Management & Science University Engineering & Technology Department (Ent) Engineer and Society TME21503

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Engineer and Society

Assignment 1


1. Student is required to submit a written report containing the processes and procedures
based on the question.
2. Mode: Individual
3. Submission in the form of written report (hard copy)
4. You are required to do presentation for this assignment
5. Please print the cover page of the assignment using Green color only.
6. The Due date is 16.07.2019
7. Date of submission: ________________________________

** If you have any difficulties in submitting the assignment according to the date given,
please come and discuss with me.

Program Outcome:

PO 1 Knowledge.
PO 2 Practical Skills.
PO 7 Information management and lifelong learning skills.

Course Outcome:

CO1 To understand the social dimension of the engineering profession, the professional and ethical
responsibility of the practicing engineer.

CO2 To work in group and present the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context.
Employers have a responsibility to protect workers against health and safety hazards at work.
Workers have the right to know about potential hazards and to refuse work that they believe is
dangerous. Workers also have a responsibility to work safely with hazardous materials. Being
a health and safety representative is not always easy, but helping to protect the lives of your
fellow workers is worth all the time and effort you put into the job.
Select any ONE [1] of the following topic for research and write-up of report. Students are
requested to search for information from reference books and from other sources available on
relevant websites.
1. Identify all relevant hazards in an office workspace and methods (suggestions) to
manage and control only THREE [3] major hazards which have been identified.
2. Identify all relevant hazards in the transportation services (e.g. express bus services)
and methods (suggestions) to manage and control only THREE [3] major hazards
which have been identified.
3. Identify all relevant hazards in a food manufacturing sector and methods (suggestions)
to manage and control only THREE [3] major hazards which have been identified.

Tip: The management and control of hazards should be described in terms of hierarchy of
control. Support your report with photos and pictures.

As health and safety representative your role is to work proactively (this means acting before
hazards become a problem) to prevent workers from being exposed to occupational hazards.
You can do this by making sure management eliminates hazards or keeps them under control
when they cannot be eliminated. Steps to help you reach your goals are:
1. Be well informed about the various hazards in your workplace and the possible solutions for
controlling those hazards.
2. Work together with your union and the employer to identify and control hazards.
3. You may occasionally need to share some of this information with your supervisors and
employer in the process of working towards a safe and healthy workplace.
Rubric Points
Criteria 1-3 mark 4-7marks 8--10 marks
Introduction Using suitable but Using suitable and Using suitable, good choice
impropriate choice of appropriate choice of of word, and appropriate
words words examples

Format and Organized Appropriate formatting Excellent formatting and very

organization information with and well-organized well-organized information.
random formatting. information. Most of Capitalization and
Some of the the capitalization and punctuation are correct
capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the report.
punctuation are throughout the report. Appropriate tense; all
correct throughout the grammar and spelling correct,
report. Appropriate tense; no high readability.
spelling, punctuation
Inappropriate tense; errors but grammatical
a few spelling, errors presents.
punctuation or
grammatical errors.
Content Using suitable but Using suitable but little Using suitable conclusive
none conclusive conclusive Content Content
Thinking skills Using one types of Using two types of Using all types of thinking
technique thinking skills thinking skills skills technique
technique technique

Discussion and The suggestion has suggest the strategies, suggest the strategies,
How to overcome no contribution to approaches only approaches, provide some
the issues society. examples such as case
study findings, court/legal
Problem Solving Using suitable but Using suitable but Using suitable conclusive
none conclusive minor conclusive Problem Solving
Problem Solving Problem Solving
Contribution The idea has no The idea has a The idea has a lot of
contribution to contribution to society. contribution to society.
Presentation skills Student clearly uses Student displays clear Student delivers open and
(Introduction and either an introductory or closing closing remarks that capture
closure) introductory or remarks. the attention of the audience
closing remark, but and set the mood
not both.
Presentation skills Very little movement Made movement or Movements seemed smooth
(Body language) or descriptive gestures that enhanced and helped the audience
gestures. articulation visualize
Presentation skills Consistently uses a Displays some level of Use of fluent speech and
(Voice) monotone voice inflection throughout inflection maintains the
delivery. interest of the audience
TOTAL /100

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