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Objective: .............................................................................................................. 2
Introduction: .......................................................................................................... 2
Procedure: ............................................................................................................. 2
Results: .................................................................................................................. 3
Discussion: ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion: ............................................................................................................ 3
References: ............................................................................................................ 4

pg. 1
The objective is this lab is to calculate the flash point of asphalt cement.

The flash point is actually the lowest temperature at which the material can
vaporize (Aspdin, 1985). To measure the flash point we need an ignition source.
When the flash point reaches, the vapors may stop even when the ignition source
is removed. We cannot confused flash point with auto ignition temperature
because it doesn’t require source of ignition.
Every specimen has some vapor pressure, which is a part of liquid’s temperature.
When the temperature goes up, the vapor pressure also increases. As the
pressure increases, the amount of evaporated flammable liquid in the air also
increases. So the flash point is the lowest temperature at which the sufficient
amount of flammable vapor to ignite when an ignition is applied.

We first filled the cup with convenient temperature. And then heated the flame
and adjusted its diameter of 3.3 to 4.6 mm. Now heated it and temperature is
rising at 50-60oF per minute. The temperature should increase gradually
otherwise rapid heat will blow the system so we need to check it every single
second. When the vaporization of the specimen started at the lowest
temperature we stopped the heat of the flame and waited 1-2 minutes to adjust
the temperature. Note that temperature at which the vaporization started and
that was our flash point.

pg. 2
Table 1: Flash point temperature
Point Temperature
Flash Point (ºF) 563

The flash point of asphalt cement is very important to check before any
construction because we can check how much minimum temperature is required
to vaporize it. Otherwise of we didn’t check the flash point then we might extra
heat the asphalt cement and it will eventually fail. As we have seen that with time
the material changed its shape before the flash point and when the flash point
was reached the material started to evaporate. So if our material is strong enough
then its flash point will be higher as in case of asphalt cement, the temperature is
high which showed that our material strong and to vaporize it we need to heat it
up to 563oF.

The flash point of asphalt cement turned out to be 563oF. The temperature is high
which showed that our material strong and to vaporize it we need enough heat.
In many application the flash point test remains the choice of finding the certain
contaminants and non-conforming conditions.

pg. 3
Flash Point Testing: A User’s Guide. 1 (4): [4 screen]. Available from: URL:

pg. 4

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