Basic English Reviewer 1

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Common Nouns = e.g. church, house, computer,

Proper Nouns = colgate, st Benedictine church,
Singular Nouns = a , an
Plural Nouns = -es , -ies, -s , change –f to –v ,
word change e.g. goose = geese
Collective Nouns = brood of chickens, band of
musicians, school of fish
Masculine and Feminine Nouns
Bride = groom
Rooster = hen
Lioness = lion
Neuter nouns = words for things
Personal Pronouns = I, you , he , she , it , we , they
Reflexive Pronouns = myself, yourself, himself, herself,
itself, yourself, yourselves,
Interrogative Pronouns = who, whom, whose, what, which
Demonstrative Pronouns = this, these, that , those
Adjective= describing word ( size,color, shape, qnty, qty
Adjective Endings = - ful , -less , e.g. color-ful , color-
Kinds of adjectives = origin, qty, size, numbers,
Comparison of Adjectives =
Comparative = - er e.g. fast – faster
Superlative = - est e.g. dark- darker-darkest
Different words = bad worse worst
Few – less-least

DETERMINERS = this,those,my, their, which

Indefinite = a, an
Demonstrative Determiners)to This,that,these,those
tell which thing or person you
Interrogative Determiners What, which , whose
(before nouns to as about people
or things)
Possessive Determiners my , your, his , her ,its, our , their
VERBS and TENSES (action word)
Simple present tense (expresses Use am with pronoun I, is with
a general truth) he, she it . are with you, they
Use is and are with the word
Present progressive Tense (to
talk about actions in the present,
or things that are still going on or
happening now)
Present Perfect Tense
Simple Past Tense
Regular and Irregular Verbs
Was and Were
Past Progressive Tense
The Future Tense
Can and Could
May and Might
Do, Does and Did
Would and Should

Subject-Verb Agreement

Every name is called a noun,

As field and fountain, street and town.

In place of noun the pronoun stands,

As he and she can clap their hands.

The adjective describes a thing,

As magic wand or bridal ring.

Most verbs mean action, something done,

To read and write, to jump and run.

How things are done the adverbs tell,

As quickly, slowly, badly, well.

The preposition shows relation,

As in the street or at the station.

Conjunctions join, in many ways,

Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase.

The interjection cries out, “Heed!

An exclamation point must

follow me!”

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