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Typical food in Canada

In a multi-ethnic, restaurant-heavy country like Canada, it can sometimes be a bit of a

challenge to define what exactly counts as “Canadian food.” In general, most Canadians eat
a largely “western” diet broadly similar to the diet of Americans and Europeans, with a
heavy focus on processed grain and dairy products, farm-grown beef and chicken, certain
cooked or fresh fruits and vegetables, and questionable amounts of salt and sugar.
 Putin
Putin , a french fry-looking dish and arguably Canada’s national and most defining dish or
side dish. It’s one of the best things to come out of French impact on Canada. Poutine is
best served with a meat-based gravy and curds on top of the bowl of fries. It’s so popular in
the country that fast food chains like McDonald’s serve them too and annual poutine
festivals are held throughout the cities.
 Canadian Bacon
The rest of the world and bacon-eating America is familiar with that kind of bacon: the thin
strip of meat derived from the belly of pork. Just about every other kind of bacon else is
“peameal” bacon - Canadian bacon - which is essentially taken from the lean pork loin and
 Butter Tarts
Butter tarts are one of the few original foods from Canada. Several variations and
resemblances exist, yet their status as one of Canada’s quintessential home-grown recipes -
albeit having countless of the latter - is uncontested. It is a tart made from a pastry shell,
butter, sugar, syrup, eggs, and raisins, and cooked until the tart pie filling is semi-solid and
 Nanaimo Bars
Nanaimo bars look like cheesecake but are a sweet dessert made of crumbs as a base, icing
in the middle, then topped with chocolate.
 Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is the best thing to come out of Canada. It could even tie with the maple leaf
on this country’s flag. The town of Quebec produces 85% of the world’s maple syrup,
which is usually drizzled over pancakes as a topping, waffles, French toast, oatmeal, or

Canada is famous for many things like winter sports, ice hockey, social programs and
groups, and budget-friendliness, though their choice of cuisine is a matter of national
interest to us as well. Canadians’ choice of food reflects their love for carbs for one, and
hearty dishes that have the potential to make normal meals complete, while providing the
perfect complement to a dinner with family and friends.

Popular winter Sport in Canada

Canada is famous for its winter sports and because of the country’s cold climate winter sports are
far more popular. The national winter sport for Canada is ice hockey which a sport that is enjoyed
by Canadians on all levels.

The Common Winter Sports in Canada

After ice hockey, which is the most popular Canadian sport is soccer. Another spectator sport
which has a huge online sports betting industry.

Most of Canada is an icy tundra making sports associated with snow a big hit. Downhill skiing,
cross country skiing, snowboarding and dog sledding are common winter sports.

Luge, snowmobiling and ice fishing are some more outdoor winter sports popular in Canada. While
many of these sports are not commonly found worldwide due to their need of mountainous
landscapes and snowy climates, many are performed at international levels.

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