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TEL. 847-831-4505

August 2, 2019

Angela Mitchell
2710 Chain Bridge Rd NW
Washington, DC 20016

Ms. Mitchell:

I have criticized every Democratic President from Truman to Obama. Is

there some sort of exemption for black Presidents that I missed? You
guys sound so foolish to intelligent Democrats. Let me point out for you
those who criticized him.

Bill Press wrote a book about Obama called Buyer's Remorse.

Cornell West criticized Obama for abandoning his obligation to
his race. Picking Byden was a sellout to me. I was screwed by
Chase and Jamie Diamond for thousands of robo-signed transfers
of Washinngton Mutual takeover in a sweetheart deal by the FDIC
paying only 5 cents on the dollar for my mortgage and others. My
mortgage was $700k which cost Chase $35,000. That gave the
criminal Jamie Diamond an incentive to foreclose and they did it
illegally. I then sued Diamond and Chase for civil Rico which
requires more than s predicate acts. I had over 300,000 predicate
acts and so did Attorney General Eric Holder. They were bought
off by Wall Street. Chase paid me a big settlement to I withdraw
my complaint.



TEL. 847-831-4505

If you had the same mortgage I had wouldn't you complain? He did
not protect me. He was a phony liberal who sold himself that way
because he was against the war as an Illinois State Senator. I
met Obama in 2004 when he was asking for my support and I refused
because I knew he was not even close to being a liberal.

How could he not prosecute for my sake and other victims of Jamie
diamond and Chase. Being the first Black President does not
automatically mean he was good. His rollout of ACA and broken
promises about keeping your doctor lost us the house and senate.
And I argue that he really was not raised in a black culture. He
was raised by his white grandparents. Michelle however is the real

I just don't understand why reporters always stick to their


And you and other reporters do not understand Medicare for all.
Ask any person over 65 would give up medicare. You should know
that I and my wife pay a premium to medicare of $800/mo. So it
is not free for me either. Medicare for all would pay for itself
with a reasonable under 65 premium. I am an expert on actuarial
accounting and you and others are short on mathematics, a real
issue about medicare for all.

The argument about people worrying about how much it costs is a

"red herring". No one gives a damn about deficits except
Republicans when Democrats are in office. It would be better if
you talked to an expert CPA like me than your press associates
who are spouting off erroneous talking points that feed right in
to the Republicans.



TEL. 847-831-4505

Ask anyone if they would want Medicare if they can keep their
doctor and buy supplemental coverage as I do. Please stop helping
the Republicans with false info. Elizabeth Warren said, "I do not
know why any Democrat would run for President telling us what we
cannot do. Listen to her. She is formidable and wait till she gets
Byden directly in a debate.

I have a local radio show in Chicago on WCPT 820am and I am going

to ask others to write to you. You deserve criticism for putting
all democrats in the same category. Your colleagues are causing
more harm than good if we want to get rid of Trump.

Please do your homework.

Sheldon Drobny
Anshell Financial Services, LLC
2005 Keats Lane Highland Park, IL 60035
TEL 847-287-4000
FAX 847-594-0739

Sheldon Drobny, CPA

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