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LWW/JNCQ JNCQ-D-13-00175 February 3, 2014 22:57

J Nurs Care Qual

Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 99–102
Copyright c 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Joint Commission Update

In this column, experts from The Joint Commission provide an update for readers.

A New Approach to Preventing

Falls With Injuries
Erin DuPree, MD; Amy Fritz-Campiz, BS;
Donise Musheno, MS, RN, CPHQ

A LTHOUGH RESEARCH has suggested

that approximately one-third of the
700 000 to 1 million patient falls that occur an-
the risk of falls, hospitals have traditionally
engaged in efforts focused on creating safe en-
vironments and educating nursing and other
nually in US hospitals could be prevented,1,2 staff about falls and injury prevention. Hos-
reducing falls with injuries is a persistent pa- pitals have also relied on measurement of
tient safety challenge. Falls can result in pa- rates of falls to identify opportunities for
tient injury and death and place an increased improvement.7 Despite these widespread and
economic burden on patients and the health long-term efforts, there are 2.3 to 7 falls per
care system.1,3,4 Longer hospital stays and ad- 1000 patient days, and many hospitals con-
ditional treatment necessary after falls con- tinue to struggle with finding reliable methods
tribute to a 61% increase in patient care costs,5 for reducing the risk of patient falls.3
although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services limits reimbursement for falls that re-
sult in injuries such as fractures, dislocations,
and intracranial injuries.6
To prevent falls that occur in health care
facilities and result in injury to patients, 7 US
AN ONGOING PROBLEM hospitals teamed with The Joint Commission
Center for Transforming Healthcare during an
Falls have been identified by the Centers for 18-month project. Hospitals that participated
Medicare & Medicaid Services as a healthcare- in the project were Barnes-Jewish Hospital,
acquired condition —an event that is pre- Missouri; Baylor Health System, Texas;
ventable and should not occur.6 To reduce Fairview Health Services, Minnesota; Kaiser
Permanente, California; Memorial Hermann
Healthcare System, Texas; Wake Forest Bap-
tist Health, North Carolina; and Wentworth-
Author Affiliations: Joint Commission Center for
Transforming Healthcare, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois Douglass Hospital, New Hampshire. Partici-
(Dr DuPree and Mss Campiz and Musheno). pating hospitals chose 1 or 2 inpatient units
The authors declare no conflict of interest. as pilot sites for the project including cardiol-
ogy, medical/oncology, medical/surgical, and
Correspondence: Donise Musheno, MS, RN, CPHQ,
Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare, medical/surgical stroke/telemetry units. The
1 Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 primary goal for the project was to decrease
( falls with injury by 50%. The aggregate base-
DOI: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000050 line fall with injury rate was 1.31 per 1000

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
LWW/JNCQ JNCQ-D-13-00175 February 3, 2014 22:57


patient days. The secondary goal was to Methods to reduce falls with injury and
decrease fall rate by 25%. The aggregate overall falls included adopting an organiza-
baseline overall fall rate was 4.00 per 1000 tion culture of commitment to fall safety, en-
patient days. gaging patients and families in the fall safety
Although the hospitals ranged in size from process, utilizing a validated falls assessment
a 187-bed community hospital to a 1700-bed tool, hourly rounding, patient partnering, and
academic medical center, all of the organiza- strengthening the caregiver-patient relation-
tions used the same Robust Process Improve- ship. Examples of targeted solutions related to
ment methods and tools to identify causes the fall risk assessment tool include implemen-
and develop solutions to prevent patient falls. tation and integration of a standardized cogni-
Robust Process Improvement is a fact-based, tive assessment tool to better understand and
systematic, and data-driven problem-solving rate this critical fall risk. To address fall risks
methodology. It incorporates tools and con- associated with unassisted ambulation, a tar-
cepts from Lean Six Sigma and changes man- geted solution is to institute video monitoring
agement methodologies. of patients who cannot or will not agree to use
Fall event process data were collected a call light. In all, the hospitals and the Cen-
from the hospitals’ risk management report- ter developed a total of 83 targeted solutions
ing systems, individual patient chart review, during the course of the project.
and patient/staff interviews to gather specific
contributing factor information and analyze
the effect on fall outcomes. A contributing AGGREGATE PROJECTS RESULTS
factor was identified as a variable that in-
creases the risk or likelihood of a patient Following implementation of targeted solu-
fall. Processes examined by the hospitals in tions, the primary and secondary goals of the
their quest to understand the factors within project were achieved. An estimated 38 inju-
their organizations that contributed to falls rious falls were avoided during the 8-month
with injury included patient characteristics, postintervention phase of this project for the
fall risk assessment, unassisted ambulation, participating hospitals. There were no patient
medication, bathroom-related/toileting, bed deaths as a result of a fall throughout the
and chair alarms, call light, environment and course of the project. Specifically, the follow-
equipment, handoff communication, educa- ing goals were met:
tion, and change management. r Primary project metric to reduce falls
with injury by 50%: At preintervention,
Targeted solutions there were 1.31 falls with injury per 1000
Working together with the Center, the hos- patient days (January 2011 to December
pitals developed and validated a list of con- 2011). The collaborative met this goal:
tributing factors and corresponding targeted postintervention, there were 0.503 falls
solutions. Targeted solutions, which were with injury per 1000 patient days, a 62%
thoroughly tested and validated during the reduction in falls with injury from pre- to
project, are strategies developed to mitigate postintervention (Figure 1).
contributing factors. As solutions were devel- r Secondary project metric to reduce over-
oped that were targeted to specific contribut- all falls by 25%: At preintervention, there
ing factors within each organization, partici- were 4.001 falls per 1000 patient days
pants recognized that fall prevention was not (January 2011 to December 2011). The
a set of disparate and unrelated activities. In- collaborative met this goal as demon-
stead, preventing falls requires a comprehen- strated by a postintervention fall rate of
sive strategy that incorporates many specific, 2.613 falls per 1000 patient days. This rep-
targeted solutions to reach the goal of mini- resented a 35% reduction in overall falls
mizing and preventing patient harm. from pre- to postintervention (Figure 2).

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
LWW/JNCQ JNCQ-D-13-00175 February 3, 2014 22:57

A New Approach to Preventing Falls With Injuries 101

Baseline Improve
U C L= 3 .3 4 9
Fall with injury rate per 1000 patient days 3

X = 1 .3 1 0 U C L= 1 .3 6 1
1 X = 0 .5 0 3

LC L= - 0 .3 5 4
–1 LC L= - 0 .7 2 9
1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7
e e e e e e e e e
lin in in in in in
ov ov ov ov
se el el el el el pr pr pr pr
Ba as as as as s
Im Im Im Im
B B B B Ba
Time Frame

Figure 1. Fall with injury rate. LCL indicates the lower control limit; UCL, upper control limit.

LESSONS LEARNED Four lessons learned that are particularly

relevant to nursing include the following:
The project demonstrated the need for a r Significant and sustained reduction in in-
comprehensive approach to preventing falls jury to patients was achieved by adopting
injuries that encompasses leadership and clin- an organization awareness of fall safety
ical and nonclinical staff. There are specific that was communicated at every level of
lessons learned from the project that have par- the health care organization and incorpo-
ticular relevance for nurses. Nurses play a key rated into the full continuum of patient
role in all patient safety efforts and should be care and education. Nurses are a key part
involved in efforts to preventing falls with in- of the required fall safety awareness at
jury. The bedside nurse is the gatekeeper for any institution.
the patient and the family and, therefore, must r Empowering patients to take an active
be responsible for ensuring safe care. role in their own safety in health care

Baseline Improve
Fall rate per 1000 patient days

5 X=4.001 UCL=4.772
4 X=2.613
0 LCL=0.455
1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7
e e e e e e e e ve
lin lin lin l in lin in
e ov ov ov o
se se se s e
l p r pr pr pr
B Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Im Im Im Im
Time Frame

Figure 2. Fall rate. LCL indicates the lower control limit; UCL, upper control limit.

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
LWW/JNCQ JNCQ-D-13-00175 February 3, 2014 22:57


organizations created a partnership to The rigorous approach, measurement sys-

prevent falls. Patients and their families tem, determination of contributing factors,
were engaged in the fall safety process and targeted solutions for preventing falls
at admission and were encouraged to with injury will be added to the Center’s
always ask for help when ambulating. Targeted Solutions Tool after the learning,
Nurses facilitate patient and family em- and tools from this project are pilot tested
powerment through communication and in other health care organizations. The Tar-
education. geted Solutions Tool is a Web-based applica-
r Using an externally validated fall assess- tion that provides a step-by-step process to
ment tool that is fully integrated into assist health care organizations in measuring
the electronic medical record was im- performance, identifying barriers to excellent
portant in identifying patients at high performance, and implementing the Center’s
risk for falling and maintaining aware- proven solutions that are customized to ad-
ness. Nurses regularly use fall risk tools dress specific barriers. The Targeted Solutions
as part of their patient assessment Tool currently contains modules for improv-
process. ing hand hygiene, handoff communications,
r Hourly rounding and patient partnering and decreasing the risk of wrong site surgery.
programs that bring caregivers to the
bedside are important factors in reduc- CONCLUSION
ing patient falls and strengthening the
caregiver-patient relationship. These pro- Honest, transparent reporting of falls must
grams achieve even greater results when be encouraged to analyze conditions associ-
individual patient fall risks are incorpo- ated with falls, identify patterns of risk, and
rated into the conversation and toilet- develop improved care processes. By employ-
ing is a proactive or scheduled activity. ing robust process improvement tools, nurses
Nurses are responsible for ensuring that and other health care professionals can ex-
rounding and partnering programs are ef- amine why processes fail to achieve desired
fectively implemented to meet the safety results and implement targeted, long-lasting
needs of their patients. solutions to prevent patient falls with injury.


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1258-1266. Patient Safety Measures Complications.aspx. Access-
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Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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