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Boston College La Farfana

Worksheet English T (8 grade)

Name:_____________________________________ Class: _________________

Date: _________________2018

I Match the two halves of the sentences.

1. If you put the light on, ____. A. you won't feel lonely
2. If you turn on the electric heater, ____. B. you'll feel warmer
3. If you have something to eat, ____. C. you'll pass the exam
4. If you go to bed earlier, ____. D. you won't get lost
5. If you take an umbrella today, ____. E. you won't be hungry
6. If you ask the teacher about the grammar F. you'll see better
you don't understand, ____. G. you'll feel better in the morning
7. If you use a map, ____. H. you won't get wet
8. If you buy a cat or a dog, ____.

II Choose the correct verb.

1.- If she goes to the birthday party, she __________ a present.

a) takes b) will take c) take

2.- I _________ the doctor if my stomach still hurts tomorrow.

a) will call b) called c) call

3. She will do the exercise again if she __________ a lot of mistakes.

a) will make b) makes c) make

4. If they practice a lot, they ___________ the game.

a) wins b) win c) will win

5. I will take my umbrella if it ______________ tomorrow.

a) rains b) raining c) will rain

6. She will marry him if he __________ her.

a) will ask b) ask c) asks

7. If we go out tonight, we __________ the door.

a) will lock b) are locking c) lock

8. I will make a sandwich if I _____________ hungry.

a) be b) will be c) am

III Match the sentences “My mother always says…”

1. If you eat too much candy___ a. if you baby sit your little sister tonight.
2. If you don’t study ____ b. the teacher will keep you in after class.
3. you will have bad dreams _____ c. I won’t let you have any dessert.
4. If you eat lots of vegetables _____ d. I will buy you a treat.
5. You will burn yourself _____ e. you will be healthy.
6. If you are late for school ____ f. you will play beautifully.
7. If you practice the piano every night ____ g. you will fail your exam.
8. If you don’t finish your dinner ____ h. your teeth will hurt.
9. If you behave nicely ____ I. If you watch a scary movie before bed.
10. I will pay you ten dollars _____ j. if you play with matches.

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