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Throughout the literature of recent years concerning the philosophy of imprisonment, we

often find one premise expounded as the cardinal purpose of our modern prison administration-

that of reformation of the offender through institutional treatment. Let us, for the moment, more

closely examine and ask ourselves: "Is it proper and just to fix responsibility for reformation

upon present day prison management?" The value of imprisonment as a reformative agency at

our present stage of penal progress has been greatly overstressed. We should become more

cognizant of this fact and condition our thinking regarding the problems of prison management

accordingly. If reformation of character does occur during imprisonment, (and this must remain,

at best, mere assumption) then it has been effected in spite of the atmosphere and environment

rather than because of it.

The prison cannot be regarded as the beginning and end of treatment of the offender. It must

be regarded as a clinic in the correctional system wherein, through an understanding of the

problems involved, a framework, and framework only, of reformation cal be begun for the use of

the community agencies of supervision following release. It must be realized that the very media

of treatment, whereby the goals of reformation are attempted, are fundamentally un- reformation

in prison sound. Imprisonment is incompatible with reformation for imprisonment means

punishment, the state of enfored removal from society for socially unacceptable behavior, and

punishmint and reformation are incongruous by their very definitions. Imprisonment necessarily

involves a rigid regimentation and an outwardly imposed discipline which are predicated upon

an unnatural state of fear and the medium of force. Those who feel that reformation is possible in

prison subscribe to the preicise that what a man is made to do, as institutionally acceptable
behavior, lie will wish to do even after the incentives of prison confinement are removed

provided he is made to do it often enough. They assume, thereby, that repetition through force

will change habits of thought which are basic for a change in character and reformation.

Correctional programmes in prison facilities are therefore important in reducing the recurrence of

criminal behavior as well as reducing recidivism among probationers and parolees. Generally

rehabilitation programmes had been effective in reducing recidivism among prisoners convicted

since they are mostly focused on treating the criminal causing behavior of prisoners by

eliminating completely the factors or circumstances that drive them to commit criminal acts. The

purposes of imprisonment are; Retribution, Deterrence, prevention and Reformation or

Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation programmes are not only helpful to male inmates but also female

offenders. Many countries had now abolished the death penalty but others still retain. In Kenya,

for example there are still male/female prisoners condemned to death after being found guilty of

capital offences such as murder, robbery with violence and attempted robbery with violence.

Prison authorities are charged with the responsibility of implementing the death sentence.

Prison personnel must be Sensitive to prisoners under sentence of death. The sensitivity also

extends to members of their families. Supervision was stressful task especially after the date for

execution has been set, the personnel responsible will need special training and support. They

must be given every possible assistance to file an appeal against the sentence as they undergo

rehabilitation process, if executions are not being carried out, the prison authorities need to

advise the president to commute the exceptionally good conduct or if their crime was 6

accompanied by particular extenuating circumstances.

Prisoners rehabilitation programs are supposed to be planned for and implemented right

from when prisoner steps into the prison to when they leave, with support even after they leave.
This means that the prisoner to be taken through a process that allows prison authorities to gauge

his chances of reformation and to prepare a plan for such reformation. Life in prison should be

tailored to encourage proactive action by prisoners’ reform, instead of unnecessarily strict rules

or punishment, prisoners required skills, and these should be readily on offer. Measures such as

parole and remission should be used creatively to influence sustainable improvement in

behavior. The earnings scheme will need to be reviewed to compensate prisoners’ property for

their labour and also as a way of accumulating capital to restart life after prisons. Measures

should also be put in place to provide continuing support to the released prisoner to prevent

relapse back into criminal activity.

Background of the Study

This study will concern to the Inmates of Ipil District Jail Female Dormitory of what are

the factors influencing the Rehabilitation of Female Inmates in Ipil District Jail Female

Dormitory. The role of Correctional facilities programs are important in reducing the recurrence

of criminal behavior of in inmate if reintegrates but it depends on the rehabilitation program of

the Personnel. Such reasons may create some barriers for the inmates to in their reintegration to

the society. It leads the inmate to involve and commit crime easily because they are not well

rehabilitate and educate on what are the happening in outside world while they are in Jail.

Although Jail personnel do what they need to do and function but there some factors that they

need to focus for the inmates properly rehabilitate. Due to this, the researchers would like to

determine on what are the Factors influencing the Rehabilitation of Female Inmates in Ipil

District Jail Female Dormitory, Sanito, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

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