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Russell 1

Eleanor F. Russell

Professor Dunham

English 1201

26 May 2019

Research Proposal

What are the pros and cons of animal testing, and how does it affect the economy? I

believe that as a consumer, you should be able to know that the products you are buying are safe

and will not cause any harm. Animal testing is a large part of this process. I find it very

displeasing that animal testing is not advertised by many brands, and that countless animals are

being harmed every day for the benefit of humans when it is unneeded. Although this is

unsettling, I want to dig into why it is so negatively viewed. Is animal testing actually as horrific

as the public views it, and is there a more humane way to test products? As an animal lover,

finding out that many everyday products are viciously tested on various animals is not pleasant.

This has caused me to want to dip deeper into this topic. Due to the gruesome circumstances that

these animals go through, many animal activist groups boycott brands that test their products on

animals. This is causing a shift in the economy towards more natural products that are not tested

on animals. I want to investigate how rapidly this shift is happening, and how it is changing the

way that companies use animal testing.

I feel very strongly about this topic, and want to dive deeper into the pros and cons of

animal testing. I believe that many people are unsure of how they feel about animal testing, and

by researching this topic, I hope to come to a strong standpoint with evidence to back up my

argument. Before researching this topic, I do not believe that animal testing is necessary and that

this process is very dangerous for the animals involved. This topic is very negatively viewed in
Russell 2

the public eye, so I am unsure of many of the positives of this process. I believe that we need a

system to test if products are safe for humans, and animals do not need to be harmed in the

process. I believe that if animal testing is necessary, that we need to provide more laws and

regulations for the safety of these animals. I know that this topic is viewed very negatively, but

nothing is being done to try to stop it. Also, I know that animal testing is very widely researched

and debated amongst many groups, but that this process is still happening in many of the popular

companies around the world. Finally, I know that animal testing has advanced scientific research.

There is a lot that I still need to know about animal testing. In order to answer the second

half of my research question, I need to look into exactly how the economy has shifted against

companies that test on animals and how rapidly this is happening. Also, I am hoping to learn

how animal testing has benefited humans, and how we can create a more human process to test

products without hurting animals. I want to know the limits of animal testing by researching the

current laws and regulations. Also, I am hoping to find out how animal testing may help us in the

future, and what impacts it may have on future generations. I believe that by reading online

articles and scientific studies I will be able to properly inform myself on this topic. One major

question I have about animal testing is, Is it worth it? Another question is, Why did people start

testing on animals? Finally, How would banning animal testing impact society?

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