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Short Term Training Committee

In place.

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wbr, om Swastiastu, cultural namo and best wishes for all of us, shalom

I am writing this letter to express my interest in attending the Sort Term Training program,
scheduled to start on 20-28 October 2018 at the University In Turky. I have been in charge of
laboratory since 2011 In Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, I really enjoy working in welding
laboratories and I am certain that this training programme to overseas will help me to fulfil
myself in both profesional and personal contexts.

The Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic is a vocational education institution where located in

Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic has 6 majors in the field of
expertise, namely: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Computer Informatics Engineering and Trading Administration. Mechanical
engineering has 11 laboratories, one of which is welding laboratory. Lhokseumawe State
Polytechnic has global competitiveness as evidenced by the establishment of Lembaga
Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) and Tempat Uji Kompetensi (TUK) for students who will pass, so that
graduates have competency certificate beside academic recognition (diploma) as owned by
welding laboratory .

I had been in production and machining laboratories as a turning technician from 2011 to 2015
and after attending some welding training such as welding certification training in Polytechnic
of Bandung for one month, International Welding Specialist training in Austria for two months
and Nondestructive Testing MT PT level II in Surabaya for a week, I am in the welding laboratory
on 2015 until now. I was appointed to functional position for the first time as PLP Pelaksana on
January 1, 2017.

On this occasion, I will explain some of the reasons that make me worthy to receive
this training.

Firstly, The welding laboratory has updated the machinery and welding equipment to the latest
and complete technology even though the building facilities are inadequate now and I only one
the PLP manpower who manages the laboratory so that it is not maximal for management of
the welding laboratory.

Seconly, My laboratory has often held welding training in the form of community service as well
as with the labor service and cooperation in laboratory equipment leasing with upstream oil
and gas industries. Right now, we are in the processing to up grade the welding laboratory as
an Approve training body (ATB) under International Institute of Welding (IIW). For that reason I
really need training about management of laboratories of international standard and follow the
development of modern technology.
Thirdly, Turkey’s rapid economic growth, even in the face of the global economic downturn, has
made it a model for dozens of countries across the world looking to develop everything from a
robust banking system to health care reform. While this growth was impressive, it has set up
the country for an even more exciting period: an explosion of technology-based businesses and
homegrown innovation. This is certainly inseparable from the economic policy and
development of Turkey's current leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan under construction. It is not
surprising that as the EU nations started from Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, France and others
'fall out' one by one its economy, Turkey is still firmly in the midst of the devastation of
Western European economies. Therefore, Turkey seems no longer eager to be a member of this
EU lineup to see the fact that this Erdogan-led country is stronger than Western European

Turkey has a population of only 76 million (98% of whom are Muslim), currently filled by young
people with an average age of 28 years. Turkey has consistent 6.4% GDP growth, which China
does not even own, and occupies the 15th highest position in GDP growth. A good Turkish
economy in the region, it is predicted that some observers will become a new force for Europe.
Turkey is also predicted to replace French-German domination in the European Union. Zümrüt
Imamoglu from the Betam Economic Research Center at Istanbul's Bahcesehir University, said
that the Turkish economy recovered from the global financial crisis since 2009 with astounding.
Today, skyscrapers towering in Maslak and Levent, the metropolitan area of Istanbul. So I am
very proud and interested to learn and take the experience from turkish country.

Finally, I hope the experience of participating in the Short Term Training program assists me to
be a profesional PLP. Moreover, I think this experience would mean a great deal for my
personal growth, because learning of new cultures, sharing different views, learning new
laboratorium management and achieving goals together would be a priceless experience. I am
confident that the program will contribute to my professional development in the future and it
will be a great environment in which I can bring my experience and use it to inflate specialized
laboratories and polytechnics in general to make Indonesia equal to the developed countries.

I hope you will take this letter as a sincere proof of my interest and motivation to participate in

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Rudi Mardian Saputra

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