Concept Paper: Department of Language and Literature College of Arts and Sciences Datu-Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay

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Concept Paper

Department of Language and Literature

College of Arts and Sciences
Datu-Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the English for

Deo Jamael M. Sumalinog

October 2017
I. Proposed Title
Student’s Capitalization Problems in Spelling Quizzes

II. Area of Study


III. Background of the Study

Proper capitalization of words is necessary, spelling quizzes triggers it for most
for most of the words in spelling quizzes appears to be miscapitalized by some students.
Grammar error will always be a grammar error. Miscapitalization would not be taken for
granted because in English, rules are rules this study would help in making difference
that would clarify students about the proper rules of capitalization.

IV. Statement of the Problem

(a) What is the reason why students miscapitalized some words in spelling

(b)How can this possibly affect your writing skills? Is proper capitalization a
sensitive issue on paragraph writing?Why?

(c)Can this be a threat in making errors in a formal writing? Why?

V. Objectives

(a) To figure out why miscapitalization is very rampant in spelling quizzes.

(b)To help students in avoiding this problem again.

(c)To understand and clarify proper capitalization.

VI. Research Locale and Respondents

La Dicha National High School is a school located at Purok Malipayon, La Dicha,

Malangas Zamboanga Sibugay. The researcher chose the IV-Camaraderie section.
English proficiency is needed for every schools and this school possesses least
proficiency in English and Grammar is not that observed.

VII. Literature Review

Capitalization is writing the first letter of the word in the upper case and the
remaining letters in lowercase. Experienced writers are stingy with capitals. The main
function of capitals is to focus on particular elements within any group of people, place
or things. Students find it hard to understand that rules in English capitalization should
be properly observed.

VIII. Theoretical Framework

Lev Vygotsky and his belief that “learning cannot be separated from its social
context”. This refers to the distance between the two levels of performances. The first is
the level performance that students reach independently, second is the level they reach
with assistance. Scaffolding is the concept of assisting the students to reach the second
level of performance. Proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization is part of spelling
for this scaffolds the proper integration of grammar in students mind.

IX. Proposed Method

1. The researcher will give 20 items English spelling quiz to the respondents.

2. The researcher will check the papers and will note the capitalization errors.

3. The researcher will identify the miscapitalized words and discussion about it
will start on the class.
4. The researcher will ask the respondents why he or she miscapitalized it and
discuss about it further.

5. The researcher will discuss the rules about proper capitalization.

X. Reference

George H. Kenny,(2004) Rules to Know .retrieved from

Cory J.(2009) Capitalization.p.78 retrieved from

Mike Dyke(1996) Hills. Retrieved from

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