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What do you think?

Should an employer or perspective employer have the right to hire or fire you because of
what they find out about you online? Whether you think they should or should not use your
online presence as a reference, explain why you think that way. Give an example of a time
when your online presence or someone else's online presence caused them some negative
attention. How did you or that person deal with that situation? Do you do anything to
protect your online presence? If so, what? If not, why not?

I believe that employers should have the right to hire or fire you based on your online
presence because they can find a out a lot about your character based on what you post
online. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are three very popular social media platforms
where you can openly express your opinions and feelings to the public. My parents always
told m to watch what I put on there because once it is on there, it is almost impossible to
remove it without at least one person seeing it. Pertaining to my personal online presence, I
have always tried to keep clean things on my social media and to only post things that I
would be okay with a company seeing. I think it is okay to use someone’s online presence as
a reference because it can show you how that person interacts with other people in a social
aspect. You can see a person’s personal interests and what they choose to share with the
public. An example of a time where my friend’s online presence caused negative attention
was when my friend commented on another person’s tweet where he did not like what they
said, and he called her some mean names. He received a lot of negative feedback about how
he shouldn’t get so mad and how he should have kept those words to himself. He dealt with
this by being more thoughtful about the things he posts and keeping negative things off of
social media. I do things to protect my online presence by posting G-rated things on my
profiles and not using swear words in my posts. I generally do not post too any things, b ut
when I do, I make sure that it is something that a company will not use against me if they
want to hire me.

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