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The following are the elements of theft except…

a. Taking the personal property of another
b. With intent to gain
c. Without the owner’s consent
d. With violence against or intimidation of person
2. It is a method to gain entry into a locked safe which involves the use of oxygen and acetylene
tank to punch a hole and expose the locking mechanism or setting up a small and calculated
explosive charge to blow open the safe.
a. Explosive Charge Attack c. Rip Attack
b. Punch Attack d. Torch Attack
3. What is the confrontational and vigorous questioning of a person suspected of having
committed a crime that is also applied to a reluctant or uncooperative person to divulge
information pertinent to the investigation?
a. Inquiry c. Instrumentation
b. Interrogation d. Interview
4. These are materials, which link the suspect to the offense committed.
a. Associative c. Conclusive
b. Positive d. Tracing
5. Below are the factors in the selection of point of entry except…
a. Architectural Design
b. Degree of Resistance
c. Public Visibility
d. Time Necessary to gain entry
6. It is any vehicle propelled by any other means, other than muscular power, using the public
highways but accepting rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawnmowers,
bulldozers, graders, fork list, amphibian trucks and cranes, if not used on public highways.
a. Government Vehicle c. Motor Vehicle
b. Private Vehicle d. Public Vehicle
7. When the information for the crime of homicide committed by Tina T. Aga comes from Mando
R. Ukot, a known criminal in Kalye Balikbayan, this source of information is known as …
a. Classified c. Cultivated
b. Grapevine d. Regular
8. It involves the first exposure of the criminal offense to the investigative effort that serves as the
foundation for the case.
a. Commencement Investigation
b. In-Depth Investigation
c. Preliminary Investigation
d. Progress Investigation
9. What is the collection of facts establishing that a crime has been committed and that some
other person is responsible?
a. Corpus Delicti c. Factum Probandum
b. Lex Taliones d. Mens Rea
10. What is the investigator’s way to determine whether a dead body has been moved from one
site to another?
a. Autopsy c. Mortem Lividity
b. Necropsy d. Rigor Mortis
11. If Pat Ay was killed by means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, standing of a
vessel, derailment or assault upon a street car or locomotive, fall of an airship, by means of
motor vehicles, or with the use of any other means involving great waste and ruin, the
malefactor is liable for…
a. Genocide c. Homicide
b. Murder d. Parricide
12. What is the medical term for bodily injuries produce by sudden physical force-penetrating,
blunt or sharp?
a. Castration c. Mutilation
b. Shock d. Trauma
13. It is an explanation offered by a person who is the suspect in the commission of crime
purposely to demonstrate that he or she was in some other place other than where the crime
took place and at the time the crime happened.
a. Alibi c. Defense
b. Excuse d. Justification
14. What is the process conducted by the investigator to discover and collect evidence which have
connection in the crime conducted?
a. Buy Bust Operation c. Confiscation
b. Search d. Seizure
15. It refers to the taking of personal property belonging to another, with the intent to gain, by
means of violence against, or intimidation of any person by using force upon things.
a. Brigandage c. Robbery
b. Snatching d. Theft
16. Who among the following types of robber is characterized as having a long-term commitment
to crime as a source of livelihood, planning and organizing crimes before committing them and
pursuing money to support a particular lifestyle?
a. Habitual c. Irrational
b. Professional d. Situational
17. It is defined as the simple questioning of a person believed to possess knowledge that is
necessary, relevant and material to the crime committed which is under investigation.
a. Inquiry c. Instrumentation
b. Interrogation d. Interview
18. What is the most preferred method of experienced safe burglar wherein the safe dial is forced
off by a blow from a sledgehammer or like object, leaving a spindle and essential locking
mechanism open to attack?
a. Charge Attack c. Punch Attack
b. Rip Attack d. Torch Attack
19. It is the act of mutilating or contaminating physical evidence found in the crime scene.
a. Alteration c. Compensation
b. Regression d. Substitution
20. It is the disguised or secret observation of persons, places and vehicles for the purpose of
obtaining information regarding the identity or activity of the subject.
a. Detective c. Roping
b. Surveillance d. Tailing
21. Who is a person who has knowledge that the items he purchased is a fruit of a crime?
a. Accessory c. Accomplice
b. Conspirator d. Fence
22. What is an innovative proactive operation, with investigators posing as sellers of stolen
property to recover stolen property in the possession of fencing targets, and deterring future
dealings between thieves and their fences?
a. Instigation c. Entrapment
b. Fencing d. Surveillance
23. What is defined as the authority to hear, try and decide a case?
a. Jurisdiction c. Power
b. Province d. Right
24. It is a mixture of a pigment and a vehicle, such as oil or water that together form a liquid or
paste that can be applied to a surface to provide an adherent coating and impart color.
a. Colloid c. Compound
b. Emulsion d. Paint
25. What is a method of determining whether the suspect has fired a gun within a given time period
by coating the hands within a given time period by coating the hands with melted paraffin to
note the presence of or absence of nitrates?
a. Core Nitrate Test c. Dermal Nitrate test
b. Furrow Nitrate test d. Ridge Nitrate test
26. When Killer D. Assassin kills his father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or
any of his ascendants or descendants, or spouse, he is liable for…
a. Genocide c. Homicide
b. Infanticide d. Parricide
27. It is a form of investigation in which the investigator assumes a different and unofficial identity
for the purpose of obtaining necessary information regarding the identity and location of the
a. Special Assignment
b. Operational Assignment
c. Undercover Assignment
d. Tactical Assignment
28. When public officer or employee when not being authorized by judicial order, shall enter a
dwelling against the will of the owner thereof is liable for…
a. Abuse of Authority
b. Trespassing
c. Unlawful
d. Violation of Domicile
29. What is the doctrine that must be observed by the investigation officer before the performance
of his duties?
a. Gross Doctrine c. Howard Doctrine
b. Lacson Doctrine d. Miranda Doctrine
30. It is any of range (short or long distance) of explosive weapons that only rely on the exothermic
reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy.
a. Bomb c. Explosive
b. Firearm d. Propellent
31. It is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or
more persons against another person without that person’s consent.
a. Acts of Lasciviousness c. Sodomy
b. Rape d. Unjust Vexation
32. What is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the investigation
and prevention of crime?
a. Apprehension c. Arrest
b. Kidnapping d. Seizure
33. These are objects that assist the investigator in locating the malefactor.
a. Associative c. Documents
b. Positive d. Tracing
34. SPO4 May K. Ulangot is analyzing how the crime was committed through careful examination
and study of the scene before the criminal act. The location of objects and other essential items
are being imagined, hence she would have an idea how the malefactor perpetrated his wanton
act. This assessment she made in the crime scene is known as ….
a. Documentation c. Imagimation
b. Repression d. Reconstruction
35. It refers to the good and harmonious relationship between the interviewer and interviewee
which serves as a door for overwhelming information coming from the subject.
a. Rapport c. Mutual Understanding
b. Affection d. Friendship
36. It refers to a thing which is found at the crime scene in connection with an investigation and
which aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which the
crime was committed or which, in general, assist in the prosecution of criminals.
a. Forensic Article c. Criminal Stuff
b. Tracing Item d. Physical Evidence
37. This is the type of interrogation which is good for a cooperative subject who is willing to talk.
The letter should be allowed to talk with little interruption; the investigator should observe the
reactions of the subject; the word used while telling the details of the story.
a. Truth Serum c. Hypnotism
b. Narrative d. Interrogative
38. It is also known as Cartographic Sketching wherein the investigator; sketcher will draw a face
based on the description to be given by the victim, complainant or witness?
a. Sketching c. Artist Assistance
b. Rogue’s Gallery d. General Photograph
39. It is the physical possibility that the suspect could have committed the crime; hence it could
be used to identify him at once. It could be presumes from the following:
a. Motive c. Opportunity
b. Intent d. Capability
40. It is defined as the simple questioning of a person believed to posse’s knowledge that is
necessary, relevant and material to the crime committed which is under investigation.
a. Interview c. Interrogation
b. Instrumentation d. Inquiry
41. It refers to the ability to the witness to positively identify and remember how the criminal looks
like. Its distinct physical features particularly his face and body built are very significant.
a. Retention c. Photographic Memory
b. Intellectual Quotient d. Cerebral Capacity
42. It refers to the number of person who handled the evidence from the time of its discovery, up
to the ultimate disposition of the case. This should be minimized as much as possible.
a. Chain of Custody c. Chain of Evidence
b. Chain of Command d. Chain of Investigation
43. It is the ability to go down to the level of the lower strata, minor, squatters, or even the level
of the elite, noble or professional.
a. Acting ability c. Bravery and Gallantry
b. Tactfulness d. Alertness and Enthusiasm
44. This is the liar type of witness who provides false and misleading information.
a. Talkative c. Disinterested
b. Deceitful d. Boastful
45. It is the assessment made by the investigator after the crime scene investigation, of how the
crime is committed.
a. Reconstruction of the crime scene
b. Measurement of the crime scene
c. Imagination of the crime scene
d. Evaluation of the crime scene
46. What theory asserts that man exhibits constant variation of life, energy and mood states?
a. Logomacy c. Psychodynamics
b. Biorythm d. Criminogenics
47. It is a form of investigation in which the investigator assumes a different and unofficial identity
for the purpose of obtaining necessary information regarding the identity and location of the
a. Tailing c. Roping
b. Tactical d. Strategic
48. These are information coming from the underworld people such as criminals, prisoners or ex-
a. Regular c. Classified
b. Grapevine d. Cultivated
49. It is the statement of facts by the accused in a criminal case which do not directly involved
the acknowledgment of guilt in the commission of crimes for crimes for which he is charged.
a. Justification c. Declaration
b. Admission d. Confession
50. It refers to the physical, which may identify the criminal by means of personal properties,
characteristic and clues?
a. Conclusive c. Associative
b. Prima Facie d. Circumstantial
51. The following are the reasons for the discharged of the informant, except:
a. Commission of Crimes c. Determining the source of Illegal Activities
b. Becoming Security Risk d. Providing False Information
52. They are those who possessed especial skills and knowledge that may be applied in the crime
scene investigation depending on the needs like medico legal officer, chemist, ballisticians,
dactylographer etc.
a. Technician c. Special Investigators
b. Agents d. Criminologist
53. It refers to a thing, which is found at the crime scene in connection with an investigation aid
in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which crime was
committed or which in general, assist in the prosecution of criminals.
a. Tracking Item c. Criminal Stuff
b. Forensic Article d. Physical Evidence
54. This type of interrogation technique is applicable when there are two or more suspects. They
are separated and one informed that the other has talked.
a. Indifference c. Bluff of split pair
b. Reverse line-up d. Exaggerating fear
55. It refers to the good and harmonious relationship between the interviewer and interviewee,
which serves as a door for overflowing information coming from the subject.
a. Rapport c. Mutual Understanding
b. Affection d. Friendship
56. It refers to criminal whose identification is furnished by eyewitness only.
a. Organized c. Anonymous
b. Professional d. Known
57. It is also known as cartographic sketching wherein the investigator or trained sketcher will
draw a face based on the description to be given by the victim, complaint or witness?
a. Rogue’s gallery c. Artist assistant
b. Sketching d. General Photograph
58. Refers to a person, place or vehicle being watched by the person assigned for such as mission.
a. Subject c. Detective
b. Investigator d. Undercover
59. Is the physical possibility that the suspect could have committed the crime; hence, it could be
used to identify him at once.
a. Intent c. Motive
b. Capability d. Opportunity
60. These are the type of exaggerated witnesses who make additional irrelevant details of the
a. Indifferent c. Deceitful
b. Timid d. Talkative
61. It is when the identification of the subject is established indirectly by proving other facts from
which alone or in connection with other facts. The identity of the suspect can be inferred.
a. Object c. Corroborative
b. Circumstantial d. Associative
62. What kind of crime scene reconstruction is based on the physical appearance of the crime
scene mainly focused on the pieces of physical evidence?
a. Social c. Physical
b. Legal d. Mental

63. Who perfected the macadamized road system in England?

a. John McAdam c. Ernest Hemingway
b. Roger Diesel d. Chicha Honda
64. In a police interrogation process, the room should provide freedom from distractions; designed
simply to enhance the concentration of both the interrogation and the subject on the matter
under questioning. This is –
a. Part of Standard operating procedure
b. Simply a technique for successful interrogation
c. Not necessary except when interrogee is reluctant
d. Dependent on the interrogator
65. In police interrogation, placing the subject in the proper frame of mind by providing some
emotional stimuli that will prompt the subject to unburden himself is a method known as –
a. Emotional Appeal c. Kindness
b. Sympathetic Approach d. Shifting the blame
66. Upon Arrival at the Crime Scene, the investigator should first –
a. Record time/ date of arrival at the crime scene
b. Secure the crime scene by installing the crime scene tape or rope (police line)
c. Determine the assailant through inquiry or observed him is his immediately apparent.
d. Conduct preliminary search of items
67. As a rule in crime scene search, do not touch, alter or remove anything at the crime scene until
the evidence has been processed through notes, sketches and photographs, with proper
measurement. This is –
a. Mandatory c. Prerogative
b. Temporary d. Exclusive
68. In criminal investigation, when the area to be searched is huge which requires several crew to
make the search, the appropriate method of search should be –
a. Strip method c. Zone Method
b. Spiral Method d. Double Strip Method
69. The scene of a crime must not be released until all processing has been completed. The release
should be effected at the earliest practicable time, particularly when an activity has been closed
or its operations curtailed. This statement is –
a. Absolutely true in any criminal investigation
b. Absolutely false because investigation is an art
c. Neither true nor false
d. Dependent on the team leader
70. When the investigator made a sketch at the crime scene, where no scale or proportions are
ignored and everything is merely approximate, then the kind of sketch is –
a. Rough Sketch
b. Semi – finished Sketch
c. Final Sketch
d. Sketch of Scene only
71. Under standard composition of the SOCO team, which among the following is not a SOCO
member –
a. Team Leader
b. Intelligence Personnel
c. Photographer and Photographic log recorder
d. Sketcher and Evidence Recorder
72. In DNA sampling and analysis, which of the following part of the body can be least considered?
a. Hair with follicle root
b. Buccal Cells
c. Bone marrow
d. Fingernails
73. In the collection of DNA sources, a cigarette was found at the crime scene. What possible
sample can be taken from the said cigarette?
a. Tobacco Component
b. Saliva at the cigar
c. Tar component
d. All of the Above
74. Chemically, DNA is an acid and is composed of the three sub-units, namely –
a. Phosphate group, deoxyribose sugar, and one of the four bases
b. Nucleus, an elongated body, and a multi-colored tail
c. Acid Base, Cryogenic gas, and Adenine
d. Deoxide, Ribose, and a gaseous state liquid
75. What kind of investigation is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and
circumstances surrounding the death of the person which is expected to be criminal or
a. Homicide investigation
b. Property crime investigation
c. Crime of Chastity
d. Crime against person
76. Intent to kill is presumed if deaths results from the unjustified act. If death did not result from
the act, intent to kill is essential to prove attempted or frustrated homicide otherwise the crime
may be –
a. Murder c. Physical Injuries
b. Parricide d. None of these
77. The first action of an investigator upon arriving at the crime scene of the homicide is –
a. The verification of death
b. Identification of the victim
c. Search of the scene for weapons used
d. Call an ambulance
78. Identification based on the examination of teeth such as teeth charts, fillings, inlays crowns,
bridgework, dentures etc. is valuable in as much as the teeth are probably the most durable
part of the human body. This is an important domain of personal identification under field of

a. Personal identification
b. Forensic Odontology
c. Forensic Anthropometry
79. The means of entry differs in various burglaries and are related to the skill of a robber. What
is the known means of entry in robbery where the robber/s forces a door or window with an
iron tool such as screw driver or scrobar?
a. Jimmy Entry
b. Celluloid Entry
c. Roof Entry
d. Human Fly Entry
80. Legally, ______ is an expressed acknowledgement by the accused in criminal cases of the truth
of his guilt as to the crime charged or of some of the essential part thereof.
a. Deposition c. Admission
b. Confession d. Sworn Statement
81. In using a witness, for purposes of identifying the culprit, what method is not part of police
standards of investigation?
a. Verbal Description
b. Photographic Files (rogues gallery)
c. Solitary Confinement type of interrogation
d. Artist Assistance or composite sketches
82. Who was known as England’s “Bow Street Runners” prominent creator?
a. Sir Henry Fielding c. King Henry I
b. Sir Robert Peel d. Allan Pinkerton
83. History of criminal investigation traced that the first woman detective was ______, employed by
the Pinkerton detective agency in the United States.
a. Kate Wayne c. Kristine Wicks
b. Katherine Jones d. Andrea Abrahams
84. Which of the following criminal investigation personalities first to advocate the use of scientific
methods of criminal investigation?
a. Aberdeen Job c. Francis Galton
b. Hans gross d. Oliver Smith
85. Which case in the Philippines in 1985 paved the way for the jurisprudence that right to a
counsel maybe waived but the waiver, to be valid, must be made with assistance of a counsel?
a. People vs. Enrile
b. People vs. Galit
c. People vs. Miranda
86. In the performance of his duties, the investigator must seek to establish the six cardinal points
of investigation, which are, except –
a. What specific offense has been committed and how the offense was committed
b. Who committed it and where the offense was committed
c. When it was committed and why it was committed
d. Whether or not the means is legally valid
87. Interview in crime investigation is very important considering that the person interviewed
usually gives his account of an incident. The basic assumption is that –
a. No law compels a person to talk to the police if he does not want to, thus making
interviewing an art
b. The law is always the law and everyone has to submit himself or herself for investigation
c. Everyone has the right against self-incrimination
d. Talk to no one except in the line of duty
88. The questioning of a person suspected of having committed an offense or of a person who is
reluctant to make a full disclosure of information in his possession which is pertinent to the
investigation as appropriately called –
a. Defense of Personal right
b. Interrogation
c. Interview
d. Survey Method
89. The police traffic enforcer noted that the plate number of a motor vehicle on the rod is TGP
688. What should come in to his mind as to what month should the vehicle be registered?
a. February c. March
b. August d. September
90. Which of the following term relates to a shift of criminal activity from one spatial location to
a. Dislocation c. Disorderly
b. Displacement d. Distraint
91. If Pedro and Maria, in a marriage, agree to lie about the duration of their separation in order
to secure a divorce then there is –
a. Collective Agreement c. Disengagement
b. Collusion d. Abatement
92. The criminal investigator should be a competent one. Which of the following statements fits
the meaning of the word “competent” in this context?
a. He is an all-knowing person in forensic science
b. He understands the undertakings of criminal investigation
c. He has very good luck
d. He can process items/evidence according to protocol
93. In some cases, a particular judge will agree with the judgement reached in the majority opinion
but for different reasons. In this situation, the judge can write a separate written opinion,
known as –
a. Concurring opinion
b. Conflict opinion
c. Respect the opinion
d. Best opinion Rule
94. The protection of an informant in a case such that his individual identity will not be linked to
the information he provided and publicly divulged is a matter of –
a. Protection c. Human Right
b. Confidentiality d. Confinement
95. The court or executive order prohibiting lawyers or anyone working on behalf of lawyers in
appending criminal or civil case from communicating their case to the media or the public at
large is called-
a. Interim Order c. Interlocutory Order
b. Gag Order d. Detail Order
96. Which of the following is also called bias crime?
a. Hate crime c. Mass Murder
b. Incestuous Crime d. Genocide
97. ______ is a court petition which orders that a person being detained be produced before a judge
for a hearing to decide whether the detention is lawful.
a. Madamus c. Corpus Delicti
b. Habeas Corpus d. Certiorari
98. Proselytizing is encouraging one to change his or her religious belief; _____ is soliciting one to
perform an act of prostitution.
a. Mamasanizing c. Palimony
b. Pandering d. Oligamize
99. When a person’s faculties are diminished so that his or her ability to see, hear, walk, talk and
judge distances below the normal level then such a person is suffering from –
a. Impairment c. Negligence
b. Incompetence d. Lack of common sense
100. Pedro was forced to sign a document involving an agreement of settlement with Juan. It
was made with the presence P01 Domingo. And Pedro was threatened against his life if he will
not sign the document. In this situation, Pedro was in a state of –
a. Duress c. Obligation
b. Test d. Ceased
101. Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA uses the complex molecular structure forming the
principal constituent of the genes to identify persons. DNA is different for every individual,
a. Individual cells c. Sperm cells
b. Monozygotic twins d. Identical twins
102. Which of the following evidence obtained from the crime scene which may be subjected
to scientific analysis?
I. Weapons, marks of tools used to gain access locked the premises
II. Blood stains, impression, dust and dirt traces
III. Any object evidence recovered at the crime scene
a. I and III c. I, II and III
b. I and II d. None of them
103. Autopsy is the complete or thorough examination of the dead body by the conduct of
incision of the cadaver to determine the actual cause of death. This should always be
a. When death is uncertain c. When homicide is certain
b. When death is suspicious d. When death is apparently caused violence
104. You are assigned to investigate a homicide case where the victim is found hanging in
his room bearing an inverted V-shape ligature mark in his neck. Which of the following facts
will make you believe that death is homicide?
I. Blood stains and other injuries to the body of the victim
II. History of desperation in life
III. Testimony of the witness
IV. Defense wound
a. I and IV c. I, II and III
b. II and III d. I, II, III and IV
105. This is produced by compression of the neck by means of a ligature which is tightened
by a force other than the weight of the body.
a. Strangulation by ligature c. Hanging
b. Throttling d. Gagging
106. Assuming that you were a police officer responding a shooting incident. Upon arrival
at the scene, you saw the victims Cha-cha and Popoy. While on the state of dying, Cha-cha
told you that she and her friend Popoy whose dead body is lying nearby was shot by Chaps.
Cha-cha died later on. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. All the statements of Cha-cha are to be considered as dying declarations.
b. Only that past as to who shot Popoy is a dying declaration.
c. Only that part as to who shot Cha-cha is a dying declaration.
d. All statements are not admissible, they are hearsay if repeated in court.
107. Philippine Act on Crimes against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and
other Crimes against Humanity.
a. Republic Act 9208 c. Republic Act 9262
b. Republic Act 9851 d. Republic Act 8049
108. A case wherein the violation of law or ordinances has just been unearthed or
discovered and the suspect and witness are still emotionally affected, upset or shocked.
a. Hot case c. In flagrante delicto case
b. Cold case d. Hot pursuit case
109. The narrow portion of the roadway due to traffic congestions or where “build up
usually occurs is called _________.
a. Gridlock c. Traffic jam
b. Congestion d. Bottleneck
110. Poor control measures as a major cause of traffic congestion is characterized by:
I. Narrow bridges and absence of catwalk to control pedestrians
II. Lack of traffic enforcers along intersections
III. Insufficient mechanical control devices and ineffective traffic enforcers
a. I, II and III c. II and III
b. I and II d. Only I
111. Human errors as one of the cause of traffic congestion is best characterized by, except;
a. Poor legislative activities
b. Slow drivers or bad driving habit
c. Lack of foresight on the part of pedestrians
d. Presence of traffic officers
112. The study of biorhythm is an important aspect of traffic safety because a person can
avoid accident.
a. By hinting on how he will tend to feel in a certain way
b. By knowing his intellectual capacity on certain day
c. By knowing his physical capacity on certain day
d. By ascertaining his physical, emotional and intellectual condition in a certain day
113. An accident which is accompanied by an unidentified road user who flees immediately
a. Hit and run cases
b. Motor vehicle traffic accident
c. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident
d. Non motor vehicle non traffic accident
114. Marks left on the roadway by tries when the brakes were applied strongly, hence the
wheels locked and not free to rotate.
a. Skid marks c. Scuff marks
b. Key event d. Debris
115. Systematic examination of all facts relating to conditions, actions and physical
features associated with motor collision.
a. Traffic accident investigation c. Traffic engineering
b. Hit and run investigation d. Traffic collision
116. When you combine verbal warning and citations in the traffic enforcement you are
performing or issuing.
a. Traffic rules implementation c. Citation warnings
b. Traffic consultation d. Written warning
117. You are a traffic police officer who wishes to determine whether a drive is authorized to
drive. What is the evidence you would ask him to show to prove that he is allowed by the
Land Transportation Office (LTO) to operate a vehicle on public highways?
a. Driver’s ID c. Driver’s license
b. Franchise d. Operator’s license
118. A professional driver is one who is allowed by law to operate vehicle _______.
a. For private or public use
b. Who is skilled and has broad experience in handling any type of motor vehicle
c. For hire or paid for driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private use or for
hire for the public
d. Which is strictly for hire
119. The validity of Non-professional Driver’s License is not beyond this period:
a. 12 months c. 3 years
b. 5 years d. 6 months
120. While approaching an intersection, the green traffic light is on, however, a police
officer suddenly proceeds to the center and signals a motorist to stop, what should the
motorist do?
a. Ignore the police officer and proceed with caution
b. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop
c. Ignore both the police officer and the traffic light and cross the intersection
d. Ignore the police officer and stop only when second signal is made
121. When approaching in an intersection where the flashing yellow light is on, the best
action of the motorist is to:
a. Stop and proceed with caution
b. Slow down and proceed with caution
c. Reduce sped
d. Give way to motor vehicles coming from the opposite direction

122. Known as the Guzman-Loera Organization called La Alianza de Sangre (“Blood

Alliance”), which considered by the United States intelligence community as the most
powerful drug trafficking organization in the world.
a. The Gulf Cartel c. Tijuana Cartel
b. The Juarez Cartel d. Sinaloa Cartel
123. The Yakuza is the most influential Japanese organization or criminals. It is organized
in to families which adopts a relationship called:
a. Oyabun-kobun c. Yubitsume-karaoke
b. Kapuki-nimu d. Bakuto
124. In Joseph Albini’s Patron-Client Model. Organized crime group is consisting of
syndicates in a loose system or power relationship. At the center of each organized crime unit
or crime family is/are:
a. Mafioso c. Capo, Sottocapo and Consigliere
b. Caporegime d.Soldati
125. An offense whose inception, prevention and/or direct or indirect effects involved more
than one country.
a. Global crimes c. Drug trafficking and human smuggling
b. Transnational crimes d. Terrorism, piracy and cybercrimes
126. Unlawful activities of the members of a highly organized, disciplined association
engaged in supplying illegal goods and services.
a. Enterprise crime c. White collar crime
b. Organized crime d. Economic crime
127. Transnational Organized crime is an enterprise of group of persons engaged in a
continuing illegal activity which has as its primary purpose is:
a. The generation of profits irrespective of an national boundaries
b. The control of certain illegal activities in a specific territory
c. The creation of fear among its enemies
d. The domination of a certain community
128. Organized crime is an illegal activity perpetrated by three or more persons organized
overtime for purposes of acquiring profit. Where does the concept of organized crime
a. In China, when the Triad was established
b. In Japan, when Yakuza was founded
c. In Sicily Italy, when the Mafia was first to have emerged
d. In the US, when AI Capone ran Chicago with blood and guns
129. Which of the following is not one of the attributes of organized criminal group?
a. Non-ideological, hierarchical and exclusive membership
b. Dominating, witty, influential, generous contributor to the church, politicians etc.
c. Self-perpetuating, violent, involvement in bribery, constitutes a unique subculture
d. Monopolistic, governed by rules and regulations and has specialization/division of
130. Which of the following is not one of the categories of organized crime behavior?
a. Violence and strong commitment and determination to get what they want
b. Provision of illicit goods and services
c. Conspiracy and penetration of legitimate business
d. Extortion and corruption
131. He is a sort of midlevel manager who serves as a buffer between the lowest-level
members and the upper-level members of the crime family.
a. The Consigliore c. The Caporegime
b. The Underboss d. Soldiers
132. Members of the Mafia are bound by an oath of five basic principles. Which of the
following is not one of them?
a. Omerta, or code of silence and total obedience to the “Don” or “Boss”
b. Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no question asked and to avenge any
attack on members of the family
c. Avoid any and all contact with law enforcement authorities
d. Avoid killing police officer

133. Known as G-7 Nations, they were mandated to devise International standards and
policies to combat money laundering. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. United Kingdom of Great Britain, United States of America, and Canada
b. China, South Korea and Russia
c. France, Germany and Italy
d. Japan
134. An operation launch by the Philippine National Police Special Action Force
Commandos that led to the killing of the international terrorist Zulkifli Bin Hir at the
Mamasapano, Maguindanao.
a. Oplan Wolverine c. Oplan Neptune Spear
b. Oplan Terminator d. Oplan Exodus
135. Drug Trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002, except:
a. Cultivation, culture and delivery
b. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading
c. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
d. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and possession
136. A laboratory examination is only required to apprehended offender within 24 hours if
the person arrested has:
I. Visible manifestation that suspect was under the influence of drugs
II. Physical sign of drug abuse
III. Psychological manifestation of drug addiction
IV. Symptoms of drug abuse
137. Known as the “Father of Medicine”. He prescribed opium poppy juice in surgery which
was cultivated by the Sumerians during 7000 BC
a. Hippocrates c. Palius Zachias
b. Morpheus d. Edmond Locard
138. Which of the following is not one of the means of the taking methamphetamine
a. Chasing the dragon c. Smoking
b. Snorting d. Oral
139. National campaign strategy against illegal drugs, focus of which is through law
enforcement, prosecution and judicial actions.
a. Demand reduction c. Inter-agency coordination
b. Supply reduction d. International cooperation
140. A person found guilty of use of dangerous drugs for the first time shall be punished
a. Imprisonment of 6 years and one day to 12 years
b. Rehabilitation of a minimum period of 6 months
c. Rehabilitation for 6 months to 18 months
d. Imprisonment at least 6 months
141. If cocaine is a stimulant, what is LSD?
a. Solvent c. Hallucinogen
b. Narcotic d. Depressant
142. The major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe and known
to be the “Paradise of Drug Users” in this continent
a. Portugal c. Germany
b. Spain d. Turkey
143. Which of the following country in the Middle East is the biggest producer of cannabis
a. Lebanon
b. Iraq
c. Kuwait
d. Afghanistan
144. Which of the following shall cause the investigator to assume that the victim died of
direct contact with the flame?
a. Presence of soot and fire gases at respiratory tract
b. Prominence of trauma that is probably caused by a stab
c. Intense charring of the whole body
d. None of the above

145. System of interconnected pipe that supplies water for fire suppression system in a
particular installation.
a. Wet pipe c. Stand pipe
b. Dry pipe d. Sprinkler
146. To point out the difference between the incendiary cause of fire and natural cause the
fire investigator must photograph the natural fire pattern and:
a. Arson fire pattern c. Providential fire pattern
b. Accidental fire pattern d. Suspicious fire pattern
147. Most arson cases are proved by _______ evidence rather than that direct evidence.
a. Circumstantial c. Testimonial
b. Documentary d. Physical
148. To establish the prima facie evidence of arson, the total insurance carried on the
building and/or goals is more than _______ of the value of such building and/or goods at the
time of the fire.
a. 60% c. 80%
b. 50% d. 90%
149. When carbon monoxide is absent in the blood of the dead body found in a buried
structure this will be a strong circumstantial evidence that the person:
a. Was dead when the fire began
b. Was killed by someone else during the blaze
c. Was still alive before the fire
d. Died due to suffocation
150. A popular chemical element used by the arsonist to hide the odor of flammable liquids.
a. Sulfides c. Sulfur
b. Nitrates d. Ammonia
151. When the fire occurred, the first action upon discovery is ___________.
a. Freak out and Run for life
b. Raise the alarm
c. Pack up personal belongings
d. Call an ambulance
152. It helps the arson investigator solve the fire mystery. The fact that fire feeds or
combustible while propagating itself. It will indicate generally the deepest from where the fire
a. Charring pattern c. Burning
b. Low-point burning d. Trailer
153. Preparation to set a fire. It is design to feed the fire as rapidly as possible when
ignition device is lighted.
a. Plants c. Accelerants
b. Trailers d. Fuel
154. A BFP personnel authorized to interview the witness and to administer under oath by
the concerned BFP officer must have the rank of:
a. Fire Senior Officer c. Fire Inspector
b. Deputy Fire Investigator d. Senior Fire Officer V
155. Is it punishable burning of own house in an inhabited place?
a. Possibly c. No
b. Maybe d. Yes
156. In relation to Fire Safety inside a theatre, there are only (2) two important
markings/signage, the Fire Extinguisher and _________.
a. No Smoking c. Fire Exit
b. Cell phones off d. Keep Quiet
157. In Arson Investigation, what is the focal point of the Fire prober upon entering in the
Fire Scene?
a. Save lives and properties c. Observe color of smoke and flame
b. Interview witnesses d. Locate point of origin
158. If X on his possession are gasoline and matchsticks with intent to burn a Nipa hut, he
was able to pour gasoline in the ceiling of Nipa hut but was caught by the bystander. Is there
any crime committed?
a. No Crime c. Yes
b. Attempted Arson d. Frustrated Arson
159. The accused confessed that he was the one responsible of the fire. Is his confession
sufficient proof of guilt?
a. Yes, because of his confession
b. Yes, because he admitted his guilt already
c. No, because of mere confession
d. No, unless corpus delicti is established
160. The following are prohibited acts under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines of
2008, EXCEPT:
a. Giving false or malicious fire alarms
b. Removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating any authorized mark, seal, sign or tag
posted or required by the fire service
c. Locking fire exits during period when people are inside the building
d. Abandoning or leaving a building or structure by the occupant or owner with
appropriate safety measure
161. For safety in the highway, which of the following is a safe place for overtaking?
a. Commercial places c. Expressways
b. Rural highways d. Along bridges
162. The illegal insertion or attempt to insert a program into a computer with malice to
destroy, harm or cause damage to the data therein is called –
a. Computer fraud c. Concealment of data
b. Computer tampering d. Computer abuse
163. When there are two vehicles approaching in an intersection at the same time, which
one should give the right of way?
a. The vehicle coming from the right
b. The vehicle approaching from the left
c. The vehicle which is turning right at the moment
d. The vehicle which is about to turn left at the moment
164. The scientific name of the plant in which the narcotic drug raw opium is produced is –
a. Lankaniveskia Coco c. Lima Canavisa
b. Papaver Somniferum d. Morphium Herium
165. Strictly speaking, under traffic regulations, parking maybe allowed in any of the
following places, except –
a. Within an intersection c. On a one-way street
b. On a two-way street d. On the curb of the highway
166. In some cases, a particular judge will agree with the judgement reached in the
majority opinion but for different reasons. In this situation, the judge can write a separate
written opinion, known as –
a. Concurring opinion c. Respect the opinion
b. Conflict opinion d. Best opinion rule
167. When parking on uphill parallel to the highway and there is a curb, the front wheels
should be sharply turn to –
a. Right c. Center
b. Left d. Either left or right
168. There are traffic rules to follow. In the Philippines, Ten Commandments of Traffic has
been issued by the LTO. The number 1 of these commandments is –
a. Kept right c. Observe road courtesy
b. If in doubt, don’t overtake d. Safety first
169. When a driver violated any of the provisions of R.A. 4136, what should be issued as
receipt of confiscation of the driver’s license, by the traffic enforcer?
a. TVR c. TCT
b. TOP d. RTAS
170. The protection of an informant in a case such that his individual identity will not be
linked to the information he provided and publicly divulged is a matter of –
a. Protection c. Human right
b. Confidentiality d. Confinement

171. According to the traffic rules and regulations, when cruising on a four-lane two-way
highway, fast moving vehicles should use the –
a. Lanes 1 and 4 c. Inner lanes
b. Outer lanes d. None of these
172. On a highway, a traffic sign reads 80 kph as the maximum speed. While the area is
very foggy, a man drives at 80 kph. If you are a traffic patrol officer assigned at the area, you
may apprehend the driver for –
a. Over speeding c. Under speeding
b. Reckless driving d. Failure to slow down
173. As a general rule, you should overtake on the left side, except when –
a. The oncoming traffic is free from any obstruction
b. The opposite traffic is free from oncoming motor vehicles
c. Traversing on a two-way two-lane highway
d. Cruising along a four-lane two-way traffic way
174. What dangerous drug can be extracted from the Chinese plant known as Epedra or
“Ma Hwang”?
a. Cocaine c. Mescaline
b. Shabu d. Bezedrine
175. Part of the traffic rules are colors and shapes of the traffic signs. What is the color of
the background of a regulatory sign?
a. Blue c. Yellow
b. Green d. White
176. In relation to traffic lights, from the bottom, what is the arrangement of color of the
traffic light?
a. Red, yellow, green c. Green, red, yellow
b. Green, yellow, red d. Red, green, yellow
177. What is the traffic engineering system that employs prescribed traffic rules and
regulations and devices such as signals, and markings, to relieve vehicular congestion and to
promote safety and pedestrian mobility?
a. Traffic Direction c. Traffic Engineering
b. Traffic Control d. Traffic Rules and Regulations
178. If you are the investigator, what particular physical evidence should you obtained with
most priority in a hit-and-run case given the following items?
a. Blood c. Fibers of clothing
b. Debris d. Plate number
179. What kind of a driver is one who shows a complete disregard for others, being
aggressive, impatient, demanding and thoroughly selfish in his actions affecting other
a. Vociferous type c. Defensive type
b. Egotists type d. Emotionally disturbed type
180. In following traffic rules and regulation, how should a driver approach an intersection?
a. Be at the right of way c. Give a signal
b. Be at the full stop d. Overtake other vehicles
181. Which of the following traffic concepts instructs drivers and pedestrians when, how
pedestrians move, not to move or stand steady at a particular time?
a. Traffic direction c. Traffic control
b. Traffic direction and control d. Traffic way
182. What is the trade name of the sedative-hypnotic drug benzodiazepine which is used as
a long acting sleeping pill which peaks at 1-2 hours after ingestion and falls after 16-35
a. Valium c. Rohypnol
b. Xanax d. All of these
183. It is a rule of action that when a person A, by act or word, gives person B reason to
believe a certain set of facts upon which person B takes action, person A cannot later on
deny. Which of the following is referred to by the statement?
a. Allegation c. Ex parte proceeding
b. Estoppel d. Ex post facto law

184. _____ is a court petition which orders that a person being detained be produced before
a judge for a hearing to decide whether the detention is lawful.
a. Madamus c. Corpus Delicti
b. Habeas Corpus d. Cartiorari
185. When the vehicles in the collision are damaged, the photograph should emphasize the

a. The direction of the motor vehicles
b. The general view of the road or intersection
c. Close-up view of the damage
d. None of the above
186. Investigation reveals that the most common or prevalent method of completed suicide
in jails or prison is –
a. By means of firearm
b. By means of hanging
c. By means of drinking poisonous substance
d. By means of drowning
187. The use of anthropological principles and techniques in criminal investigation is
under the purview of –
a. Forensic Odontology c. Forensic Anthropology
b. Forensic Chemistry d. Forensic Entomology
188. The measurement of the maximum frictional resistance of pavements is referred to as

a. Drag factor or coefficient of friction
b. None of these
c. Frictional measurement
d. Frictional drag
189. One of the following is considered a deceitful conduct designed to manipulate another
person to give something of value by lying or concealing facts.
a. Active concealment c. Forgery
b. Fraud d. Pretense
190. ______ means “on the bench”, the court session in which all the judges on a particular
court participate in the proceeding.
a. Benchmarked c. Emptio
b. En banc d. Banc net
191. What is known as the world’s computer network in which crimes may be committed
through the use of computer or similar means?
a. International Crime c. World Web
b. Internet d. Computer System
192. Drug addicts use unusual lingo to hide their real conversations against the
authorities. The common jargon used to refer to a marijuana stick is –
a. MJ Cigarettes c. Butt
b. Joint d. Kush
193. What is called a money or document, such as deed or title, held by a third party until
the conditions of an agreement are met?
a. Equity c. Escheat
b. Escrow d. Estoppel
194. Any contact between any part of the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of
another is considered –
a. Hardcore sex c. Illegal sexual standard
b. Deviate sexual intercourse d. Diabetic sex
195. Pedro was not able to pay Juan his debts as they become due. In this situation, Pedro
is in a state of –
a. Calamity c. Bankruptcy
b. Insolvency d. Insufficiency
196. In criminal investigation, the golden rule is that –
a. The investigator must never touch or move items at the crime scene without being
b. The investigator must never talk to anyone his findings as they are considered
c. The investigator should follow protocol in collecting evidence
d. The investigator must know the concept of chain of custody
197. The term used to a political alliance between terrorist organizations and drug
supplying cartels in which the cartels provide financial assistance for the terrorist who in
turn provide quasi military protection to the drug dealers.
a. Narcopolitics c. Collaborative terrorism
b. Narcoterrorism d. Criminal networking
198. One of the following is a process by which criminals seek to disguise the illicit nature
of their proceeds by introducing them into the mainstream of legitimate commerce and
a. Plunder c. Pyramiding
b. Money laundering d. Monopoly
199. What is that point or place where two or more, either single or double or multi-lanes
certainly meet at a point?
a. Parallel c. Corner
b. Intersection d. Crossfire
200. Any person who actually sees or hears an event and then testifies as to what he had
seen or heard in open court is considered –
a. An eyewitness c. A party in a case
b. A collaborator d. Legal partner

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