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Food, clothing and shelter are three basic necessities of human life. In addition to these
education and healthcare is needed in social economy. In Indian society healthcare concept is
not given importance. Along with this there is serious issue of affordability where only a
certain class of the society can afford as the cost of health care is very high and this has
created a gap between the classes of society. Under universal health care every person born as
Indian citizen who comes under the protection of the Indian constitution should have a basic
right to have health cover. In the present scenario the government is introducing health care
measures in their own way but this has not provided a guaranteed support to the needy.

Health insurance is a type of coverage where an individual pays premium in order to protect
against unexpected health care issues. Premium has to be paid as per the norms and it is
decided on one’s financial status so that there would not be any burden on individuals to pay.
Health insurance was launched in India long ago since independence. The health insurance
industry has grown remarkably due to liberalization of the economy and general awareness
among the public. The first insurance policies in India were mediclaim policies. Government
of India in the year 2000 liberalized insurance and allowed private players into insurance

This study is undertaken in order to evaluate the level of awareness about health insurance
and to examine whether people are familiar with the different schemes providing health
coverage and the perception of people residing in Bangalore. Health insurance in a short
sense would be an individual or group purchasing health care coverage in advance payment
of a fee called premium. In its wider sense it would be any arrangement that helps to defer,
delay, reduce, or altogether avoid payment of health care incurred by individuals and
household. The health insurance market in India is very limited to about 10% of total

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

The health insurance schemes are categorized as:

1. Voluntary health insurance scheme or private for profit scheme

2. Employer based scheme
3. Insurance offered by NGO’s / community based health insurance
4. Mandatory health insurance scheme or government run scheme.

In private insurance buyers are wasing to pay premium to an insurance company that brings
people with same type risks and insures them for health expenses. The key division is that the
premiums are set at levels, which provide a profit to third party and provider institutions.
Premiums are based on an evaluation of the risk status of the consumer (or of the group of
employees) and the level of payback provided, rather than as a part of the consumer’s
income. In the public sector, the general insurance corporation (GIC) and its four subsidiary
companies National Insurance Corporation, New India Assurance Company and United
Insurance Company of India gives voluntary insurance schemes. The Life Insurance
Corporation offers Ashadeep plan II and Jeevan Asha Plan II .The general Insurance
Corporation provides personal Accident policy, jan Arogya policy, Overseas Medicalim
policy, Cancer insurance policy, Bhavishya arogya policy and dreaded Disease policy of the
various schemes offered, Medical insurance Scheme or Mediclaim was introduced in
November 1986 and it covers individuals and groups with persons aged 5 – 80 yrs. Children
(3 months –5 yrs) are covered with their guardians and parents. This scheme provides for
repayment of medical expenses by an individual towards hospitalization as per sum insured
by the company. Premiums are calculated based on age and the sum insured, which in turn
varies from Rs 15000 - Rs 500000. In 1995/96 about half a million Mediclaim policies were
issued with about 18, 00,000 beneficiaries. The coverage for the year 2000-01 was around 72,

Another scheme, namely the Jan Arogya Bima policy specifically targeted the poor
population of the country. It also covers repayment of hospitalization costs up to Rs 5,000
anually for an individual premium of Rs 100 a year. The same exclusion mechanism apply
for this scheme as those under the Mediclaim policy. A full family discount of 30% is
granted, but there is no group discount. However, like the Mediclaim, this policy too has not
gained so much success. The Jan Arogya Bima Scheme had covered 4, 00,000 individuals by

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
1997. The year 1999 marked the start of a new era for health insurance in the Indian context.
With the passing of the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority Bill (IRDA) the
insurance sector was opened to private and foreign involvement, thereby paving the way for
the entry of private health insurance companies. The Bill also facilitated the initiation of an
authority to protect the interests of the insurance holders by regulating and ensuring orderly
growth of the insurance industry. The bill also permitted foreign promoters to hold paid up
capital of up to 26% in an Indian company and requires them to have a capital of Rs 100
crore along with a business plan to start its operations. Currently, a few companies such as
Bajaj Alliance, ICICI, Royal Sundaram, and Cholamandalam among others are offering
health insurance schemes. The nature of schemes offered by these companies is described


1.3.1Bajaj Allianz:

Bajaj Allianz offers three health insurance schemes namely, Health Guard, Critical Illness
Policy –and Hospital Cash Daily Allowance Policy. – The Health Guard scheme is available
to those aged 5 to 75 years (not allowing entry for those over 55 years of age), with the sum
assured from Rs 10,00,000 to 5,00,000. It offers cashless beneficiaries and medical
reimbursement for hospitalization expenses at various hospitals across India. In case the
member opted for hospitals besides the empanelled ones, the expenses incurred by him
during his treatment are reimbursed within 14 working days from submission of all the
documents. While pre-existing diseases are not included at the time of taking the policy, they
are covered from the fifth year onwards if the policy is continuously renewed for four years
and the similarly has been declared while taking the policy for the very first time. Other
discounts and benefits like tax exemptions, health check-up at end of four claims free year,
etc. can be availed of by the insurer. The Critical Illness policy pays benefits in case the
insured is diagnosed from suffering from any of the listed critical events and survives for
minimal of 30 days from the date of diagnosis. The illnesses covered include: first heart
attack; Coronary artery disease which requires surgery: stroke; cancer; kidney failure;
transplantation of major organs; multiple sclerosis; aorta surgery; primary pulmonary arterial
hypertension, and paralysis. The Hospitals Daily cash Allowance Policy provides cash
benefit for each and every completed day of hospitalization, due to illness or accident.
Amount payable per day is dependent on selected scheme. Dependant spouse and children

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
aged 3 months – 21years can also be covered under the Policy. The benefits payable to the
dependants are linked to that of insured. The Policy pays for a the extent single
hospitalization period 30 days and an overall hospitalization period of 30 to 60 completed
days per policy period per person regardless of the number of confinements to hospital or
nursing home per policy period.

1.3.2 ICICI Lombard:

ICICI Lombard offers Group Health Insurance Policy. The policy is available to those
ageing from 5 – 80 years, with children being covered with their guardian or parents and it is
given to corporate bodies, institutions, and associations. The sum insured is Rs15, 000/- to
Rs5, 00,000/-. Premium charged under this scheme depends upon the age of the person and
the sum insured selected. A group wise discount is admissible if the group size exceeds 100.
The policy covers reimbursing of hospitalization expenses incurred for diseases contracted or
injuries sustained in India. Medical expenses up to thirty days for Pre-hospitalization and up
to sixty days for post-hospitalization are also admissible. Exclusion clauses apply. Moreover,
favorable claims experience is recognized by discount and conversely, unfavorable claims
experience attracts loading on renewal premium. On payment of additional premium, the
policy can be extended to cover maternity benefits, pre-existing diseases, and reimbursement
of cost of regular and irregular health check-up after four consecutive claims-free years.

1.3.3 Cholamandalam General Insurance:

The benefits offered in case of an illness or accident resulting to hospitalization, are cash-
free hospitalization in more than 1,400 hospitals across India, reimbursing of the expenses
during pre-hospitalization (sixty days prior to hospitalization) and post-hospitalization (ninety
days after discharge) stages of treatment. Over 130 minor surgeries that require less than
twenty four hours hospitalization under day care procedure are also covered. Extra health
covers: general health and eye examination, ambulance service, hospital daily allowance, and
twenty four hours assistance can be availed. Exclusion clauses apply. Employer-based
schemes. Employers in both the public & private sector offers employer-based insurance
schemes through own employer-managed facilities by the way of lump sum payments,
reimbursing employee’s health spending for outpatient care and hospitalization, fixed
medical allowance, monthly or annual irrespective of actual expenses, or covering them
under the group health insurance policy. The railways, defense and security forces,

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
plantations and mining sector provide medical services and / or benefits to its own
employees. The population coverage under these schemes is minimum, about 30-50 million

Insurance offered by NGOs or community-based health insurance: Community-based funds

refer to schemes where members prepay a set amount each year for specified services. The
premium are usually flat rate (not income-related) and therefore they are not progressive.
Making profit is not the purpose of these funds, but instead improving access to services. But
often there is a problem with adverse selection because of a large number of high-risk
members, since premiums are not based on assessment of individual risk status. Exemptions
may be adopted as a means of assisting the poor, but this was also have adverse effect on the
ability of the insurance fund to meet the cost of benefits. Community-based schemes are
typically targeted at poor populations living in communities, in which they are involved in
defining contribution level, collective mechanisms, defining the content of the benefit
package, and allocation of financial resource. Such schemes are generally run by trust
hospitals or non-governmental organizations. The benefits offered are mainly in terms of
preventive care, though ambulatory and in-patient care is also covered. Such schemes tend to
be financed through patient collection, government grants and donations. Increasingly in
India, CBHI schemes are negotiating with insurers for the purchase of custom designed group
insurance policies. However, the coverage of such schemes is low, covering about 30-50

1.3.4 Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Gujarat:

This scheme established in 1992, provides health, life and assets insurance to women
working in the informal sector and their families. The enrolment in the year 2002 was 93,000.
This scheme operates in collaboration with the National Insurance Company (NIC). Under
SEWA’s most popular policy, a premium of Rs 85 per individual is paid by the woman for
life, health and assets insurance. At an additional payment of Rs55, her husband too can be
covered. Rs 20 per member is then paid to the National Insurance Company (NIC) which
provides coverage to a maximum of Rs 2,000 per person per year for hospitalization. After
being hospitalized at a hospital of one’s choice (public or private), the insurance claim is
submitted to SEWA. The responsibility for enrolment of members, for processing and
approving of claims rests with SEWA. National Insurance Company in turn receives

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
premiums from SEWA annually and pays them a lump sum on a monthly basis for all claims

Social Insurance or government run schemes (namely the ESIS, CGHS): Social insurance is
an appropriate fund set up by government with explicit benefits in return for payment. It is
usually mandatory for certain groups in the population and the premiums are determined by
income rather than related to health risk. The government-run schemes include the Central
Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and the Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIS).

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS): Since 1954, all employees of the Central
Government (present and retired); some independent and semi-government organizations,
MPs, judges, freedom fighters and journalists are covered under this Scheme. This scheme
was designed to replace the expensive system of reimbursements. It aims at giving
comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and the benefits offered
include all basic health checkup, outpatient facilities, and preventive and great care in
dispensaries. Inpatient facilities in government hospitals and approved private hospitals are
also covered under this scheme. This scheme is mainly funded by Central Government, with
premiums ranging from Rs 15 to Rs 150 per month based on salary scales. The coverage of
this scheme has grown substantially with provision for the non-allopathic systems of
medicine as well as for allopathic. Beneficiaries at this moment are around 4, 32,000, spread
across twenty two cities. The CGHS has been criticized from the point of view of quality and
accessibility which is of great concern. Subscribers have complained of high out-of-pocket
expenses due to delay in reimbursement and incomplete coverage for private health care (as
only 80% of cost is reimbursement is made).

1.3.5 Employee and State Insurance Scheme (ESIS):

The enactment of the Employees State Insurance Act in 1948 led to formulation of the
Employees State Insurance Scheme. This scheme provides protection to employees against
loss of wages due to unable to work due to sickness, maternity, disability and death from
serious injury in work place. It offers medical and monitory benefits, preventive and
promotive care and health education. Medical care is also provided to employees and their
family members without fee for service. Originally, the ESIS scheme covered all power-using
non-seasonal factories employing ten or more people. Later, it was extended to cover
employees working in all non-power using factories with twenty or more persons. While

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
employee working in mines, plantations, or an organization offering health benefits as good
as or better than ESIS, are specifically excluded. Service establishments like shops, hotels,
restaurants, cinema houses, and road transport and news papers printing are now covered.
The monthly wage limit for enrolment in the ESIS is Rs.6500, with a prepayment
contribution in the form of a payroll tax of 1.75% by employees, 4.75% to be paid by the
employers, and 12.5% of the total expenses are borne by the state governments. The number
of beneficiaries is over 33 million spread over 620 ESIS centre’s across states. Under the
ESIS, there were 125 hospitals, 42 annexes and 1,450 dispensaries with over 23,000 beds
facilities. The scheme is managed and financed by the Employees State Insurance
Corporation through the state governments, with total expenditure of Rs3, 300 million or
Rs400/- per capita insured person. The ESIS programme has also attracted considerable
criticism. A report based on surveys conducted in Gujarat from patients found that over half
of them did not seek care from ESIS facilities. Unsatisfactory nature of ESIS services, low
quality drugs, long waiting periods, insolent behavior of personnel, lack of interest or low
interest on part of employees and low awareness of ESIS procedures.


The research is undertaken to know the quantum of knowledge the people poses about health
insurance and how they over comes financial crises faced by them during health issues
without insurance.

This study was be beneficial for the government of India to take various corrective
measures to improve the insurance sector and make the individual to understand the
benefits of health insurance in their life and to create awareness among people.

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037


Review is done on health insurance in order to determine the primary and secondary concepts
of health insurance and consumers view. Some studies have been made on health insurance,
its growth and policy by both international organization and private researchers whose
reviews are shown below.

WHO report (2008), World Health Organization review about the primary health care
(PHC) has identified the various strategic interventions which are required to face the new
challenges which may be faced by health system in 21st century. The review address about
formation, implementation and monitoring of primary health care policy. The review finds
that primary health concept is adopted by most of the countries in the world but PHC policies
encompassed equity, community, and affordability are still a matter of concern. It also found
the reasons for delaying the implementation of primary health scheme in the countries which
include weak structure.

Charter of fundamental right of European union (2000), Western countries have a law
which protects every individual of the country from health disorder as their government
register insurance for individual by birth. And this study provides the quote followed by the
country which says every individual has the right to acquire the health care measures and
benefit themselves from medical treatment. The people with disabilities are benefited from

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
the measures made to ensure that the independent, social and occupational integration and
equal participation in the life of community.

Harish Singh Gill and Pooja Kansra, This study has made an analysis about growth of
health insurance in India, with the help of government and private players, they innovated
numerous policies. The effect of number of policies on number of claims, state wise claims
and disease wise claims using statistical tools. The growth in insurance has made a drastic
change in people life, but still a single health care policy does not give “All in One” scheme
to its users. It is very important to understand the need of policy holders and bring changes
according to their needs.

Rygh EM, Hjortdahl P (2007), This study has examined the possible paths to improve the
services of health care in rural area , while these is abundant study on making health care
programs integrated, interdisciplinary and managed in order to reduce fragmentation and
improve continuity and coordination of care, only few region are related to this. The main
drawback is that they are unable to convince the people to opt the health care, as they are not
satisfied with the norms of the scheme. Cultural factor has created difficulty to generalize
health care in rural areas.

Tallinn Charter (2008), The main purpose of Tallinn is to improve peoples health by
strengthening health system in the WHO (World Health Organization) European region,
signatories to promote shared values, and to invest in health system, making health care
system more responsive, There is also a commitment of addressing health care needs with
different categories such as gender, age, ethnicity, and income. Arrangements for financing
should be based on the ability to pay and aim at redistributing the resources.

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Dr Gopal (2012), This study focuses on types of health insurance policies available and
consumer’s behavior, awareness, preferences and consumption pattern. And determinants of
image of health insurance in Mumbai city. The current market has many insurance companies
due to which it creates hurdles, insecurity and different opinions of customers in owning a
health insurance. This study also aims in finding out different factors affecting the purchase
of insurance policy.

Maryan Bigdeli, Richard Laing(2015), The universal health care coverage aims at
providing the people health care facility without causing any financial crises. The main idea
behind this is to provide an affordable health service to the people. They aim at providing the
best quality of medicine for the basic health issues. They reviewed about the total expenditure
incurred by low and middle income countries on health. They studied about the strategy
which UHC would implement for promotion of generic medicines.

K Swathi and R Anuradha (2017), This study covers the elements such as hospitalization,
family floater health insurance, all pre existing disease cover plans, senior citizen health
insurance, maternity health insurance, hospital daily cash benefit plans, critical illness plan,
disease specific special plans, and cash less reimbursements. This study covered some of the
general policies of insurance such as consultation with nutritionists, free health checkups, tie-
ups with health service providers, free consultation with doctors and discounts coupons on
health care services.

Karanja Jane Wanjiru (2014), This study is about the quality and affordability of health
care and recognizes the role of government in removing barriers and easing the procedures of
health insurance. The commitment of government to secure the life’s of their citizens is
clearly shown in the study by finding out the solutions in provision of universal health care.
The study concluded the acceptance of the fact that the economically strong citizens was have
to pay more than the poor citizen and every class of people was have the right to avail health

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Many researchers have done extensive studies on Insurance sector, but level of awareness of
health insurance is not evaluated by any of the researcher, and the previous researches have
not taken into consideration the customer perceptions. Since independence there is a growth
in health insurance sector, but why is that people do not utilize all the facilities provided by
the government? This study focuses on the promotional activities done by government in
creating awareness among the citizens and focus on different types of health insurances
available in the market for different age groups.


India is an economy where people face some or other kind of health disorder. Health
insurance acts as a support to people financially as it bears all the expenses. Health insurance
schemes are not a privilege to enjoy, as it has a long procedure to buy an insurance. The
problem here is about the level of awareness among people, which is merely found. And most
people think it is waste of time and money to buy insurance.

The other related problems are: is there is a positive perception of people towards health
insurance? Are people ready to pay for health insurance schemes? Is there an effect of
government’s plans on people with regard to health insurance? Are people satisfied with the
services provided to them by health insurance providing firms? Hence this study is
undertaken to address these issues.


The study covers the concern of customers regarding financial needs, meeting emergency,
liability issues, fraud protecting, confidentiality of data etc... The study is carried out to know
the consumer satisfaction on the service provided by insurance agencies.

This study is undertaken to know the people prospect regarding insurance agencies and how
they adopt to the changes in insurance plans and schemes.

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

1. To examine the level of awareness among the people of Bangalore about health
2. To study the people’s behavior and perception towards insurance.
3. To analyze satisfaction level of people who have taken health insurance

Research Design:

It is the set of methods and procedures used to gather and analyze the measures of the
variables specified in the research. Descriptive study is utilized as a part of this study for this
survey and fact figures collection.


In this study the sampling technique used is probability sampling technique. It is the
process of selecting a part of population from total population. The study is based on
probability sampling technique i.e., stratified simple random sampling.
 Sampling size: the size of the sampling is 100 no’s.


In this study the data is collected from two sources

 Primary data: The source of primary data has been collected through the structured
questionnaires and interviews.
 Secondary data: Apart from the primary data, the secondary data is used for the
study and necessary. Data was collected from newspapers, journals, websites, articles,
magazines, internet and reference text books.


The study was limited to the respondents belonging to Nelamangala location at Bangalore. As
there was time constraint the study is bounded to the period of 4 weeks. The study was
focusing on the awareness of health insurance among the people. The study does not focus on

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
any promotional activities of any insurance company. The study concentrated on the Health
insurance only. This study has not taken any consideration of any other type of insurance that
are available in the markets.


The data was collected from various respondents, residents of Nelamangala. A variety of
information have been collected from the respondents such as set of personal characteristics
namely gender and age and also information related to occupation, marital status, income
and education qualifications of the respondents . Based on their perceptions regarding
awareness of health insurance, for the study purpose 100 respondents were taken into
consideration in order to gather information related to health insurance.


The respondents were majorly of 25-30 age group . As a result we are able to draw
considerably a large number of respondents who were aware about the scheme. The age
group of respondents here was from 21 years to 50 and above years of age as they may have
certain knowledge about insurance. Around 73% respondents lie between the age group 21-
30 years who are mostly of them are either employees or are in student category.


The gender of the respondents under insurance scheme are both male and female of the age
ranging from 21 to 40 above years. The insurance scheme was availed both by men and
women .About 60% of the respondents were men and the remaining are female respondents
.Only in few cases females respondent`s were found.


There should be a proper knowledge of the marital status of the respondent in insurance
scheme as insurance is also available for different group of people . It is seen in the

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
questionnaire that majority of the respondent’s unmarried as they are all either students or
have just started earning or it may be due to various other reasons.


Educational qualification is the major factor of focus for the survey as it is very important for
the respondent to fill in the questionnaire and to understand about the study that is being
conducted. Majority of the respondents is either graduate or post graduate as education play a
major role in making people analyze the importance of health insurance in an individuals life.


Occupation of the respondent is important factor that is in order to know about the level of
income of the respondents. The data represented shows that majority of them are employed
and second majority is of students.


It is necessary to understand the annual income of the different respondents in order to know
the financial status of the respondents as based on the income the plan of insurance is selected
as there are many types of premium available. It helps to distinguish them as professionals,
students or others.


There are always two goals for marketing any product or service economical goals; and

psychological goals. Economical goals are associated with income, expenditure and savings

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
and others. Psychological goals are concerned with creating awareness; building image;

enhancing preference of investor towards insurance. The data is collected online by usage of

questionnaire, and the same is analyzed in the forms of tables and charts.

Demographic data: The demographic data is about the Age, Gender, qualification,

occupation, monthly income and monthly spending of the respondents.

Awareness is an issue and other aspects are there which effect the consumer’s perception. In

case the consumer is aware about the insurance scheme, his level of awareness varies from

each and every individual. Through the following analysis an attempt is made to know the

awareness level of the consumers of Bangalore city about health insurance scheme.


Table no 4.1: The table showing the different age groups of respondents.


21-30 73 73.00%
31-40 13 13.00%
41-50 12 12.00%
51 & above 3 3.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

13 21-30
51 & ABOVE

Figure 4.1

Interpretation: Among 100 respondents majority of them belong to the age group of 21-30
as this age group is more active in the modern world and have much knowledge about the
insurance scheme in comparison with other age groups.


Table no 4.2: The table showing the gender of respondents.


MALE 60 60.00%

FEMALE 40 40.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
40, 40%
60, 60% FEMALE

Figure 4.2


Among 100 respondents 60 of them were male and 40 were female this statistic shows male
are more interested about insurance.


Table no 4.3: The table showing the education level of different age groups.


Less than PUC 04 04.00%
PUC 09 09.00%
Degree 32 32.00%
Post graduation 44 44.00%
Diploma 05 05.00%
Professional degree 06 06.00%
Total 100 100%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
6, 6% 4, 4%
5, 5% 9, 9%

Less than PUC

44, 44% DIPLOMA

Figure 4.3


From the convenience data collection from the 100 respondents, it is found that majority of
them are post graduates and the second in line are degree holders.


Table no 4.4: The table showing the occupation of respondents.


Employee 43 43.00%
Student 37 37.00%
Business 9 09.00%
Home maker 5 05.00%
Self employed 6 06.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Home maker
Self employed

Figure 4.4


The above pie chart shows the designation of respondents in which majority are employed as
they are the ones who have to bare the medical expenses of their family. Second majority are
students as they are extremely aware about the importance of health insurance.


Table no 4.5: The table showing the marital status of respondents.

Marital status Frequency Percentage

Married 29 29.00%
Single 71 71.00%
total 100 100%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037



Figure 4.5


The majority of the respondents are single as they are either students or employees who are
busy stabilizing their career who may in the future give much more importance to health
insurance and may opt for the different schemes available.


Table no 4.6: The table showing the monthly income of respondents.


Less than 20000 52 52.00%
20001-40000 27 27.00%
40001-60000 08 08.00%
60001 and above 10 10.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Less than 20000

60001 and above

Figure 4.6


The above pie chart shows that the majority of them earn less than 20000, as either they are
students who are receiving pocket money from their guardians or parents or they have just
joined as an employee.


Average monthly medical expenses of family

Table no 4.7: The table showing the monthly medical expenses of family.


Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Up to 500 24 24.00%
501-1000 35 35.00%
1001-1500 16 16.00%
1501-2000 10 10.00%
2001 & above 15 15.00%




UPTO 500 501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2001 & ABOVE

Figure 4.7


The above graph shows that about 35% of respondents have 501-1000 medical expenses as it
is affordable to all the class of society. Whereas about 24% of respondents are up to 500
mainly because of their income level.

Are you aware about health insurance?

Table no 4.8: The table showing the awareness about health insurance.


Yes 92 92.00%
No 08 08.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
100 92

Figure 4.8

Interpretation: From the above bar graph, it is clear that most of the people are aware about
insurance due to increase in level of education.

What is you level of awareness about insurance scheme?

Table no 4.9: The table showing the level of awareness about health insurance.


Extremely awareness 27 27.00%
Moderately awareness 32 32.00%
Slightly Aware 24 24.00%
Somewhat aware 14 14.00%
Not at all 03 03.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
35 32

30 27



5 3

Extremely awareness Moderately awareness Slightly aware Some what aware Not at all

Figure 4.9


The above bar graph indicates that majority of people are aware about health insurance, but
the level of awareness varies from person to person.

Name the source where you get the information on health insurance?

Table no 4.10: The table showing the source from where respondents got information on
health insurance.

News paper 38
T.v and advertisement 57
Friends 40
Insurance agent 47
Internet 42
Hospital 32
Other 00

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
50 40 42
40 32
10 0

Figure 4.10

Interpretation: Television and advertisement media play a very major role in India. From
the above graph we can see that majority of respondent’s I.e. 57 of them opt for this option
from which they got the information about health insurance.

Currently do you possess health insurance policy?

Table no 4.11: The table showing the respondents who currently possess health insurance

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Yes 82 82.00%
No 18 18.00%









Figure 4.11


From the above table we can see that 82% of the respondents currently possess health
insurance this is due to changes in the education level and changes in the life style of the
respondents who are more concern about their health in modern world.

From how long are you carrying health insurance from?

Table no 4.12: The table showing the time period from which respondent is carrying health


Below 1 year 32 32.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
1-5 years 47 47.00%
6-10 years 08 08.00%
Above 10 years 13 13.00%

50 47
35 32
15 13

10 8

Below 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years Above 10 years

Figure 4.12


From the above table was can see that majority of respondents has availed insurance within 1
to 5 years they are 47% this is due to changes in the health insurance sector in recent years
which has made a drastic change in insurance sector

What is the annual premium of the policy?

Table no 4.13: The table showing the annual premium of the policy.


Below 5000 50 50.00%
5001-10000 26 26.00%
10001-25000 15 15.00%
25001 & above 09 09.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037



30 26


Below 5000 5001-10000 10001-25000 25001 & above

Figure 4.13


From the above table we can see that about 50% of respondent’s have premium below 5000
which is highest and second highest is 5001-10000 which is opted by 26% of the respondents
this is due to income level of the respondents.

Who pays for your health insurance?

Table no 4.14: The table showing the premium barer of health insurance.

Aspect Frequency Percentage

Current employer 25 25.00%
Former employer 04 04.00%
National government 09 09.00%
State government 16 16.00%
Local government 06 06.00%
Self-funded 48 48.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

50 48



20 16

10 6

Current employer Former employer National State government Local government Self funded

Figure 4.14


The highest number of respondents about 48% have self-funded their policy as they are
concerned about their health the second highest is 25% which are paid by the employer who
are concerned about their employees’ health.

Give most important reason why you think you should take a health insurance policy?

Table no 4.15: The table showing the most importance reason to opt for health insurance

Do protect from rising cost of health care 44
Expecting health problems 39
Tax benefits 20
Better health care for family members 61
Attractive scheme are available 19
Covers big expenses 27

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
20 Series1
Do protect Expecting Tax Better Attractive Covers big
from rising health benefits health scheme expenses
cost of problems care for are
health family available
care members

Figure 4.15


About 61 of respondents has opted for health insurance policy for better health care for their
family members, second highest is 44 who think that health insurance can protect from rising
cost of health care services which is increasing day by day.

Which of the following services are covered in total or in part, by your health insurance

Table no 4.16: The table showing the services which are covered in total by health insurance

Physician office visit 40

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
In patient mental health care 26
Hospital room and board 56
In patient substance abuse detoxification 17
Emergency room visit 26

60 56



30 26 26

20 17


Physician office visit In patient mental Hospital room and In patient substance Emergency room visit
health care board abuse detoxification

Figure 4.16


Health insurance scheme covers various services which varies from scheme to scheme which
depends on scheme opted by the insurer about 56 respondents scheme covers hospital room
and board and 40 opted the scheme for physician office visit which is second highest.

Which is the most used source of fund for meeting your medical expenses?

Table no 4.17: The table showing the most used source of fund for meeting medical

Free medical services from government 32
Own savings 60

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Paid by employer/ company 16
Health insurance 45
others 00


50 45


20 16

Free medical services Own savings Paid by employer/ Health insurance others
from government company

Figure 4.17


The cost of health care is increasing day by day from the above graph we can see that about
60 of the respondent’s meet their medical expense with their own saving as they don’t have
any other mode but we can also see that about 45 respondent’s meet their expenses through
health insurance.

Level of satisfaction with insurance scheme

Table no 4.18: The table showing the satisfaction level with insurance scheme.


Strongly dissatisfied 9 09.00%
Dissatisfied 5 05.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Unsure 27 27.00%
Satisfied 48 48.00%
Strongly satisfied 10 10.00%


50 48


30 27


9 10

Strongly dissatisfied Dissatisfied Unsure Satisfied Strongly satisfied

Figure 4.18


From the above table we can see that 48% of the respondents are satisfied with the insurance
scheme and about 27% of the respondents are unsure due to their own reasons and there are
about 9% of respondents who are strongly dissatisfied with scheme as it would have not
helped them to meet their needs

What is your perception about investing in health insurance scheme?

Table no 4.19: The table showing the perception about investing in health insurance scheme.


Worth investing 72 72.00%
Not required 17 17.00%
Waste of money 6 06.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
Waste of time 2 02.00%






20 17

10 6
Worth investing Not required Waste of money Waste of time

Figure 4.19


About 72% of the respondents perception is that health insurance scheme is worth investing
as it helps them to meet their expenses during major health crises, but there is a negative
perception as about 17% of respondents are in view that health insurance is not at all

Based on your experience of service of health insurance, will you refer health insurance
for others?

Table no 4.20: The table showing whether the respondents will refer health insurance to


Yes 92 92.00%
No 05 05.00%

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
100 92
10 5
Yes No

Figure 4.20


About 92% people are satisfied with the service provided by health insurance scheme and had
recommended others to opt for health insurance which is very helpful in meeting the
continuous rising cost of health care facilities.




The above analysis conducted on the questionnaire related to investors awareness and

 About 35% of the respondents have medical expenses ranging from 501-1000 and
about 10% of respondents expenses is 1501 & 2000.

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
 The respondents are aware about health insurance scheme about 92% of respondents
are aware and only 8% respondents are not aware.
 Only 32% of the respondents are moderately aware among the population of
 Majority of the respondents I.e. 57% and 47% have got the information about health
insurance from TV and advertisement and from insurance agent.
 It is found that 82% of the selected population possess health insurance policies.
 The study showed that 47% of the population are carrying insurance policies from 1-5
years. And the population possessing insurance policy for more than 5 years are 8%.
 As an Indian people want more benefit in less amount, due to which 50% people pay
less than 5000 as their premium for health insurance.
 48% of payment for insurance is done by the individual himself, 25% by current
employer, 16% by state government followed by 06% by local government.
 About 61% of respondents are in view that health insurance is important for better
health care for family members, and 44% to protect from rising cost of health care.
 Health insurance mostly covers the service such as hospital room and board,
physician office visit , and emergency room visit.
 About 60% of the selected population uses their own savings as fund for meeting their
medical expenses and 45% uses health insurance as a means to meet their expenses.
 There respondents who posses health insurance scheme are satisfied with their
scheme which is of 48% there are still 27% of respondents who are unsure about their


The study has been able to accomplish its objective, by analyzing and identifying the
awareness and perception of health insurance among the respondents. The analysis of the
study shows that the annual premium act as an main factor that influences the decision of
individual to purchase health insurance scheme, as a result the house hold having higher
income tend to purchase health care plan where as less income group may not be able opt for

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
health insurance scheme thus, corrective measures need to taken so that the need of the large
segment of the society can be met.

Apart from premium network of hospital and service covered hold importance in making the
choice of health insurance plan thus insurance company and government need to take
corrective measures to provide the large network of hospital and service in their plans in
order to satisfy the insurer.

The decision made for choosing any plan or scheme is influenced by self perception of
individual, family and relatives , need, and past experience holds second position for assisting
in the choice of plan.


The study of health insurance was undertaken in order to find out the level of awareness and
perception in selecting a particular health insurance scheme. All the above chapter taken for
study are related to consumer behavior, consumer perception, and consumer attitude. This

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037
study gives the relationship between consumer awareness about health insurance and
preference to select a particular scheme.

It is suggested for the health insurance companies that they need to work more upon
advertisement and providing detailed information about the various scheme as majority of the
respondents are aware about health insurance but are not strongly aware about each and every
aspect covered under health insurance policy.

The result obtained after the analysis of data collected it is found that people are not ready to
invest in health insurance scheme but the premium is an expense added on to their basic

In the most of the developed countries the life and health of their citizens is insured by the
government so that all the citizens are covered and none of them suffer from any burden of
affordability. It is recommended for the government of India to show serious regard on this
and take corrective measures so that people does not suffer due to unavailability of funds to
meet their medical expenses.

Low premium policies has to bought in by the government and insurance companies so that
insurance can be availed by all the sections of the society.

It is also suggested that an insurance agent or advisory must be available in all the hospitals
including both government and private hospitals who can clearly explain and suggest the
suitable policy for individual as well as to their family.

Address: The Summit 'Level 1, Outer Ring Rd, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

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