resistance to
addict to the new system. Training aides, such as user-friendly manuals, a data dictionary,
and help information should be provided.

The implementation phase is less creative than design. It is primarily concerned with user
training, site preparation, and file conversion. When the candidate system is linked to
terminals or remote sites, the telecommunications network and tests of the network along
with the system are also included under implementation. Implementation is used here to
mean the process of converting a new or a revised system design into an operational one.
Our situation is the implementation of a computer system to replace an existing manual
This involves several steps:

1. System Installation
2. User training


1. Register for www domain name.
2. Establish 2 MBPS net connectivity.
3. Install Microsoft SQL servers back end.
4. Create admin account in database.
5. Create admin data source name in the server
6. Export the data base table to the oracle database.
7. Start the Web server process.
8. Host the design site to the server.

The analysis of user training focuses on two factors: user capabilities and the nature of
the system being installed. Users range from naïve to the highly sophisticated.
Developmental research provides interesting insights into how naïve computer users
think about their first exposure to a new system. They approach it as concrete learners,
learning how to use system without trying to understand which abstract principle
determines which function. The distinction between formal and concrete learning says
much about what one can expect from trainees in general. The training aids we used to
train the staff of the organization are listed below:
1. The user manual.
2. Help screens.
3. Data dictionary.
4. Job aids


Web Portal System, which is well-known for its flexibility, versatility and user friendly
features. It is highly applicable for enterprise level deployments There are no physical
boundaries to this project, since it is internet based project and holds all the necessary
functions that can be utilized as a portal or gateway to other sites, systems or databases.
We also hold expertise in implementing content management systems to display the
portal in multiple languages such as English, Hindi and Telugu.
There are some limitations in this system which can be improved in the future. E-mails
and video conferencing can be added as a future improvement for this we needs to extend
the system database.
Finally we want to make this project a revolution in the net sales.


1. C.J Date, (2003) ‘Database Management Systems’, pp.36-77.

2. Herbert Schildt, (2007) ‘The Complete Reference for Java’, vol.1.2,


3. Kathy Sierra, (2005)’ Java Head first’, pp.155-212.

4. Thomas A Powell, (2007) ‘The Complete Reference’, vol.1, pp.456-521.


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