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Divisional Charts

- Twenty three divisional charts, (rasi, navamsa, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-8, D-10, D-11, D-
12, D-16, D-20, D-24, D-27, D-30, D-40, D-45, D-60, D-81 D-108 and D-144)

- Six different variations of hora (D-2) charts (including Kashinatha Hora), four different variations
of D-3 charts, two different variations of D-4 charts, two different variations of D-5 charts, two
different variations of D-8 charts, two different variations of D-9 charts, two different variations of
D-11 charts, three different variations of D-30 charts, two different variations of D-81 charts and
two different variations of D-108 charts

- Amsa rulers of planets as per Parasara in shodasa vargas

- Nadyamsas of planets using the uniform division and non-uniform Chandra Kala Nadi division
(nadi names used by C.G. Rajan as well as Santhanam's translation of Chandra Kala Nadi are

- Bhava/chalit chakra using various house division schemes (rasi houses, equal 30 deg houses,
equal houses based on 9 nakshatra padas, Sripathi/Porphyry, Krishnamoorthy/Placidus, Koch,
Regiomontanus, Campanus, axial rotation scheme, Polich/Page, Alcabitus), from lagna, Moon or

- In houses, ascendant can be configured as the start or middle of first house

Planets and mathematical points

- Nine planets, 3 outer planets, Gulika, Mandi and other 9 upagrahas

- Lagna, bhava lagna, hora lagna, ghati lagna, sree lagna, indu lagna, vighati lagna, pranapada
lagna, varnada lagna, other 11 varnadas

- For vyatipata, two definitions can be chosen from and Gulika, Mandi, Kala etc can be chosen to
rise at the start/middle/end of the respective portions. Gulika and Mandi can be mapped to
Saturn's portion or the lordless 8th portion. Starting of the day can be at sunrise or 6 am LMT

- Arudha lagna and other 11 arudha padas of houses

- Twelve Chandra arudha padas

- Twelve Surya arudha padas

- Graha arudhas of 9 planets (and dual graha arudhas too)

- Kunda (used in birthtime rectification)

- Deha sphuta, prana sphuta, mrityu sphuta and trisphuta of Prasna Marga

Basic Calculations

- Dates from 5400 BC to 5400 AD can be entered using the Gregorian or Julian calendar

- A built-in atlas contains about 500,000 places in USA and 2,000,000 places outside USA.
- Longitudes, latitudes and distances of planets and the three speeds are shown

- Taras owned and occupied by planets (using the navatara system from Moon and lagna)

- Special taras (karma, samudayika, sanghatika, jaati, desa etc) from Moon and lagna

- Nakshatra aspects of planets

- Latta (kick) of planets on nakshatras

- Special tithis (Janma tithi, dhana tithi, bhratri tithi, matri tithi etc)

- Chara karakas (using the 8 karaka scheme as well as the 7 karaka scheme)

- Brahma, Rudra and Maheswara in a chart

- The lords of 64th navamsa and 22nd drekkana (using 4 definitions of drekkana)

- Ayudha drekkana, sarapa drekkana, pakshi drekkana etc occupied by planets

- Thirty six sahamas (sahams)

- Planets in mrityu bhaga and Moon's pushkara bhaga (definitions of Saravali and Phala Deepika
are both included. Users can choose either one)

- Mrityu bhaga degree value can be configured as the start/middle/end of the fatal portion

- Tithi, yoga, karana, weekday, nakshatra, lunar year, lunar month, hora, kaala, sunrise, sunset
and ayanamsa of a chart

- For finding horas and weekdays, day can be taken to start at sunrise or at 6 am LMT

- In addition, hora and kaala are shown using the true measure of time (chosen from sunrise or 6
am LMT) and the illusive measure of time (chosen from 6 am LMT and the standard time)

- In addition to hora, the sign corresponding to the 5-minute division of hora is also given (useful
in prasna)

- Bhinna AshtakaVarga (BAV), Sodhita (reduced) ashtakavarga and Prastara AshtakaVargas

(PAV's) of all the planets can be found in all the divisional charts

- Sodhya pindas can be computed in all the divisional charts

- For each divisional chart, the time to be subtracted or added in order to change the lagna in the
divisional chart is displayed at one mouse click

- For each divisional chart, the time to be subtracted or added in order to change any planet's
position in the divisional chart is displayed at one mouse click
- Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa, Deva-datta ayanamsa, Krishnamoorthy ayanamsa, Usha-
Shashi ayanamsa, Fagan ayanamsa and tropical system (no ayanamsa) can be used. User can
define his/her own custom ayanamsa also.

- Geocentric or topocentric positions can be used. True or apparent planetary positions can be
used. Mean or true nodes can be used.

- Three different definitions of sunrise (and correspondingly sunset) supported - (1) true rise of
center, (2) true rise of tip, (3) apparent rise of tip.


- Shadabalas

- Ishta phala and kashta phala

- Vimsopaka balas of shadvarga, sapta varga, dasa varga and shodasa varga

- Vaiseshikamsas (parijatamsa etc) of shadvarga, sapta varga, dasa varga and shodasa varga

- Basic avasthas (states) based on age, alertness and mood

- Sayanadi avasthas of activity

- For avasthas of alertness and mood, one can use any divisional chart

- For relationships used in avasthas and vimsopaka bala, it is possible to configure the
relationships of rasi chart to be used always or the relationships in the relevant divisional charts. It
is also possible to configure the permanent or compound relations to be used.

- Pancha vargeeya bala (of Tajaka)

- Dwadasa vargeeya bala (of Tajaka)

- Harsha bala (of Tajaka)

- Ability to identify 184 different types of yogas in a rasi chart or a divisional chart


- It is possible to use various kinds of years in dasas - (1) 365.2425-day years, (2) 360-day years,
(3) years with use-defined number of years (e.g. 327-day years), (4) solar years with Sun's angle
taken as a measure of time, (5) 360-tithi years with the Sun-Moon angle progress taken as the
measure of time

- Variations of Vimsottari dasa can be computed from Moon's star, lagna's star, kshema tara,
utpanna tara, adhana tara, Mandi's star, Gulika's star, Trisphuta's star and Sun's star

- Other nakshatra dasas include Ashtottari dasa, Kalachakra dasa, Yogini dasa, Dwisaptati sama
dasa, Shattrimsa sama dasa, Dwadasottari dasa, Chaturaseeti sama dasa, Sataabdika dasa,
Shodasottari dasa, Panchottari dasa, Shashtihayani dasa, with help on their applicability
- Tribhagi variation available in Vimsottari dasa and most other nakshatra dasas

- Rasi dasas include Narayana dasa (of all divisional charts, with complete flexibility regarding the
strengths of houses/planets, i.e. software determines the strengths, but the user can alter all the
determinations of the software if he wishes to experiment), Lagnaamsaka dasa (of all divisional
charts), Padanaathaamsa dasa (of all divisional charts), Sudasa, Drigdasa, Lagna kendradi rasi
dasa, atmakaraka kendradi rasi dasa, Trikona dasa, Chara dasa (of Parasara), Chara dasa (of
K.N. Rao), Yogardha dasa, sthira/chara/ubhaya Paryaaya dasas of all vargas, shoola dasa (of all
12 houses), Niryaana shoola dasa, Brahma dasa, Sthira dasa, Rudramsa Mandooka dasa,
Navamsa dasa, Varnada dasa

- Other dasas include Moola dasa (from lagna alone or from lagna/Moon or from
lagna/Moon/Sun), Tara dasa, Atmakaraka kendradi graha dasa, Patyayini dasa, Sudarsana
Chakra dasa, Rasi-Bhukta Vimsottari dasa, Tithi Ashtottari dasa and Tithi Yogini dasa

- Division upto mahadasas, antardasas, pratyantardasas, sookshma-antardasas, prana-

antardasas and deha-antardasas

- Ability to locate the mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa, sookshma-antardasa, prana-

antardasa and deha-antardasa running at the time of an event, given the date, time and timezone
of the event

- Ability to cast the dasa pravesh chart (period commencement chart) for the commencement of
any mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa, sookshma-antardasa, prana-antardasa or deha-
antardasa and look at the divisional charts, longitudes etc, panchanga in the commencement


- Ability to list transits in houses from lagna, Moon, navamsa lagna and navamsa Moon

- Ability to clafssify the transits of planets based on tara, murthi and house-based vedha

- Ability to look at the ashtakavarga scores and kakshya scores of planetary transits taking any
natal divisional chart as the reference and any divisional chart in transit

- Ability to identify transits in special taras (karma, samudayika, sanghatika, jaati, desa etc) or
naksahtra aspects of transit planets on them

- Ability to identify latta (planetary kick) in transit on important nakshatras

- Ability to graphically represent various transit scores in a graphical transit calendar, including the
transit from natal Moon and lagna, vedhas, ashtakavarga, kakshya and tara

- Ability to *search* when a required planet (e.g. Jupiter) came x deg y min (e.g. 1 deg 0 min)
behind/after the position of a natal planet (e.g. natal Sun) or a natal sahama (e.g. vivaha sahama)
or the beginning of a sign before/after a given date (e.g. today)


- Kalachakra from Sun's star in natal chart and lagna's star in annual charts (with the ability to
configure any other star as the seed)
- Kota chakra/durga chakra from natal Moon's star (with the ability to configure any other star as
the seed)

- Sarvatobhadra chakra

- Ability to view two charts superimposed on each other (one can be natal navamsa and the other
can be transit dasamsa, for example)

Annual Charts

- Tajaka annual/monthly/2.5-day/5-hour/25-min/2-min charts

- In Tajaka charts, true solar motion or mean solar motion can be used

- When compressing dasas for Tajaka charts, lagna/Moonstar can be used or it can be

- Sunrise chart of Tajaka annual/monthly/2.5-day/5-hour/25-min/2-min charts

- Annual/monthly/daily Tithi Pravesha (TP) charts (Vedic soli-lunar calendar equivalent of the
Tajaka system)

- Annual/monthly Yoga Pravesha (YP) charts (another soli-lunar calendar)

- Annual/monthly Nakshatra Pravesha (NP) charts (another lunar calendar)


- Ability to set a chart in "swearing-in" mode and compress dasas to any number of years or any
number of days

- Solar new year chart based on Aries ingress, solar new year chart based on Capricorn ingress,
and solar new month chart (with all dasas compressed to the year/month)

- Annual Full Moon chart and monthly Full Moon chart (with all dasas compressed to the

- Lunar new year/month/day chart (with all dasas compressed to the year/month/day)

- Financial new year chart (with all dasas compressed to the year)

- Ability to find the last/next conjunction/opposition of any two planets and compress dasas to the
period between two successive conjunctions/oppositions

- Ability to find when a planet changes rasi/nakshatra/navamsa/any varga before/after a given

date and compress dasas to the period when the planet stays in that rasi/nakshatra/navamsa/any

- Ability to find the last/next lunar eclipse, local solar eclipse and global solar eclipse

- Cast the progression chart by progressing Sun by one division as per any divisional chart (e.g. 1
degree with D-30 progression, 3 deg with D-10 progression etc)

- In a prasna chart, allow a number to entered in 1-108 range and find the rasi and navamsa of
prasna lagna from it

- In a prasna chart, allow a number to entered in 1-249 range (KP) and find the rasi, nakshatra
and sub of the prasna lagna from it

- In a prasna chart, allow a number to entered in 1-1800 range (KP) and find all the position of
prasna lagna in all the sixteen divisional charts from it

- One can add a user defined amount of time to a given chart (e.g. 144 years) to go to the next
lifecycle and cast a fresh chart for the next life cycle (this is useful for mundane charts like the
chart of USA)

Krishnamoorthy Paddhati (KP)

- Find the nakshatra lords and sub lords (upto 5 levels of subs - subs, sub-subs, sub-sub-subs
etc) of all planets and house cusps

- List the planets and house cusps occupying the nakshatra or sub (upto 5 levels of subs) of a
given planet


- Show the panchanga of a day, including the date, weekday, end time(s) of tithi(s), end time(s) of
yogas(s), end time(s) of karana(s), Rahu kalam, Gulika kalam, Yama gandam, sunrise, sunset,
moonrise, moonset, the time when Moon changes sign and the end times of 24 horas in the day

- Ability to make the panchanga for a month

- Ability to create the ephemeris for a month

- Ability to find the detailed planetary transits for a month. This includes the date/time when a
planet changes rasi/nakshatra and the date/time when a planet aspects another planet exactly.
Here the partial aspects described by parasara are also considered (i.e. all planets aspect the
7th, 4th, 8th, 5th, 9th, 3rd and 10th from them). So the exact date/time when Mercury has an
exact 8th aspect on Jupiter (albeit a partial aspect, as opposed to full aspect) can be found, for

Learning Aids

- List of a planets in "marana karaka sthana" in a chart and the houses occupied and owned by
them is given at a mouse click

- Permanent, temporary and compound relationships of planets can be displayed within a chart
using an intuitive color code

- Pachakadi relationships of planets and signs can be analyzed and listed out for a given chart
- Own signs, exaltation signs, debilitation signs and moolatrikonas of planets can be highlighted
to aid beginners

- Graha drishti and rasi drishti of planets can highlighted to aid beginners

- Argala and virodha argala can highlighted to aid beginners


- One can customize all the colors used in the software

- One can increase or decrease the font size

- One can customize the header of the chart printouts to give his/her address, phone number etc

- One can use the south Indian regular, south India irregular, north India and east Indian chart

- One can view planet names and chart names in charts in ten Indian languages, including

- For planet and sign names, one can use English names such as Sun, Moon, Ar, Ta etc or
Sanskrit names such as Surya, Chandra, Mesh, Vrish etc.

- One can enter some notes and save them

- If one has a display that is higher than 800x600, two charts are displayed with most calculations
(rasi and navamsa by default). In the mixed chart style mode, one can view the same chart in two
chart styles (e.g. north Indian and south Indian styles). It is useful in collaboration between
astrologers used to different styles.

- There are A LOT OF customizable options and user preferences in the software, but all of them
come with default values that are recommended by me. Novices need not bother about them, but
experts can experiment with them.

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