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Sarah Julieth Acevedo Cristancho

Juliana Riaño Torres



Healthy food in young people today is not very common as there are new brands or
companies in which presents products that contain a lot of chemicals from this we
can see that social networks are one of the most influential in them at this time ,
we intend to find out or investigate more thoroughly why young people have to
consume less food and continue with a junk food because of this may affect them
in a future with problems that can be serious, we will use methods of research in
which through the social networks and the pages that give us information we'll see
why the young people are guided by these companies that end up doing harm to
themselves from the beginning and to where These companies will be able to
arrive to continue making money without thinking about what they are doing to
young people.

In recent years have left many companies creating junk food products such as KFC,
the corral, papas margaritas, etc, in which young people have been influenced by
social networks is evidence that young people today have a high index of Obesity
more frequent in the ages of 13 to 18 years creating in them a food disorder
generating a future problem of sugar, being the root of the problem some
companies have taken new healthy products new healthy products because they
need new ways to promote food in young people.
Being a good influence on social networks is a good method to draw the attention
of young people and be able to make a change in their life healthy as usual in their
social circle because we have shown that this great change can affect up to In a
group healthy food is not only for other people if not for you because if
you want to feel better with yourself you should start eating better exercise that
will help you mintly If you start with yourself you could make a big change in the
youth helping them to stop consuming so much junk food the bad of this is that
companies will be affected as there will not be many people who consume it so
suddenly fall , well we know that people will not all be able to stop consuming only
why a person says it but if they thought well the damage that they are causing
themselves only by things like this they realize in fact that if a person.

People in the world do not realize in the damage that they are causing because
they only think about things that really harms the entire human population but
they at this time do not care in the future could have a great disease when it
arrives will be the day that everyone goes N wanting to consume healthier things
but they will get to the point that they will not see or things so that they can
consume and decrease all the mistakes they made will always have consequences
of this the

Natural hazards, like natural resources, are part of our natural systems but can be
considered as negative resources. Natural events are part of the "environmental
problems" that both attract public attention, alter ecosystems and intensify their
degradation, reflect the damage caused by humans to their environment and can
affect large groups of people.Although most publications on natural disasters
contain a chronicle of deaths and destruction, they almost never include a similar
account of the damage avoided. However, the effects of natural disasters can be
greatly reduced if precautions are taken to reduce vulnerability. The industrialized
countries have made progress in reducing the impact of hurricanes, floods,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides.
For example, Hurricane Gilberto, the most powerful hurricane recorded in the
Western Hemisphere, caused a total of 316 fatalities, while hurricanes of much
lower power caused thousands of fatalities in previous decades in this century. This
marked difference is due to the application of a series of mitigation measures such
as restrictive zoning, improvement of structures and installation of prediction,
monitoring, alarm and evacuation systems. Countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean have reduced the number of fatalities in the face of some disasters,
mainly due to preparedness and response activities. Nowadays, they have the
possibility of reducing their economic losses by using mitigation measures in the
development context.
Natural disasters generate a great demand for capital to replace what has been
destroyed and damaged. People working in the field of development should be
interested in this matter since it represents, within all aspects of the environment,
the most manageable situation: risks can be identified quickly, mitigation measures
are available and benefits can be reduced The vulnerability are high compared to
the costs.

Colombia is an extremely exclusive country. It is enough an unguarded look at the

lists of inequality to realize that in terms of income, land, state services and many
other statistics the gaps are enormous. It is not strange then that exclusion has
been one of the most cited causes of the conflict.
But reality is more complex than that. Inequality does not necessarily cause
insubordination, much less violent insubordination. There is no need to look for
other cases, in Colombia itself very unequal societies proliferate that have
withstood the passage of time with very little violence. Then other causes and
other variables were needed for an armed conflict to emerge in Colombia. This
essay focuses on the way in which exclusion interacted with one of those other
variables, crime, and gave much of the form that the current conflict acquired. The
interest is in particular for two criminal practices of mass use in Colombia,
kidnapping and drug trafficking. These practices are important because they
affected three fundamental attributes of the conflict. First, they outlined much of
the war strategy of both the insurgency and the paramilitaries. The parties had to
organize their coercive devices and plan their actions in the conflict to access the
resources coming from the crime. Secondly, drug trafficking allowed a situation of
permanent war instead of destroying the economy to become a means of access to
markets, especially for peripheral communities with low capital accumulation.
Finally, the effects were not only referred to the war between insurgency and
counterinsurgency. They also redefined power relations between the center and
the periphery. Given that the central state was unable to offer effective protection
in the regions, political transactions between the center and the periphery were
marked by the use of regional elites, both legal and illegal, of private violence and
drug capital. as legitimate resources to defend against the insurgency.

We will make progress in which we explain how the children of Africa live today
and the things they have to do to survive being this a global problem in which we
will try to get closer to the subject, we know few things about them actually do not
know Why they are in these conditions and how we could help the cause for every
child in Africa can be saved, with all the intention we go to this issue not only for
children if not to know the truth that this That this making the world one of the
global problems that affect us the most in this time and that it comes from a long
time and not being able to know how to help to fix this and as humanity ignores
this problem knowing that they also need our help like all of More.

Rather it is the fact that two decades later, the conditions shown in the photograph
remain practically intact. Every year, 3.1 million children continue to starve around
the world.
as an African doctor, I know that the ravages of acute malnutrition and hunger are
not always visible; they are not always as obvious as seeing the ribs that stand out
ghostly children connected to nasogastric probes, as used to be seen in the halls
Hospitals in Tanzania. Chronic malnutrition (or hidden hunger) is manifested in
other ways, but it can be equally devastating and deadly. And while the deaths
caused by other diseases such as acute malnutrition have declined, hidden hunger
remains widespread.
In the last two decades, a surprising success has been achieved in the fight against
HIV, Tuberculosis and malaria. The number of new HIV-infected people fell by 50%
in some African countries. In Africa, hunger remains the leading cause of death
among children — it accounts for half of all deaths under the age of five — and is
more lethal than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria together.

To address this challenge, save lives and improve economies, Africa needs a
comprehensive strategy and greater investment in agriculture. The African Union
has declared 2014 Year of Agriculture and food security. And the continent's
agricultural sector is expected to grow significantly. In theory, that should help
combat malnutrition; But a greater investment in agriculture is not a panacea. We
need to focus on generating nutrition-sensitive agricultural programmers that
include small producers, households, women and children.


In botany, Flora refers to the whole of the plants that populate a region (for
example a continent, climate, saw, etc.), the description of these, their abundance,
the periods of flowering, etc.
is the set of plant species that can be found in a Geographical region, which are
characteristic of a geological period or that inhabit a given ecosystem. Flora serves
the number of species while vegetation refers to the distribution of species and to
the relative importance, by number of individuals and size, of each one of them.
Therefore, flora, depending on climate and other environmental factors,
determines vegetation. Great abuse and exploitation of animals, I have decided to
deal with this issue that is or should be of interest to most people as they are part
of a cycle in our lives.

The elements that constitute the biosphere, are divided into inorganic, such as
light, soil, water, and organic, which in turn are divided into flora and fauna.
in all ecosystems, both vertebrate and invertebrate animals, are an important
factor. Its relations with the other members of the ecosystem, contribute to
maintain a relative equilibrium, whose stability, possible thanks to complicated
mechanisms of chain feedback, is easily altered when it affects in any of its links, no
matter how insignificant they may seem. Almost a century biologists have strived
to communicate these problems and capture the attention of society that as a
whole begins to become aware and propose ideas to deal with this. The logging,
the erosion of the soils, the disappearance or extinction of species like flora and
fauna, the changes in the hydrological and climatic cycle, are processes that modify
to a large extent the natural course and the stability of the life on the planet, even
with that of the same man, in addition to his They add as consequences the
improper use that has made of the natural resources that it depends on;
Impoverishment and diminished quality of life, famine and malnutrition

Through the analysis, it has become evident that one of the important more issues
in Central America refers to the use and management of its natural resources. This
is because in recent years the issue of diversity has given importance, since the
mercantilization of this has become highly remunerative today. The controversy
began since they realized that the protected areas were at risk in which people did
not really think what they are doing and that one day in some future that will be
everyone's problem just by not starting with a small part of the world's population
This is going to be a big problem is already one that there are people who are very
incoherent and do not pay attention to more important things is a global problem
that nobody will stop if we do not start from ourselves with a small seed can do
great things.


"Music is an intellectual food that cannot be replaced with anything else," so it is
essential that "only art of intrinsic value is suitable for children."
of this circumstance arises the fact of designing a strategy based on the music
focused mainly to strengthen the process of reading-writer in the children, with
which it will be shown that to involve the music in the processes of learning
improves its capacity of Verbal expression, creativity development, This will be
present at the time of making a small or large practice with them in which the
strategy is viable to their life and facilitate the des their parents by making better
use of their knowledge
They are known by many the numerous questions and respective studies that have
been made about whether modern music has any influential factor in the behavior
of young people, who are the population group that listens most. Of course, the
opinion regarding this topic is polarized. While one group affirms that music does
determine youthful behavior, others argue that it only affects adolescents if their
personality is not defined on solid foundations and is easily manipulated, and the
other group maintains that music is only a cultural expression and that does not
have any kind of influence on young people.To analyze this issue, we must mention
some relevant data: according to the Center for Sociological Research and Eurostat
(El País, 11.3.2000), 78% of young people between 18 and 24 years old listen to
music all or almost every day. In an extensive survey of young people between 14
and 16 years old, they listen to music an average of 40 hours a week. However, it
should also be noted that young people listen to music all day long, from the time
they get up to the time they go to bed, when they go on transport, when they wait,
in classes, in their free time, as background music, even when they sleep.
Then there is no doubt that music has some influential factor in the young.Music is
made up of waves, they reach the brain of the listener; it is affirmed, then, that it is
a stimulant, as all stimuli provoke responses, which are the result of the interaction
between the individual and the environment. Here comes into play behaviorism; its
maximum exponent, Watson, considers that knowledge is a copy of reality and that
man is a blank board where the data of reality is printed. It is confirmed that in the
period of childhood and youth the system of values in the human being is formed.
When listening to certain music the young person acquires as his own certain
values, opinions and beliefs regarding good, evil, morals.On the other hand, and
following in the same line, Bandura and Walters maintain that man follows a model
of imitative learning, which has a mediational base. The young man seeks music in
his identity and autonomy, following the musical idols and reinforcing himself in his
counterparts, generating groups of belonging, producing alienation. And now they
touch on topics that they did not before, such as sex, drugs, alcoholism,
prostitution, Satanism and in a permissive way, so the adolescent will imitate the
behavior regarding these topics guided by the lyrics of his favorite songs .

Music, thus, can be framed within a cognitive process in the individual, implies
ideological and psychological criteria; society generates music as its cultural
product, sells a message and uses the unconscious meaning of words, acts and
thoughts (mentioned by Sigmund Freud), to affect the young person in his behavior
and that he continues to buy his music. At this point, it is feasible to affirm that
music has a great impact on the deepest part of the individual and that, using the
route followed by the characters acquired to become their own and considered
true, they modify the behavior of the young person who is in a very susceptible
stage, because it is forming its identity.

It is undeniable that in the last century, science has experienced an immeasurable growth
in each and every one of its branches. Of course, Hippocratic Science was a
participant in this accelerated evolution and with outstanding results, thanks to
which, today we have advanced diagnostic and curative techniques that one
hundred years ago could not even be imagined, and by Consequently we are in the
possibility of treating diseases like never before.
handing out these New and useful tools, we are now able to greatly expedite the
patient's attention and offer not only an effective cure to many of the ailments, but
also promise a better quality of life to the sick.

Nowadays, the most tenacious critics of science start precisely from the negative
aspect of scientific work: the application of science to produce artifacts that cause
the greatest possible destruction. It is already feasible, the total annihilation of the
human species and the absolute degradation of the terrestrial biosphere. Hence
the mistaken conclusion that science will only bring evils to humanity and that,
therefore, it becomes necessary to dispense with it. In the United States of America
and in Western Europe, numerous political groups and associations have been
organized to support this position. His position is not entirely unjustified, since a
large part of scientific research is aimed precisely at military applications.Although
these data increase the fear of a tragic destiny for humanity, this does not mean
that the positive effect that the application of science has had in many areas such
as: increased production and quality of food, development of energy sources
should be underestimated. , drug manufacturing, education, economic planning. In
short, the proper orientation of scientific and technological research has
contributed greatly to enable the elevation of the quality of human life.
This positive aspect of science is particularly important for a country like ours where, at
present, we have to import various things that could be produced in our country.
Mexico has enough natural and human resources to initiate a process of great
economic and social transformations that translate into better living standards for
all its inhabitants. At the base of this process, science and technology must occupy
a preponderant place.It is necessary, in this time and place, to revalue science and
its function to give it the importance it must have as a fundamental factor of social
development. Science not only contributes to improving the use of material
resources, but also, a central element in the culture of a society. Science is not only
a set of theories and methods to do certain things, but also a conception of the
world and of ourselves. Understood in the broadest sense, science complements
and invigorates the aesthetic and ethical conceptions of man.We must convince
ourselves that science is not a luxury or an activity that can be dispensed
On the contrary, it is an element of first importance for social development.In conclusion
the medical and technological advances were super good because they helped the
medicine to produce better devices and help different people, as a cure of cancer
that is the most essential, the creators of them will continue to exert new forms of
power Cure even more and more diseases Besides doctors and patients thankful
for their good work in medicine, this has really been a great help for many
countries and have had several awards and recognitions worldwide and
intentionally so this has been of great importance and blessing to the world in tota


Sarah Julieth Acevedo Cristancho

Juliana Riaño Torres


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