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under control

SUBLIME (adj.): supreme, perfect V VOCABULARY BOOSTER

SUCCINCT (adj.): concise, terse, VICARIOUS (adj.): experienced in an For success on the SAT®, in school, or at work
pithy indirect or second-hand way
VIRTUOSO (n.): a skilled expert
SUPERFICIAL (adj.): on the surface, YOU’RE, LIKE,
lacking depth

T WILY (adj.): tricky, clever, cunning ALTRUISTIC!

TANGIBLE (adj.): able to be touched,

solid Z
TERSE (adj.): short, to the point, ZEAL (n.): enthusiasm, zest
ZENITH (n.): highest point, peak
TRANSIENT (adj.): fleeting,
TREPIDATION (n.): fear

U Produced by Gene McKenna, Director of Ace In-Home Tutoring

UNRULY (adj.): disobedient
ADROIT (adj.): skillful, adept unnecessary RUSTIC (adj.): of or pertaining to the
A ADULATION (n.): praise, respect, REFUTE (v.): to dispute, argue
ABASH (v.): to make embarrassed or
ashamed AESTHETIC (adj.): pertaining to a
sense of beauty
REGAL (adj.): royal
REITERATE (v.): to repeat
SAGACIOUS (adj.): sage-like, wise
ABORIGINAL (adj.): original
AFFABLE (adj.): friendly, personable, REMINISCE (v.): to think over and
easy to get along with discuss the past SACRILEGIOUS (adj.): unholy,
ABRIDGE (v.): to shorten something, profane
especially a literary or artistic work
AGRARIAN (adj.): having to do with RENOWN (n.): fame
agriculture SACROSCANCT (adj.): sacred, holy
ABSTAIN (v.): to hold back from,
refuse to participate in, refrain from REQUISITE (adj.): required
ALOOF (adj.): shy, reserved, SCRUPULOUS (adj.): attentive to
removed, tending to remain apart RESPLENDENT (adj.): glorious, details, honest in dealings,
ACRIMONIOUS (adj.): bitter, conscientious
vengeful radiant, beautiful
ALTRUISTIC (adj.): unselfish,
generous, concerned about the well- RETICENT (adj.): quiet SERVILE (adj.): like a servant;
ACRID (adj.): bitter, pungent submissive
being of others
ACUTE (adj.): sharp, perceptive RETRIBUTION (n.): revenge,
AMEND (v.): to change, revise, fix punishment SKEPTICAL (adj.): tending to doubt
ADEPT (adj.): skillful SPORADIC (adj.): occurring at
AMIABLE (adj.): friendly, personable RETROACTIVE (adj.): active to a
point in the past irregular intervals
ADHERE (v.): to stick to STOIC (adj.): impassive, unmoved by
ALLURE (n.): pull, attraction
REVERE (v.): to respect, admire extremes of emotion
ADORN (v.): to decorate
AMASS (v.): to gather, accumulate
RUE (v.): to regret SUBJUGATE (v.): to dominate, put
PLAUSIBLE (adj.) believable sage; prognosticator AMBIDEXTROUS (adj.): able to use ARDUOUS (adj.):
both hands equally well hard, difficult, exhausting
PRAGMATIC (adj.): practical,
PRECARIOUS (adj.): difficult, unsafe,
Q AMPLE (adj.): sufficient, enough or
more than enough
to uncover and verify, to make
potentially troublesome QUANDARY (n.): a state of ANARCHY (n.): breakdown or lack of
uncertainty or perplexity; dilemma rule or government, chaos ASCETIC (adj.):
PRETENTIOUS (adj.): acting in a self-denying, devoted to simple and
superior or conceited manner QUINTESSENTIAL (adj.): having the ANATHEMA (n.): a curse, something austere living
pure essence of something hated
PRISTINE (adj.): beautiful, unspoiled
PROLIFERATION (n.): abundance
QUIXOTIC (adj.) pertaining to Don
Quixote; idealistic in a doomed and
impractical way
ANNUL (v.): to make null and void
ANOINT (v.): to officially approve,
PROPHETIC (adj.) of or pertaining consecrate BOORISH (adj.): offensive, rude
to a prophet; able to foresee the
future R ANTAGONIST (n.): a person with
determined opposition or hatred
BRAZEN (adj.): brash, extremely bold
BREVITY (n.): shortness, the quality
PROPONENT (n.): a supporter, RAZE (v.): knock down, destroy, level toward someone
someone in favor of something of being brief
REBUTTAL (n.): a formal response in ANTIQUATED (adj.): old-fashioned,
PROPRIETY (n.): moral correctness antique-like BUCOLIC (adj.): of or pertaining to
an argument or debate the countryside, pastoral
PROSAIC (adj.): dull, unimaginative RECLUSE (n.): a person who shuns APPEASE (v.): to soothe, calm, put at
ease BUREAUCRACY (n.): a large
society, a hermit institution with many complex
PROWESS (n.): skill, strength
APPRISE (v.): to notify, inform regulations
REDUNDANT (adj.): extra,
PUNDIT (n.): learned person, scholar,
C CONSECRATE (v.): to make sacred O P
CANDOR (n.): honesty, straight talk CONTRITE (adj.): apologetic, OBLIVIOUS (adj.): unaware PALPABLE (adj.): able to be touched,
begging forgiveness tangible
CARDINAL (adj.): main, most OBSOLETE (adj.): out of date, no
important COSMOPOLITAN (adj.): worldly, longer useful, PARAGON (n.): model of perfection
having wide interests
CELIBATE (adj.): remaining pure, OMNIPOTENT (adj.): all-powerful PASTORAL (adj.): of the countryside;
refraining from sexual intercourse COUP (n.): personal victory acquired pertaining to a pastor
in a single stroke, major OMNISCIENT (adj.): all-knowing
CHAGRIN (n.): shame, accomplishment PATHOLOGICAL (adj.): pertaining
embarrassment OMNIVOROUS (adj.): eating all to disease
CULPABLE (adj.):guilty
CHASTE (adj.):pure ORNATE (adj.): highly decorative PERSPICACIOUS (adj.): having
insight, astute
CLANDESTINE (adj.): secretive,
hidden D ORTHODOX (adj.): traditional,
conservative PERTINENT (adj.): apt, suitable,
related to the point at hand
COMPRISE (v.): to consist of, include DELETERIOUS (adj.): harmful OSTENTATIOUS (adj.): showy
PINNACLE (n.): highest point
CONDESCEND (v.): to lower oneself; DESPONDENT (adj.): downhearted, OSTRACIZE (v.): to shun, cut out
to patronize dejected from the group PIOUS (adj.): holy, venerable
CONFIDANT (n.): person with DIRGE (n.) music for funeral procession OVERT (adj.): open PITHY (adj.): short, concise, to the
whom one can share a secret DISCLOSE (v.): to open, admit, reveal point
PLACATE (v.): to calm, soothe,
CONGENIAL (adj.): pleasant, DISSIDENT (n.): one who opposes pacify
MISANTHROPE (n.): one who hates DISTRAUGHT (adj.): overcome by high standing
L people, or humanity, in general grief or despair
EMPATHY (n.): ability to identify
MORBID (adj.): pertaining to death DOGMATIC (adj.): tending to hold with the feelings of another
LUCID (adj.): clear very tightly to a belief or opinion
MUNDANE (adj.): dull, boring, ENIGMA (n.) a puzzle, mystery
LUDICROUS (adj.): laughable commonplace, extremely ordinary
E ENMITY (n.): mutual hatred, intense

M MUSE (v. / n.): to ponder; inspiration

EBB (v.): to lessen, recede
ENTAIL (v.): to require
MAGNANIMOUS (adj.): great in
spirit, extremely generous
N ECLECTIC (adj.):diverse and wide-
ranging in taste or choice
EPITOME (n.): perfect example or
NARCISSIST (n.): one who is
MAGNATE (n.): person of power or extremely self-centered and “in love ECCENTRIC (adj.): odd, unusual,
influence ERRATIC (adj.): unpredictable, varied
with oneself” strange (as applied to personal
behavior) ERRONEOUS (adj.): incorrect,
MALEVOLENT (adj.): evil NEMESIS (n.): enemy, foe mistaken
ELEGY (n.): poem or song
MELANCHOLY (adj. / n.): sad, NOTORIETY (n.): being famous for a expressing grief
depressed; sadness, depression ESOTERIC (adj.): hard to
bad reason, infamous, notorious understand, known only to a select
EMBARGO (n.): ban on commerce or few
MERCENARY (adj.): pertaining to NUANCE (n.): subtle or slight trade
acquiring money and financial gain difference or variation EULOGY (n.): words of praise, often
EMBELLISH (v.): to decorate, make given at a funeral
MERCURIAL (adj.): rapidly shifting, more attractive
EXACERBATE (v.): to make worse
EMINENT (adj.): well-known, having
EXPUNGE (v.): to remove, cancel FRUGAL (adj.): interested in INSIPID (adj.): dull, boring, lifeless
EXTRICATE (v.): to remove,
conserving money, thrifty,
economical I INSURGENT (n. / adj.): rebel /
especially from a difficult position rebellious
IMPECCABLE (adj.): faultless, perfect

F G IMPERIOUS (adj.): arrogant,

INSURRECTION (n.): rebellion,
GARISH (adj.): excessively bright, INTEGRAL (adj.): essential,
FAÇADE (n.): face, superficial gaudy IMPLICIT (adj.): implied necessary
appearance (often false)
GENIAL (adj.): cheerful, friendly, IMPUDENCE (n.): rudeness, INTROSPECTIVE (adj.): looking
FALLACIOUS (adj.): false, misleading kind brashness, impertinence inward
FALLIBLE (adj.): open to error IMPUNITY (n.): freedom from
FASTIDIOUS (adj.): paying close
attention to details
H punishment
INANE (adj.): stupid, pointless,
HACKNEYED (adj.): overused, absurd JADED (adj.): world-weary, suffering
FATALIST (n.): one who believes unoriginal, trite from a surfeit of luxury, filled with
that life is largely predetermined and INDIGENT (adj.): poor ennui
shaped by fate HARBINGER (n.): a forerunner
INNATE (adj.): natural, inborn JUDICIOUS (adj.): wise, marked by
FEIGN (v.): to fake, pretend HEDONIST (n.): a person who good judgment
FRACTIOUS (adj.): tending to pursues pleasure, often to excess INDOLENT (adj.): lazy
misbehave, rowdy, unruly
INFAMOUS (adj.): famous for bad
FRENETIC (adj.): marked by frenzy deeds, notorious

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