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Distinguish between Ex Post Facto Law and Bill

of Attainder.

ANSWER: The Ex Post Facto Law is any law

which makes an innocent act a crime after the
act was committed. It is a Latin phrase which
means from something done afterwards it could
also be a law which aggravates a crime or makes
it greater than when it was committed or which
changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
penalty than the law governing the crime when
committed while a Bill of Attainder is law which
inflicts punishment on a named individual or a
group of individuals without judicial trial. The Ex
Post Facto Law pertains to the act while a Bill of
Attainder pertains to a named individual or to
members of a group.

The Congress passed a law reviving the anti-

subversion law making it a criminal offense
against for a person to join the Communist Party
of the Philippines.

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