GC Newsletter June 2019

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Goose Creek Friends

Newsletter June 2019

Goose Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Lincoln, Virginia

Queries for Sixth Month:

• How do I express my faith in action? How are my
actions grounded in my faith?
• Is my sense of justice based in love?
• Do I endeavor to face the pain of the world and
respond to it with forgiveness and compassion?
• Do I make an idol of that which I am led to defend?
• How do I avoid demonizing those who march against
my concern?

Monthly Meeting for Worship with a

Concern for Business: Sixth Month Goose Creek Friends Book Sunday 2019
Friends approved with pleasure the application
for Meeting membership of Elizabeth Anne [Liz] The Library Committee is forming a subcommittee
Huntington. She will receive a welcoming visit. on technology. They will be looking at Meeting’s
The annual report of the Goose Creek Friends Meeting requirements in this area and making recommendations
Scholarship Committee was approved with thanks. to Meeting.
This fund was formed eight years ago by combining Friends approved a donation to the scholarship program
smaller Meeting scholarship funds. Since 2011 it has of the local chapter of the NAACP.
awarded scholarships to 61 students, 32 of them from Friends approved a letter to be sent from Meeting to
Goose Creek. The Committee offered support to 13 Senator Tim Kaine thanking him for his support of SR13,
new students this year. This program supports our own which would authorize the repeal of the Authorization
students in addition to providing valuable outreach of Military Force. They also approved letters to be sent
within the wider community. to Senator Mark Warner and Congresswoman Jennifer
The annual report of the Religious Education Committee Wexton, encouraging them to support the Senate and
was approved with thanks. Our student population House bills.
continues to grow! First Day School students drafted A memorial for James Mills, previously approved, will be
“ground rules” that are now reviewed every First Day held at Goose Creek on June 29.
at the beginning of class. Various Friends have offered
a rich variety of lessons and activities for our students
over the past year. Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s
Friends approved donating one two-week scholarship Annual Session 2019
for this summer to the Baltimore Yearly Meeting
July 29-August 4 at Hood College in Frederick, MD
camping program.
From Ken Stockbridge, Presiding Clerk:
On August 11 at the rise of Meeting, the Unity with
Nature Committee will show National Geographic’s “Quaker Tools for the Journey is the theme for
film on climate change, From Paris to Pittsburgh. this summer’s Annual Session. We will have many
Friends are encouraged to come, to invite others, and opportunities to learn and share Quaker practices and
to bring a bag lunch. resources that can help equip us on our spiritual paths

Continued on next page g

Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | June 2019 | Page 2
Continued from page 1

and in our life together as Friends. We’ll meet at Hood time attenders may come on Saturday for free. Children
College July 29-August 4, with an opening retreat starting from birth until 8th grade must be registered, but attend
on Monday, led by Marcelle Martin, author of Our Life for free. There are great programs for children of all ages,
is Love. … We were all new once. Is this your first time and work grants are available for adults who would like
coming to Annual Session? Sign up to have a buddy – an to work with children at the Session. Financial assistance
experienced Friend who can introduce you to folks, show is available for Young Adult Friends aged 18-35; this
you around, and answer questions during the week. Are group participates fully in the Session, but also has its
you an “old-timer”? Consider being a buddy for someone own programing and does its own business. Registrants
attending for the first time. can reserve a room on campus, register as commuters and
Annual Session is for everyone. Do join us, whether contact Frederick Friends Meeting (by June 24) about
for just a part of a day or for the whole week. It’s for all reserving tent space there, or register as commuters,
ages. It’s an opportunity for us all to come together as period. Hood College is about 45 minutes from Goose
one loving community and share in each others’ gifts, Creek’s Meeting House.
leadings, experiences, and friendship.”
From the Religious
For more information, and to register: http://www.
bym-rsf.org/events/annualsession/ Education Committee
Goose Creek Friends, please consider attending! There First Day School has come up with a plan for a fundraiser
are certificates for first-time attenders that give two free to benefit the Meeting House. The kids are very
days at the early registration rate, and this year all first- enthusiastic! In order to bring this to fruition, we need
the help of all of our talented artisan Friends to create
one-of-a-kind items to be sold at the tentative October 5th
Summer at event. A few of the children’s ideas were any sort of fiber
Goose Creek Meeting art (including items that are knitted, crocheted, quilted,
woven, cross-stitched, embroidered, etc.), woodcraft,
blacksmith ironworks, pottery, glasswork, soaps, and
June 9 baked items (including cakes, cookies, muffins).
Quakers and the Bible
At the event, we will raffle off the quilt the children
A discussion session after the
helped to create. It will be on display until then. Please
rise of Meeting for Worship.
buy raffle tickets! We will need a few volunteers to help
Child care will be provided. with the logistics.
Please come!
We are so excited, and are looking forward to making this
July 14 an annual event!
Meeting of Clerks and Co-Clerks Contact emails: Maria Nicklin (marianicklin@gmail.com)
after Meeting for Worship or Barbara Lake (barblake09@yahoo.com)

August 11 From the Peace and Social

From Paris to Pittsburgh Concerns Committee:
Unity with Nature will sponsor a viewing of this
Peace and Social Concerns meets the second First Days
feature-length National Geographic film about of the month at 8:30am. (This is a change from their
climate change after the rise of Meeting. previous 8:45.) You don’t have to be a committee member
Bring a bag lunch! to come –all are welcome!

August 18 From Baltimore Yearly Meeting

Goose Creek Summer Picnic June 15 – Sixth Month Interim Meeting
Meeting provides a main dish Friends Meeting of Washington (Washington, DC)
and beverages, y’all bring the side
Get to know Yearly Meeting Committees and Friends
dishes and desserts!
from other Meetings! Be a part of important decision
Time to be announced making. Join Friends for morning committee meetings
Continued on next page g
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | June 2019 | Page 3

John (Jed) Shilling

W e at Goose Creek Meeting are lamenting the

loss of our beloved Jed Shilling, who died
recently of ALS. Until he moved to CA in November,
board of The Mountain Institute, he arranged for
representatives of that group to speak to us about
their work in creating sustainable employment for
he worshiped with us regularly. Since then we have remote mountain people. Jed frequently reminded
missed him deeply. While with us, he served as clerk us that mountains need to be protected, as they are
of our Finance Committee, a representative to the critical for the world’s water supply. His concern for
Friends Wilderness Center Board, and a member of mountain areas led to his active involvement with
our Unity with Nature Committee. In addition to The Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
his activity on committees, Jed shared his personal According to Jed’s daughters, Kaile and Kaitlin,
sorrows and joys with us, particularly the great their parents were ahead of their time in co-
joy he took from visits with his family. He was an parenting, as Jed and his late wife Jane Pratt shared
integral part of our Meeting. the responsibilities and joys of raising the girls
At his memorial here, friends and former co- without sacrificing their career aspirations.
workers at the World Bank fondly described Jed’s Diagnosed with ALS less than a year ago, Jed
mentoring of those who worked with him and his continued to devote time and energy to causes
style of leading quietly from behind as he worked to he deemed important locally and globally. Even
bring about significant change. Colleagues became in his last months in Loudoun, when weekly we
close friends for decades. This capacity to extend witnessed his increasing difficulty speaking, eating,
kindness was a common thread in descriptions of and walking, he chose not to dwell on his declining
Jed’s relationships – kindness in his relationships health but to participate in our activities. As we
at work, kindness with his friends, kindness with reflect on his life with us and beyond our doors to
people around the world. remote corners of the world, we are full of awe and
Jed brought to our Meeting his extensive gratitude that he chose us to be his faith community
experience in and knowledge of many countries, and his friends.
especially developing countries. A member of the – Caroline Pelton

and the afternoon’s Interim Business Meeting. Friends Meeting News

Meeting of Washington will host the Sixth Month Interim
Meeting. Friends will begin gathering at 10:00am. Congratulations and best wishes to Cindy and Nathan
Committee meetings will begin at 10:30. Check the Webb and their 2 year-old son Jack on the birth of
Yearly Meeting website for more information. (www. Elliot Byron Webb on May 22. Congratulations also to
bym-rsf.org/events/interim/sixth19.html) grandparents Nancy and Doug Brown.

June 21-26 – Quaker Spring Kudos and best wishes to this year’s high school and
Wollman Hill (Deerfield, MA) college graduates! Eve Walker graduated from Loudoun
Valley High School, and Mimi Cottingham graduated
For the last eleven years in June, Friends from over 20 from American University’s School of International
yearly meetings have gathered to explore what Spirit- Service. Riley Coburn graduated from Loudoun Valley
led Quakerism is about at its core – and to experience it High School and will be attending Denison University,
together. Friends of various ages and background have where he plans to study Data Analytics and Physics. We
come together and spent time listening to ways the winds know there are others – please send news about our young
of the Spirit are blowing through their lives. These were Friends’ landmark events and plans!
truly “gatherings with a difference” – with most of the
week left unplanned and open to the leading of the spirit.
Go to quakerspring.org for more information.
Page 4 | June 2019 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter

Sundays Facing Bench

Meeting for worship at 9:45 a.m. June
First Day School at 10:00 a.m. Peggy King
Fellowship at 10:45 a.m. JULy
Sheila Kryston
Discussion Group at 7:00 p.m. First Day
Calendar 06/02/19
JUNE Building Bridges (teen)
Stewardship (elementary)
6.9 Sunday 8:30am Peace & Social Concerns Committee meeting
11am Quakers and the Bible 06/09/19
Peace Testimony
6.30 Sunday 11am Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting & Activities
JULY 06/16/19
7.7 Sunday 11am Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business Integrity Testimony
7.14 Sunday 11am Meeting of Committee Clerks and Co-Clerks & Activities
7.28 Sunday 11am Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting 06/23/19
Community Testimony
AUGUST & Activities
8.4 Sunday 11am Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
8.11 Sunday 11am National Geographic film showing Equality Testimony
8.18 Sunday TBA Goose Creek summer picnic & Activities


Elizabeth Anne Huntington, 1019 Glenwood Lane, The Goose Creek Friends Newsletter
Gerrardstown, WV 25420 is published monthly by the
Goose Creek Friends Meeting,
18204 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 105,
Lincoln, VA 20160.
Rich Weidner, 540.554.2747
“It seems to me that the moving force behind the Allen Cochran, 540.338.6485
Quaker social witness has got to be some vision,
however faint and tantalizing, of what the world Brian Burgher
would be like if we were really obedient to God.” goose.creek.treasurer@gmail.com
Catherine Cox, 301-471-5330

Quaker Jargon of the Month WEBSITE & FACEBOOK

“R.E.” = Religious Education Committee. At Goose Creek, this refers to Goose-Creek-Friends-Meeting-
the committee that oversees First Day School, support of Baltimore Yearly 150892438287560/?rc=p
Meeting’s camping program, and other youth-related activities. DONATIONS
Please direct donations for
Goose Creek Friends Meeting to
Brian Burgher, P.O. Box 105
Lincoln, Virginia 20160

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