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Module 2

Role of a Designer
• The designer must fully understand what is needed
from the final design.

• The designer must be able to translate the client’s

wishes into the languages of engineering design

– We draw pictures in graphical languages;

– we write and apply formulas in the language of
– we ask verbal questions and provide verbal descriptions;
• simplest model of the design process defines three

1.Generation: the designer generates or creates various

design concepts.

2. Evaluation: the designer tests the chosen design against

metrics that reflect the client’s objectives and against
specifications that stipulate how the design must

3. Communication: the designer communicates the final

design to the client and to manufacturers or fabricators
• Detail design process consist of 5 stages

1. Problem Definition
2. Conceptual Design
3. Preliminary Design
4. Detailed Design
5. Design Communication
Problem Definition
• We frame the problem by delineating the
customer requirements,
• which means
– clarifying the client’s objectives,
– identifying constraints, and
– establishing functions before we begin
conceptual design.
– original problem statement

– revise client’s problem statement
– clarify objectives
– identify constraints
– establish principal functions

– customer requirements:
– revised problem statement
– initial list of final objectives
– initial list of constraints
– initial list of principal functions
Conceptual design
• We generate different concepts or schemes to achieve a client’s
objectives, satisfy constraints, and perform functions.

• Enough details (e.g., the spatial and structural relationships of

the principal components) are worked out to estimate costs,
weights, overall dimensions…

• Ladder concepts might be an extension ladder, a stepladder, or

a rope ladder.

• We evaluate these concepts first translating the customer

requirements (i.e., objectives, constraints, and functions) into
engineering specifications
• Input:
– customer requirements
– revised problem statement
– initial list of final objectives
– initial list of constraints
– initial list of principal functions

• Tasks:
– establish functional specifications
– establish means for functions
– write limits or boundaries of constraints
– develop metrics for objectives
– generate design alternatives
– refine and apply metrics to design alternatives
– estimate design alternatives’ major attributes
– choose a design concept

• Output:
– a chosen design
– Specifications.
Preliminary design
• Here we flesh out our proposed concepts, that is, we embody
design schemes with preliminary versions of their most
important attributes.

• We select and size the major subsystems

• Preliminary design is definitely more “technical”

• We might do back-of-the envelope or computer calculations

• For a stepladder, for example, we size the side rails and the
steps, and perhaps decide how to fasten the steps to the side
• Input:
– a chosen design
– Specifications

• Tasks:
– model and analyze chosen design
– test and evaluate chosen design

• Output:
– analysis, testing, evaluation of chosen design
Model , Test & Analyze the chosen design

Sketching 3-D Modeling Analysis

Prototyping 2-D Drawing Team Work

Detailed design
• We now articulate our final design in much greater
detail, refining the choices we made in preliminary
design down to specific part types and dimensions

• We use detailed design knowledge and procedures

expressed in specific rules, formulas, and algorithms
that are found in design codes

• e.g., the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Code, the

Universal Building Code, handbooks, databases, and
• Input:
– the analyzed, tested, evaluated design

• Tasks:
– refine, optimize the chosen design
– assign and specify the design details

• Output:
– proposed design and design details
Design Communication
• We now spell out and present our design process,
the resulting final design, and its fabrication

• In practice, the designer will usually have already

developed much of the documentation along the

• this communication phase will be more about

tracking and organizing prior work products than
writing a “new” report from “scratch.”
• Input:
– proposed design and design details
– Task: document the final design

• Outputs:
– final written, oral reports to client containing:
(1) description of design process
(2) drawings and design details
(3) fabrication specifications
• There are two other important elements that
we can include in design process
– Feedback
– Iteration.
Unstructured Problem statement
conversation of a student to a friend

“I went to sir’s room and switched on the

fan, all paper on his work table started flying
off. I had to spend lot of time to segregate the
paper and keep it back properly. I felt very bad
of loosing so much time. It is a bad day for me,
sir may scold me.”
Paper are flying off – help me!
Unstructured problem statement
• Paper are flying off – help me!
ask questions?
I need to segregate papers
I need to reorder it
I need to turn it around a read
Possible solutions
Let us Choose Paper punch
Scan through available range
• A design space is a useful notion that conveys a feel for the
problem at hand

• A large design space suggests a design domain with a large

number of acceptable designs, or a design problem with a
large number of design variables.

• e.g., auto and building designs occupy very large design


• Morphological chart is as a formal tool for generating

design spaces and for generating within those spaces a
population of designs that perform the functions we
Defining a Design Space by Generating a
Morphological Chart
• A morphological chart is a matrix in which the
leftmost column is a list of all of the principal
functions that our design must perform and also
some of the key features it must have.

• across from each of the functions or features, we list

each of the different means of realizing the function
or feature that we can think of

• Design a morph chart for the juice container design

problem ?
A morphological (“morph”) chart for the juice container design
problem with functions listed in the left most column. The means by
which each can be implemented are arrayed along a row to each
entry's right
• When we see a very small number of means this suggests
that either we have a small design space (i.e., limited
choices) or we have not fully explored the available design

• We start building conceptual designs from the morph

chart by noting that any feasible design must be
functionally complete

• ie. every function, listed in the leftmost column must be

achieved by that design.

• So we assemble designs by choosing one means from

each row, and combine them into a functional design
concept or scheme
two feasible design alternatives whose
means are dark and light shaded
two infeasible combinations
• How many potential designs are there in that morph chart,
that is, just how big is our design space?

• for the juice container morph chart the number of design

alternatives could be as large as 4 x 5 x 6 x 2 x 3 =720

• But all of these 720 combinations are not feasible solutions

• Thus, our morphological chart provides both a tool to

develop a design space, and it provides an approach to
refine that design space by identifying and excluding
infeasible, incompatible alternatives
Analogies in Design
Design by Analogy:

• Analogy is the process of connecting two seemingly

different domains that share something in common.

• Make use of existing examples to initiate ideas to solve a

new problem.

• Creative people use analogical reasoning to arrive at

Wind Turbines generating electricity need to be quiet as
people who live near demand quiet operation.

Owls are famously silent predators, able to surprise their

prey thanks to sound dampening wings.

Blade design can be analogues to the wings of owls.

Such analogies from nature are also termed as

Bombardier Beetle
1. Direct analogy

2. Symbolic analogies – eg. when we “plant” ideas

or talk about objectives “trees,” because we are
clearly drawing connections through some
underlying symbolism

3. Fantasy analogies - by imagining something that

is literally fantastic or beyond belief.
• Fantasy analogies suggest another approach,
sometimes called “thinking outside of the box.”
Thinking Outside the box
• Some analogies are literally fantastic or beyond belief.

• For this, it is essential to “think outside of the box “

• We are all in a box.
• We are surrounded by things that are well known to us.
• We see how people behave, how they react, what they say,
what they use, how they use and so on.
• Such a surrounding envelopes us.
• If you want to be different ( creative) then thinking and doing
differently is the only option.
• So think outside the box.
• To be creative, step out of the box, change your mindsets
and attitudes, leave all your experiences behind and start to
look at things from different perspectives.
• Think of crazy ideas that are non workable at the first
• We are not very far past the time when many of the
technologies we take for granted were thought to be
outrageous ideas that were beyond belief.

• For example, airplanes that are invisible to radar.

• The arterial stents used in angioplasty surgery.

• Who would have believed that an engineering structure

could be erected within the narrow confines of a human
This is a coronary stent, that is, a device used to maintain arterial shape
and size so as to allow uninhibited and natural blood flow.

Note how this structure resembles the kind of scaffolding often seen
around building renovation and construction projects.
Quality Function Deployment [QFD]
• Quality is “fitness for use,” that is, quality is a
measure of how well a product or service meets its
specifications and requirements.

• One of the most important notions used by many

designers is quality function deployment (QFD),
which is expressed in a tool called the House of
Quality (HoQ)

• A HoQ is a matrix that combines a lot of information

about stakeholders, desirable characteristics of
designed products, current designs, performance
measures, and trade-offs.
An elementary abstraction of a House of Quality that displays and relates
stakeholder interests, design attributes, measures, targets, and current
products. The HoQ helps designers explore relationships among them
• Who refers to the stakeholders in the design process: client(s),
users, and other affected parties.

• What entries correspond to the design’s desired attributes (i.e.,

objectives, constraints, functions) objectives.

• Now entries refer to existing products or designs that are

typically found during problem definition, and they are used for
benchmarking proposed designs.

• How elements refer to the metrics for objectives and the

specifications for functions.

• How Much or Target are goals or targets for the What entries.

• The remaining sections are devoted to the relationships, values,

or trade-offs among the elements we’ve just described.
HoQ for a Laptop Computer
• Who - Stakeholders include traveling users, office users, and the
manufacturer’s production group

• What entries correspond to the design’s desired attributes (i.e.,

objectives, constraints, functions) objectives.

• Who versus What section - travelers place a high priority on objectives

lightweight and durable, while office users are more interested in
inexpensive and adaptable.

• Now - two existing designs, one a standard laptop case and the other a
standard desktop/tower casing

• Whats versus Hows - costs (of raw materials and of assembly) are
strongly related to inexpensive

• Now versus What is the result of benchmarking the two existing design
• Roof of the house shows some of the
relationships and trade-offs that designers will
need to consider.

• Making the case lighter, for example, is likely to

trade off negatively with resistance to forces.

• Similarly, increasing the number of parts is

likely to result in higher assembly costs.
• With several feasible designs in hand, we now turn to choosing
a “best” or preferred design

• Resource availability (e.g., time, money, and personnel) to

develop more than one design will be rare

• we found our alternatives using a morph chart or a less

structured approach,

• we have to “pick a most appropriate design ” from among the

identified options for further elaboration

• design alternatives that don’t meet constraints must be

immediately rejected as infeasible.
Numerical Evaluation Matrices
• This matrix shows both constraints (upper rows) and objectives
(lower rows) in the left-hand column

• For simplicity’s sake, we have limited our objectives to a subset

of ones the client has indicated as particularly important

• design alternatives that don’t meet constraints must be

immediately rejected as infeasible

• Eg. In juice container problem, We can immediately rule out

glass bottles and aluminum containers because they violate a
constraint because of their potential for sharp edges
A numerical evaluation matrix for the juice container design problem
• designers might wind up choosing different designs
based on the values of their clients.

• For example, one client might value an

environmentally friendly container , client would
choose the polyethylene bottle.

• Another client might value ease of distribution above

all else, perhaps because its principal concern is to
get its new juice distributed into markets as quickly
as possible.

• With this value in mind, they might choose the Mylar

The Best-of-Class Chart

A best-of-class chart for the juice container design problem

• For each objective, we assign scores to each design
alternative that start from 1 for the alternative that meets
that objective best, increasing to 2 for second-best, and so

• This approach allows the designer and client to see how

each design ranked with respect to the objectives, but
gives no information on the actual scoring

• Also as we saw in our juice container example, we do not

know if the first and second results are close or not, which
could be important information.

• Drawing is very important in design because a lot of

information is created and transmitted in the
drawing process.

• Design drawings include sketches, freehand

drawings, and computer-aided design and drafting
(CADD) models that extend from simple wire-frame
drawings through elaborate solid models

• In drawings, putting notes next to a sketch is a

powerful way to organize information
• Sketching is a powerful tool in design because
it enables us to convey our design ideas to
others quickly and concisely.

• There are several types of sketches

– Orthographic
– Axonometric
– Oblique sketches
– Perspective sketches
• Orthographic sketches - lay out the front, right and top
views of a part.

• Axonometric sketches - start with an axis, typically a

vertical line with two lines 30 from the horizontal. This axis
forms the corner of the part.

• Oblique sketches - are probably the most common type of

quick sketch. The front view is blocked in roughly first,
depth lines are then added

• Perspective sketches - are similar to oblique sketches in

that the front view is blocked in first. Then a vanishing
point is chosen and projection lines drawn from the points
on the object to the vanishing point
Different types of Design Drawings
1. Layout drawings

• are working drawings that show the major parts

or components of a device and their relationship

• are usually drawn to scale, do not show


• are subject to change as the design process

2.Detail drawings

• show the individual parts or components of a device

and their relationship

• These drawings must show tolerances, and they

must also specify materials and any special
processing requirements.

• Detail drawings are drawn in conformance with

existing standards,

• are changed only when a formal change order

provides authorization.
3. Assembly drawings

• show how the individual parts or components of a

device fit together.

• An exploded view is commonly used to show such

“fit” relationships

• We identify components by part numbers or entries

on an attached bill of materials;

• they may include detail drawings if the major views

in the detail drawings cannot show all of the
required information.
Tolerances and Standards
• drawings show tolerances when they define the permissible ranges of
variation in critical or sensitive dimensions.

• As a practical matter, it is impossible to make any two objects exactly the


• They may appear to be the same because of our limited ability to

distinguish differences at extremely small or fine resolution.

• When we are producing many copies of the same thing intended to

function in the same way, we must limit as best we can any variation from
their ideally designed form.

• Tolerances formally prescribe these limits.

• Standards explicitly shows best current engineering
practices in routine or common design situations.

• Thus, standards indicate performance bars that must be

met for drawings e.g., ASME Y14.5M–1994 Dimensions
and Tolerancing,

• for the fire safety of buildings built with in the United

States e.g., the Life Safety Code of the National Fire
Protection Association,

• for boilers e.g., the ASME Pressure Vessel Code, and so on.
• Trees shed their leaves annually. These leaves are
fairly large - 6 to 20 cm average size. Municipality
would like to collect them for later use.
Design a system for the following constraints.
• It should be done manually;
• The surface on which the leaves fall could be
smooth, uneven or rocky; The leaves are dry;
• Can use electricity if needed;
• Give your design options and make a rough sketch of
the design you have chosen giving reasons for your
choice, within 15 lines.
• It is the phase where the design concept is invested with
physical form, where we “put meat on the bones.”

• We have divided the embodiment phase of design into three


1. Product architecture— determining the arrangement of the

physical elements of the design into groupings, called modules

2. Configuration design—the design of special-purpose parts and

the selection of standard components, like pumps or motors

3. Parametric design— determining the exact values, dimensions,

or tolerances of the components or component features that
are deemed critical-to-quality
1. Product architecture
• The architecture of the product is given by the
relationships among the components in the product and
the functions the product performs.

• There are two entirely opposite styles of product

architecture, modular and integral.

• In a modular architecture, each module implements only

one or a few functions, and the interactions between
modules are well defined

• Eg. a personal computer

• In an integral architecture the implementation of
functions is accomplished by only one or a few modules.

• In integral product architectures, components perform

multiple functions. – ie function sharing

• This reduces the number of components, generally

decreasing cost

• Eg. crowbar, where a single part provides both the

functions of providing leverage and acting as a handle.

• Eg. BMW model R1200S motorcycle where the

transmission case serves as part of the structural frame,
thereby saving both weight and cost.
• The interfaces between modules are critical to
successful product functioning

• Standard interfaces, those that are well understood

by designers and parts suppliers, should be used if

• The personal computer is an outstanding example

of the use of standard interfaces.

• PCs can be customized, module by module, from

parts supplied by many different suppliers.
• A USB port can attach a variety of drives, printers…
to any computer.

• A modular architecture makes it easier to evolve the

design over time.

• It can be adapted to the needs of different

customers by adding or deleting modules

• Integral product architecture is often adopted when

constraints of weight, space, or cost make it difficult
to achieve required performance
2. Configuration design
• In configuration design we establish the shape and general dimensions of

• Exact dimensions and tolerances are established in parametric design

• component is used in the generic sense to include special-purpose parts,

standard parts, and standard assemblies

• A part is characterized by its geometric features such as holes, slots, walls,

ribs, projections, fillets, and chamfers

• standard part is one that has a generic function and is manufactured

routinely without regard to a particular product

• A special-purpose part is designed and manufactured for a specific

purpose in a specific product line
Four possible configurations of features for a right-angle bracket. (a) Bent from a fl at plate.
(b) Machined from a solid block. (c) Bracket welded from three pieces. (d) Cast bracket.
• Form or configuration of a part develops from its function.

• forms depend strongly on available materials and production

methods used to generate the form from the material.

• Moreover, the possible configurations are dependent on the spatial

constraints that define the envelope in which the product operates
and the product architecture.
• The best way to get started with configuration
design is to just start sketching alternative
configurations of a part.

• Sketches are an important aid in idea generation

and a way for piecing together unconnected
ideas into design concepts.

• Later as the sketches become scale drawings

they provide a vehicle for providing missing data
on dimensions and tolerances, and for simulating
the operation of the product (3-D solid modeling)
3.Parametric design
• In Configurational design , dimensions and tolerances were set
tentatively, and while analysis was used to “size the parts” it generally
was not highly detailed or sophisticated.

• Now the design moves into parametric design, the latter part of
embodiment design.

• In parametric design the attributes of components identified in

configuration design become the design variables for parametric design.

• A design variable is an attribute of a part whose value is under the

control of the designer.

• This typically is a dimension or a tolerance, but it may be a material,

heat treatment, or surface finish applied to the part
Assignment 1

Part A
1. List out the design objectives , constraints , function
and means of a) iron box b) portable dining table

2. Suggest any 2 design changes to ordinary tea cup

(with sketch )that can add value to it

3. A client requires a baby chair to be used in his dining

room for his baby . List out possible design constrains
Part B

4. Briefly explain energy needs in a design , its

realization and application

5. Explain
• Detailed design of stapler (Group 1,2,3,4)
• Detailed design of Clock (Group 5,6,7,8)
• Detailed design of Door (Group 9,10,11,12)
• Is the phase where all of the details are brought together, all
decisions are finalized, and a decision is made by management to
release the design for production.

• The activities in the detail design phase are as follows

– Make/buy decision
– Complete the selection and sizing of components
– Complete engineering drawings
– Complete the bill of materials
– Revise the product design specification
– Complete verification prototype testing
– Prepare final cost estimate
– Prepare design project report
– Final design project review
– Release design to manufacturing
Make/buy decision
• Meetings are held on deciding whether to
make a component in-house or to buy it from
an external supplier.

• This decision will be made chiefly on the basis

of cost and manufacturing capacity, with due
consideration given to issues of quality and
reliability of delivery of components
Complete the selection and sizing of
• Most of the selection and sizing of components
occurs in embodiment design

• Some standard components like fasteners or a

critical component for which you have been
waiting for test data or FEA analysis results may
not yet have been selected or designed will be
selected here

• A design freeze is done in this stage

Complete engineering drawings
• As each component, subassembly, and assembly is designed, it
is documented completely with drawings

• Drawings of individual parts are usually called detail drawings .

• These show the geometric features, dimensions, and tolerances

of the parts.

• Sometimes special instructions for processing the part in

manufacture, like heat treating or finishing steps, are included
on the drawing.

• Assembly drawings show how the parts are put together to

create the product or system
Complete the bill of materials
• The bill of materials (BOM) or parts list is a list
of each individual component in the product

• It is used in planning for manufacture and in

determining the best estimate of product cost.
Revise the product design specification

• The specification contains information on the

technical performance of the part, its dimensions,
test requirements, materials requirements,
reliability requirement, design life, packaging
requirement, and marking for shipment.

• The part specification should be sufficiently detailed

to avoid confusion as to what is expected from the
Complete verification prototype testing
• Once the design is finalized, a prototype is built
and verification tested to ensure that the design
meets the PDS and that it is safe and reliable
Final cost estimate
• The detail drawings allow the determination of final
cost estimates, since knowledge of the material, the
dimensions, tolerances, and finish of each part are
needed to determine manufacturing cost.

• To make these calculations a bill of materials is


• Cost analysis also needs specific information about

the particular machines and process steps that will
be used to make each part.
Prepare design project report
• A design project report usually is written at the
conclusion of a project to describe the tasks
undertaken and to discuss the design in detail.

• This is a vital document for passing on design know-

how to a subsequent design team engaged in a
product redesign project.

• Also, a design project report may be an important

document if the product becomes involved in either
product liability or patent issues
Final design review
• Many formal meetings or reviews will have
preceded the final design review

• However, the final design review is the most

structured and comprehensive of the reviews.

• The final design review results in a decision by

management on whether the product design is
ready for production, and the major financial
commitment that this entails
Release design to manufacturing
• The release of the product design to
manufacturing ends the main activity of the
design personnel on that product
• The first type of model one thinks of is a physical model
made of plastic or wood or other easy-to-work materials.

• It may be a representation frozen in time or it can have joints

and subsystems that mimic the actual motion of the design in
a variety of use conditions

• A Model also can be design sketches, mechanical drawings

done by hand, or one of a variety of computer-aided design
(CAD) representations.

• A model can also exist as equations that describe

characteristics of the product or system of interest- called
mathematical or analytical models.
• Mathematical models are created to explore a design space by
solving the equations for a variety of input variables to obtain a
set of outputs.

• Simulation is the exploration of a model by varying the system


• Often this is done with a computer based mathematical model

• But sometimes the behavior of a part or system may be too

complex to model analytically.

• In this type of situation, a designer must rely on testing a

physical prototype to demonstrate the behavior and collect data
points under a variety of conditions that mimic the behavior
• The most familiar tools for analysis include software
programs like Mathematica , Maple , and MATLAB .

• The latter has been widely adapted within many

engineering programs because of its capacity for
numerical computing and graphics visualization.

• MATLAB provides outstanding mathematical analysis

abilities, including matrix operations, statistical analysis,
simultaneous equation solving, and solution algorithms
for ordinary and partial differential equations.

• MATLAB also provides add-on toolboxes of specialized

functions for modeling dynamic systems.

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