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Academic Activities for the CEDAS Aquilympics 2019

Mural Painting (8:00 AM-12:00 NN)
Story Telling (1:00 PM-2:00 PM)
Extemporaneous Speech (2:00 PM-3:00 PM)
Dagliang Talumpatian (3:00 PM-4:00 PM)
Smart Talking with Interviewing (4:00 PM-5:00 PM)

Quiz Bowl (8:00 AM- 12:00)

Spoken word poetry
Story telling Contest

1. Each team must have 1 participant.

2. The piece will be given one or two weeks before the contest proper.

3. The participants will be given 5-10 minutes to deliver the piece.

4. There will be a deduction of 1 point in every exceeding minute.

5. A draw lots method will determine the sequencing of participants.

6. The judge shall determine the winner based on the given criteria.

7. The piece will be given to the participants 1 week ahead of the actual event.

Criteria for Judging

Performance (Delivery, clarity of voice, facial expressions and gestures) - 50%

Content (Originality of the piece) - 20%

Mastery - 20%

Audience Impact - 10%

Total = 100%
Mural Painting Contest

1. Each team must have 3 participants.

2. The concept of the output must be based on the theme given.

3. A canvass (__" by __") with a wood frame and their own coloring materials will be used.

4. Portrait format will be followed.

5. The participants will be given only 4 hours to finish and finalize the output.
Quiz Bowl

1. Each team must have 3 participants

2. Subject coverage: Spelling, General Knowledge, Science, Religious Studies, & Filipino

3. There will be 3 rounds: Easy (10 seconds/question), Average (10 seconds/question) and Difficult (15
seconds/question) rounds

4. Number of questions per round and scoring system:

a. Easy Round- twenty (20) questions worth 2 points each

b. Average Round- fifteen (15) questions worth 3 points each

c. Difficult Round- ten (10) questions worth 5 points each.

5. Each team will write their answers on the black part of the board

6. All teams will answer the same set of questions in writing. Before the question is read, the
participants must raise their chalk.

7. The questions will only be read twice. After the second reading, the Quizmaster shall say “go,” only
then will participants be allowed to write their answers. Automatically, the time-limit will begin with
the word “go”

8. The time keeper will signal that the time is up. The participants must stop writing and must raise their
answer boards.

9. There must be no changing of answers once the board is raised. Late answers will not be accepted.

10. Wrong spelling is wrong. Improper capitalization and punctuation shall be wrong.

11. The Quiz master shall read and verify the participants’ answer.

12. The winning group after the final round will be declared champion.
Extemporaneous Speech

1. Each team must have one (1) participant.

2. There shall be one question to be answered per contestant.
3. Each participant shall be given three-minute (3 min) preparatory period before he/she will deliver
his/her speech.
4. Other participants shall be isolated in an area until it would be time for him/her to have his/ her
5. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late entries will be
disqualified from the competition.
6. The participants shall deliver their piece at minimum of four (4) minutes and the maximum of
five (5) minutes. The bell shall be rung at the fifth minute. One (1) minute under time or overtime
shall be equal to a one-point deduction; two (minutes) under time or overtime shall be equal to
two points deduction on the score earned by the contestant, three (3) points for three (3) minutes
under time or over time also.
7. No cellphones shall be allowed during the contest proper. Otherwise, the contestant will be
disqualified from the competition.
8. The style of the delivery may be conversational, oratorical, or a combination of both; however,
the speech must have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
9. Late entries will be disqualifies from the competition. (15 minutes after allotted schedule)
10. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.

Criteria for Judging

Content (Relevance, organization, provocativeness/ comprehensiveness) 70%

Delivery (Voice and articulation) 30%
Craftsmanship (Use of appropriate language and stage presence) 20%
Personality (Bodily behavior, posture/gesture, and eye contact) 10%

Total 100%
Dagliang Talumpatian

1. Ang paksa ng talumpati ay iisa lamang para sa lahat ng partisipante at ibibigay ito sa araw ng

2. Ang paraan ng paghahanda ay base sa Extemporaneous Speaking;

3. Ang kalahok ay bibigyan ng apat (4) na minutong paghahanda at tatlo hanggang apat (3-4) na minutong
paglalahad. Isang bawas na puntos sa bawat minutong kulang at sobra sa paglalahad;

4. Ang paglalahad ay maaaring sa paraan ng pakikipag-usap (conversational), patalumpati (oratorical), o

maaring pinagsamang pakikipag-usap at patalumpati;

5. Hindi maaaring gumamit ng sound effects, background music, o props;

6. Ipinagbabawal sa mga kalahok ang pagsusuot ng uniporme ng kolehiyo o unibersidad;

7. Ideyal na suot para sa mga lalaki: barong tagalong o ano pa mang pang etniko na kasuotan;

8. Ideya l na suot para sa mga babae: baro’t saya, terno, o ano pa mang kasuotang pang-etniko; at


Nilalaman 20 points

Implikasyon ng mga inilahad na ideya

Lalim ng pananaw na inilahad

Uganayan ng mga pananaw

Paglalahad 10 points

Retorikal at lohikal na paglalahad ng nilalaman

Daloy ng paglalahad

Kabuuan 30 points
Smart Talking with Interviewing

1. Entry is a smart talker and an interviewer;

2. Microphone in every round;

3. Pressure:

1st round - 1 minute and 30 seconds (1 ST and 1 I)

2nd round - 2 minutes (1 ST and 2 I)

3rd round - 3 minutes (2 ST and 1 I)

4. Only one (1) coach; and

5. Consult:


Communication 25 points

Articulatory ability


Kind of questions asked

Manner of questioning

Rapport 15 points

Huddle with the interviewees

Rapport with his fellow interviewers,

Art of handling situation flaw/s)

Contemporary Tongue 10 points

Trilingual the least

Total 50 points

Smart Talker

Wit 20 points



Spoken Word Poetry

1. Compose of 1 participant.

2. Originality of the piece should be observed. Entries must entirely create by the student
originally and not from any published work or performed publicly by other performer prior to the

3. The piece or spoken word piece can either be in English, Tagalog, or in Bisaya.

4. The participants must memorize their originally created piece.

5. The participants will be given with the time limit of 2-3 minutes to perform his/her piece.

6. The participant should submit a copy of the piece and the background music to the Academic
Committee three (3) days before the competition for checking.

Criteria for Judging

Performance (Delievery, clarity of voice, favial expressions and gestures) 50%

Content (Originality of the piece) 20%

Mastery 20%

Audience Impact 10%

Total 100%

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