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Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Chemistry 241 About Me

Professor: Gary L. Glish
B.A. 1976 Wabash College
Office: Caudill 320
» majors: Chemistry and Economics
Phone: 962-2303
email: chem241glish@unc.edu
Ph.D. 1980 Purdue University
Office Hours: 1980-1992 Oak Ridge National
» Monday 2:00-3:00; Thursday 11:00–12:00
» Other afternoons - drop-in or by appointment 1992 UNC
» Teach: Chem 070, 101, 241, 241L,
395, 396, 448, 742, 742L, 743, 941,
992, 993, 994

Chemistry 241 Prerequisites Class logistics

Chem 102 or 102H blackboard.unc.edu
»Lecture Notes
It is an Honor Code violation to enroll »Exam keys
in a course for which you have not
taken prerequisites.
»Old exams
»Equation sheet

Class logistics Class logistics – Schedule

Book: Quantitative Chemical Week of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Analysis, 7th Edition, by Daniel C. May 10 Chpts. 3, 4,5 Chpt. 23,24 Chpt. 24,25 No Class

May 17 Chpt. 25,26 Chpt. 9 Chpt. 10 No Class

Harris (UNC Custom text is subset of Exam 1

May 24 No Class No Class No Class No Class No Class

chapters from this)
May 31 No Class Chpt. 11 Exam 2 Chpt. 18,20 No Class
» Also recommended: Solutions Manual June 7 Chpt. 20, 21 Chpt. 21, 22 Exam 3 Chpt. 14,15 No Class

Grading -
» 3 in class exams - 20% each Final Exam
» final exam - 40% 3-6 PM, Monday, June 14th
» Ask the Class (extra credit)

Section 1 1
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Class logistics - Exams Honor System (http://honor.unc.edu)

Final is comprehensive  General Responsibilities.
The final will be divided into sections, a It shall be the responsibility of every student at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill to:
better score on a section of the final than 1. Obey and support the enforcement of the Honor Code;
the in-class exam will replace that grade
Missed exams will use the
2 Refrain from lying
2. lying, cheating,
cheating or stealing;
3. Conduct themselves so as not to impair significantly the welfare or
corresponding section of the final as the educational opportunities of others in the University community;
grade and

Equation sheet will be provided 4. Refrain from conduct that impairs or may impair the capacity of
University and associated personnel to perform their duties, manage
Left handers – email me by Feb. 1 if you resources, protect the safety and welfare of members of the
University community, and maintain the integrity of the University.
want a left-handed desk for exams

Honor System Procedures Exam Policies

Professor reports possible violation  Cheating on an exam - automatic 0 (can NOT
be replaced)
Student attorney general decides if  NO CELL PHONES or IPODS – automatic 0
g should be filed ((can NOT be replaced)
p )
Honor system notifies accused  Exam leaves room other than with me –
student – defense counsel provided automatic 0 (can NOT be replaced)
 Exam not turned in within 60 seconds after I
Honor Court Trial say STOP – automatic 0 (can be replaced)
If convicted - Sanctions

Exam Policies Class logistics - Grading scale

Replacement of grade from Final xx Grade
Exam not valid for grades resulting s A 1.25
from disciplinary action x  your score B  0.45
If you only
l take
k the
h Final
Fi l Exam,
E that
h x  class average C -0.75
grade is your grade
s  standard deviation D  -1.4
If you miss more than 1 exam AND
the Final Exam, no replacement of You must earn at least 50% of the
grades points to pass

Section 1 2
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Class logistics - Alternative scale Class logistics - Equations

92 -100%  A
84 - 91 %  B H A =
2 2
[ H+ ]

[ H+ ] + [ H+ ] Ka1 + Ka1 Ka2

 g*  - E
=   e kT
 go 
 =
n E = h

76 - 83%  C
A' y ' b  x ' b A'
 K a1 K a2 F + K a1 K w 
1/ 2 A" y "b  x " b A" 1
[ H+ ] =   [ x]  [ y]  =
  x ' b  y ' b x 'b y 'b

68 - 75%  D
K a1 + F 
x " b  y " b x "b y "b

[Base] - b  (b2 - 4ac )

1/ 2
[ H+ ] A = -logT = bc
pH = pKa + log
[Acid] x=  HA =
2a Ka + [ H + ]

The scale that gives you the highest grade Csolute


%et  %ex  %e y ...
2 2

 
et  ex 2  e y 2 ...
2 Ka Kb = K w

will be used Cstandard areastandard

response to y .05916 q  nF
kx , y  E = E- log Q G = - nFE
response to x n

Class logistics - Ask the Class Class logistics - Ask the Class
Participation optional – must have a  Most questions will be worth 3 points
“clicker”  Music questions – 1 point for answering
Questions asked during class  It is an Honor Code violation to answer
with someone else’s clicker
F i off totall points
i over theh
semester multiplied by 10 and added
to final exam grade to calculate final

Class logistics - Homework Course Goals

Suggested homework problems on Learn some basics about
Blackboard Analytical Chemistry
Homework will not be graded or
collected Understand pprinciples
p of
Work on homework problems with techniques
classmates Apply principles to problem
At least one question on each exam will
be a homework problem solving (THINKING)

Section 1 3
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

What is Analytical Chemistry? What is an “Analyte”

Analytical chemistry is object of the chemical

the science of chemical measurements,
measurements sometimes the “sample”
 sometimes a component in
the “sample”.

What are we trying to measure? Define what is being measured

Qualitative Analysis - what is it?
surface composition
»Newcastle or Coors?
»What are the components that make bulk composition
up Coors?
C ? average composition
Quantitative Analysis - how much
is there? spatially resolved
»six pack or case? temporally resolved
»percent ethanol?

Main Topics for Chem 241 Let’s get started

separations Chapter 0 – nice general overview
chemical equilibria - acid/base Chapter 1 – review from 101/102
Chapter 2 – not necessary for this
spectroscopy - the use of radiation class,
l but
b helpful
h l f l for
f 241L
to probe chemical properties
electrochemistry - measurement of
electrical properties of solutions

Section 1 4
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Significant Figures Significant Figures - Logs

You should know sig figs
Points will be deducted on exams log 1034 = log 1.034 x 103 = 3.0145
Rounding off is done only on the
FINAL answer log 1.034 x 10-3 = -2.9855

antilog -4.756 = 1.75x 10-5

Accuracy and Precision Accuracy and Precision

Why do measurements disagree? Accuracy - how close to “true” value
Precision - how reproducible
Accuracy and precision not correlated
ERRORS i a measurement can be
i.e. b precise
i andd
not accurate or accurate and not

Types of Errors Uncertainty

Systematic (determinate) - something absolute (ex)
involved with the measurement » estimated uncertainty associated with
system that can be detected and measurement e.g. ±0.2mm
corrected » note that uncertainty has same units as
Random (indeterminate) - natural measurement
limitation in ability to make

Section 1 5
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Uncertainty Propagation of Uncertainty

relative (ex/x)
percent relative (%ex) √

» %ex = (ex/x) (100) √

» for constant absolute uncertainty, the √
relative uncertainty decreases with
increasing magnitude of measurement √

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

normal error, or bell shaped, curve
A curve which predicts the
distribution of data - only random
MUST define limits of data set

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

curve characterized by two Arithmetic mean
» arithmetic mean x
s  xi
» standard
t d d deviation
d i ti x
xi  value of measurement i
n  number of measurements

Section 1 6
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

Standard deviation standard deviation is a measure of the
width of the distribution - how close
   x  x 2 
2 the values are clustered about the
s   

 n  1 
n  1  degrees of freedom
s 2  variance

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

standard deviation of the mean Gaussian equation

s  1    x  2 2
n y  e 2
 2   
reduce standard deviation of the
mean by making more

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

for x = -  to + , probability must 95.5% of all values fall within ± 2s of
equal 1 the mean
probability that a value falls in some 99.7% of all values fall within ± 3s of
range is the area under curve in that the mean
range Table 4-1, page 56
z = (x-x)/s

Section 1 7
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution

% > x1 x z1 
x1  x
y From Table,
Table Find area
for z1 (=Az1)

%= (.5-Az1) x 100

x x1

Gaussian Distribution Confidence Intervals

x x1  x x2  x
Tells us what fraction of time the
% between z1  z2  “true” value will be within the range
x1 and x2 s s
From Table, find area
of our error bars
y f z1 (=A
for ( Az1) and
d z2

%= (Az1+Az2) x 100

x2 x x1

Confidence Intervals Confidence Intervals

What is the likelihood that the “t” is called “Student’s t” and is a
“true” value (µ) lies in some range statistically derived value
about the mean (x )? the value of “t” is dependent upon the
number of measurements and the
level of confidence desired

Section 1 8
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Confidence Intervals Confidence Intervals

Increasing the level of confidence
increases the range of values
Increasing the number of
measurements decreases the range of

p. 58

Confidence Intervals Confidence Intervals

Data set (12.6, 11.9, 13.0, 12.7, 12.5) t50% = 0.741
mean = 12.5, std. dev. = 0.4
There is a 50% likelihood that the  0.741 0.4 
true value
l isi in
i what
h range??   12 .5 
 12.4 <  < 12.6
 at 90% confidence (t90% = 2.132)
12.1 <  < 12.9

Comparison of Means Comparison of Means

Are two sets of data the same or Comparison of measurement to
different? known value - same as confidence
Calculate the % confidence that they interval
are different - or is difference only
due to random chance x
n  t calc
If tcalc > t in Table, data sets are
DIFFERENT at that confidence level

Section 1 9
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Comparison of Means Comparison of Means

Comparison of two sets of 1
measurements  x1  x2  n1n2  2
t   
calculate “t”, compare to Table to s  n  n 
determine level of confidence  pooled  1 2 

 

  i 1 set 2 j 2
  x x 2   x x 2
 2

spooled   set1 
 n1  n2  2 
 

Comparison of Means Comparison of Means

Comparison of individual differences d
t  
 12
 n 
calculate “t” compare to Table to  sd 
determine level of confidence d  average
g deviation 
 x Ai  x Bi 

  d i  d 
 2

sd   
 n 1 
 

Comparison of Standard Deviations Q test for bad data

2 Sometimes, for unknown reasons,
F  12 you get a bad data point
s2 Determine whether it is statistically
s1  s2 significant with Q test

Fcalculated > Ftable means significant difference

Section 1 10
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Q test for bad data Q test for bad data

Need at least 4 measurements Gap
The magnitude of Q to reject data is Q
dependent upon # of measurements
and degree of likelihood (Table 4-5)
4 5) Gap = difference between suspect
data point and next closest data point
Range = difference between suspect
data point and furthest data point

Quantification Quantification
Desire linear response with amount can use signal height if peak is
of sample symmetrical - better to use area
plot a parameter of signal (e.g. area, IF detector responds EQUALLY to
height) vs
vs. sample amount (weight
(weight, all analytes,
analytes relative areas = relative
concentration, etc.) amounts

Quantification Calibration Curve

Three common approaches to  Generate a plot of response versus
quantification known amount (e.g. concentration) of
» Calibration (Standard, Working) the analyte of interest
» Standard Addition x
» Internal Standard Response O x


Section 1 11
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Calibration Curve Standard Addition

Need to minimize matrix differences Add known amounts of analyte to
to reduce matrix effects aliquots of unknown amount
Need stable instrumentation
[ x] A
 x
[ x ]  [ s] Ax  s
 Know [s], measure Ax and Ax+s
 solve for [x]

Standard Addition Standard Addition

Constant matrix - no matrix effects
x Instrument stability still important

0 [s]

Internal Standard Internal Standard

Add a known amount of an analyte
(standard) similar to the analyte of [ x] response of x
interest to the sample F
[ s] response of s
Measure response of analyte and
standard F is response factor
Need to know response factor ideally =1

Section 1 12
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Internal Standard Internal Standard

Corrects for
x » sample losses during work-up
x » matrix effects
x » instrument instability

[ x]
[ s]

Calibration Calibration
Sensitivity (m) = slope of Calibration Limit of Detection (LOD) - minimum
Curve detectable amount
 signal 3s
m LOD 
 amount m
Limit of Quantitation

Calibration Least Squares

many measurements use calibration
curve of response vs. quantity ([ ],
weight, etc.)
get calibration curve collecting data
at several different quantities

Section 1 13
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Least Squares Least Squares

assume response is linear and find value of m and b that minimize
uncertainty in response (ey) is >> deviations of y
than uncertainty in quantity (ex) deviation of yi for xi
(standard) di = yi - y
y = mx + b di = yi - (mxi + b)

Least Squares Least Squares

must square to make all deviations,
positive or negative, weighted the
di 

 di2 = (yi - mxi - b)2

y = mx + b


Least Squares Least Squares

x   x y   D
Use matrix algebra to determine m

b 
and b i i i

x  y
 x y   x
i i

i i i
D  
x   x 2

i i
 xi n

Section 1 14
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Least Sq. - Uncertainty Least Sq. - Uncertainty

Because there is an uncertainty in y,
there must be an uncertainty 1
associated with m and b  s 2n  2

sm   y 
 D 
 
  d i  d 2 
1 1
  d i 2
  s  x i 2 
2 2 2 2

sy      sb   y

 n2   n2   D 
     

Least Sq. - Uncertainty Least Sq. - Uncertainty

the first decimal place of the standard Uncertainty in quantity of unknown
deviation is last sig. fig for slope or is:

 
to express uncertainty in terms of y  s y  b   sb 
confidence interval, multiply sm or sb x
by appropriate “t”
m   sm 

Analytical Separations Methods of Separation

 Why separate compounds?  Extraction
» to isolate or concentrate component(s) » washing clothes
from a mixture  Crystallization
» to separate a component(s) from other » drugs
species that would interfere in the
analysis  Distillation
» moonshine
 Chromatography

Section 1 15
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

 Extraction: transfer of a solute from one  Organic solvents less dense than water
phase to another. » diethyl ether, toluene, hexane
 Can use most any combination of phases  Organic solvents more dense than water
( lid liquid,
(solid, li id gas, supercritical
iti l fluid)
fl id) » chloroform, CCl4, dichloromethane
 Solvent extractions use two immiscible  Like dissolves like so ideally, the
liquids. extracting solvent should be similar to
» Typically aqueous/organic solvent combos the solute (analyte)

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

 Solute partitions between the two
funnel phases

add second
immiscible Phase 2 [S]2

shake Phase 1 [S]1

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

Equilibrium constant for this  Determination of solute
partitioning is K (partition concentration in each phase
 Define some variables:
[S]2 » V1 & V2 are volumes of solvents 1&2
K= » m = total # of moles of solute (S)
» q = fraction of solute remaining in
phase 1 at equilibrium

Section 1 16
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

[S]1 = qm/V1
[S]2 = (1-q)m/V2 K=
[S]2 (1-q)m/V2 (1-q) /V2
= =
[S]1 qm/V1 q/V1

V1 KV2
q= (1-q) =
KV2 + V1 KV2 + V1

fraction of S in: phase 1 phase 2

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

 If remove V2 and extract V1 with  Fraction in V1 after n extractions:
fresh layer of V2, what fraction
remains in V1?
» Initial moles = m n
» after first extraction = qm q(n) =
KV2 + V1
» after second extraction = q(qm)=q2m
V1 2
q(2) =
KV2 + V1

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

 Example: Solute A has a partition a) one 600.0 ml aliquot of hexane is
coefficient of 4.000 between hexane used?
and water. ((K = [S]
[ ]hexane/[S]
[ ]water = 4)) 150ml
If 150.0 ml of 0.03000 M aqueous A q= = 0.05882 = 5.882%
4(600ml) + 150ml
is extracted with hexane, what
fraction of A remains if: # moles remaining
0.05882 (0.03M•0.150L) = 2.647x10-4 moles

Section 1 17
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Solvent Extraction Solvent Extraction

b) 6 successive 100.0 ml aliquots of  Although same volume of hexane is
hexane are used? used, it is more efficient to do several
small extractions than one big one!
» 1 - 600 ml extraction extracts 94.12%
94 12%
150ml » 6 - 100 ml extractions extract 99.96%
q= = 0.0004115
4(100ml) + 150ml

# moles remaining
4.115 x 10-4 (0.03M•0.150L) = 1.852x10-6moles

Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Solvent Extraction (pH effects)

 with organic acids/bases:  Partitioning of organic acids between
two phases:
HA H+ + A- very little here, ions
have poor solubility
Kb HA H+ + A-
B + H2O BH+ + OH-
Generally, neutral species are more soluble Ka
aqueous HA H+ + A-
in an organic solvent and charged species
are more soluble in aqueous solution

Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Solvent Extraction (pH effects)

 When the solute (acid/base) can total conc. in phase 2

exist in different forms, D total conc. in phase 1
(di ib i coefficient)
(distribution ffi i ) is
i usedd HA [HA]org
instead of K (partition coefficient) D=
K [HA]aq + [A-]aq
HA H+ + A-

Section 1 18
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Solvent Extraction (pH effects)

 Substitute for [A-] in D eq. and [HA]2 [HA]2

rearrange D= 
Ka [ HA]1  K 
[HA]1  [HA]1  1  a 
[H+][A-] [H  ]  [ H ]
Ka [HA]
Ka = [A-] =
[HA] [H+]
[HA]2  K  [HA]2
D= D 1 a  = =K
K [ HA]  [ H ] [HA]1
[HA]1  a  1
[H ]

Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Solvent Extraction (pH effects)

 pH effect on D for organic acids
 K 
D 1 a  = K
 [ H ] K[H  ] [H+]>>Ka
D pH=pK
pH pKa
[H  ]  Ka K

K K[ H ] mainly mainly
D=  D
 K  [ H  ]  Ka HA A-
 1 a 
 [ H ] [H+]<<Ka


Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Solvent Extraction (pH effects)

 Example problem: Want to separate  Analogous treatment for organic
two organic acids using a scheme bases (proton acceptors, not KOH)
based on pH. Acid 1 (pKa = 4), Acid
2 (pKa = 8) [ +]]=Ka
pH=pKa [H+]<<K
] Ka
K1 Acid 2 stays in K
K2 organic phase, K Ka mainly mainly
acid 1 is extracted D= D BH+ B
D into aqueous phase [H+] + Ka

4 pH 8

Section 1 19
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Solvent Extraction (pH effects) Separate organic acid, base and neutral
 In general:
Initial Aq. phase

acid base
pH=1, extract with ether
Aq. Phase Ether Phase
Org. base Org. acid, Org. neutral
extract with pH=12 Aq. Sol’n

Aq. Phase Ether Phase

pH Org. acid Org. neutral

What is Chromatography What is Chromatography

 Method to separate components in a  Chromatography categorized on the
mixture based on different Distribution basis of interaction between solute
coefficients between the two phases. and stationary phase.
 Same principle as solvent extraction,  Mobile phase either gas or liquid
but one phase is stationary and one  Stationary phase either liquid or
phase is “mobile” solid
 Stationary phases are most commonly
coated or packed in a column

What is Chromatography What is Chromatography

Liq/Liq (Partition) Liquid  Other modes of chromatography
Liq/Solid (Adsorption) Chromatography (Fig. 23-6)
Gas/Liq (Partition) Gas » Ion-exchange: separates charged
Gas/Solid (Adsorption) Chromatography
» Size exclusion or Gel Permeation:
separates molecular size
» Affinity: separates on the basis of
antibody-anitgen, enzyme-substrate

Section 1 20
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Chromatography Basics Chromatography Basics

 Typical chromatogram: tr2



injection time time or volume

tm = time for mobile phase to travel tr = retention time
time or volume length of column (dead time)
tr = adjusted retention time
= tr - tm  = tr2/tr1 = relative retention

Chromatography Basics Chromatography Basics

Mobile phase flow rate:  Partition coefficient K = Cs/Cm
» volumetric flow rate (F): ml/min » C = Concentration of analyte
» linear flow rate (v): cm/min (mm/min) » s = stationary phase
T ways to describe
d ib solute
l » m = mobile
bil phase
“retention”  Vs = volume of stationary phase
» retention time, tr Vm = volume of mobile phase
» retention volume, Vr
Vr = Ftr

Chromatography Basics Chromatography Basics

 Capacity factor, k: a measure of What fraction of time does the solute
retention spend in mobile phase?
» higher k = greater solute retention  q = fraction of solute in mobile
Vs moless
k = K =
Vm molesm
ts tr - tm
k = t = t
m m

Section 1 21
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Chromatography Basics Chromatography Basics

q = moles + moles
= C V m +mC V  Fraction of time solute spends in
s m m m s s mobile phase
q = 1 + kk
1 1
q= CV q= Vs  larger k means greater retention times
1+ s s 1+K
CmVm Vm  Fraction of time solute spends in
stationary phase = (1-q)
K = capacity factor = k k
Vm (1-q) = 1 + k

Chromatography Basics Chromatography Basics

 Rate of travel of solute molecule  Retention time, tr: time it takes
through column: solute to go from beginning to end
linear flow rate (cm/min) of column. column length
rate = v (fraction of time in mp) tr = rate of solute travel

1 1 L
rate = v =v
tr = tm = L
Vs 1 v
1+K 1 + k v
Vm Vs

Chromatography Basics Efficiency of Separation

 Retention time, tr:  Typical chromatogram:
tr = tm ( 1 + K ) = tm (1+k’)
 Retention volume, Vr: multiply

retention time by volumetric flow rate, F

Vr = Vm ( 1 + K ) = Vm + KVs time or volume

Section 1 22
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Efficiency of Separation Efficiency of Separation

 Two factors affect how well two  Gaussian peak shape:
components are separated
» difference in retention time
» peakk widths
 Solutes in a column spread into a  
Gaussian profile: 1/2h

t0 tr

Efficiency of Separation Efficiency of Separation

 The resolution (separation) of two  Resolution: higher R, better
solutes: separation
tr Vr R=0.50 R=0.75
» resolution = w =w
avg avg

t0  time t0  time
tr = difference between retention times of two peaks
R 1 R=1.00 R=1.50
tr = (tr2 - tr1)
is good
wavg = average of the peak widths at baseline ( 4)
t0  time t0  time

Efficiency of Separation Efficiency of Separation

 Plate theory: tr
16 t r
5 . 55 t r
2 2

» treats separation in discrete stages, N   

more stages = more plates.  2
w 2
w1 2

Th ti l plates
l t (N):
(N) a number
b N is
i specific
ifi ffor eachh solute
l on a
indicating how good a column is for given column
a separation Increasing retention time increases N

Section 1 23
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Efficiency of Separation Efficiency of Separation

 relation of N to Resolution (R):  N required to obtain a certain
resolution: 2
16 R
  1   12
N1 N2 N2>N1

t0 time t0 time

Efficiency of Separation Why Bands Spread

 N depends upon the length of the column  Band broadening
 Independent of the column length is the
Height Equivalent of a Theoretical Plate
 Causes of band broadening:
» Longitudinal diffusion
L Lw2
HETP   » Resistance to mass transfer (RMT)
N 16tr 2 » Eddy diffusion
As HETP , resolution increases (N )

Why Bands Spread Why Bands Spread

Longitudinal diffusion: solute [ ] is Resistance to mass transfer (RMT):
lower at the edges of a band; solute Mobile
diffuses to the edges. phase slow equil.
St ti
bandwidth bandwidth
Low High Low
Same Conc.at Equil.
Conc. Conc. Conc.
HC = Cv : C = constant, v = flow rate
HB = B/v : B = constant, v = flow rate decrease HC by decreasing v
decrease HB by increasing v

Section 1 24
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Why Bands Spread Why Bands Spread

Eddy diffusion (not simple diffusion):
Van Deemter Equation:
HETP = HA + HB + Hc
HETP = A + (B/v) + Cv

HA = A : A = constant, depends on size of


Why Bands Spread Why Bands Spread

 van Deemter Plot: Asymmetric peak shapes: K depends
on [ ] at high [ ] (solute becomes
H B Cv
(+) overloaded
Linear ideal
v peak shape
(-) tailed


Why Bands Spread General Chromatography

 Asymmetric peak shapes Chromatography
slow slow chromatogram Gas Liquid
(+) deviation:

fast fast

fast fast
GC: volatile solutes
(-) deviation:
slow slow LC: any mobile phase soluble solutes

Section 1 25
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography

 Gas chromatography:
» Analytes (volatile) are vaporized and
transported through the column
» Gaseous mobile phase: (He(He, N2, or
 as long as mobile phase is inert, choice
is not critical
» Stationary phase: non-volatile liquid
or solid particles

Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatograph

 Schematic diagram of GC:
carrier gas detector


column oven
Tinj,det  Toven + 50°C

Gas Chromatograph Gas Chromatograph

Section 1 26
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Gas Chromatograph Gas Chromatography

 Solid stationary phase:
» fine solid particles packed into
stainless steel tubing
 carbon
b (carbon
( b bl black)
 SiO2 (silica gel), Al2O3 (alumina)
» analyte adsorbs directly on solid
» gives strong retention of solutes
(large surface area)

Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography

 Liquid stationary phase:  Liquid stationary phase cont’d:
» non-volatile liquid coated on inside of » ideal characteristics - wide liquid range
column or on fine solid support (min/max temp limits), stable, low
volatility, low viscosity (D and RMT)
» ideal characteristics of solid support: » examples of liquid stationary phases :
 strong, porous, high surface area and silicones: non to strong polarity depending
inert (non-adsorptive) on R groups
» real example of solid support: R R
 diatomaceous earth (algae skeletons) O Si O Si
R R n

Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography

 Liquid stationary phase cont’d:  Columns: packed
» ~ 3-6mm inner diameter
» examples of liquid stationary phases tubing, 1-5 m long
 carbowax: strong polarity » used for preparative
—CHCH2CH2O)n— separations
i or to separate
 other examples in Table 24-1 gases that are poorly
» chose stationary phase to match » lower resolution
polarity of solute (like dissolves like) » small, uniform particle
 solute polarities listed in Table 24-2 size decreases Eddy
diffusion (requiring
higher pressures)

Section 1 27
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography

 Columns: open
» 0.1-0.5 mm inner dia.,
10-100 m long
» 0.1-5 m thick sp
coated on inner walls
» higher resolution,
shorter analysis times,
greater sensitivity
compared to packed

Detectors Detectors
 Thermal Conductivity (most
common): e-


He has high thermal conductivity, is main

component entering detector

Detectors Detectors
 Thermal Conductivity
 Thermal Conductivity
» universal
» non destructive
» linear range (>105)
» Detection limit is  400 pg
analyte appears, T.C., Temp , Wire
Resistance , detector current   “read-

Section 1 28
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Detectors Detectors
 Flame Ionization Detector  Flame Ionization Detector (FID):
(FID): » organic solutes are burned in flame
cathode (collects producing CH radicals and eventually
CHO+ ions) CHO+
anode . .
» CH + O  CHO+ + e-
air » CHO+ ions are collected by cathode,
H2 produces current as the response
column effluent

Detectors Detectors
 Flame Ionization Detector (FID):  Electron Capture (ECD):
» organics (reduced carbon only) Radioactive
» Destructive -emitter insulator
7) Ni63 - +
» li
linear range (>10
» detection limit is  2 pg

- +


Detectors Detectors
 Electron Capture (ECD):  Electron Capture (ECD):
» -
+ gas  + + - gas+
(standing e- » Non-destructive
current) » non-linear
» e- + solute  solute- (e- capture) » l i to e- capturing
selective i solutes
» solute- + gas+  solute + gas » detection limit  5 fg
Current (I)



Section 1 29
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Detectors Qualitative Analysis

 Variations of FID:  All previous detectors non-specific
» Flame Photometric  retention times alone can’t identify a
» Alkali Flame compound
» Sulfur
S lf Chemiluminescence
Ch il i » Mass spectrometer
 Characteristics in Table 24-5 » Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
» compare spectra obtained by these two
detectors with known sample spectra

Qualitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis

Problems with comparing retention Kovats retention index (I):
times for qualitative analysis:
» tr dependent upon:   log trx  log trn 
I  100 n  ((N - n)) 
l trn 
v  l trN  log
 log
K f(temp) n = # of C atoms in smaller alkane
Vs, Vm f(packing) N = # of C atoms in larger alkane
» Can compare tr to retention of trx = adjusted retention time of unknown
standard solutes, typically alkanes trn = adjusted retention time of smaller alkane
trN = adjusted retention time of larger alkane

Qualitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis

Kovats index for linear alkanes Using Kovats retention index:
equals 100 times the number of
carbon atoms
  log trx  log trn 
I  100 n  (N - n) 
C9   log t   log t 
rn  

C7 rN

air x
  log (6.3 - 0.25)  log(5.6 - 0.25) 
I  100 8  (9 - 8) 
  log (7.4 - 0.25)  log(5.6 - 0.25) 
0.25 3.5 5.6 6.3 7.4
Time (min) I = 842

Section 1 30
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Temperature Programing Liquid Chromatography

 Preparative LC- separates
milligrams to grams of analyte
Response Response Response

C6 C7 Low T
air C8 C9
Analytical - separate micrograms to
picograms - HPLC

C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 High T High Performance LC

air C11 C12
» Liquid/Solid (LSC)
C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11C12 C13
» Liquid/Liquid (LLC)

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

 Small diameter packing (stationary
» provides more uniform flow (A ) 60 10m
» less distance for solutes to diffuse in 40 Packing
H (m))

mobile phase to interact with stationary 20 5m diameter

phase (C ) 10
» sacrifice: much higher pressure is
required to “push” mobile phase through 0 2 4 6 8
column (~3000psi = 200 atmospheres) Flow rate (ml/min)

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

 Liquid-Solid chromatography
(LSC): (adsorption)
» Stationary phases: very porous =
high surface area for interaction with
mobile phase
 silica gel: SiO2 xH2O
alumina: Al2O3  xH2O

Section 1 31
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

Silica - OH groups very polar  Liquid-Solid chromatography (LSC):
» Mobile phases: solvent displaces solute
OH OH from stationary phase, rather than solute
O Si O Si 5SiO2  2H2O » Elutropic series: relative ability of solvent
O O n to displace solute (Table 25-2)
O Si O Si  Methanol>acetonitrile>chloroform>hexane
O OH » The greater the eluent strength, , the
O Si OH more rapidly solutes will be eluted

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

 Elutropic elution:
Toluene °=0.22

Acetonitrile °=0.52

Start w/ 100% Benzene “gradient

then add Acetonitrile

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

Gradient elution - composition of the  LSC:
mobile phase changes with time » can use thin-layer plates (TLC):
solvent A = benzene, solvent B =

cheap, easy to do and learn, simultaneous

separations, but poor quantification,
time reproducibility and resolution

Section 1 32
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

 Liquid-liquid chromatography  Common liquid stationary phases:
(LLC): » Polar phases:
» Stationary phase: viscous liquid  Amino [R = (CH2)3NH2 ]
coated or chemically bonded to  Cyano [R = (CH2)3CN ]
exposed silanol groups of silica (solid  Diol [R = (CH2)2OCH2CH(OH)CH2OH ]
support) CH CH
» Non-Polar phases:
3 3
 Octadecyl, C18 [R = (CH2)17CH3 ]
Si OH + Cl Si R Si O Si R  Octyl [R = (CH2)7CH3 ]
CH3 CH3  Phenyl [R = (CH2)3C6H5 ]

Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography

 “Normal” phase LC: “Reversed” phase LC:
» Polar stationary phase » Non-polar stationary phase
» Non-polar mobile phase
» non polar  polar
Order of elution: non-polar
» Polar mobile phase
» Solvent strength: non-polar (weak), polar » Order of elution: polar  non-polar
(strong) » Solvent strength: non-polar (strong),
polar (weak)

Like dissolves Like! Like dissolves Like!

Liquid Chromatography LC Instrumentation

 “Classical” vs HPLC:  Schematic diagram of HPLC:
Packing Pressure N
Pump Injector
classical: 50 m gravity 500
HPLC 3-5
HPLC: 3 5 m 3000psi
3000 i 15,000
15 000 Pump I
Column Detector
» HPLC: higher resolution, faster and Solvent Solvent To waste or
good quantification, but expensive and A B fraction collector
complex isocratic: 1 solvent
gradient: 2 or more solvents

Section 1 33
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

LC Instrumentation LC Instrumentation
Injection valve  Primarily use packed columns
from pump although capillary columns are
to column gaining in popularity

» 5-30 cm long
» 1-5 mm i.d.
Injection port » Often use a guard column to protect
Sample loop main column

LC Instrumentation LC Instrumentation
 UV spectrophotometric Detectors:  UV Spectrophotometric Detectors:
» linear (105 range in solute [ ] )
Eluate in » 0.1-1 ng detection limit
» f i l universal
fairly i l (solvent
( l limited)
li i d)
Light » can handle gradients
source Detector  Fluorescence Detectors are 100x
more sensitive, but less universal
Eluate out

LC Instrumentation Commercial LC Instrument

 Mass Spectrometer Detectors:
» linear (105 range in solute [ ])
» sensitive (0.1-1 fg detection limit)
» can handle
h dl gradients
» universal
» response is fairly specific for each
» often used in conjunction with UV det.

Section 1 34
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Ion Exchange Ion Exchange

Partition solute between solvent and Stationary phase is a cross-linked
charged sites on stationary phase copolymer
» solute must be ionic » vinyl benzene/divinylbenzene
it attract
tt t » vinyl
i l benzene
b  polystyrene
l t
» anion exchange - positively charged » divinylbenzene is cross linker - links
stationary phase polystyrene chains together
» cation exchange - negatively charged
stationary phase

Ion Exchange Ion Exchange

Stationary phase Stationary phase - cross linked
polymer CH CH CH CH CH
CH CH2 CH CH2 2 2


Vinyl benzene
divinyl benzene
Use 1 - 16% divinyl benzene, amount changes pore
size, rigidity - cross linking,  selectivity R

Ion Exchange Ion Exchange

Section 1 35
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Ion Exchange Ion Exchange

Binding of analyte depends upon Selectivity coefficient
» Magnitude of charge
Coulombs Law - F  q1q2/r2 R-Na+ + Li+ R-Li+ + Na+
3+ >2+ > 1+
» size of hydrated ion (related to r in [ R  Li  ][ Na  ]
Coulomb eq.) K
[ R  Na  ][ Li  ]
Selectivity coefficients relative to Li = 1.00

Ion Exchange Ion Exchange

Gradient elution with increasing ionic
strength or pH change
KAg > KNa
» IIncreasing
i solvent
l [Li+] elutes
l N +
before Ag +

» Note that Li+ and H+ are the most

weakly bound ions, but can still use
them to elute other ions if their [ ] is
sufficiently high

Ion Exchange Molecular Exclusion

More commonly called Gel
Permeation Chromatography (GPC)
Also called Size Exclusion
Chromatography (SEC)

Section 1 36
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Molecular Exclusion Molecular Exclusion

Stationary phase contains small pores
that analytes can diffuse into
(depending upon size)
Larger molecules cannot fit into
pores so they elute faster than smaller

Molecular Exclusion Molecular Exclusion

 Stationary Phase  Stationary phase typically a cross-linked
» pore size determines range of MW polymer
which can be separated (see Table 26-  Common stationary phases
4) » Sephadex (glucose/glycerol polymer,
polymer Fig.
» exclusion limit: smallest molecule 26-2)
which can not fit into the pores; any » Bio-Gel (polyacrylamide gel, Fig. 26-12)
larger molecule will have same Vr

Molecular Exclusion Molecular Exclusion

Stationary Phase - solvent trapped in
pores (Vs) Vr  Vm  KVs
Mobile Phase - solvent outside of Vr  V0  KVs
Mobile Phase Volume (Vm) = Void V  V0
K r
Volume (V0) Vs
If solute is larger than pores,
Vr = V0 and K=0

Section 1 37
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Molecular Exclusion Molecular Exclusion

For intermediate sized molecules,
VT  V0  Vs
0 < K < 1
Vs  VT  V0 If K > 1, analyte has adsorped to sites
Vr  V0 on column
K av  VT = volume of column
VT  V0
If solute is small and penetrates all pores,
Vr = VT and K=1

Molecular Exclusion Molecular Exclusion

Applications of GPC  Molecular weight determination:
» Molecular weight determination: » compare Vr of unknown to that of
 separation based on hydrodynamic standards with known MW and
radii which
hich is roughly
ro ghl correlated to MW similar str
ct re
» Desalting - remove salt impurities
from biological samples 6 Different classes
Log MW of stationary

Affinity Chromatography Affinity Chromatography

 Makes use of tight, specific complex  Process
(highly selective):
» antigen/antibody
» enzyme/substrate
/ bt t support
 Very powerful method of arm affinity
purification in biology

Section 1 38
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Affinity Chromatography Electrophoresis

 Can release bound species by  Separation is based on differences in
changing pH, temp, ionic strength, migration of charged ions in an
etc. electric field in solution
 Example chromatogram: typically carried out on buffer soaked
paper or gel
conditions desired solute
(+) anode n (-) cathode
- ++

Electrophoresis Electrophoresis
 Rate of migration dependent upon: Rate of migration:
 size of solute » electrophoretic velocity, Vep = epE
» larger size, more friction, slower ep: electrophoretic mobility = q/f
movementt q = charge
h iin Coulombs
C l b
 charge of solute f = friction coefficient (f = 6r, Stokes
» greater charge, increased force Eq.)
(Coulomb’s law), faster migration E = electric field strength (volts/cm)

Capillary Electrophoresis Commercial CE instrument

 Schematic:
fused silica

HV pressurized

Section 1 39
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Capillary Electrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis

 Fused silica capillary:  electroosmotic flow:
» fused silica has exposed silanol
polyimide groups (Si-OH); deprotonated at pHs
15m thick
fused silica 2
330m dia.
» Causes a layer of + charge to build up
at surface
+- +- -+ -+ - +- +- +- +- + - + - + -+ +
O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O-

opening (+) flow (-)

anode + +- O-+ cathode
25-75m dia. O-- O- - +O-- O+-- O+
- O- - -O- +O-- O+-- O+- -O-+O-- + + -+-
O-- O- O

Capillary Electrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis

 electroosmotic flow:  electroosmotic flow velocity
» surface charges move to cathode,  Veo = eoE:
dragging solution
» eo: electroosmotic mobilityy (( surf.
» surface charge “removes”
removes friction charge dens.  1/(ionic strength)1/2
between solvent and walls of capillary
» E = electric field strength (volts/cm)
laminar  apparent mobility: app = ep + eo
electroosmotic flow profile hydrodynamic flow profile  apparent velocity: Vapp = appE

Capillary Electrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis

Vapp Ld t Ld Lt Veo Vep Vapp

 app   
E V Lt Vt

Ld = length of column from injector to detector +

t = migration time (+) anode n (-) cathode
Lt = total length of column -
V = voltage applied to column

Section 1 40
Chem 241 - Summer 2010

Capillary Electrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis

 Efficiency:
» no particles so no multiple paths (A = 0) N   2 Dt 1 2
» no stationary phase so no RMT (C = 0)  2

» HETP = B/v Vapp Ld t Ld Lt

» can increase velocity by  applied voltage,  app   
but due to resistance, this generates heat E V Lt Vt
which  longitudinal diffusion (B)
» still get high efficiencies (N=105-106) N

Capillary Electrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis

Sample injection
» Very small sample sizes - 10-9 liters
» Hydrodynamic injection, uses pressure
to force sample onto column
» electrokinetic - based on ep thus
injected sample has different relative
composition of analytes

Capillary Electrophoresis
 Detection:
» UV/Fluorescence
» Mass Spectrometry
Ch i i off CE
» very fast
» high efficiencies
» especially useful for biopolymers

Section 1 41

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