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Physics Factsheet

www.fastexampapers. com Mr. Afdal

Applying Newton’s Laws

What are Newton’s Laws? ♦ Draw a diagram, showing all the forces on the body.
♦ Check the body really is in equilibrium– is it stationary or moving
with constant velocity?
Newton’s First Law: Every body continues at rest or with constant ♦ Resolve forces in two perpendicular directions – either horizontally
velocity unless acted upon by a resultant force and vertically, or if the body is resting on a slope, then parallel and
Newton’s Second Law: The rate of change of momentum of a body is perpendicular to the slope.
proportional to the resultant force that acts on it ♦ Equate the total force in each direction to zero.
♦ If necessary, take moments – this will be required if not all the forces
Newton’s Third Law: When two bodies interact, the forces they exert pass through one point – and equate to zero.
on each other are of equal magnitude and opposite direction ♦ Solve your equations to find the unknown forces.

We can also use the First Law to help with problems for bodies that are not
1. The First Law in equilibrium, provided there is no resultant force on them in a particular
This is mainly used to find unknown forces, by using it in the form: direction. In cases like this it is used together with the Second Law – see
later for examples.

If a body is at rest or moving with constant velocity, there must be Typical Exam Question
no resultant force on it. An aircraft of mass 11 000kg, which moves at a constant velocity,
v, and constant altitude, is powered by propellers and experiences
a drag force.
Tip: It is important to note that the body must be moving with constant (a) Draw a labelled free body diagram showing the 4 main forces
velocity, not just constant speed – the body must move at a steady speed acting on the aircraft. [4]
and always in the same direction. A body moving in a circle may move (b) The thrust from the propellers is 225kN and the drag force is
at a steady speed, but still has a resultant force on it. given by 10v2. Calculate the aircraft’s level flight speed.[2]
(a) Lift vertically upward ü weight vertically downward ü
thrust forwardsü drag backwardsü
A body that is at rest or moving with constant velocity is said to be in (b) For level flight, horizontal forces are equal:
equilibrium. Factsheets 2 Vectors and Forces and 4 Moments and 225000 = 10v2 ü
Equilibrium give details on how to solve problems about bodies in v = 150ms-1 ü
equilibrium, but the general strategy is:

Free-Body Force Diagrams

Many questions require you to draw a free-body force diagram; however, ♦ If the body is moving through the air, then air resistance will act in the
even if it is not asked for explicitly, it is vital in solving any question opposite direction to the one it is moving in.
involving Newton’s Laws. All the diagram shows is the body in which ♦ Aircraft experience a lift force vertically upwards.
you are interested, together with all the forces acting on it – not the forces
acting on any other body. Example 1. A uniform rod AB is attached at end A to a vertical wall by a
hinge. A spring has one end attached to end B of the rod, and the other is
It is a good idea to draw a diagram of the whole situation first, including all fixed to the wall above A so that the spring is horizontal. Draw a free body
the bodies involved, since it helps you to make sure you do not miss out force diagram to show the forces acting on the rod.
any forces – this is the commonest mistake!
Note: the rod being “uniform” means that its centre of mass is at its centre.
To avoid missing out forces, work through the following check-list:
♦ The body’s weight, acting from its centre of mass. Diagram of the whole thing Free-body force diagram
♦ If the body is in contact with anything, there will be a normal reaction
force. This acts at right-angles to the surface.
♦ The reaction at a hinge can act at any angle to the surface, so put it in T
at an unknown angle. T
♦ Friction will act if the body is in contact with a rough surface, and if R
it is moving or has any “tendency” to move. Having a “tendency” to
move means the body would move if there was no friction. Friction θ
acts parallel to the surface, in the direction opposite to the way the T= tension of spring
body moves or would tend to move. W
W R = reaction at hinge
♦ If the body is attached to a string, the tension of the string will act on W = weight of rod
it. Tension always pulls, never pushes.
♦ If the body is attached to a spring, the tension or thrust of the spring Tip: You must make it clear what any letters you use in your
will act on it. It can pull (tension) or push (thrust). diagrams stand for.

Applying Newton's Laws Physics Factsheet

Typical Exam Question Typical Exam Question

A speedboat is towing a paraglider at a constant speed and height (a) Identify three properties of pairs of forces that are linked by
on the end of a light rope of length 30m, which makes an angle θ Newton’s third law. [3]
with the horizontal. The forces acting on the paraglider are the (b) A person stands on bathroom scales on the ground.
vertical lift, L, the horizontal drag, D, his weight, W and the Draw a free-body force diagram for the person. Identify all
tension in the rope, T. forces clearly. [2]
(a) Draw a free body diagram of the paraglider showing the (c) For the situation in (b), state the other force forming a
forces L, D, W and T. [2] Newton’s third law pair with the reaction force of the scales
(b) State the value of the resultant of these forces. [1] acting on the person’s feet. [1]
(c) Hence, write an equation relating the magnitudes of: (a) equal in magnitude ü opposite direction ü act on different bodies ü
(i) D, T and θ [1] (b)
(ii) L, W, T and θ . [1]
(a) L weight ü
T W reaction of scales on person ü
ü ü
(b) The resultant of these forces must be zero. ü
(c) (i) Resolving horizontally: D = T cosθ ü (c) The person’s weight ü
(ii) Resolving vertically: L = W + T sinθ ü

Mass and Weight 3. The Second Law

It is vital to remember the difference between mass and weight. To Newton’s Second Law is most often used in the form
Mass Weight F = ma
Measures The amount of matter The force of gravity on a F = resultant force (newtons) m = mass (kilograms)
in a body body a = acceleration (metres seconds-2)
Changes Not at all, unless the Different depending on the
body is broken up force of gravity – so would
be different on the moon, and
high above the earth’s surface See Factsheet 9 Momentum for more on using the second law in its other form.

Unit kilogram newton This form is only valid if mass is constant. However, since the examination
vector (since it is a force) does not require you to consider variable mass, this is not a problem.
Scalar/ scalar
vector Note that both F and a are vectors – the force determines not only the size
of the acceleration, but also its direction – a body accelerates in the direction
For any body, W = Mg, where W is its weight (N), M is its of the resultant force on it.
mass (kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
Second law problems – like any other mechanics problem – require you to
draw a clear diagram, including all the forces acting on a body. You then
Weight always acts vertically downwards from the centre of mass of
need to:
the body.
♦ Resolve forces in the direction in which acceleration is taking place,
and use F = ma, where F is the resultant force in that direction.
♦ If necessary, resolve forces perpendicular to the direction of
2. The Third Law acceleration, and use the fact that the resultant force is zero.
We are considering the third law next because a good understanding of both ♦ If two bodies are involved, use the third law to identify equal forces
first and third law is necessary to approach some second law problems.
Here, we will be applying the third law to bodies in contact, or connected The following examples illustrate common ways of using the second law.
by a rope. It tells us that, for example:
♦ the downward force you exert on the floor by standing on it is the
same size as the upward force the floor exerts on you Showing the second law is equivalent to F = ma
♦ if you walk a dog on a lead, the tension in the lead acting on you (due The second law states that force is proportional to the rate of change of
to the dog tugging you) is of the same magnitude as the tension in the momentum.
lead acting on the dog, tugging it towards you. Since momentum is given by mass × velocity, this means force is
♦ when you push on a door, the door pushes back on you with the same proportional to the rate of change of (mass × velocity).
magnitude force. If we assume mass is constant, then this becomes:
mass × (rate of change of velocity)
Example 2. Two children are playing “tug-of-war”. One of them suddenly But rate of change of velocity is acceleration.
lets go of the rope. Explain why the other child may fall over, and explain
the direction in which s/he falls. So we have force is proportional to mass × acceleration – or, as an
equation, F ∝ ma, or F = kma, where k is a constant of proportionality.
When both children are tugging the rope, the force each child exerts on the
rope is equal and opposite the force the rope exerts on the child – the rope
We get rid of the constant k by defining the newton to be such that a
pulls each child forward, and the child tries to pull the rope backwards. When
force of 1N gives a mass of 1kg an acceleration of 1ms-2
one child lets go, the tension in the rope is removed. The other child is still
exerting the same backward pull on the rope, but there is now no compensating
forward pull on the child. So the child falls backwards.

Applying Newton's Laws Physics Factsheet

Example 3.A box of mass 2kg is being towed along a rough horizontal Example 5. A slimming club is situated at the top of a tall building; to
surface by a person pulling it on a string. The string is at 30o to the motivate its clientele, the club has installed its own lift which contains a
horizontal, and its tension is 10N. The box is accelerating at 1.0ms-2. weighing machine. The lift accelerates uniformly at 1.0ms-2 for 90% of
Taking g = 9.81ms-2, find: its journey, both going up and coming down.
(a) the frictional force acting on the box. Taking g = 10ms-2, calculate:
(b) the magnitude of the normal reaction force exerted by the ground on (a) The resultant force required to accelerate a person whose mass is80kg
the box T = 40N at 1.0ms-2.
R ea ctio n = R (b) The reading (in kg) on the weighing machine when the 80kg person
30o stands on it as the lift accelerates upwards.
(c) The reading (in kg) of the machine when the same person stands on
it as it accelerates downwards.
F rictio n = F

w eig h t = 2 g (a) We use F = ma: F = 80 × 1 = 80N

(a) We need to resolve in the direction of the acceleration – which is horizontal, (b) To work out the reading on the scales, we need to consider the forces
since the box is moving on horizontal ground: acting on the person
Tcos30o - F = ma = 2 × 1
So F = 10cos30o- 2 = 6.66N (3 SF)

(b) To find any other information, we need to resolve perpendicular to the

direction of acceleration, and use the fact that resultant force is zero:
Tsin30o + R – 2g = 0
So R = 2g – 10sin30o = 9.62N (3SF)

Example 4
A car of mass 800kg is towing a trailer of mass 300kg up a road inclined They are in contact with the scales, which are pushing them upwards.
at 1o to the horizontal . The car exerts a constant driving force, and starting Their weight acts downwards.
from rest, achieves a speed of 10ms-1 in 50 seconds. The frictional forces on
the car and trailer are constant, and of magnitude 150N and 100N So for the person, we have
respectively. Take g = 10ms-2
Find: (a) the driving force of the car force of scales
(b) the tension in the tow bar. on person = F
D = d rivin g fo rce


T T weight = 80g

150 800g
100 We also know that the resultant force on the person is 80N upwards, from
300g (a). This gives us:
1o F – 80g = 80

(a) We first need to work out the acceleration from the information given. Now the reading on the scales is worked out from the force the person
Since all the forces are constant, we know the acceleration will be constant, exerts on the scales.
so constant acceleration equations can be used:
Using v = u + at: 10 = a × 50 ⇒ a = 0.2ms-2 The third law tells us that the force exerted by the person on the scales is the
same in magnitude as the force exerted by the scales on the person – so it is
We now need to use F = ma. We must resolve in the direction of the F = 80g + 80 downwards.
acceleration – that is, up the hill
The scales are calibrated to give a mass reading, rather than a “weight”
We can consider the car and trailer together – this will avoid bringing in the reading.
tension in the tow rope:
D – 800gsin1o – 300gsin1o – 100 – 150 = (800 + 300)a = 1100 × 0.2 So the mass reading on the scales will be obtained by dividing the force
So D = 1100 × 0.2 + 800gsin1o + 300gsin1o + 100 + 150 = 662N reading by g.

So the mass reading is F ÷ g = (80g + 80)÷ g = 88kg

Tip: You could consider the car and trailer seperately – you would then
get two equations, which you would have to solve to find D (c) When the lift is moving downwards, the resultant force is 80N downwards,
so we have: 80g – F = 80.

.(b) Since we need the tension here, we must look at either the car or the trailer This gives F = 80g – 80, and hence a mass reading of (80g – 80)÷g = 72kg
– it doesn’t matter which.
Trailer: T - 100 – 300gsin1o = 300 × 0.2 ⇒ T = 212N

Tip: Many students lose marks by ignoring the weight of the car.
If a hill is involved, the weight will come in to your equations!

Applying Newton's Laws Physics Factsheet

Experimental investigation of Newton’s Second Law Exam Workshop

To investigate Newton’s Second Law, a trolley on a track with ticker- This is a typical poor student’s answer to an exam question. The comments
tape is used. explain what is wrong with the answers and how they can be improved.
First, the track is friction-compensated by tilting it until the trolley will The examiner’s answer is given below.
run down at a steady speed – this occurs when the dots on the ticker- A manned rocket consists of a main rocket with spacecraft attached,
tape are evenly spaced. with combined mass of 1.0 × 104kg, and a separable propulsion unit
complete with its own first stage motor and fuel. The mass of this
A piece of elastic is attached to the trolley. A person pulls on the elastic separate unit is 500 kg.
so that it is always kept at the same length as the trolley moves - this Both parts of the rocket contain motors capable of producing a
provides a constant force on the trolley. constant thrust of 1.2 × 105N and are used in turn, the one in the main
body igniting as soon as the separate unit has run out of fuel and been
Different forces can be investigated by using two or three identical jettisoned. The rocket takes off from the ground and continues to fly
pieces of elastic. Different masses can be investigated by stacking trollies vertically upwards. Take g = 9.8ms-2
on top of each other.
(a) Ignoring the effects of air resistance, calculate the:
To analyse the results, the ticker-tape is cut into 10 – dot lengths. Since (i) resultant force on the rocket at the instant of take-off. [2]
50 dots are produced every second, this allows the average velocity 1.2 × 105 – ( 1× 104 + 500)g ü = 15000N û 1/2
every 0.2 seconds to be calculated. From these velocities, the acceleration
can be calculated. The student knows the correct calculation to carry out and has used
the correct method, but has lost the final mark by using g = 10ms-2
The variation of the acceleration with applied force (number of pieces instead of 9.8ms-2 as it says. Read the question!
of elastic) and with mass (number of trollies) can then be analysed.
(ii) initial acceleration of the rocket. [2]
F = ma
Questions 15000 = (1 × 104 + 500)aüso a = 1.4286ms-2 û 1/2
1. State Newton’s second law, and explain how it leads to “F = ma” Again, no difficulties understanding what is required, and the student
could have gained full marks on this section from using the wrong
2. Define the newton answer to a) i) correctly, but the final mark is lost through using an
inappropriate number of significant figures.
3. Explain why the first law refers to “constant velocity”, not “constant
speed” (b) Rocket fuel is burned at a steady rate of 2.5kg s-1. The first stage
motor has 200kg of fuel available. Calculate the:
4. State three characteristics of a Newton’s third law pair of forces. (i) time taken to use up the fuel in the first stage. [1]
200 ÷ 2.5 = 80 seconds ü 1/1
5. Explain why, if you are leaning on a shut door and it suddenly opens, (ii) acceleration of the rocket at the instant just before the
you fall over. first stage fuel runs out.
15000 = (1 × 104 + 500 – 200)a, ü so a = 1.46ms-2 ü 2/2
6. A car of mass 700kg is moving at a steady speed up a slope inclined at The student has gained full marks here, despite having a numerically
2o to the horizontal. The frictional resistance to motion is constant, and incorrect answer, since the answer to a) i) has been used correctly and
of magnitude 100N. Take g = 10ms-2 the answer is given to a suitable number of significant figures.
a) Calculate the driving force of the car
(c) The rocket motor in the main body ignites and begins to
The car now travels down the same slope, with the engine exerting the supply full thrust of 1.2 × 105N at the instant the first stage
same driving force. finishes and falls away. For the instant in time just after
b) Calculate the acceleration of the car. separation of the stages, calculate the:
(i) acceleration of the main rocket. [2]
7. A person of mass 60kg is standing in a lift of mass 250kg. The lift 1.2 × 105 - 1 × 104g = 1 × 104a. ü
accelerates upwards at 1.5ms-2. Taking g = 9.8ms-2, calculate a = 11ms-2û 1/2
a) the tension in the lift cable Again, the student understood the calculation to be carried out, but
b) the force exerted on the person by the floor of the lift has made a numerical error. Since s/he showed working, a mark can be
awarded. The size of the answer – so different from earlier figures –
should have alerted the student to the fact that the answer was wrong.
1. –4. answers may be found in the text (ii) resultant force on an astronaut of mass 70kg aboard the
5. The door was pushing back on you with a force equal in magnitude to spacecraft. [2]
the force you exerted on it. When the door is opened, this force is mg – ma = 80g – 80 × 11 = -80N ???? 0/2
removed, so the forces on you are unbalanced, so you fall towards the Had the student drawn a diagram and worked out the resultant force
door. carefully, s/he probably would not have written “mg – ma” instead
6. a) 344N b) 0.698ms-2 (both 3SF) of “mg + ma”. The student clearly realises the negative answer is
7. a) 3500 N (3SF) b) 678N wrong, but should therefore have checked previous work.
Examiner's answers
(a) (i) 1.2 × 105 - (1 × 104 + 500) × 9.8 = 17100 N
(ii) 17100 = 10500 a ü 1.69 ms-2 = a ü
(b) (i) 200/2.5 = 80 seconds ü
Acknowledgements: This Physics Factsheet was researched and written by Cath Brown. The Curriculum (ii) 17100 = 10300 a ü a=1.7 ms-2 ü
(c) (i) 1.2 × 105 - 104 × 9.8 = 104 × a ü 2.2 ms-2 = a ü
Press,Unit 305B, The Big Peg,120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6NF. Physics Factsheets may be copied free
of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their school is a registered subscriber.
No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form (ii) F = mg + ma ü
= 70 × 9.8 + 70 × 2.2 = 840 N ü
or by any other means, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136

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