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A study that investigate the quality of
Qualitative relationship, activities, situations or materials.
It is subjective which is highly dependent
on the participants’ point of view.

qualitative research does not rely on

numbers but rather on ideas and meanings
that will be interpreted.

Fraenkel & Wallen, 2010

In comparison to quantitative research.
Qualitative 1 multiple realities vs. single reality
Research 2 understanding situations in a participant’s
perspective vs. establishing relationships
and explaining cause of correlation
3 emerging design vs. pre-established
4 immersed researcher vs. design
detached researcher
5 to assess applicability vs. to generalize

Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

❖ The researcher has an important role.

❖ Data are gathered and presented in a form of
words, descriptions, pictures or meanings, and
not in numbers.
❖ Researchers are concerned with the process
❖ Inductive reasoning is used in analyzing data.
❖ Researchers are concerned with meanings and

Bogdan and Biklen (2007)

Qualitative Research
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✓ thecsonfid w h e n p re
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m s f i n d i
Five qualitative research approaches

1 Ethnography

2 Phenomenology

3 Narrative

4 Grounded Theory

5 Case Study
Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009
• This approach requires the researcher to
immerse themselves in the context of the
research, called a natural setting.
• Ethnographic approach is participant approach,
in which the researcher becomes immersed in
the culture under study as an active participant,
taking intensive notes about observations and
Data Collection:
Interviews, observations, and
immersion into the culture as an
active participant.
Data Analysis:
Describe and interpret findings
by analyzing data and
developing themes.
• This approach explores the world of the participants
by gaining thoughts, insights and perceptions to a
particular phenomenon.
• In phenomenology, the participants relive their
experiences in order to obtain the very essence of
these thoughts and perceptions.
• Some of the possible topics are;
✓the experiences of athletes who played in the
national & international sports.
✓Students who volunteer in relief operations.
Data Collection:
Primarily through interviews,
sometimes observations.
Data Analysis:
Study and describe
experiences, examine meaning
and context, look for themes.
Narrative Research
• It narrates the life and experiences of an individual told
to the researcher or from available document or
• It highlights special events in the individual’s life.
• This could be either biography and autobiography;
Biography, the researchers narrate the experiences
of other person.
Autobiography, the written account of the
individual who is the subject of the study.
Grounded Theory
• This approach aims to generate a theory
from the data which are analyzed and
interpreted inductively.
• The theory that can generated does not start
from the beginning but only surfaced after
all the data have been analyzed inductively.
• This is the result of thorough interviews and
Case Study
• A long time study of a person, group,
organization or situation and an empirical
inquiry that investigates a contemporary
phenomenon phenomenon within its real-
life context.
Data Collection:
Documents of the case,
archives, interviews,
observations, physical artifacts.
Data Analysis:
Develop a detailed analysis;
identify themes; make
Written report form
In-depth study of a case that
describes the case, its themes,
and possible lessons learned.
Activity (1/2 crosswise)

❖ Given the ff. topics, what approach is

the most appropriate to use?
1. Story of a famous mathematician
2. Working habits of a carpenter
3. Attitude problem of a 16-year old boy
4. How a military general disciplines his
5. Mental models of chemistry among
Group work

As a group, decide on
what approach will you
use on your chosen topic.

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