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1 Solve the crossword puzzle.

What’s Leo taking? I’m going camping with

my school friends!






2 Look at the map and write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

a. There is a fast food restaurant near the campsite.

Campsite b. There is a museum next to the art gallery.

c. There are two hotels on the corner of 7th Avenue.

d. There is a planetarium opposite a restaurant.

e. There are three supermarkets in the town.

pizza place planetarium museum

hotel marine theme park fast food restaurant

restaurant art gallery

Photocopiable Follow your trail 2 © 2017 Ediciones Santillana, S. A.

3 Complete the dialogue.

Campsite’s menu Mary: Look at our menu. Yogurt and

for breakfast.
Lad: I like yogurt. What about lunch?
Mary: We have some rice and .
Lad: Mmm… I hate rice! you like it?
Lunch: Mary: Yes, I . And Leo it, too.
Lad: Do we have for tea?
Tea: Mary: Yes! And chocolate milk!
Lad: Great! And for dinner?
Mary: and salad. you like them?
Lad: No! And Leo like them, either.

4 Complete and match.

What are Leo’s friends doing?
a. Sarah (eat) sandwich. 1. He’s tired.
b. Lucas and Mateo (play) football. 2. He’s very fast.
c. Bruno (ride) a bike. 3. She’s hungry.

d. Tomás (sleep). 4. They’re happy.

5 Complete the e-mail to your friend about your camping days.

Hi ! How are you? We are having great fun at the campsite!

We get am. Then we
breakfast. In the morning, we . I like
but I don’t . At 12.30,
we at the campsite’s bar. The food is delicious but
Lad . After lunch, we do many activities. My friends
and I usually . Mary
and Lad . At night, we
and Ms Roland .
I sometimes feel but I .
See you soon!

Photocopiable Follow your trail 2 © 2017 Ediciones Santillana, S. A.

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