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Praise and Thank God the author speaks to Allah the Almighty Father, who gave His love and
gifts, so that in the end I can complete the task of this paper. Where I present the task of this paper in a
standard and simple form. The title of this paper is the Skull Bone system.
My goal in writing this paper is to add to our knowledge of the anatomy of the skull bones
physiology. I realize that this paper is far from perfect, therefore I hope that constructive criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
I hope this paper can benefit all of us. thanks.


( Riri Kristina Sitanggang )

1. Foreword………………………………………………………………………i

2. table of contents ………………………………………………………….. ii

3. Chapter I Introduction…………………………………………………….. 1
1.1 Background.………………………………………………………….. 1

1.2 Writing Purpose …………………………………………………….. 1

4. Chapter II Disccusion……………………………………………………… 2

2.1 Anatomical bones of the skull ………………………………………… 3

2.2 Definition and function of skull bones ……………………………………3

5. Chapter III Closing …………………………………………………………. 7

3.1 Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. 7

3.2 Advice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7


1.1 Background
Bone is a connective tissue consisting of cells, fibers, and extracellular matrix. The bone matrix is the
hardest part located in the outer bone layer, which is caused by the deposition of minerals in the
matrix, so that the bones also need calcification. Inside the human body is also known as cartilage (
), namely connective tissue that has the ability to stretch, makes a strong support for soft tissue,
provides flexibility, and is very resistant to pressure.
Managing a rigid body, and providing a place for attachment to the body and organs provided to one's
body. Bone also prevents the brain, which is located inside the skull, you can imagine a compilation
of accidents that hit a person's head if without skull bones, the important organs in it are like the brain
and all of the nervous system easily breaks down.
The activity of human motion depends on the effectiveness of the interaction between normal joints
and neuromuscolar units that move it. The element also interacts to distribute mechanical stress to the
tissue around the joint. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, prone
joints, and bones work together so that the function can take place perfectly (Noer S., 1996)
Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body is an important basis in implementing
nursing care. By knowing the structure and function of the human body, a professional treatment can
more clearly interpret the changes contained in these body tools. The anatomy of the human body is
interconnected between parts of one another.

1.2 Writing Purpose

1. Memahami anatomi tulang kepala

2. Memahami pengertian dan fungsi tulang kepala

Every human being has a head as the center of his life. The head is the most vital organ that supports
the brain. Humans cannot develop and live without a head and all supporting organs in it. Everyone
can solve this, understanding the head is important for his life. Only a small part discusses the bone
making up of a human skeleton that functions as the skeleton of the head of every human being.

2.1 Anatomical bones of the skull

2.2 Definition and function of skull bones

The head bone is the inside of the head which consists of various kinds with their respective functions
and roles. The head bone is responsible for maintaining the shape and strength so that the head and all
organs in it are able to work properly. On this occasion, the author will discuss in full about the bones
of the head and their explanations and functions. Come see the description.
The head bone is generally composed of 6 constituent bones, this part is the bone that forms the head
and together protects the brain that is directly related to all organs throughout the body, the
explanation and function of the head of the bone are as follows:

1. Forehead bone
The forehead is the bone of the face which is located in the front of the head area and extends to the
center of the head, above the temples. The amount is 1 fruit and forms the skull of the front of the
head. The function of the forehead bone is to protect the brain in the front. The forehead can be
touched and noticed through the outer head. Forehead size varies depending on the shape of a person's

2. WedgeBone
A wedge is a bone that is between the temples and forehead bones and is quite small. Its characteristic
is flat and concave inward. Its function is to protect the brain at the corner or from the side of the face
where the brain is the most important part of the body that must be protected from various angles.

3.. Tapis Bone

Tapis bone is the bone of the head which is located in front of the wedge and between the eye bones.
The size is small, flat, and numbered 2 pieces. Its function is to form the back wall of the curve of the
eye and play an important role in helping the process of human vision and maintaining the health of
the nasal cavity
4. Tear Bone
Tear Bone is to attach nerves, muscles, and tear glands. In addition, because the tear bone has a cavity,
this cavity is known to function as a tear gap before it is flowed into the eye. So it can be concluded
that the tear bone has a very close function with the process of discharge of tears, as the name implies.

5. Nasal Bone
The protector of trauma, the human nose that is not convered by other parts is prone to collision, the
presence of the nasal bones protects the inner nose from various trauma so as to allow the nose to
carry out its role to the fullest. The nose bone is useful as a support for the nose so that nose has a
beautiful shape that not easily brittle because the nose can stand up and complement the beauty in the
overall arrangement of the human face.

6. CheekBone
Functioning to shape the character of a person’s face, the facial lines that are formed make a person
have a different face shape from each other, the facial lines formed by the cheekbones also function as
a complement and refinement of the skull bones that make up the face. Protecting the eyes and the
surrounding area, cheekbones also play a role in protecting other human organs, which protec the eye
area and ayeball together with the temple bone so that the eyes and everything inside are able to be in
a balanced position and the whole system and nerves work with smooth and protected from trauma.
The beauty area, for an individual, especially a women, has beautiful cheekbones along with the meat
in them that blens perfectly will be a pround part and decorated to add beauty, which is an important
part of women’s makeup. Cheeks are one of the main parts that are decorated to increase self-

7. Maxillary Bone
The maxilla from the upper jaw by combining together two irregularly shaped bones along the palatal
cracks. The maxillary bone on each side joins in the middle in the intermaxillary suture and helps to
support the posterior teeth. The bones help to from the upper jaw, the part of the eye cavity, and the
lower and sides of the nasal cavity. In addition, they are positioned to reduce thge weight of the skull,
and help to allow the sound to echo.

8.Lower Jaw Bone

A tool for speaking someone, the lower jaw has an important role in trying to say certain word
because the lower jaw bone is able to move and together withn the bones of the tongue and mouth,
say words according to what the individual wants. Very useful in the process of chewing, the lower
jaw acts as a regulator of food as long as someone in chewing, human can chew by moving the lower
jaw bone up and down accompained byrelief from saliva and tongue in the human mouth.
Affcting the aesthetic appeal of person, as alreadsy explained that the lower jaw line can affect a
person’s strength or characteristic strenght and aesthetics.

9. Temple Bone
The temple bone is located right next to the forehead and eyes, its position on the upper side of the
cheekbones that form the arch and in front of the ear. The characteristic is flat and wide in shape. Add
2 pieces each to the side of the head. Its function is also to protect the nerves of parts of the human
brain. In particular, the temple bone is a place where muscle muscles attach to the brain's

10. Rear Head Bone
The back of the head bone is a bone shaped like a cup that functions as a cranium, curved and has a
cavity. Its function is to protect the brain from the back side and the inner ear part. The back of the
head bone plays an important role in maintaining human safety when there is a collision or trauma to
the head.
11. Tile Bones
Located in the upper middle part and extending to half the part of the head, it functions as a body
support or organ protection for internal organs. The fontanel bone in a newborn is a prone part that has
an effect on its growth, because from birth it has a role to maintain the midbrain midbrain and one's
hind brain.

3.1 Conclusion

the skull bone is the bone that composes the head of the skeleton arranged over the flat bones serves
to protect important organs such as the brain and eyes. So from that our awareness in maintaining
body members must be considered properly. Don't forget to always protect your head by using safety
when traveling to prevent various trauma and external stimuli.

3.2 Advice

From the description above the authors hope that we can understand how important skull bones are in
humans, which have many benefits. This paper only discusses skull bones and in a nutshell, there are
still many shortcomings, hoping for positive input to better refine this simple paper.

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 Evelyn C Pearce 1979 Anantomi dan fisiologi untuk Paramedis Jakarta Gramedia.
 Syaifudin 2009 Anatomi Tubuh Manusia Jakarta : Salemba Medika

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