Newswriting Exercise 2

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Write a news article based on the following facts

What: 1.Government troops on the hunt for Abu Sayyaf chieftain Khadaffy
Janjalani and the alleged masterminds of the 2002 Bali bombings clashed
with a group of bandits.

2.three marines were injured after the incident

Where: in the Southern island province of Sulu

When: Tuesday
This was according to the military.

Supporting details:
Lieutenant Colonel Arnel Caculitan - Marines spokesman.

“Around 11:30 am, troops from the 7th Marine Battalion clashed with some
40 suspected Abu Sayyaf members The clashed happened in Danag Village.
This was in Patikul town, “ Lt. Col. Caculitan said.

Caculitan further said that the Abu Sayyaf, suffered casualties. He cannot give the
exact figure. He also said that he could not easily ascertain if Janjalani and
two other Jemaah Islamiya bomb experts Dulmatin and Omar Patik were with the
group that engaged with the marines.

Sulu province has been sealed off from civilian entry since March
in the hope of catching Dulmain and Patik.

The Abu Sayyaf and the JI have been responsible for the worst terrorist
attacks in Southeast Asia. The JI members have escaped military operations
several times.

The United States has put up a ten million dollar bounty. This was for
Dulmatin’s capture. One million dollar each for the capture of Janjalani and Patek.

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