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130 F. Oñate St.

, 2 Tanauan City

Name: Jaedon Zeth Fernandez Birthdate: May 8, 2013

Age: 6 years old Date of IEP Report: April 2019
Date of PR: May 28, 2019
Teacher-in-Charge: Jobelle O. Guan


This report covers Jaedon’s Performance from April 8 to May 27, 2019.
This curriculum used is based on Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills


Present Level:
 Jaedon is at C9 level. He is able to follow instructions to do a simple motor
action/task (e.g. clap hands, stomp feet, hands up) without prompts and can
follow at least 4 different actions within 10 seconds.

Short Term Objectives:

C10. When asked to touch an object that is being held and an empty hand is held out as
a distracter (or the object is placed on a table with another neutral item such a
Styrofoam cube used as a distracter), Jaedon will touch the named object. (Criteria: 0 to
2 = readily finds and touches it in any position within 3 seconds)

C11. When asked, Jaedon will select a named reinforcing item from an array of two
objects held or placed in any position in front of him. (Criteria: 0 to 2 = readily finds and
selects it in any position within 3 seconds)

C12. Upon request, Jaedon will be able to select an object named by the instructor from
an array of two reinforcing objects held or placed in any position in front of him. (Citeria:
0 to 2 = readily finds and selects it in any position within 3 seconds)


Present Level as of May 2019 (after 10 sessions)

Jaedon is now at C12 level in Receptive Language. He is able to touch an object

versus a distracter, e.g., touch yellow block versus green block, apple versus orange, and
rhino versus hippopotamus. He is also able select a named a reinforcing item (blocks,
motion sand, fish) from an array of two objects placed in any position in front of him
when asked to select rhino (e.g., placing 6 objects on the table, pencil versus square
versus rhino versus blocks versus key versus cup.) He is also able to select an object
named by the instructor e.g., selecting 2 objects in an array of 5 objects like mango,
lemon, motion sand, blocks and marker.


Present Level:
 Jaedon is at F2 level. He is able to ask items by signing ‘give’ with the
reinforcer present (e.g. signs ‘give’ when blocks are presented) at least 4
items or activities per day)

Short Term Objectives:

F3. Jaedon will ask for what he wants with the reinforcer present using either words or
signs. (Criteria: 0 to 2 = 4 items or activities)

F4. Jaedon will ask for items that he wants with no reinforcers present. (Criteria: 0 to 3
= 6 specific items or activities)

F5. Jaedon will spontaneously ask for at least 10 items that he wants usinf specific
response (spoken word or with an American Sign Language) when the items are present.
(Criteria: 0 to 3 – 6 specific items or activities)

F6. Jaedon will spontaneously ask for at least 10 items that he wants using specific
response when the items are present. (Criteria: 0 to 3 = 6 specific items or activities)


Present Level as of May 2019 (after 10 sessions)

Jaedon is at F3 level in Request. He is able to ask what he wants with no reinforcer

present with maximal to moderate verbal cues. He is able to spontaneously ask items
when the reinforcer is presented to him. He will just ask items that he wants when the
objects are presented to him.


Present Level:
 Jaedon is at G4 level. He is able to name/label at least 50 objects and
pictures of items which are commonly found in the environment.

Short Term Objectives:

G5. Jaedon will label common body parts on himself or others. (Criteria: 0 to 4 = labels
20 or more body parts on himself or others)

G6. Jaedon will able to label clothing of others. (Criteria: 0 to 3 = labels 4 or more
clothing items)
G7. Jaedon will label common actions. (Criteria: 0 to 3 = 10 actions)


Present Level as of May 2019 (after 10 sessions)

Jaedon is at G6 level in Labeling. He is able to label common body parts on himself

and others (head, shoulder, chin, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, lips, foot, legs, hand, arm,
knee, elbow, back, neck, nape, hair, cheeks, forehead). He is also able to label clothing
of others like shirts, shoes, shorts, socks). Jaedon is emerging at G7 level. He is also able
to label common actions with moderate verbal cues like “Harvey is eating”, “Teacher Gen
is sitting” and “Teacher Mira is watching”.


Present Level:
 Jaedon is at H1 level. He is able sing a song and fill in some words and
phrases of the song (e.g. the itsy bitsy ____ - spider)

Short Term Objectives:

H2. Jaedon will be able to complete an open-ended phrase by supplying the word(s)
regarding fun items and activities. (Criteria: 0 to 3 = fill in 5 responses)

H4. Jaedon will be able to provide the name of the animal sound or vice-versa. (Criteria:
0 to 4 = makes 8 animal sounds of animals and names 8 animals when given the sound
of the animal)

H5. Jaedon will be able to provide answers to questions regarding personal information.
(Criteria: 0 to 4 = answers at least 4 pieces of information about self)

H6. Jaedon will be able to fill in the remaining word of a phrase describe an ongoing
activity. (Criteria: 0 to 3 = fill in 5 responses)

H7. When asked “what goes with ____?”, Jaedon will be able to say some items which are
associated (related) with the stated item (e.g. says “bed” when hears “what goes with
bed?”, Jaedon will say “pillow”) (Criteria: 0 to 3 2 related for each of 10 named items)


Present Level as of May 2019 (after 10 sessions)

Jaedon is now at H7 level in Intraverbal. He is able to complete an open-ended

phrase by supplying the words regarding fun items and activities. Examples are “Let’s go
up and down”, “Winnie the pooh”, “Thomas and Friends”, and “Mickey Mouse
Clubhouse”. He is able to provide the name of the animal sounds or vice versa. Example,
“____ says _______”, he is able to answer ___ (dog- woof woof, goat- mee mee, sheep- baa
baa, horse- neigh neigh, pig- oink oink, lion- roar roar, bird- tweet tweet, duck- quack
quack). He is able to answer personal questions like “What’s your name?” (Jaedon Zeth
Fernandez), “Who is your daddy?” (Daddy Joshua), “Where do you live?” (Summerhills,
Bugtong, Lipa City, Batangas), “Who is your mommy?” (Mommy Anne) and “How old are
you?” (I am 6 years old). He is also able to fill in remaining word of a phrase describing
an ongoing activity. Examples are “Let’s go pack away”, “It’s time to wash hands”, “Let’s
cut and paste”, “It’s time to go home” and “Let’s go to daddy”. Jaedon is able to answer
what goes with _____ with moderate prompts. This are the examples:

1. Toothpaste-toothbrush 12. Bread-jam

2. Candle-cake 13. Cup-pot
3. Shoes-sock 14. Cow-milk
4. Padlock-key 15. Hen-egg
5. Rain-umbrella 16. Pencil-paper
6. Eyes-eyeglasses 17. Barn-tractor
7. Moon-stars 18. Camera-photograph
8. Carrot-rabbit 19. Fish-fishing rod
9. Ice cream truck-ice cream 20. Car-gas pump
10. Paint-paintbrush 21. Glove-bat ball
11. Coin bank-coin


Jaedon is attending Behavioral Language Program twice a week. His individualized

educational summer program has four domains which are Receptive Langauge, Request,
Labeling and Intraverbal. For faster progress, Jaedon is recommended to continue his
Communication Program at least twice a week and attend Friday activity to increase his
social interaction with other kids.

Prepared by:

Jobelle O. Guan

Noted by:

Adoracion C. del Mundo, Ph. D

School Director

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