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5/6/2019 Section Cut Data Form

Section Cut Data Form

Use the Section Cut Data form to specify the section cut based on groups or quadrilateral cutting planes. Options also
specify if the results are for analysis or design, a default or user-specified coordinate location, and the side of the
elements affected by the section cut.

Section Cut Name edit box. Use the default or type in a new name.

Section Cut Defined By options:

Group - When this option is selected, section cut results are reported for all elements included in the Group
specified using the Group drop-down list in the Section Cut Group area of the form. With this option, select the
Group upon which the section cut is based. Then specify if Analysis or Design result are to be generated for the
default location or a user-specified X-Y-Z coordinate location, the orientation of the local axes, and the side of the
elements included in the group for which results should be reported.

Quadrilateral Cutting Planes - When this option is selected, the Quadrilateral Cutting Planes spreadsheet area
is added to the form (see below).

Section Cut Group

Group drop-down list - Select the name of the group of objects that define the section cut.

Section Cut Result Type area. Choose the type of results to be reported, Analysis or Design. The options in the
Section Cut Local Axes Orientation area at the bottom of the form vary depending on the type of results selected.

Section Cut Local Axes Orientation - Analysis. By default the positive local 1, 2 and 3 axes of the section cut
correspond to the global X, Y and Z axis, respectively. Type in a value for rotation angles about the Z, Y� and
X� axes, in degrees (Y� and X� are used as axes names instead of Y and X to emphasize that after an angle
about Z has been specified, the local X and Y will change as a result).

Section Cut Local Axes Orientation - Design. Choose to specify the orientation using the Wall, Spandrel, or
Slab option.

Wall option. In this case, the Local 1 axis is parallel to the Global Z axis. The 2 and 3 axes lie in the global
XY plane.

Spandrel or Slab option. In these cases, the Local 2 axis is parallel to the Global Z axis. The 1 and 3 axes
lie in the global XY Plane.

Angle from Global X to Local 2 or Local 1 edit box. Use this edit box to specify the angle between the
Global X and the Local 2 (Wall option) or Local 1 (Spandrel and Slab options) axis. A positive angle
appears counterclockwise when viewed from above.

Results Reported at this Location options. Define the location (point) about which section cut forces are summed.
Choose from the following two options:

Default option. By default the section cut forces are reported at a location (point) that has coordinates equal to
the average of the coordinates of all of the point objects included in the group that defines the section cut.

User-Defined option. Any arbitrary point can be specified about which section cut forces are to be summed by
entering the global X, Y and Z coordinates of that point. 1/2
5/6/2019 Section Cut Data Form

Note: It is not necessary that a point object be defined at the point about which the section cut forces are to be

Results Reported Are on This Side of Elements area. Choose to report results on the Top or Bottom when the Wall
option is selected for the Section Cut Local Axes Orientation {Analysis, Design}, or the Right or Left side when the
Spandrel or Slab option is selected in that same area.

Quadrilateral Cutting Planes spreadsheet area. The program allows multiple quadrilaterals to be defined for use in the
section cut. Enter the number of quadrilaterals in the Number of Quadrilaterals edit box. Use the cells of the
spreadsheet to specify the coordinates for the four points that define the quadrilateral. When multiple quadrilaterals have
been specified, step through the quadrilaterals using the Data Displayed for Quadrilateral buttons.
Click the Check For Legal Quadrilateral button to verify that the points are valid. The program will display a message
confirming or denying the validity of the coordinates. A legal quadrilateral must have edges that intersect only at the four
vertices, i.e., it cannot be a crossed or hourglass shaped quadrilateral, and it cannot be appreciably warped.

Section cut results are reported for all elements that are fully cut by the quadrilateral and that have their associated
objects included in the Group selected in the Group drop-down list in the Section Cut Group area of the form.

Access the Section Cut Data form as follows:

1. Click the Define menu > Section Cut command to access the Section Cuts form.

2. Click the Add Section Cut button or highlight an existing section cut and click the Modify/Show Section button. 2/2

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