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Which is the Purpose of Trip to the U.S.?

Cuál es el propósito de su viaje a U.S.


Because you want to travel to the United States?

Porque quieres viajar a estados unidos
En esta pregunta no respondas que vas a trabajar aunque ellos lo saben no
hay que decir al menos que te pregunten

I would like to improve my English and know other culture, new people,
have new experiences.

Where are you going?

A donde vas

Denver, Colorado

what you gonna do?

Que vas hacer


How long are you going to be there?


Duracion prevista de la estancia en los estados unidos

3 months

Which is the address where you will stay in the U.S.?

Cual es la direccion donde se alojara en los EEUU

Dillon Colorado

675 straight creek dillon valleyeasti-304

how many are your family members ?

We are 5 my parents and my brothers

what is the expected date of arrival at U.S.

Cual es la fecha prevista de llegada a U.s.
February four, two thousand and nineteen

your boss's name ?

Nombre de tu Jefe

Bosco Daniel

who is paying you the program ?

Quien te está pagando el viaje

My mother

Name of person paying for your Trip?

Maria Teresa Murillo Merino

Fanny Monica Altamirano Alvarez

What relationship does have to you?

Que relación tiene con usted

My mother

you are studying?

Estas estudiando

where do you study?
Donde estudias

In espol

what carreer do you study?

Que Carrera estudias

Engineer Civil – Engineer Audit in C.P.A.

how much time do you need to finish the race?

Cuanto tiempo te falta para terminar la carrera


on which date do you finish the race

en qué fecha terminas la carrera


in which date do you graduate

en que fecha te graduas


you have family in the united states?

Tienes familiares en los estados unidos


how many times have you traveled to USA?

Cuantas veces has viajado a USA?


Have your ever been in the U.S.?

Has estado alguna vez en los estados unido?


Where your parents work?

En que trabajan tus padres

describe the program

The program is interesting because it allows me to know the American

culture improve English and meet new people

Describe the agency

Globe Adventures is an efficient agency in the advising of the program

Because you chose that place?

Porque elegiste ese lugar

Because I like a nice place and I like snow

What are you going to work on?

en que vas a trabajar ?


has worked before in usa?has trabajado antes in usa?


has traveled to another country?

has viajado a otro país

Yes, to Colombia

What are your rights in the United States?

cuales son tus derechos en estados unidos

1. Su derecho a recibir una paga justa / Your Right to Be Paid Fairly

2. Su derecho a no sufrir discriminación / Your Right to Be Free from
3. Su derecho a no sufrir acoso sexual ni explotación sexual / Your
Rights to Be Free from Sexual Harassment and Sexual Exploitation
4. Su derecho a trabajar en un lugar saludable y seguro / Your Right to
a Healthy and Safe Workplace
5. Su derecho a solicitar ayuda de grupos sindicales, de inmigrantes y
de derechos laborales / Your Right to Request Help from Union,
Immigrant, and Labor Rights Groups
6. Su derecho a abandonar una situación de empleo abusiva / Your
Right to Leave an Abusive Employment Situation

What are the subjects you are currently watching?

Cuales son las materias que estas viendo actualmente


Financial Audit I
Governmental Accounting I
Tax Right
Finance II
English IV
Sampling and multivariate Analysis Techniques I

In which semesters are you?

En que semestre estas

Eighth semester

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