Bu I 2 Man Took A Laptop: Operation. He Has A New Hand. The Hand Is Made by Men

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Man took a laptop

Two men were sitting at a table. They were eating.

Their laptop was on the table too. A man came up to them and he took it. They
didn't expect this because the criminal was coming slowly.

The two men tried to catch this criminal. But he had a motorbike and he got


Moves on water

There is a new attraction in China. A lot of people want to see it.

There are people who do special things on the water. They stand on a long
bamboo in a river. It is not easy. They need very good balance. It is like a dance
but it is a sport.

This is an old thing but it is popular. It is a traditional Chinese sport.


New hand with feelings

A fireworks accident happens. A man loses his hand. He is from Denmark.

He cannot touch or feel things. It is like this for nine years. Now, he has an
operation. He has a new hand. The hand is made by men.

The hand is very special. There are sensors inside it. When the man touches
something, the hand knows! This information goes to the man’s brain, and the
man can feel things again! It is amazing.

He can feel different types of things. He is very happy. He is the first man with
a hand like this.

People eat a lot of hot dogs

Some people can eat very fast. But people want to know who is the fastest.
There is a competition in eating hot dogs. It happens in New York.

There are champions and they know that they are good. But they cannot stop.
They must get better and better.

A lot of people come. The competition is very popular. The leader of New York
comes too.


People walk on a wall

There is an attraction in London. It is something special.

It is a type of art. An artist from Argentina makes the art. He puts a fake house
on the ground and he puts mirrors which stand near it. The mirrors show the
fake house. When there are people on the house they are in the mirrors too.

People come and they have fun. They walk on the house which is on the ground
and it looks like that they are walking in the air.


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