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Universal Vibration Apparatus


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate;
however no labiality is accepted for errors. Should an error be discovered please inform the
company in writing, giving full details. Any experimental results given are for guidance only and
are not guaranteed as exact answers that can be obtained for a given apparatus; due to the
complex variables applicable to most experiments.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 2

2.1 Unit Assembly ............................................................................................................ 2

3. SUMMARY OF THEORY ............................................................................................ 3

3.1 Natural Oscillator ........................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Undamped Oscillation ................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Damped Oscillation .................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Forced Oscillation ....................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Oscillator Equation of Motion .................................................................................... 9
3.6 Setting up Oscillator with Inertial Force Exciter ........................................................ 15
3.7 Setting up Oscillator with Displacement Exciter ........................................................ 17

4. EXPERIMENTS ............................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Experiment 1; Undamped Oscillation ......................................................................... 20
4.2 Experiment 2; Damped Oscillation ............................................................................. 21
4.3 Experiment 3; Forced Oscillator with Inertial Force Exciter...................................... 22

5. SAFETY AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ........................................................ 24

APPENDIX A Experiment Data Sheets

APPENDIX B Typical Experimental Result
APPENDIX C Technical Data

Universal Vibration Apparatus


The EES® Universal Vibration Apparatus developed specially for this complex
subject area permits experimental study of a wide range of topics relating to vibrations in
engineering. The spectrum includes.

1. Free oscillation
2. Damped oscillation
3. Forced oscillation
4. Inertial-force and displacement excitation
5. Resonance
6. Amplitude and phase response

All experiments are appropriate to both demonstration and practical work. Two recorders
are provided for plotting vibration phenomena.

Each experimentation section in these instructions is preceded by a brief theoretical

introduction, where the most important terms relating to vibration theory (such as
equation of motion, solving methods, natural frequency, degree of damping, inertial-force
excitation etc.) are explained before being investigated in greater depth in the subsequent

This approach provides the correlation between theory and experiment required as a basis
for mastery of this complex field.

The experiments presented are merely a selection of those available and are intended to
give the instructor an impression of the wide-ranging potential of the Universal Vibration
System in addition to providing ideas for own experiments.

Universal Vibration Apparatus


2.1 Unit Assembly:


9 10 11 12

1. Aluminium Frame 2. Exciter and Damper

3. Unbalance Exciter or Displacement Exciter 4. Beam
5. Helical Spring 6. Fixed Mount support for Spring
7. Fixed Mount support for Beam 8. Dial Gauge for oscillations measurement
9. Digital Counter for excitation frequency 10. Potentiometer for setting frequency
11. Control Unit 12. Recorder actuation

Universal Vibration Apparatus


Vibration theory is a particularly demanding area for trainees, which requires a high
standard of knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics and physics. A basic
understanding of vibration phenomena is however an essential aspect of all technical

3.1 Natural Oscillator:

The term natural oscillation refers to the non-influenced oscillation of an

oscillatory system in its natural state. The system is initially deflected from its
equilibrium position and then oscillates about this position until it is brought to
rest by any external or internal damping.

The advantages of the beam oscillator used are as follows:

1. A whole grid permits arbitrary attachment of a wide range of accessories, such

as weights and damper.
2. The anti-friction bearing mounted pivot permits virtually undamped
3. Natural frequency can be set within broad limits by way of three different
spring constants and by varying the fulcrum.
4. System damping can also be set within board limits by way of three different
spring constants and by varying the fulcrum.
5. System damping can also be set within board limits with an adjustable viscous
damper featuring various fulcrum points.
6. The vibration phenomena can be directly plotted by a stylus and paper drum.

3.2 Undamped Oscillation:

3.2.1 Equation of Motion:

Setting up the equation of motion involves forming the equilibrium of

moments about the pivot point O of the beam.

M o  J o    Fc a.

The spring force Fc is the result of the deflection x and spring constant c.
for small angles, the deflection can be formed from the torsion φ and lever
arm a

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Fc  c x  c  a.

The mass moment of inertia of the beam about the pivot point is

m L2
Jo 

This gives the equation of motion in the form of the following

homogeneous differential equation.

3 c a2
  0
m L2

The solution obtained takes the form of harmonic oscillation with natural
angular frequency ω0 and natural frequency f

3 c a2 1 3 c a2
 
, f
m L2 m L2

The period is
m L2
T  2
3 c a2

It becomes apparatus that the period/natural frequency can easily be

adjusted by way of the lever arm of the spring.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.3 Damped Oscillation:

3.3.1 Equation of Motion:

Setting up the equation of motion again involves forming the equilibrium

of moments about the pivot point O of the beam. In this case, allowance is
additionally made for a velocity-proportional damper force Fd with lever
arm b

 M o  J o    Fc a  Fd b.

The damper force Fd results from the velocity x and the damper constant
d. For small angles, the velocity can be formed from the angular velocity
 and lever arm b

Fd  d x  d  b.

This gives the equation of motion in the form of the following

homogeneous differential equation

.. d b2 . c a 2
   0
Jo Jo

or in more general terms with y = L φ as the path of the recorder

y + 2 D ω0 y + 02 Y = 0

Universal Vibration Apparatus

With D as degree of damping and ω0 as natural angular frequency

d b2 c a2
D ,  
2 J o 0 o

The solution takes the form of decaying harmonic oscillation with the
initial deflection y0

0  D t
y(t )  y0 e 0 sin (d t  )
With frequency

d  0 1 D2

It becomes apparent that no further oscillation is possible with > 1. The

natural angular frequency ωd approaches zero.

The actual damper consists of a cylinder (1) with plunger (2), which
displaces the damper medium (in this case oil) and forces it through a
constriction (3). The flow resistance in the constriction is proportional to
the oil velocity.

A small constriction cross-section produces a high oil velocity with great

drop in pressure, whereas a large cross-section yields a low oil velocity
with a small drop in pressure. The drop in pressure acts on the surface of
the plunger, thus producing the damper force Fd. The constriction cross-
section can be adjusted.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

The exact design of the damper can be seen from the adjacent illustration.

1. The actual damper unit (2) is located in an oil-filled vessel (1)

2. The plunger rod (6) is designed so as to produce equal plunger surfaces at the
top produce equal plunger surfaces at the top and bottom and thus to
guarantee a constant volume of oil in the damper circuit
3. To minimize Coulomb friction, the plunger rod is mounted in two spherical
liners (3) and has no seal
4. Precision adjustment of the damper constant is possible by way of a needle
valve (4)
5. The plunger rod is connected to the beam via a double joint (5)

Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.3.2 Attachment of Damper:

The damper is clamped to the stand on the lower cross-piece.

Secure damper at desired position on beam by way of joint with M6
cheese-head bolt.
When doing so, pay attention to lateral alignment of plunger rod and
If necessary, align damper at stand rod.

Adjust height of damper at stand clamp such that centre mark on plunger
rod is just visible (centre position of plunger).

Attention: Emergence of oil.

To minimize friction losses, the damper has no plunger-rod seal.
Always transport and store damper in vertical position.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.4 Forced Oscillation:

Forced oscillation is the term used to describe external excitation of an oscillatory

system. With the exception of non-steady transient phenomena, oscillation takes
place after a time at the frequency of the excitation signal.

If excitation and natural frequency coincide, this is known as resonance; the

oscillation then becomes extremely pronounced and can lead to destruction of the

Calculation and avoidance of resonance phenomena are two of the most important
tasks in engineering.

3.5 Oscillator Equation of Motion:

3.5.1 Inertial Force Excitation:

Use is made for excitation purposes of an unbalance exciter which

supplies harmonic excitation force of variable frequency and amplitude

Fe  mu  2 sin t

Where mu is the unbalance mass with eccentricity ε and the excitation

frequency/speed of the unbalance mass. The unbalance exciter is fitted in
the centre of the beam at L/2. Substitution in the equilibrium of moments
about the pivot point O of the beam oscillator gives.

.. . L 2
J o   d b2   c a 2   mu   sin  t

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Or again with y = φ L
mu L2
y  2 D 02 y  02 y    sin  t
J0 2

With the already known degree of damping D and natural angular

frequency ω0.

Disregarding the natural oscillation which decays over time, the forced
oscillation which results as solution to this inhomogeneous differential
equation is

 2
y(t )  y sin (t  )
[1  ( / 0 ) 2 ]2  [2 D  / 0 ]2

 mu  L2
where y 
2 Jo

The phase shift between exciter and system oscillation is as follows

2 D 0
  arctan
02  2

To gain an initial impression of the behavior with forced oscillation, it is

assumed that the damping D = 0. This then yields the following for the

EES 10
Universal Vibration Apparatus

 2
y (t )  y sin (t  )
1    / 0 

It is apparent that the denominator disappears for the frequency ration

/ω0 = 1, i.e. the expression tends towards ∞. This is a case of resonance
with infinitely great amplitudes. The amplitudes are of course smaller in
the event of damping.

If =0 the phase shift value is zero, i.e. oscillator and exciter are in
phase. This is true of Undamped systems for the entire subcritical range up
to = ω0. The amplitude is however zero.

When is >> ω0, i.e. supercritical, the phase shift is 180o. The oscillator
lags half a period behind the exciter; they are in phase opposition. The

fraction assumes a value of 1. The oscillation amplitude is y .

The profile of the oscillation response as a function of the ration /ω0 is

shown in the form of a graph in the adjacent magnification function
(resonance curve).The influence of damping can be seen in addition to the
Undamped situation.

The amplitudes are normalized to a value of y .

EES 11
Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.5.2 Displacement Excitation:

Use is made for excitation purposes of a displacement exciter which

supplies a harmonic stroke of variable frequency and amplitude by way of
a crank mechanism

x  r sin t

Where r is the eccentricity of the crank mechanism and the excitation

frequency/speed of the crank mechanism.

The upper harmonic components in the excitation signal caused by the

finite connecting rod length (I=66mm) are disregarded. (For a stroke of 6
mm (r=3mm, I=66mm) the upper harmonic component is only 2.2%).

EES 12
Universal Vibration Apparatus

The displacement exciter acts at the base of the spring at distance a.

substitution in the equilibrium of moments about the pivot point O of the
oscillator gives

.. .
J o   d b2   c a 2   c a r sin  t.

Or again with y = φ L, the already known degree of damping D and the

natural angular frequency ω0

y  2 D 0 y  02 y  02 r sin  t.

Disregarding the natural frequency which decays over time, the forced
oscillation resulting as the solution to this inhomogeneous differential
equation is

 2
y(t )  y sin (t  )
[1 ( / 0 )2 ]2  [2 D  / 0 ]2

 L
y r

The phase shift between exciter and system oscillation is calculated as


2 D  0
  arctan
02 2

To gain an initial impression of the behaviour with forced oscillation, it is

assumed that the damping D = 0. This then yields the following for the

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Universal Vibration Apparatus

 2
y(t )  y 2 sin (t   )
1   / 0 
It is apparent that the denomination disappears for the frequency ration
/ω0 = 1, in other words the expression tends towards ∞. This is a case of
resonance with infinitely great amplitudes.

With =0 the fraction tends towards a value of 1 and the resultant

amplitude is y . The phase shift has a value of zero, i.e. oscillator and
exciter are in phase. This is true of Undamped systems for the in phase.
This is true of Undamped systems for the entire subcritical range up to
= ω0.

When is >> ω0, i.e. supercritical, the phase shift is 180o. The oscillator
lags half a period behind the exciter; they are in phase opposition. The
fraction assumes a value of zero. The amplitude of the oscillation is zero.
This is the opposite of inertial-force excitation.

EES 14
Universal Vibration Apparatus

The profile of the oscillation response as function of the ration /ω0 is

shown in the form of a graph in the adjacent magnification function
(resonance curve).

The amplitudes are normalized to the value of y .

3.6 Setting up Oscillator with Inertial Force Exciter:

3.6.1 Mounting Beam:

1. Attach fixed mount (1) to vertical frame section.

2. Use M6 cheese-head bolt (5) to screw beam (2) to fixed mount.
3. Mount adjustable spring holder (3).
4. Insert spring 1, c=3.00 N/mm (4) between threaded stem of spring
holder and beam and secure.

5. Horizontally beam by way of spring holder (3).

EES 15
Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.6.2 Mounting Unbalance Exciter:

1. Secure unbalance exciter in centre of beam (2) with hexagon bolt M6 x

20 (1).
2. Use cable to link up unbalance exciter to control unit.

3. Unfasten clamping screw (3) of unbalance (4) with hexagon socket

screwdriver 3 mm and set unbalance to maximum by turning on shaft
4. Retighten clamping screw.

3.6.3 Mounting Limiter:

1. Remove lower stop of limiter and push limiter over the beam.
2. Mount limiter close to the spring on the upper frame cross-place.
3. Re-fit lower stop and set clearance between beam and limiter to 25

EES 16
Universal Vibration Apparatus

3.7 Setting up Oscillator with Displacement Exciter:

3.7.1 Mounting Displacement Exciter:

1. Attach displacement exciter (3) to upper section of frame in place of

spring holder.
2. Attach fixed mount (1) to vertical frame section.
3. Use M6 cheese-head bolt (5) to screw oscillation beam (2) to fixed
4. Insert spring 1, c=3.00 N/mm (4) between lifting rod of exciter and
beam and secure.

5. Horizontally adjust displacement exciter (3) such that spring is

6. Horizontally align beam by adjusting height of lifting rod (6). To do
so, loosen knurled screw (7) at connecting piece and adjust height of
lifting rod and thus spring.
7. With maximum stroke, make sure lifting rod and spring do not catch
and that lifting rod remains in upper guide bushing.

EES 17
Universal Vibration Apparatus

8. Set stroke to roughly 5-6mm.

9. Use cable to link up displacement exciter to control unit.
10. Perform trial run.
11. Fit other components (damper, drum recorder) as described.

3.7.2 Amplitude Measurement with Contact Unit:

If extremely precise amplitude measurement is required, this can be

implemented with the contact unit. The resolution is 1/100 mm.

1. Clamp contact unit (1) with holder to stand (2) of damper.

2. Use laboratory lead (3) to connect contact unit to red socket (+) of
control unit (6).
3. Clamp earth cable (4) with lug beneath fastening screw of beam at
fixed mount.
4. Use laboratory lead (5) to connect earth cable to black socket (-) of
control unit.
5. Retract micrometer (7) as far as it will go.

Adjust height of contact unit on stand such that clearance between contact
and beam is roughly 15mm.

EES 18
Universal Vibration Apparatus

The contact unit can be used to measure amplitudes up to max. 15mm.

Attention: if the beam deflects more than 15 mm at the contact point,

move the contact nearer to the fixed mount.

1. Switch on contact unit on control unit.

2. With beam at rest (exciter off) slowly extend micrometer until lamp
indicates contact.
3. Micrometer reading then corresponds to zero position of beam.
4. Fully retract micrometer again and run up to first measurement
frequency with exciter.
5. Slowly extend micrometer until first contact is made.
6. The amplitude is the difference between the zero position and the
current measured value. Run up several times if necessary and check
whether micrometer reading is reproduced.

Attention: if excitation frequency is changed, always retract micrometer

first. Otherwise, contact unit may be damaged with large amplitudes.

EES 19
Universal Vibration Apparatus


4.1 Experiment 1; Undamped Oscillations:


To determine the theoretical natural frequency with the various constants and
lever arm and compare with the values obtained by measurement


1. Fit spring as per table and secure with lock nuts.

2. Horizontally align beam.
3. Insert stylus.
4. Start recorder.
5. Deflect beam by hand and allow it to come to rest.
6. Stop recorder.
7. Repeat experiment with other springs and lever arms.


Influence of spring constant, Calculated natural frequencies

Experiment Spring No., constant c in N/mm Lever arm a in mm Natural frequency f in Hz

Frequencies of undamped oscillations

Experiment Theoretical frequency in Hz
Period in s Frequency in Hz

EES 20
Universal Vibration Apparatus

4.2 Experiment 2; Damped Oscillation:


To illustrate the effect of damping on the decay behavior.


1. The damper effect can be varied both by the needle valve and by the lever arm
b of the damper action.
2. Mount spring 1, c = 0.75 N/mm at a = 650 mm and secure with lock nuts.

3. Horizontally align beam.

4. Fit damper as per table and set needle valve insert stylus.
5. Start recorder.
6. Deflect beam by hand and allow it to come to rest.
7. Stop recorder.
8. Repeat experiment with different damper setting and lever arm.


Influence of damping
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm

EES 21
Universal Vibration Apparatus

4.3 Experiment 3; Forced Oscillations with Inertial Force Exciter:


To determine the amplitudes of the forced oscillations and are plotted with the
drum recorder. The damper permits varying degrees of damping.


1. Assemble drum recorder and damper in the line.

2. Take distance b from the following table.
3. Set unbalance to 50%.


Damper setting for resonance curves

Spring setting: c=3.00 N/mm, a = 650 mm
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm

EES 22
Universal Vibration Apparatus

The plotted oscillations are measured and recorded in table form.

Resonance curve for damper setting 1:

no damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 2:

slight damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

moderate damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

considerable damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

The measured values can then be plotted on a graph in the form of resonance

EES 23
Universal Vibration Apparatus


1. Guard rig against moisture.

2. Guard anti-friction bearings and linear guides (fixed mount, exciter) against dust and
3. Lubricate all anti-friction bearing and linear guides from time to time with thin acid-
free machine oil.
4. After use, apply a small quantity of acid-free grease to all bright metallic parts to
prevent corrosion.

EES 24
Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment Data Sheets

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment 1; Undamped Oscillations:

Influence of spring constant, Calculated natural frequencies

Experiment Spring No., constant c in N/mm Lever arm a in mm Natural frequency f in Hz

Frequencies of undamped oscillations

Experiment Theoretical frequency in Hz
Period in s Frequency in Hz

Experiment 2; Damped Oscillation:

Influence of damping
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment 3; Forced Oscillations with Inertial Force Exciter:

Damper setting for resonance curves

Spring setting: c=3.00 N/mm, a = 650 mm
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm

The plotted oscillations are measured and recorded in table form.

Resonance curve for damper setting 1:

no damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 2:

slight damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

moderate damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

considerable damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm

The measured values can then be plotted on a graph in the form of resonance

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Typical Experimental Results

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment 1; Undamped Oscillations:

Weight of beam =m = 1.680 kg
Length of beam =L = 730 mm

Influence of spring constant, Calculated natural frequencies

Experiment Spring No., constant c in N/mm Lever arm a in mm Natural frequency f in Hz
1 1, 0.75 350 2.79
2 1, 0.75 650 5.18
3 2, 1.50 350 3.95
4 2, 1.50 650 7.34
5 3, 3.00 650 10.38

The decay process is illustrated by the following original measurement records.

The decay is damped by the friction of the stylus. The linear decrease in amplitude over
time is typical of friction effects in oscillating systems.
The time required for 5 to 10 oscillations was calculated from the measurement records.
The corresponding frequencies are compared in the table to the theoretical results,

Frequencies of undamped oscillations

Experiment Theoretical frequency in Hz
Period in s Frequency in Hz
1 0.38 2.63 2.79
2 0.20 4.88 5.18
3 0.26 3.85 3.95
4 0.13 7.69 7.34
5 0.10 10.00 10.38

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment 2; Damped Oscillation:

Influence of damping
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm
1 Unlocked 150
2 Locked 150
3 Unlocked 500
4 Locked 500

The following decay processes illustrate the effect of the damper.

In Fig. 1 the system is slightly damped. 20 oscillations are required for the system to
come to rest. It should be noted that the stylus friction simulates additional damping.

Fig. 2 illustrates moderate damping, corresponding to a degree of damping of roughly D

= 0.1.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

In Fig. 3 the system is subjected to quite considerable damping. The oscillation decays
after 3 periods. The degree of damping is D = 0.25.

Fig. 4 shows aperiodic system damping. There is no oscillation, but rather just once-only
overshoot. The degree of damping is D = 1.

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Experiment 3; Forced Oscillations with Inertial Force Exciter:

Damper setting for resonance curves

Spring setting: c=3.00 N/mm, a = 650 mm
Experiment Position of needle valve Lever arm b in mm
1 No damper No damper
2 Open 150
3 Close 150
4 Close 550

The deflections are plotted with the recorder in 2 Hz increments for the various damper
1 Hz increments are appropriate in the range between 6 and 10 Hz and 0.2 to 0.5 Hz
increments when close to resonance.
The set frequency is to be noted down on the measurement record next to the oscillation

The plotted oscillations are measured and recorded in table form.

Resonance curve for damper setting 1:

no damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm
Frequency 4 5 6 7 8 8.4 8.5 8.7 9 10 12 14 16 20
Amplitude 0.5 0.6 1.2 5 15 26 42 11.5 7 2.5 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.4

Resonance curve for damper setting 2:

slight damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm
Frequency 4 6 8 8.25 8.5 8.75 9 10 12 14 16 20
Amplitude 0.5 0.8 3.5 9.5 18 8.5 5 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

moderate damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm
Frequency 4 5.5 7 8 8.4 8.53 8.9 9.3 10 12 14 16 20
Amplitude 0.4 0.5 0.8 3.5 7.5 8.0 6.0 3.5 1.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.5

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Resonance curve for damper setting 3:

considerable damping,
c=3.00 N/mm, a = 550 mm
Frequency 6 7.5 8.3 8.9 10.9 14 20
Amplitude 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.2

The measured values can then be plotted on a graph in the form of resonance

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Technical Data

Universal Vibration Apparatus


General dimensions =LxWxH 920 x 130 x 820 mm

Frame opening =LxH 870 x 680 mm
Total weight =w 65 kg
Beam =WxH 25x12mm
Weight =m 1680g
Length =L 700 mm
Springs with retaining screws
Constant =c 1.50 N/mm, 3.00 N/mm
Spring holder, adjustable
Range 130 mm
Fixed mount for flexible and rigid beam


Oscillating mass =m 130 g

Damper constant =b 5~15 Ns/m
Damper medium Hydraulic test oil
Amplitude meter with contact Range 20 mm

Stylus holder:

For recorder, installation on beam

For circular chart, attachment to frame
Mechanical Recorder
Paper width: 100mm
Feedrate: 20 mm/s

Unbalance exciter:

Unbalance mass = mu 100g

Eccentricity =ε 0~10mm
Unbalance = mu 0~1000 mg
Total weight =m 772 g
Drive Variable-speed DC motor
Transmission ration =i 3.2

Displacement exciter:

Frequency range 0 ~50Hz

Stroke 0~ 20mm
Connecting rod length 66mm
Drive Variable-speed DC motor
Transmission ration =I 3.2

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Control unit:

Exciter frequency regulation

Infinite frequency adjustment 10-turn potentiometer
Frequency display =f 0~50Hz
Amplitude measurement and stroboscope triggering via contact
Display LED
Output 5V TTL
Recorder control
Start-Stop: intermittent or continuous
Power supply:
Alternatives optional see type plate


List of tools used

(ISK: Hexagon socket screwdriver / Allen key,
SW: Open-ended wrench)
Fitting pendulum mount/frame ISK 6
Clamping thread pendulum Knurl
Adjusting spherical weight/rod pendulum ISK 2.5
Adjusting knife-edge bearing/rod pendulum Knurl
Adjusting additional weight/wooden
Pendulum ISK 6
Fitting springs SW 10
Fitting beam/fixed mount ISK 5
Fitting damper/beam ISK 5
Fitting stylus holder/beam ISK 5
Fitting limiter Knurl
Fitting unbalance exciter/beam SW 10
Adjusting unbalance ISK 3
Adjusting amplitude limiter Knurl


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