Test I. Multiple Choice. Write The Letter On The Space Before The Number

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Department of Education

El Nido National High School

STE 10 4th Periodic Test in English

Name: __________________________ Score:


General Directions : Read each item carefully, and write the letter of the most appropriate answer on
the blank. Follow directions as indicated.

Test I. Multiple choice. Write the letter on the space before the number.

____1. Who wrote the poem ‘ A Martian Sends a Postcard Home?

A. Craig Raine B. J.D. Salinger C. J.R.R. Tolkien D. Nicholas Sparks
____2. What refers to the incidence where an implausible concept or character is brought into the story in order to
resolve the conflict and to bring a pleasing solution?
A. Metaphor B. Deus Ex Machina C. Caesura D. Simile
____3. Who is the main character in Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables”?
A. Cosette B. Eponine C. Marius D. Valjean
____4. If you would like to show the similarities and differences of Jean Valjean and Cosette, what is the most
appropriate graphic organizer to use?
A. Concept Map B. Plot development Triangle C. Problem-Solution chart D. Venn Diagram
____5. The sea has a laugh/ And the cliff a frown;/ For the laugh of the sea/ Is wearing him down.-“ The Frowning Cliiff”
The stanza above demonstrates the use of
A. metaphor B. personification C. style D. theme
____6. In your English class, your teacher asked you to break down your story into three sentences og three words each.
The activity gives the story a beginning, middle, and an end and helps you understand the architecture of your work. What
is being developed in this activity.
A. plot B. diction C. style D. theme
____7. The practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar things , people, being, places, and
concepts. It is marked with words “like” or “as”.
A. Oxymoron B. Paradox C. Metaphor D. Simile
____8. Words whose sounds are close to the sounds they are meant to depict.
A. Allegory B. Assonance C. Onomatopoeia D. Caesura
____9. Which part/ chapter of the research report will include the statement of the problem and significance of the
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
___10. A literary device that uses words in quick succession . It begins with letters belonging to the same sound group.
A. alliteration B. Litotes C. Allegory D. Analogy

Test II. A. (Primary/Secondary Source)

A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source

___11.) A play showing how Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm.
___12.) A short story describing Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla's 'electrical' battle.
__ 13.) Anne Frank's diary describing her life during World War 2.
___14.) A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met John Smith. 5) A text book describing the civil rights
___15.) A news report about the opening of a power plant.
___16.) A scientist explaining what it was like for Buzz Aldrin to walk on the moon.
___17.) A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built.
___18.) An interview with Alexander Graham Bell about how he invented the telephone.
___19.) A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.
___20.) An autobiography about the 40th president, Ronald Reagan.
___21.) A book describing Christopher Columbus sailing to America.
_____22.) A famous artist's painting of what cowboy life was probably like.
___23.) A journal by a cowboy about the cattle drives from Texas to Kansas.
___24.) The United States Constitution.
___25.) Artifacts
B. Context Clue: Get the meaning of the word using context clues, write the letter only.
__26. People used plants to make colourful dyes. the dyes were used to color cloth. What does the word dyes mean?
A. flag B. colorings C. dry D. food
__27. the bird sang from the bough of the tree. Then the bird hopped to another branch and sang some more. The word
bough means?
A. branch B. tree C. song D. trunk
__ 28. Jay came bounding over the flowers and into the yard. he should not jump over the flowers. The word bounding
A. stamping B. crawling C. leaping D. marching
__ 29. When alarmed the puppy hides under the bed. The frightened puppy will not come out. The word alarmed means?
A. scared B. crawled C. happy D. catches
__ 30. Katrina had a scowl on her face. She was unhappy about her grades. What does scowl mean?
A. frown B. grin C. stare D. smile
__ 31. Adrian’s voice rose to a holler. His dad heard the yell across the room. What does the word holler mean?
A. whisper B. sneeze C. hollow D. shout
__ 32. The land was claimed for France ruled it for hundreds of years. the word claimed means?
A. State the right to own B. To make sounds C. To live in a new country D. To make a map
__ 33. The bees buzz, the hen clucks, the sheep bleats, and the cow moos. What does the word bleats mean/
A. runs fast B. makes honey C. has wool D. say “ baa baa “
__ 34. When the flamingo was frightened she flew up in the air. What kind of animal is the flamingo?
A. fish B. bird C. rabbit D. monkey
__ 35.Adventure stories thrilled Kenneth. He became very excited. What does the thrilled mean?
A. surprised B. excited C. afraid D. displeased

Test III. Identification: Write the whole word needed.

A. Write the step used in order to identify a good research topic.(How to Select and Limit a Research Topic)
36. The considerations or adjustments that you would do if ever there is a need to modify in your research.
37. The keywords that you will use to best describe your topic.____________________________________
38. The sources of information you will use to gather information.__________________________________
39. The factor that will be affected by the topic. _____________________________________________
40. The primary question that your research topic wants to answer._________________________________

B. Study the step described in each item. (How to Develop a Questionnaire for Research)
41. Start with questions that are easy to understand and easy to answer._____________________________
42. Why you are doing it and what is your goal.________________________________________________
43. Think of questions that will address your objectives._________________________________________
44. Place more important question questions in the first part of the questionnaire.______________________
45. Adding a couple of open-ended questions._________________________________________________

C. Determine the Author’s Purpose

46. A five paragraph essay where a student argues that people should recycle and not litter. ______________
47. The instructions for the board game, Monopoly. ___________________________________________
48. A child’s letter to Santa asking for a bicycle because the child has been good all year. _______________
49. A recipe explaining how to make chicken salad sandwiches.____________________________________
50. A speech by a politician asking for 90 minutes to be added to the school day.______________________

D. Identify the object created by the speaker in A Martian Sends a Postcard Home.
51. Model T is a room w/the lock inside-a key is turned to free the world.___________________________
52. But time is tied to the wrist or kept in a box, ticking w/impatience._____________________________
53. No one is exempt and everyone’s pain has a different smell.___________________________________
54. Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings .____________________________________________
55. A haunted apparatus sleeps that snores when you pick it up.__________________________________

Test IV. Essay (5pts.)

56-60. What is the relevance of the two text ( Excerpt from Kaffir Boy/What is Liberal Education?) to 21 st –century
education? _______________________________________________________________________________

Thank you……

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