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Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2005, 32, 261–270


Comparative study of three intramuscular anaesthetic

combinations (medetomidine/ketamine, medetomidine/
fentanyl/midazolam and xylazine/ketamine) in rabbits

Julia Henke* DVM, Susanne Astner* DVM, Thomas Brill* DVM, MD, Barbara Eissner* DVM, Raymonde Busch  MSc
& Wolf Erhardt* Prof. DVM, Diplomate ECVA, Diplomate ECLAM
*Institute for Experimental Oncology and Therapeutic Research, Working Group Experimental Surgery, Munich, Germany
 Institute of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, Munich, Germany

Correspondence: Julia Henke, Institut für Experimentelle Onkologie und Therapieforschung der TU München, Ismaningerstr. 22, 81675
München, Germany. E-mail:

anaesthesia was achieved in 16 of 19 animals

receiving M–K, in 14 animals receiving M–F–Mz,
Objective To compare the quality of surgical anaes- and in seven animals with X–K, but only for a short
thesia and cardiorespiratory effects of three intra- period (7.1 ± 11.6 minutes). This was significantly
muscular (IM) anaesthetic combinations in rabbits. (p < 0.001) shorter than with M–K (38.7 ±
30.0 minutes) and M–F–Mz (31.6 ± 26.6 minutes).
Study design Prospective randomized cross-over Heart rates were greatest in X–K recipients; lowest HR
experimental study. were seen in animals receiving M–F–Mz. Mean
arterial blood pressure was significantly higher
Animals Nineteen adult female chinchilla mixed- (about 88 mmHg) during the first hour in the M–K
bred rabbits weighing 3.9 ± 0.8 kg. group. During recovery, the greatest hypotension
was encountered in the X–K group; minimum values
Methods Rabbits were given one of three IM anaes- were 53 ± 12 mmHg. Six of 19 animals in the M–F–
thetic combinations: 0.25 mg kg)1 medetomidine Mz group showed a short period of apnoea (30 sec-
and 35.0 mg kg)1 ketamine (M–K), 0.20 mg kg)1 onds) immediately after endotracheal intubation.
medetomidine and 0.02 mg kg)1 fentanyl and Respiratory frequency was significantly lower in this
1.0 mg kg)1 midazolam (M–F–Mz) and 4.0 mg kg)1 group (p < 0.001). Highest values for arterial carbon
xylazine and 50 mg kg)1 ketamine (X–K). The effects dioxide partial pressures (PaCO2) (6.90 ± 0.87 kPa;
of anaesthesia on nociceptive reflexes, circulatory 52.5 ± 6.5 mmHg) occurred after induction of
and respiratory function were recorded. Statistical anaesthesia in group M–F–Mz animals. There was a
analyses involved repeated measures ANOVA with marked decrease in PaO2 in all three groups (the
paired Student’s t-test applied post hoc. P-values minimum value 5.28 ± 0.65 kPa [39.7 ± 4.9 mmHg]
<0.05 were considered as significant. was observed with M–K immediately after injection).
Arterial PO2 was between 26.0 and 43.0 kPa (196
Results Reflex loss was most rapid and complete in and 324 mmHg) in all groups during O2 delivery and
M–K recipients, whereas animals receiving M–F–Mz decreased – but not <7.98 kPa – on its withdrawal.
showed the longest tolerance of endotracheal Immediately after drug injection, pHa values fell in
intubation (78.1 ± 36.5 minutes). Loss of righting all groups, with lowest values after 30 minutes
reflex was significantly most rapid (p < 0.05) in (7.23 ± 0.03 with M–K, 7.28 ± 0.05 with M–F–
the X–K group (114.7 ± 24.0 minutes). Surgical Mz, and 7.36 ± 0.04 with X–K). The X–K animals

Intramuscular anaesthetics in rabbits J Henke et al.

showed significantly (p < 0.001) higher pH values most anaesthetic techniques in rabbits produce a
than medetomidine recipients. During 1 hour of marked and prolonged hypotension, especially when
anaesthesia pH values in the medetomidine groups anaesthesia lasts longer than 1 hour (Sanford &
remained below those of the X–K group. Colby 1980; Lipman et al. 1990; Marini et al. 1992).
Anaesthesia with combinations of agents – each
Conclusions Surgical anaesthesia was induced in of which can be antagonized by specific antagonists
most animals receiving medetomidine-based combi- – has potential advantages. Each component may
nations. Arterial blood pressure was maintained at potentiate each other’s actions, lower individual
baseline values for about 1 hour after M–K. Tran- dose requirements, and therefore produce surgical
sient apnoea occurred with M–F–Mz and mandates anaesthesia more safely (Erhardt et al. 1986/87;
respiratory function monitoring. Oxygen enrich- Henke et al. 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000; Roberts
ment of inspired gases is necessary with all three et al. 1993). In one combination examined in the
combinations. Endotracheal intubation is essential current study, medetomidine replaced xylazine in
in rabbits receiving M–F–Mz. combination with ketamine, because its higher a2-
receptor specificity has been reported to confer
Clinical relevance The quality of surgical anaesthe- greater analgesic and sedative-hypnotic properties.
sia was greatest with M–K. All combinations This enables the ketamine dose to be reduced
allowed recoveries of similar duration. It is theoret- (Verstegen et al. 1991). Fentanyl is a short-acting
ically possible to antagonize each component of the synthetic derivative of morphine which has potent
M–F–Mz combination. analgesic properties. It causes only minimal chan-
ges in circulatory variables although it can cause
Keywords a2-agonist drugs, anaesthesia, fentanyl, marked respiratory depression. Midazolam, a ben-
intramuscular, ketamine, medetomidine, midazo- zodiazepine, causes minimal haemodynamic and
lam, rabbit, xylazine. respiratory changes and was chosen because of its
water solubility and therefore can be mixed with
other water-soluble substances in a single syringe.
In the present study, we investigated the anaes-
thetic and cardiorespiratory effects of three IM
Rabbits are sensitive to anaesthetics and so have been anaesthetic combinations based on medetomidine
generally regarded as unsafe subjects. Supporting with either ketamine or fentanyl and midazolam or
this, Fehr (1984) reported 5.8% deaths under xyla- xylazine with ketamine in mixed-bred chinchilla
zine-ketamine anaesthesia. Rabbits are easily stres- rabbits. Another aim was to establish a completely
sed and consequently may have high plasma reversible anaesthetic technique using medeto-
catecholamine concentrations during induction of midine, fentanyl and midazolam, with the aim of
anaesthesia, which may increase risk (Hall et al. i) avoiding complications associated with a long
2001; Haberstroh & Henke 2004). Intramuscular recovery and ii) allowing rapid reversal during
(IM) administration of anaesthetic combinations – emergencies. Partial antagonism of ketamine-con-
particularly xylazine/ketamine – have been popular taining combinations is not recommended, partic-
in the past. However, in the authors’ experience, the ularly in the early stages of anaesthesia, because of
analgesic properties of this combination is insufficient the undesirable effects of ketamine alone in rabbits
for major surgery and in many cases significant (Hedenqvist et al. 2002).
hypotension develops; this may contribute to the
reported mortality. Moreover, rabbits display wide
Materials and methods
inter-individual variability in response to anaesthet-
ics and show strain- and sex-specific differences
(Avsaroglu et al. 2003). The most common compli-
cations during anaesthesia in small mammals are due Adult female rabbits (chinchilla, cross-bred,
to respiratory depression (Sedgwick 1986; Hall et al. n ¼ 19), with a mean body mass of 3.9 ± 0.8 kg,
2001; Haberstroh & Henke 2004). The dose of were obtained from a commercial supplier (Charles
anaesthetic required to provide surgical anaesthesia River, Sulzfeld, Germany). They were group-housed
is very close to the dose that can cause respiratory (maximum of 10 individuals per group) with
arrest (Erhardt 1984). It is well documented that dust-reduced wood shavings as bedding. Floor area

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Intramuscular anaesthetics in rabbits J Henke et al.

ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 m2 per animal. Room tem- nyl-Janssen; Janssen, Neuss, Germany) with
perature was controlled at 18–20 °C with a relative midazolam (Dormicum; Hoffmann-La Roche, Grenz-
humidity of 50–60%. A 12:12 hour light–dark ach-Wyhlen, Germany) and medetomidine. The
cycle was maintained, the room lighting being three groups were: medetomidine (0.25 mg kg)1)
automatically switched on and off at 7:00 and and ketamine (35.0 mg kg)1) (M–K); medetomidine
19:00 hours, respectively. Animals received a (0.20 mg kg)1) and fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) and
commercial pelleted diet (Altromin 2123; Hal- midazolam (1.0 mg kg)1) (M–F–Mz), or xylazine
tungsdiät Kaninchen, Altromin GmbH, Lage, (4.0 mg kg)1) and ketamine (50.0 mg kg)1) (X–K).
Germany) and water ad libitum. All animals under- All drugs were mixed in a syringe and given as a
went a minimum of 10 days acclimatization period. single IM injection into the Mm. quadriceps femoris.
They were not fasted before anaesthesia. As the injection volume was high (2.4–3.2 mL per
The experiments described in this paper were animal) doses were divided and given into both
carried out with the approval of, and in accordance pelvic limbs.
with the recommendations laid down by the All animals were endotracheally intubated and
‘Deutsches Tierschutzgesetz’. O2 was supplied for a period of 1 hour. Reflexes
were assessed and physiological variables were
recorded for an interval of 3 hours after adminis-
tering the anaesthetics. Monitoring included arterial
On the day of the experiment each animal was blood pressure, pulse oximetry, arterial blood gas
weighed approximately 1 hour before physiological values and acid–base variables.
variables were evaluated. Only clinically healthy The following three reflexes were tested: righting
animals were accepted in the study. After weighing (the ability to regain sternal recumbency after
and placing in a restraining cage, some hairs over positioning on back) ear-pinch (the presence or
the auricular artery were removed and local absence of reaction to clamping the ear margin)
anaesthetic cream (EMLA Cream; Astra GmbH, pedal withdrawal (the presence or absence of pelvic
Wedel, Germany) was applied for 15 minutes. Fol- limb withdrawal on clamping the inter-digital space
lowing disinfection, a 22 SWG catheter (Venflon2; between third and fourth digits). Surgical anaesthe-
Ohmeda, Helsingborg, Sweden) was inserted per- sia was judged to be present if there was an absence
cutaneously in the central auricular artery and of response to ear-pinching and compression of the
fixed with tape. After placing a three-way stop-cock, pelvic limb nail roots.
an arterial line was connected to a pre-calibrated The circulatory and respiratory variables evalu-
arterial blood pressure transducer (American Opti- ated included the mean arterial blood pressure
cal, München, Germany) for continuous recording (MAP), heart rate (HR) measured using a pulse
of blood pressure and HR. The arterial line was also oximeter (Capnomac-UltimaSV; Datex/Ohmeda,
used for repeated sampling of blood for gas analysis. Helsingborg, Sweden) respiratory rate (fr) (based
Body temperature was monitored using a rectal on counting thoracic movements), blood-gas
probe and maintained at about 38 °C using a variables (PaCO2, PaO2) and arterial pH (Synthesis
heating-pad during anaesthesia. 10; Instrumentation Laboratory, Regensburg,
Study protocol
Time schedule
After a stabilization period of about 20 minutes,
each experiment began with the recording of Physiological variables were recorded twice after a
pre-anaesthetic data. For the main experiment the 10-minute stabilization period following prelimin-
animals were randomly assigned to one of three ary manipulations (weighing, positioning in the
different anaesthetic techniques. Treatment order restraining cage, placing of arterial cannulae).
was randomized, and each animal received all three Time at injection of anaesthetic was defined as
anaesthetics with a minimum inter-experiment t ¼ 0. Fifteen minutes after injection, endotracheal
interval of 10 days. Medetomidine (Domitor; Pfizer, intubation was performed using a ‘blind’ technique.
Karlsruhe, Germany) or xylazine (Xylapan; Chassot, Immediately the animal was supplied with humid-
Ravensburg, Germany) was combined with ified O2 using a face mask placed 1 cm in front of
ketamine (Narketan; Chassot) and fentanyl (Fenta- the tube with a flow of 1 L minute)1 for exactly

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Intramuscular anaesthetics in rabbits J Henke et al.

1 hour. The endotracheal tube was removed when were compared with the baseline (conscious) data
the animal began chewing and, or swallowing; this in each group. All the tests were performed two-
time point was recorded. sided. p-values <0.05 were considered as sig-
Reflexes and physiological variables (HR, blood nificant.
pressure, respiratory frequency) were recorded
before administration of the anaesthetic (t ¼ 0),
and at 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 minutes. After 15 min-
utes, variables were recorded at 10-minute All quantitative results are presented as mean ± 1
intervals until t ¼ 175 minutes. Arterial blood SD in Tables 1–3; time courses are shown in Figs 1–
samples were analysed at t ¼ 0, 5, 15 minutes, 5. Endotracheal tube tolerance (Table 1) was lon-
and then every 15 minutes until 180 minutes after gest in the M–F–Mz group (78.1 ± 36.5 minutes,
injection. p < 0.001). Extubation occurred significantly later
in animals receiving either medetomidine-based
combinations: M–K after 65.7 ± 32.7 minutes; X–K
Statistical analysis
after 24.6 ± 17.0 minutes. The righting reflex was
Mean and SD for the time point of disappearance lost significantly faster in animals given M–K (after
and the duration of reflex loss were calculated. The 1.7 ± 0.4 minutes, p < 0.01) compared with other
effects of each technique were compared initially techniques (Table 1). The righting reflex returned
by using repeated measures analysis of variance earliest in the X–K group (after 114.7 ±
with the program SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, 24.0 minutes) which was significantly shorter
USA, Version 11.5). Significant differences were (p < 0.05) than with M–K (149.7 ± 38.7 minutes)
analysed post hoc using a paired Student’s t-test, or M–F–Mz (129.9 ± 24.5 minutes).
according to the method of Marcus et al. (1976). The ear-pinch reflex persisted in six of 19 animals
Pre-anaesthetic data were compared between in the X–K group, but disappeared in the remainder
treatment groups. In addition, the minimum and for about 15 minutes. In the two other groups this
maximum values of the physiological variables reflex was lost in nearly all animals for

Table 1 Tolerance of endotracheal intubation, time of onset, and duration of loss of reflex in rabbits anaesthetized with one
of three injectable anaesthetic techniques

M–K (1) M–F–Mz (2) X–K (3) pB pD

Tolerance of tube (n ¼ 18/19) (n ¼ 17/19) (n ¼ 16/19) p1,2 ¼ 0.215 n.s.

Duration* 65.7 ± 32.7 78.1 ± 36.5 24.6 ± 17.0 – p2,3 < 0.001
p1,3 < 0.001
Loss of righting reflex (n ¼ 19/19) (n ¼ 19/19) (n ¼ 19/19) p1,2 ¼ 0.008 p1,2 ¼ 0.04
Time of onset 1.7 ± 0.4 2.3 ± 0.8 2.0 ± 0.4 p2,3 ¼ 0.067 n.s. p2,3 ¼ 0.03
Duration* 149.7 ± 38.7 129.9 ± 24.5 p1,3 ¼ 0.320 n.s. p1,3 ¼ 0.02
Loss of ear-pinch reflex (n ¼ 18/19) (n ¼ 17/19) (n ¼ 13/19) p1,2 ¼ 0.054 n.s. p1,2 ¼ 0.151 n.s.
Time of onset 5.4 ± 4.1 12.2 ± 10.4 13.3 ± 9.4 p2,3 ¼ 0.800 n.s. p2,3 < 0.001
Duration* 52.7 ± 29.9 42.5 ± 25.8 19.6 ± 18.3 p1,3 ¼ 0.015 p1,3 < 0.001
Loss of pedal withdrawal reflex (hind) (n ¼ 19/19) (n ¼ 19/19) (n ¼ 15/19) p1,2 ¼ 0.022 p1,2 ¼ 0.027
Time of onset 4.3 ± 3.1 9.4 ± 8.0 10.9 ± 9.9 p2,3 ¼ 0.486 n.s. p2,3 < 0.001
Duration* 70.2 ± 25.5 53.5 ± 23.3 29.5 ± 23.8 p1,3 ¼ 0.018 p1,3 < 0.001
Surgical tolerance (n ¼ 16/19) (n ¼ 14/19) (n ¼ 7/19) p1,2 ¼ 0.375 n.s.
Time of onset 6.5 ± 6.0 12.1 ± 8.0 18.6 ± 9.9 n.s. p2,3 < 0.001
Duration* 38.7 ± 30.0 31.6 ± 26.6 7.1 ± 11.6 p1,3 < 0.001

Values are mean ± 1 SD in minutes. M–K, medetomidine (0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg kg)1) IM; M–F–Mz, medetomidine
(0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) + midazolam (1.0 mg kg)1) IM; X–K, xylazine (4.0 mg kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg kg)1) IM;
n ¼ number of animals whose tracheae could be intubated or showed loss of corresponding reactions/total number of animals. pB,
significant differences between groups concerning time point of loss; pD, significant differences between groups concerning duration of
reflex loss; p1,2, significant differences between M–K (1) and M–F–Mz (2); p1,3, significant differences between M–K and X–K; p2,3:
significant differences between M–F–Mz and X–K; *animals lacking reflex loss were not considered in calculating duration; n.s., not

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Table 2 The effects of one of three

injectable anaesthetic techniques on M–K (1) M–F–Mz (2) X–K (3) p
heart rate and mean arterial blood
pressure in comparison with con- Heart rate (beats minute)1)
scious values (t ¼ 0) in 19 rabbits t¼0 198 ± 24 205 ± 21 203 ± 19 n.s.
Minimum 129 ± 18 115 ± 18 136 ± 20 p1,2 ¼ 0.005
p2,3 < 0.001
p1,3 ¼ 0.078 n.s.
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)
t¼0 85 ± 8 84 ± 10 86 ± 8 n.s.
Minimum 58 ± 8 57 ± 9 53 ± 12 p1,2 ¼ 0.87 n.s.
p2,3 ¼ 0.03
p1,3 ¼ 0.04
Maximum 97 ± 8 92 ± 10 87 ± 12 p1,2 ¼ 0.06 n.s.
p2,3 ¼ 0.084 n.s.
p1,3 ¼ 0.003

Values are mean ± 1 SD. M–K, medetomidine (0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg kg)1)
IM; M–F–Mz, medetomidine (0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) + midazolam
(1.0 mg kg)1) IM; X–K, xylazine (4.0 mg kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg kg)1) IM; p, significant
differences between groups; p1,2, significant differences between M–K (1) and M–F–Mz
(2); p2,3, significant differences between M–F–Mz (2) and X–K (3); p1,3, significant
differences between M–K (1) and X–K (3); n.s., not significant.

Table 3 The effects of one of three injectable anaesthetic techniques on respiratory rate and blood-gas variables in
comparison to conscious values (t ¼ 0) in 19 rabbits

M–K (1) M–F–Mz (2) X–K (3) p

Respiratory rate (breaths minute)1)

t¼0 187 ± 24 205 ± 21 203 ± 19 n.s.
Minimum 129 ± 18 115 ± 18 136 ± 29 p1,2 < 0.001
p2,3 < 0.001
p1,3 ¼ 0.11 n.s.
PaCO2 (kPa) mmHg)
t¼0 3.85 ± 0.28 (28.9 ± 2.1) 3.95 ± 0.28 (29.6 ± 2.1) 3.91 ± 0.35 (29.3 ± 2.6) n.s.
Maximum 6.75 ± 0.73 (50.6 ± 5.5) 6.9 ± 0.87 (52.5 ± 6.5) 5.80 ± 0.69 (43.5 ± 5.2) p1,2 ¼ 0.39 n.s.
p2,3 < 0.001
p1,3 < 0.001
pH (units)
t¼0 7.48 ± 0.04 7.48 ± 0.03 7.49 ± 0.03 n.s.
Minimum 7.23 ± 0.03 7.28 ± 0.05 7.36 ± 0.04 p1,2 ¼ 0.202 n.s.
p2,3 < 0.001
p1,3 < 0.001

Values are mean ± 1 SD. M–K, medetomidine (0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg kg)1) intramuscular (IM); M–F–Mz, medetomidine
(0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) + midazolam (1.0 mg kg)1) IM; X–K, xylazine (4.0 mg kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg kg)1) IM; p,
significant differences between groups; p1,2, significant differences between M–K (1) and M–F–Mz (2); p2,3, significant differences
between M–F–Mz (2) and X–K (3); p1,3, significant differences between M–K (1) and X–K (3); n.s., not significant.

52.7 ± 29.9 minutes (M–K) and 42.5 ± 25.8 min- absent for longer periods: 70.2 ± 26.9 minutes
utes (M–F–Mz). Differences were significant compared with 53.5 ± 23.3 minutes (M–F–Mz)
(p < 0.001). In all animals of the M–K group, the and 29.5 ± 23.8 minutes (X–K) p < 0.05. The
pedal withdrawal reflex disappeared significantly reflex was lost for approximately 30 minutes in 15
earlier (4.3 ± 3.1 minutes) compared with the of 19 animals receiving X–K (see Table 1). The
M–F–Mz (9.4 ± 8.0 minutes) and the X–K group onset of surgical anaesthesia, as indicated by the
(10.9 ± 9.9 minutes) p < 0.05) and remained loss of ear-pinch and nail compression reflexes, was

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Heart rate (beats minute–1)


Figure 1 Mean heart rate (beats
minute)1) in rabbits receiving one
of three anaesthetics. X, medetomi-
dine (0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine
(35 mg kg)1) intramuscular (IM);
m, medetomidine (0.20 mg kg)1)
+ fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) + mida-
Injection t = 0
zolam (1.0 mg kg)1) IM; O, xylazine
–20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
(4.0 mg kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg
Time (minutes) kg)1) IM.


Mean arterial blood pressure


Figure 2 Mean arterial pressure
(mmHg) in rabbits receiving one of
three anaesthetics. X, medetomidine
(0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg
50 kg)1) intramuscular (IM); m, mede-
Injection t = 0 tomidine (0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl
0 (0.02 mg kg)1) + midazolam (1.0
–20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 mg kg)1) IM; O, xylazine (4.0 mg
Time (minutes) kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg kg)1) IM.
Respiratory rate (breaths minute–1)



O2-supply from
t = 20 to t = 80
Figure 3 Mean respiratory rate in
rabbits receiving one of three anaes-
75 thetics. X, medetomidine (0.25 mg
50 kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg kg)1)
intramuscular (IM); m, medetomidine
Injection t = 0 (0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl (0.02 mg
0 kg)1) + midazolam (1.0 mg kg)1)
–20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
IM; O, xylazine (4.0 mg kg)1) + ke-
Time (minutes) tamine (50 mg kg)1) IM.

slowest in animals of the X–K group, and its Animals receiving X–K had significantly higher
duration was significantly shorter in this group HRs (see Table 2 and Fig. 1) at all time points
(p < 0.001). Surgical tolerance was attained in compared with the other groups (p < 0.01). The
more animals in the M–K and M–F–Mz groups lowest HR was seen with the M–F–Mz combination
(16/19 and 14/19) than in the X–K group (7/19). (115 ± 18 beats minute)1). At the end of the

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P a CO 2 kPa (mmHg)
Figure 4 Arterial carbon dioxide par-
tial pressure (PaCO2 kPa) in rab- 5.32
bits receiving one of three
anaesthetics. X, medetomidine
O2-supply from
(0.25 mg kg)1) + ketamine (35 mg 2.67 t = 20 to t = 80
kg)1) intramuscular (IM); m, mede-
1.33 Injection
tomidine (0.20 mg kg)1) + fentanyl t=0
(0.02 mg kg)1) + midazolam (1.0 mg 0
kg)1) IM; O, xylazine (4.0 mg –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
kg)1) + ketamine (50 mg kg)1) IM. Time (minutes)


Arterial pH

Figure 5 Arterial pH in rabbits receiv-
ing one of three anaesthetics. X,
medetomidine (0.25 mg kg)1) + ke-
tamine (35 mg kg)1) intramuscular O2-supply from t = 20 to
(IM); m, medetomidine (0.20 mg 7.20 t = 80
kg)1) + fentanyl (0.02 mg kg)1) + t=0
midazolam (1.0 mg kg)1) IM; O, 0
xylazine (4.0 mg kg)1) + ketamine –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
(50 mg kg)1) IM. Time (minutes)

observation period there were no differences be- showed a short period of apnoea (30 seconds). In
tween the groups. All groups showed lowest HR this group, the respiratory frequency was signifi-
from the 35th (X–K) to the 75th (M–F–Mz) minute. cantly (p < 0.001) lower (115 ± 18 breaths mi-
The lowest HR did not differ significantly between nute)1) compared with values found in the M–K
the M–K and X–K groups. (129 ± 18 breaths minute)1) and the X–K
The medetomidine groups showed an initial (136 ± 29 breaths minute)1) groups.
elevation in MAP (97 ± 8 mmHg in M–K and Values of PaCO2 in conscious animals (see
92 ± 10 mmHg in M–F–Mz) directly after drug Table 3 & Fig. 4) indicated mild hypocapnia in all
injection (see Table 2 & Fig. 2). Afterwards, MAP groups [3.85 ± 0.28 kPa (29 ± 2 mmHg) in M–K;
remained stable in the M–K group at the level of 3.95 ± 0.28 kPa (30 ± 2 mmHg) in M–F–Mz;
conscious animals (approximately 85 mmHg) for 3.91 ± 0.35 kPa (29 ± 3 mmHg) in X–K]. These
74 minutes and was higher than in other groups values increased during anaesthesia with the high-
(significantly higher than in X–K, p < 0.01). After est values occurring in the M–F–Mz group 30 min-
this period, MAP decreased to the level found in the utes after injection [6.9 ± 0.87 kPa
other two groups. The greatest fall in blood pressure (52 ± 7 mmHg)]. This did not differ significantly
was seen in the X–K group, with the lowest values from animals receiving M–K, but was significantly
(53 ± 12 mmHg) encountered during recovery higher than the X–K group (p < 0.001). Values
(p < 0.05). were higher at most time points in the medetomi-
There was a great variability in the respiratory dine groups compared with those in the X–K group.
rate in conscious rabbits (see Table 3 & Fig. 3). A substantial reduction in PaO2 was anticipated
Lowest values appeared directly after endotracheal in all three groups and so inspired breath was
intubation. Six of 19 animals of the M–F–Mz group routinely enriched with O2 during anaesthesia.

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Intramuscular anaesthetics in rabbits J Henke et al.

Arterial oxygen tensions ranged from 26 to 43 kPa encountered in the current study agrees with values
(195–323 mmHg) but fell – without reaching reported by others (Sanford & Colby 1980; Lipman
hypoxic values [<7.98 kPa (60 mmHg)] – after et al. 1990; Popilskis et al. 1991). During the first
oxygen was discontinued at the end of anaesthesia. minutes after injection, HR were lower in mede-
Pre-anaesthetic pHa values were slightly greater tomidine, compared with xylazine recipients. This
than normal (see Table 3 & Fig. 5). After induction may have been due to the higher lipid solubility of
of anaesthesia, arterial pH fell in all groups, with medetomidine resulting in a more rapid induction of
lowest values being encountered after 30 minutes anaesthesia and a deeper plane of anaesthesia than
(7.23 ± 0.03 in M–K recipients, 7.28 ± 0.05 in M– found at equivalent times in the X–K group.
F–Mz, and 7.36 ± 0.04 in animals receiving X–K). Although the stimulatory cardiovascular effects of
Minimum values of pHa were more commonly ketamine are less marked in rabbits compared with
encountered in the X–K group (p < 0.001). other species (Scabell et al. 1999) the drug was
None of the measured conscious variables differed nevertheless able to counteract the bradycardia
significantly (p > 0.1) between groups. All minimum produced by the a2-agonists used in the current
and maximum values were significantly different study (Sanford & Colby 1980). Medetomidine seems
from data taken from conscious animals, except for to produce a greater fall in HR at sedative doses, and
the maximum MAP values. All three anaesthetics this effect may have been potentiated by fentanyl in
produced smooth and complication-free recoveries. the M–F–Mz group, in which a maximal drop of
Most animals receiving ketamine showed chewing 35% was observed compared with the rate in
movements as a sign of recovery. conscious animals.
In our study there was a short and significant rise
in blood pressure after injection of M–K. It is notable
that MAP remained at levels found in the conscious
Surgery was not performed in the present study animals for approximately 1 hour when M–K was
and so the plane of anaesthesia was tested by used, whereas the other combinations produced
assessment of reflexes and the animal’s tolerance of reductions below the conscious level soon after
endotracheal intubation. The doses of X–K used injection. Similar results were demonstrated by
(4 mg kg)1 and 50 mg kg)1) have been described Difilippo et al. (2004) in New Zealand White rab-
by Harabacz (1981) as reliable and safe. In bits. They reported higher blood pressures after the
accordance with other authors (Flecknell et al. use of medetomidine-, rather than xylazine-based
1983; Peeters et al. 1988; Mero et al. 1989; Hel- combinations. It should be noted that each of the
lebrekers et al. 1997) the duration of surgical tol- methods used in the present study decreased blood
erance was defined as the time during which pressure, which reached a minimum during recov-
responses to ear pinching and pelvic digit com- ery, particularly in X–K animals. Therefore, partial
pression were absent. In our study of X–K, surgical antagonism of ketamine-based combinations or
tolerance was only achieved in a few animals, and complete antagonism in M–F–Mz animals at the
only for a short duration. In contrast, medetomi- end of surgery is recommended.
dine-ketamine combinations produced a deeper The most prominent effects on respiration were
and more prolonged reflex loss, and have enabled seen in the M–F–Mz group in which fr fell markedly
cardiothoracic surgery to be performed in New and was associated with changes in all arterial
Zealand White rabbits (Difilippo et al. 2004). blood-gas variables. The short period of apnoea
Endotracheal tube tolerance was greatest in M–F– occurring in some animals could probably be
Mz recipients because of a very prolonged loss of attributed to the opioid constituent. Even lower
laryngeal and pharyngeal reflexes and absence of doses than those used in the current study have
chewing reflexes. This was most probably caused been reported to decrease tidal volume by more than
by the opioid component (fentanyl) suppressing the 60% in rabbits (Brown et al. 1980). The same
cough reflex. In ketamine-based combinations, the phenomenon has been seen in dogs when combi-
return of chewing movements was a good indica- ning L-methadone with medetomidine (Scabell et al.
tion of recovery from anaesthesia. 1999). Although the respiratory rate was severely
The a2-agonists are known to produce marked reduced, hypoxaemia was prevented by inspired
bradycardia; each of the three groups showed breath O2 supplementation. We strongly recom-
evidence of this. The extent of HR decreases mend oxygen supplementation for all anaesthetics

268 Ó Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 2005, 32, 261–270

Intramuscular anaesthetics in rabbits J Henke et al.

in rabbits. The lowered PaCO2 encountered before

each trial in the conscious animals, and which
correlated with relatively high pH values (about The authors wish to thank Professor Paul Flecknell
7.48) is most easily explained by stress-induced for his help in reviewing this manuscript.
hyperventilation. After the induction of anaesthesia The study was partly supported by the ‘Arbeits-
in both medetomidine groups, a mild respiratory kreis für Transfusionsmedizin, Onkologie und
acidosis occurred with a maximum increase in PCO2 Hämostaseologie’ and by Pfizer company (Karls-
identified at 30 minutes after injection, when ruhe, Germany) in providing the medetomidine.
intubation was performed and oxygen supply
was begun. The lowest pHa and highest PaCO2
values encountered here were very similar to those
measured by Hellebrekers et al. (1997) but differ Avsaroglu H, Versluis A, Hellebrekers LJ et al. (2003)
from those reported by Hedenqvist (2001) and Strain differences in response to propofol, ketamine and
Hedenqvist et al. (2002) who used lower doses of medetomidine in rabbits. Vet Rec 152, 300.
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a new opiate analgesic, R 39209, in the rabbit: com-
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parison with fentanyl. Br J Anaesth 52, 1101–1106.
M–K group. Lower doses of ketamine (combined
Difilippo SM, Norberg PJ, Suson UD et al. (2004) A com-
with the same medetomidine dose) – as described by parison of xylazine and medetomidine in an anaesthetic
Hedenqvist (2001) proved adequate for New Zea- combination in New Zealand White rabbits. Contemp
land white rabbits, but the higher ketamine dose we Top Lab Anim Sci 43, 32–34.
employed failed to produced surgical conditions in Dupras J, Vachon P, Cuvelliez S et al. (2001) Anesthesia of
some of the chinchilla cross-breds used in the the New Zealand rabbit using the combination of tile-
present study. This may reflect strain differences. tamine-zolazepam and ketamine-midazolam with and
Although X–K was associated with less cardiorespi- without xylazine. Can Vet J 42, 455–460.
ratory depression than M–K, it also failed to reliably Erhardt W (1984) Anästhesieverfahren beim Kaninchen.
produce surgical anaesthesia. Furthermore, it signi- Tierärztl Prax 12, 391–402.
Erhardt W, Stephan M, Schatzmann U et al. (1986/87)
ficantly decreased blood pressure in the late anaes-
Immediate and complete reversal of anaesthesia by sim-
thetic period (when anaesthetic monitoring is
ultaneous administered benzodiazepine antagonists and
usually discontinued) and which could prove crit- opioid antagonists in the dog. J Vet Anaesth 14, 90–99.
ical. While medetomidine appears to intensify the Fehr M (1984) Narkose bei Heimtieren. Kleintierprax 29,
analgesic and sedative effects of ketamine more than 313–318.
xylazine, we recommend the following options Flecknell PA, John M, Mitchell M et al. (1983) Neuro-
when IM techniques fail: i) to incorporate additional leptanalgesia in the rabbit. Lab Anim 17, 104–109.
analgesic agents like buprenorphine (Difilippo et al. Haberstroh J, Henke J (2004) Kaninchen. In: Anästhesie
2004) or ii) to deliver low inspired concentrations of und Analgesie beim Klein- und Heimtier (1st edn). Er-
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The present study points to the superiority of M Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 629–641.
Hall LW, Clarke KW, Trim CM (2001) Veterinary Anaes-
combinations over X–K anaesthesia in rabbits;
thesia (10th edn). WB Saunders, London, UK.
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Harabacz I (1981) Die Neuroleptanalgesie mit Ketamin-
causes severe and sustained hypotension shortly Xylazin beim Kaninchen. Vet Med thesis, LMU Munich.
after administration (Sanford & Colby 1980; Lipman Hedenqvist P (2001) Assessment of ketamine/medetomi-
et al. 1990; Marini et al. 1992). The combination of dine anaesthesia in the New Zealand White rabbit. Vet
medetomidine with fentanyl and midazolam has Anaesth Analg 28, 18–25.
the advantage that surgical anaesthesia can be Hedenqvist P, Orr HE, Roughan HE et al. (2002) Anaes-
produced in most rabbits without prolonging recov- thesia with ketamine/medetomidine in the rabbit:
ery, because the effects of all components can be influence of route of administration and the effect of
reversed. However, this combination requires combination with Butorphanol. Vet Anaesth Analg 29,
careful monitoring of respiratory function, while 14–19.
Hellebrekers LJ, de Boer EJW, van Zuylen MA et al. (1997)
endotracheal intubation and the supplementation
A comparison between medetomidine-ketamine and
of inspired gases with oxygen is strongly recom-
medetomidine-propofol anaesthesia in rabbits. Lab Anim
mended. 31, 58–69.

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Henke J, Roberts U, Otto K et al. (1993) Fully antagoniz- Mero MS, Vainionpää S, Vasenius J et al. (1989) Mede-
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schutzbeauft 2, 171–187. xylazine with tiletamine-zolazepam (Telazol) and xyla-
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nyl/Climazolam/Xylazin und postoperativer i.v. Roberts U, Henke J, Brill T et al. (1993) Fully antagoniz-
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