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Bahria University,

Karachi, Pakistan

ComparisonxofxPerformance andxCapabilitiesxofxFemtocellxversusxMacrocell


Abdullah Saulat

Azeem Ali

Ahmed Raza

May, 2018

Research Advisor: Naureen Farhan


except for citationsxandxquotations which havexbeen dulyxacknowledged. xWe also
declarexthat itxhas not beenxpreviously andxconcurrently submitted for any other
degreexor award at BahriaxUniversity or otherxinstitutions.

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ii | P a g e

We certifyxthat this projectxreportxentitled “COMPARISON OF

MACROCELL” wasxprepared by Abdullah Saulat, Azeem Ali & Ahmed Raza
hasxmetxthe requiredxstandard for submission inxpartialxfulfilment of the
requirementsxfor thexawardxofxBachelor ofxComputer Science (Honours) at Bahria


Signaturex : _________________________

Supervisorx : Madam Naureen Farhan

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iii | P a g e
The copyrightxof thisxreport belongsxto the author under xthe terms of the
copyrightxOrdinance 1962 as qualifiedxby IntellectualxPropertyxPolicy ofxBahria
University. Duexacknowledgement shall always be made of the use of any material
containedxin, or derived from, this report.

© 2018, Abdullah Saulat, Azeem Ali & Ahmed Raza. All right reserved.

iv | P a g e

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Error! Bookmark not defined.I







We wouldxlike to thank everyone whoxhad contributed to the successful

completionxofxthisxproject. We would likexto expressxmy gratitude toxmy research
supervisor, Madam Naureen Farhan for her invaluablexadvice, guidancexandxher
enormousxpatiencexthroughout the developmentxof thexresearch.

In addition, We would also likexto express our gratitude toxour lovingxparents

and friendsxwhoxhadxhelped and givenxusxencouragement.

vi | P a g e

With a massive number of wireless devices being linked to the system, the requirement
for very extraordinary data rates and extremely short latency with ultra-high reliability
is becoming more and more perplexing. And with such thickness of network nodes, it
is a huge task to provide extensive coverage and high quality service in indoor
environments. Femtocell, a new auxiliary in the small cell technology, acts as an
extension to the present outdoor macrocell with the aim of providing quality indoor
coverage. However, huge deployment of femtocell network in the non-appearance of
proper network planning and coverage strategy makes it tough to maintain the
preferred quality of service. Moreover, the service of femtocell in densely deployed
heterogeneous network is faced by interference, undesirable handover and signalling
overhead in the system.

Femtocells are base stations that are running consuming low power, which are
communicating within a licensed spectrum with the intention of providing improved
coverage, performance of voice and better broadband service

The utilization of cell phones, tablets, and different remote gadgets is winding
up progressively common and is driving the requirement for advancements in remote
information innovations to give greater limit, higher speed associations, and higher
nature of administration. Femtocells can give a helpful method to versatile
administrators to offer a superior client encounter and convey broadband
administrations inside reliably and dependably for an equivalent setting of use,
separations, and obstructions.

In this thesis we will conduct a qualitative analysis of femtocell performance

in comparison with macrocell. This report will be concluded with a simulation based
result as a proof of performance evaluation.

vii | P a g e
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Problem Statement 2
1.3. Scope Of Project 2
1.4. Literature Reviews 3
1.5. Organization of thesis 4
2.1. Introduction 6
2.2. History of Femtocell 6
2.3. Limitation Of Macrocell 7
2.4.1. Femtocell 8 Basic Architecture 8 Access Modes 9 Deployment Issues 10 Quality Of Service 10 Frequency/ Bandwidth 10 Handover Challenges 10 Security Challenges 11 Interference 12 Interference Management Approaches 13 Cell Structure 14
3. Methodology 15
3.1. Simulation 1 16
3.2. Simulation 2 20
4. Testing And Simulation 27
4.1. Simulation 1 27
4.2. Simulation 2 33
5. Conclusion 39
6. Appendix 40
7. References 41

viii | P a g e

Tittle Page

Table 1: Comparison Of Interference Management Approaches 13

Table 2: Simulation 1 parameters 19

Table 3: Simulation 2 parameters 26

Table 4: Matrix Model 39

ix | P a g e


Figure 1: Range of cell 3

Figure 2: Indoor Femtocell 5

Figure 3: Femtocell Architecture 6

Figure 4: Interference Scenerio 9

Figure 5: Interference Types 9

Figure 6:Co-Tier Interference 10

Figure 7: Cross-Tier Interference 10

Figure 8: Power Control Approach 11

Figure 9: Clustering of Femtocell 12

Figure 10: Fractional Frequency Reuse & Resource 13


Figure 11: Dense Cellular Connection To The CN 14

Figure 12: Simulation’s working architecture 17

Figure 13: Snap of simulation Error!

not defined.

Figure 18: Interface of Simulation Tool 27

Figure 15: Framework architecture of simulation 2 24

Figure 16: Pseudo code of simulation 2 25

Figure 17: Interface of simulation 2 26

Figure 18: Interface of Simulation Tool 27

Figure 19: Throughput with standard power levels 34

Figure 20:Throughput with Power Configuration 34

Figure 21:Data rate map of SFR with adapted femtocells 35

Figure 22:Average throughput performance for macro users 36

Figure 23: CDF of throughput for different scenarios 36

Figure 24: Overall throughput performance for macro users for 37

each ICIC at cell’s borders

Figure 25: CDF of SINR at cell’s borders for different 37



 Quality Of Service QOS

 In-Building Solution (IBS)
 Macro Evolved Node B (Menb)
 Home Evolved Node Base Stations (Henbs)
 Fixed Mobile Convergance (FMC)
 Femtocell Access Points (FAPS)
 Femtocell Gateway (FGW)
 Core Network (CN)
 Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR)
 DifferentiatedxServices (DiffServ)
 IntegratedxServices (IntServ)
 ResourcexReservationxProtocol (RSVP)
 Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM)
 ReceivedxSignal xStrength (RSS)
 SignalxtoxInterference plusxNoisexRatio (SINR)

xi | P a g e
Chapter I


1.1 Background

Asxthe world is moving forward in cellularxxtechnology, wireless devices has

taken overxour daily life not just asxtool to use but asxa part of our life. The invention
thatxwas only used forxvoice networks is now workingxas a data network which
results as a need ofxhigher rate of data. Operators round the globe are switched to
increase bandwidth. Still it has become a great issue to provide coverage to indoor
environment from outdoor basexstations [1]. As according to recent studies, roughly
66%xxof the phonexcalls and 90%xof the data services takexxplace in indoor
environments. Complains for poor connectivity are increasing as the receivedxsignal
strengthxfrom outdoor base stationxxweakens and decreasesxin performance due to
the high penetrationxloss inxthe walls [1]

Despite the fact that the femtocell engineering may appear to be changed to the
easy going client, it is really a similar association that an ordinary cell phone uses to
get to Internet availability. The distinction is xstandard gadget interfaces through
outside highxpowerxbase stationsxand the femtocell isxits own particular accessxpoint
basexstation [2]. This littler restricted base station gives extremely steady and
productive Internet associations.

Femtocell organize innovation may appear like another innovation yet early
femtocell inquire about was presented inxthexlate 1990s and has developed drastically
in the most recent decade. xBoth the overall population and business portable
administrators have indicated expanded enthusiasm for approaches to enhance and
grow this innovation.

Some common questions asked are asked are, "The reason do we require
femtocells when there is macrocell," and "Which one isxbetter for thexpotential cell
phone client?" The motivation behind this postulation is to examine femtocell and
Macrocell capacities and execution to figure out which one is the better.

1.2 Problem Statements

The motivation behind this thesis is to lead an examination of femtocell

execution in contrast with that of Macrocell from the client's perspective.An
examination will be directed to build up which of the two is the better methods for
presenting Internet network

The increasing demand for wireless access for indoors are forcing operators to
seek for a solution through which high data rates are provided withxenhancedxquality
of servicex (qos). To handle the problem many solutions have already been given
including deploy of extra macrocell, distributed antennas (das), hot spots, in-building
solution (ibs), picocells, and multi-hop relays etc, but still these solutions were unable
to meet the need as they were extremely expensive and can’t promise the high quality
coverage [2].

1.3 Scope of Project:

Our goal for this examination is a superior comprehension and investigation of

femtocell arrange execution, particularly when contrasted with those of macrocell. Our
examination willxbe basedxon a few execution tests between axfemtocellxand a
macrocell in the regionsxofxaccessing SINR and throughput. The targeted areas of
testing are throughput and SINR

Chapter II

1 2.1. Introduction

Technology is invading the global world real fast and the world can now be
considered a global village. Wireless networks have opened doors of an extravagantly
advanced era of technology thus development in this interesting area of research is a
never ending process. The concept of deploying femtocells over macrocell has recently
attracted growing interests in almost every concerned field like industry, academia and
other information technology forums however there are a lot of challenges in achieving
the idea of integrating femtocells which are being discussed in the given literature.

2.2. History of Femtocells

The real term femtocell is utilized to depict a scope territory, scale, or size as
appeared in Figure 1, the macrocell is the biggest level cell and it gives the largest
range. The macrocell is found in most provincial territories and can be situated along
major parkways. The following littler size cell is the microcell. It is utilized as a part
of thickly populated zones (for the most part urban) like urban communities and huge
towns. Inside these cells is the picocell, which is for zones that are much littler.
Picocells are frequently found in huge office structures, modern regions, and business
zones (i.e., strip malls and shopping centers). The littlest cell is the femtocell.
Femtocells can be found in a man's home or an individual office.

Figure 1: Range of cell

Research into “small cells” can be found in literature as early as 1984. For instance,
in his article “Small-Cell Mobile Phone Systems,” Arthur Stockton describes systems
that have “direct access to the land telephone network and are designed to connect
any mobile phone to any other phone, mobile or not.” [2]. In the 1990’s there was
increasing demand for cellular services and as a result the macrocells were being
This prompted the advancement by Southwest Bell and Panasonic of a
technique for reusing an indistinguishable frequencies from open air (macrocellular)
cell frameworks to give remote correspondences inside a building [2]. This was expert
by utilizing a wired backhaul. Despite the fact that the innovation wasn't exactly there
to help the IP backhaul and it was expensive, it was the main real femtocell write

2.3. Limitation Of Macrocell:

Signal Strength And Coverage

Due to intercellular interference and propagation loss, coverage in areas closer to the
perimeter of the covered region may prove to be inadequate and unreliable.
Additionally, users may face issues like multi path fading within a cell which can be
substantial in urban areas [3].


Due to high vulnerability to interferences, low throughput and spectral inefficiency are
expected, degrading the performance of the network [3]. This causes latency during
data transmission which can be detrimental for applications like voip. In addition to
this, users almost never experience line of sight transmissions [3].

Capacity Constraints

As discussed above, latency introduced in the cell, will reduce the data rate for a user,
causing a channel to be busier for longer than expected. This in turn leads to capacity
constraints for a base station at a given time [3].

Energy Efficiency

Due to the exponential growth in demand for data, the amount of power utilized by
traditional macro cell base stations are increasing. Therefore, a major portion of the
network energy is being consumed by the base stations. As the demands for data
continue to grow there will be growth in the power consumption of base stations [3].

2.4.1. Femtocells

Femtocells also came up as a concept to work on to make betterment in data

network. Femtocell is a typically designed small base station designed for a small
office environment. As compared to other solutions it is cost and power effective.

Femtocell are referred to as Home Evolved Node Base Stations (henbs). Henbs
are used by operators to improve indoor wireless coverage and system capacity but in
licensed spectrum. Henbs is deployed in homes, offices etc to ensure the seamless
coverage with better voice and data reception where macrocell is unable to reach. It is
also used to enable fixed mobile convergance (fmc) sevice by connecting to the cellular
core. This connection is made to integrate the henbs with the mobile operator core
network [4]. The figure below describes the connection

Figure 2: Indoor Femtocell Basic Architecture

An essential femtocell network design, as appeared in Figure 3, is for the

most part involved three components: a Femtocell Access Point (FAP), a security
portal, and a femtocell management framework. The FAP base station likewise
requires a methods for interfacing with the Internet, regularly through a broadband
Internet association (DSL, link modem, or direct ISP access).

The Femtocell Access Point is fundamentally a little scale cell base station. It
is the essential hub in the network that interfaces the client to the network, and can be
utilized as a part of remain solitary or coordinated designs. At the point when utilized
as a part of the remain solitary design the FAP is associated specifically to the client's
switch, while in a coordinated technique the FAP has its own implicit switch. A run
of the mill femtocell access point base station will transmit 100 mW of energy, has

an information rate of in the vicinity of 7.2 and 14.4 Mbps, works at in the vicinity of
1.9 and 2.6 GHz, and has a viable range for superior of around 100 feet (subordinate
upon area and impedance issues). Note that this information rate is tantamount to
IEEE 802.3 10BASET associations (customary "Ethernet").

Figure 3: Femtocell Architecture Access Mode:

Femtocells are usually configured in three access modes as follows:

 Open access
 Closed access
 Hybrid access

In Open access mode, every user or subscriber of a network can access the
femtocell resources without any restriction. This is generally used by public users in
the railway stations, shopping malls, airports, restaurants and many others. The users
can connect to open access femtocell whenever a higher signal is received from that
particular femtocell than from a certain macrocell [5] .

In Closed access mode, the femtocell services can only be accessed by users
registered to the femtocell. In other words, closed access femtocells are used privately
by homes, offices and small businesses to provide services for the registered users,
such as employees, members of the family, business associate and friends [5].

Hybrid access modes allow the general public to access the femtocell service,
while given priority to the registered users. Most current deployment of femtocell has
the capability to enable users select the type of mode of the femtocell [5]

2.4.2. Deployment Issues

The mass deployment of femtocells gives rise to several technical challenges. One of
the major challenges is interference management between neighboring femtocells and
between femtocell and macrocell and choosing cell structure. Quality Of Service

The term Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the requirements that are imposed by IEEE
802.11 on all aspects of an Internet connection.Some of these requirements are
adequate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), frequency responses, loudness levels, response
time, loss, etc.

The purpose is to ensure an institutionalized level of value and execution for

the customer's information stream needs. The issue with QoS for femtocells is that
keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish QoS prerequisites there frequently should
be equipment changes. A conceivable arrangement might be to utilize a movement
characterizing administration like Differentiated Services (DiffServ) or Integrated
Services (IntServ) [4]. IntServ enhances QoS by having applications utilize resource
reservation protocol (RSVP) to enhance demands and hold resources through a system.
DiffServ organizes parcels as indicated by the kind of administration they want.
Switches and switches can organize these to enhance quality. WiFi, be that as it may,
officially should conform to IEEE 802.11QoS benchmarks, and presently has built up
systems set up to guarantee QoS. Handover Challenges

At the point when a cell phone in a Wmacrocell arrange moves to the external
edge of its Received Signal Strength (RSS) restrain it needs to play out a "handover"
of connection starting with one access point then onto the next [6]. The significant
concern for femtocell handover is that the coverage territory of an individual femtocell
is little. Thus, it becomes fundamental that there is a consistent handover to and from
femtocells so the client can keep up continuous signal connectivity. There are for the
most part three sorts of handovers for both WiFi and Femtocells. The first is a
straightforward base station to base station handover where a client moves from the
scope of one base station to another [7]. The second happens between base stations
and Femto Access Points (FAPs).

The base station to FAP handover happens when the versatile client moves
from an outside territory to an indoor zone. At the point when the client begins outside
it sends a demand to a phone base station and when the client at that point moves inside
the FAP will acknowledge the demand and get the signal. For this to work there must
be synchronization between the FAP and the cell base station [7].

The last handover situation is the place the client moves starting with one FAP
then onto the next. This by and large happens when there are multiple FAPs in a similar
region, in an office working for instance. The test related with handovers for femtocells
is that they are not generally connected to a system situation where portability is tended
to, (again as in an office building where versatility outside the building isn't a concern).
Because of the way that the femtocell must be related with an IP address, when a client
is versatile the IP delivers would need to change [5]. Security Challenge

The security of a device or network is always a paramount concern for users, especially
on a wireless medium. There are three major security vulnerability concerns for
femtocell network technology. The first comes from the wireless link into the
femtocell. According to a technical white paper from Picochip (2011), it is possible
for external wireless transmissions to potentially gain unauthorized access to the
femtocell [5]. The second concern is the backhaul link that is used between the
femtocell and the gateway into the service provider’s core network (the Internet link).
The third concern is the femtocell itself, as it is potentially possible for nefarious
network users to get into the femtocell and take control of it remotely. Frequency / Bandwidth Issues

The electromagnetic spectrum is a rare and swarmed resource. Femtocells work on the
same licensed spectrum that is designated to cell specialist organizations. To manage
this congestion issue two techniques have been used: The Co-channel Frequency
Deployment and Orthogonal Channel Deployment.

Co-channel Frequency Deployment essentially permits the femtocell and the cell
large scale cell to utilize a similar frequency band. With co-channel utilize, in any case,
there are recognized obstruction issues [8].

Orthogonal Channel Deployment is from various perspectives the inverse of Co-

channel Frequency Deployment. In this technique full scale cells and femtocells utilize
isolate channels. The favourable position to this strategy is that there is less potential
for obstruction, the inconvenience is a decrease in the general framework limit [8].

8|Page Interference

One of the most major issues femtocell face while deployment is interference
Management between femto and other cells serving in same spectrum. As the
frequency spectrum of macro and femtocells are same it is necessary to seek for a
solution to interference which is efficient and increase the capacity and throughput

Figure 4: Interference Scenerio

The Major Technical Issue Is To Control Femto To Femto And Femto To Macro
Interference. It Can Be Classified Into Two Major Types

Figure 5: Interference Types

Co-Tier Interference:
Co-tier interference takes place between network elements of same tier. The
interference that takes place between neighbouring femtocells is considered to be co-
tier interference. It occurs in two forms which are Uplink Co-Tier Interference
(occurs when user equipment cause interference with neighbour femtocell equipment)
and Downlink Co-Tier Interference (occurs when femtocell base station caused
downlink interference with nearby fues) [4].

Figure 6:Co-Tier Interference

Cross-Tier Interference:
Cross-tier interference occurs at the occurence of interference between networks of
dissimilar tiers. For example, between elements of the macrocell tier and those of the
femtocell tier and vice versa [4]

Figure 7: Cross-Tier Interference

10 | P a g e Interference Management Approaches

The major technical issues associated with the mass deployment of femtocells are the
interference management between femtocell and other serving cells in the same
spectrum. Since femtocells use same frequency spectrum as macrocells, it is important
to develop an efficient interference management technique that increases the capacity
and throughput of the network along with improved qos to the ues”.

1. Power Control Approach:

Power control methods for cross-tier interference mitigation generally focus on

reducing transmission power of HeNBs. These methods are advantageous in that
the MeNB and HeNBs can use the entire bandwidth with interference coordination

Figure 8: Power Control Approach

2. Clustering of Femtocells:

In this framework, a Femtocell System Controller (FSC) per macrocell obtains all
the necessary knowledge of HeNB system configuration (i.e., position information
of HeNBs and macrocell UEs) and performs the necessary computations. To
mitigate interference, the scheme encompasses a combination of dynamic
frequency band allocation among HeNBs and MeNB, and clustering of HeNBs
based on their geographical locations. In this scheme, a portion of the entire

11 | P a g e
frequency band is dedicated to the MeNB users and the rest is reused by the MeNB
and HeNBs [6].

Figure 9: Clustering of Femtocell

3. Fractional Frequency Reuse & Resource Partitioning:

In this scheme, FFR of 3 or above is applied to the macrocell. When an HeNB is

turned on, it senses the pilot signals from the MeNB and discards the sub-band
with the largest received signal power, and thus uses the rest of the frequency sub-
bands resulting in an increased SINR for macrocell Ues [6]. The overall network
throughput is enhanced by adopting high-order modulation schemes.
The two schemes described above use a fixed partitioning, which would cause a
loss in throughput performance due to inefficient use of the bandwidth resources.
A dynamic partitioning scheme (in both time and frequency domain) can be used
for bandwidth sharing which minimizes cross-tier interference [8]

12 | P a g e
Figure 10: Fractional Frequency Reuse & Resource Partitioning

The table below compares and contrasts the various interference mitigation techniques
proposed by the different researchers whose works were reviewed in this paper. It can
be said that the “efficiency” of any particular technique is dependent on the strength
of attributes each technique has.

Table 1: Comparison Of Interference Management Approaches

13 | P a g e Cell Structure
The femtocell integrated architecture can be divided into two modes

 The Legacy Mode

 The Flat Mode

It is visible that in legacy mode the femtocell is connected to radio access

network,while in the flat mode, the femtocell is directly connected to the mobile core
network.. The proposed configurations are singlestand-alone femtocell, network-alone
femtocell andfemtocell network integrated with a macro-cellular infrastructure [7].
The single stand-alone femtocell provides coverage to areas with no or poor macrocell
signals and neighboring femtocells are avoided in such areas. While in network-alone
femtocell, multiple neighboring femtocells are available. In a femtocell network
integrated with a macrocell infrastructure there is an overlapping coverage of both the
femtocell and the macrocell thus forming a two tier hierarchical network [7].

The architecture in support of femtocellular network is shown in figure 9 different

femtocell access points (faps) are connected to the femtocell gateway (fgw) using a
cable or isp network [7]. The fgw is used as

(i) a concentrator for the faps

(ii) a security gateway for the faps.

There is no direct link between fgw and rnc; hence, communication with the rnc is
done through the core network (cn) [7]. The traffic flow (in and out) in femtocells is
managed by the fgw. The fgw receives traffic from various access networks and
forwards it to the destination network.

Figure 11: Dense Cellular Connection To The CN

14 | P a g e
Chapter III

3.1. Introduction
The approach to this work is directly linked to the purpose, objectives, and
scope listed in Chapter I. There is currently very little research published specifically
developing an analysis of Femtocell versus Macrocell in terms of their respective
performance and capabilities. In this chapter, we provide the methodology for the
tests and extensive experimentation conducted with respect to these technologies.
Our research includes testing tool that provide multiple measurements. It is
evaluated and compared with other simulation tools. Its results were verified by
testing at data sets and was found suitable to perform the experiments. In our study
we used a program created on MATLAB 2011a. It contain a basic interface through
which no of options (femto users, macro users, buildings, bw/modulation) are
selected according to the need of type of simulations. Scenario is shown graphically
as set and results of the scenario are shown separately of each entity when it’s
pointed by mouse in numeric form in the simulation window.
Femtocells can co-operate within a macrocell underlay, by using the same or
different frequencies [9]. However, co-channel operation of femtocells introduces
interference to macrocells and vice versa, limiting system capacity. So installation of
many low-power base stations poses new challenges in terms of interference
management and efficient system operation [9].

3.1.2 Analysis and Modelling:

This section refers to all the analysis and method of calculating parameters
proposed. The calculation includes the estimation of SINR and throughput at every
point of Long Term Evolution-Advanced LTE-A network. The model takes into
account the path loss and propagation models in order to estimate the SINR and
therefore the adjacent cell interference of the integrated LTE-A network [9].
Path Loss Model:
For the need of estimating SINR first we have to calculate the path loss between a user
and a macro base station and also between the user and a femto base station.
For calculating path loss between a user and a macro base station (outdoor) [9]:
PL(dB) : 15.3 + 37.6 Log10 R (1)
For calculating Path loss between a user and macro base station (indoor) [9]:
PL(dB) : 15.3 + 37.6 Log10 R + Low (2)
Where R is the distance between the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) and Low
is the penetration loss of an outdoor wall [9].

15 | P a g e
For calculating path loss between femtocell and user [9]:
PL(dB) = 38.46 + 20 log10 R + 0.7d2D,indoor + 18.3n((n+2)/(n+1)−0.46) + q* Liw
Where n is the number of penetrated floors, q is the number of penetrating walls, Liw
is the penetration loss of the wall separating apartments, m 0.7d2D,indoor takes account
of penetration loss due to walls inside an apartment and is expressed in m [9].

When considering association of an outdoor to indoor femtocell user:

PL(dB) = max(15.3 + 37.6 log10 R, 38.46 + 20 log10 R)
+ 0.7d2D,indoor + 18.3n ((n+2)/(n+1)−0.46) + q∗ Liw + Low (4)

The estimation of the received SINR of a macro user m on subcarrier k, when the
macro user is interfered from neighbouring macrocells and all the adjacent femtocells,
in our analysis is expressed by the following equation [9]:
𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑹𝒎.𝒌 = (5)
𝑵𝒐 ∆𝒇+ ∑𝑴` 𝑷𝑴`,𝒌 𝑮𝒎,𝑴`.𝒌 + ∑𝑭 𝑷𝑭,𝒌 𝑮𝑭,𝒎,𝒌

PM,k and PM`,k is transmit power of serving macro cell M and neighbouring macro cell
M` on subcarrier k, respectively [9]. Gm,M,k is channel gain between macro user m and
serving macrocell M on subcarrier k [9]. ∆f subcarrier spacing. Gm,F,k is channel gain
between macro user m and neighbouring femtocell F on subcarrier k [9]. N0 is white
noise power spectral density [9].
For a femto user f on subcarrier k interfered by all macrocell and adjacent femtocells,
the received SINR can be similarly given by
𝑷𝒇,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑭,𝒌
𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑹𝒇,𝒌 = (6)
𝑵𝟎 ∆𝒇+∑𝑴 𝑷𝑴,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑴,𝒌 + ∑𝑭` 𝑷𝑭`,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑭`,𝒌

Throughput Calculation:
After the completion of estimation of SINR, now we are able to forward for the
calculation of throughput of each user. The practical capacity of macro user m on
subcarrier k can be given by the following equation [9]

16 | P a g e
𝑪𝒎,𝒌 = ∆𝒇. 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟐 (𝟏+∝ 𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑹𝒎,𝒌 ) (7)
Where, α is a constant for target Bit Error Rate (BER), and defined by
α=−1.5/ln(5BER). In this analysis BER is set to 10−6 [9].

Throughput can finally be concluded as

𝑻𝑴 = ∑𝒎 ∑𝒌 𝜷𝒎,𝒌 𝑪𝒎,𝒌 (8)
Where, βm,k represents the subcarrier k assignment for macro users m [9]. When
βm,k=1 means that the subcarrier k is assigned to macro user m. Otherwise, βm,k = 0
[9]. This concludes as:
𝒎=𝟏 𝜷𝒎,𝒌 = 𝟏 (9)

3.1.3 System Architecture:

The given frame work enables user implement femtocell over a macro cell.
Maximum knowledge and information can be gained through the simulation as gives
brief information about any scenario placed on the system. The framework allows end
user place femtocell base stations, place femtocell and macrocell user independently
and give approximate values of the throughput, SNR, penetration loss and gives
individual value of every user. It provides a very comprehensive and easy to use
interface with respect to placing inputs and getting outputs.
The system architecture work flow is defined as

Figure 12: Simulation’s working architecture

17 | P a g e
More specifically, the implemented simulation framework uses the following
architectural elements as basis:
 User Input Module
 Path Loss Estimation Module
 SINR Estimation Module
 Capacity Calculation Module
 User Output Module
3.1.4 Testing:
A definitive objective of this exploration is to assess the utility of Femtocells
by contrasting their execution with that of a macro cells. To achieve this, our
exploration assessed the execution and capacities of these two advances through a
few utilize cases, applications, and situations in methods for throughput and SINR Testing terms

SINR: SINR is commonly used in wireless communication as a way to measure the

quality of wireless connections. Typically, the energy of a signal fades with distance,
which is referred to as a path loss in wireless networks. Conversely, in wired
networks the existence of a wired path between the sender or transmitter and the
receiver determines the correct reception of data. In a wireless network ones has to
take other factors into account (e.g. the background noise, interfering strength of
other simultaneous transmission). The concept of SINR attempts to create a
representation of this aspect.

Bandwidth/ Modulation: Bandwidth is a broad term defined as the bit-rate measure

of the transmission capacity over a network communication system. Bandwidth is
also described as the carrying capacity of a channel or the data transfer speed of that
channel. However, broadly defined, bandwidth is the capacity of a network.
Bandwidth exists in physical or wireless communication networks

POW: Power control can substantially impact the capacity and perceived quality in
cellular wireless systems. Regardless of the mode of multiple access, frequency, time
or code division. power control is necessary to combat the intercell, or co-channel,
interference that arises from frequency reuse.

18 | P a g e
Following are the parameters user has to set to perform simulation:

Table 2: Simulation 1 parameters

After the parameters are set the framework plots the desired values which
shows all the properties of the user or the station where cursor is placed

Figure 13: Snap of simulation

19 | P a g e

3.2.1 Introduction
Femtocells might lead to noteworthy local service degradation due to
interference issues. Having common bandwidth of a macro and femto base station
leads to interference issues. Which is a mighty issue when it comes to deployment of
A smart solution for interference control showed as to apply power control and
fractional frequency reuse, as
Power control approach: Since Femto Base Stations will be powered in diverse
locations, which means diverse loads and different impact on the overall network, a
common value for power transmission would be unfitting [10]. Instead, adjusting the
power transmission levels of Femto Base Stations according to the needs of the
particular area, and evaluating their influence on neighbour femtocells and underlying
macrocell, leads to a reasonable and more effectual network, from an interference
perspective [10]. This optimal configuration ensures that both femto and macro users
will have access to service and achieve adequate throughput regardless of their position
in the network [10].
Fractional Frequency Re-use: Allotting dissimilar fractions of the bandwidth for users
attended by the MBS and FBSs, may lessen the available bandwidth for each user, but
protects users that are highly affected by interference [11]. This is preferable, when
macrocells utilize inter-cell interference cancellation (ICIC), thus leaving unexploited
spectrum for the femtocells to use [11].

3.2.2 Analysis and Modeling:

In this section, the models implemented on the backend for calculations are
showed. Firstly the method of estimation of SINR and throughput are explained and
then the algorithm of implementation of power scheme and FFR are elaborated.
The estimation of the received SINR of a macro user m on subcarrier k, when the
macro user is interfered from neighbouring macrocells and all the adjacent femtocells,
in our analysis is expressed by the following equation [9]:

20 | P a g e
𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑹𝒎.𝒌 = (1)
𝑵𝒐 ∆𝒇+ ∑𝑴` 𝑷𝑴`,𝒌 𝑮𝒎,𝑴`.𝒌 + ∑𝑭 𝑷𝑭,𝒌 𝑮𝑭,𝒎,𝒌

PM,k and PM`,k is transmit power of serving macro cell M and neighbouring macro cell
M` on subcarrier k, respectively [9]. Gm,M,k is channel gain between macro user m and
serving macrocell M on subcarrier k [9]. ∆f subcarrier spacing. Gm,F,k is channel gain
between macro user m and neighbouring femtocell F on subcarrier k [9]. N0 is white
noise power spectral density [9].
For a femto user f on subcarrier k interfered by all macrocell and adjacent femtocells,
the received SINR can be similarly given by
𝑷𝒇,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑭,𝒌
𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑹𝒇,𝒌 = (2)
𝑵𝟎 ∆𝒇+∑𝑴 𝑷𝑴,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑴,𝒌 + ∑𝑭` 𝑷𝑭`,𝒌 𝑮𝒇,𝑭`,𝒌

Path Loss Model:

For the need of estimating SINR first we have to calculate the path loss between a user
and a macro base station and also between the user and a femto base station.
For calculating path loss between a user and a macro base station (outdoor) [9]:
PL(dB) : 15.3 + 37.6 Log10 R (1)
For calculating Path loss between a user and macro base station (indoor) [9]:
PL(dB) : 15.3 + 37.6 Log10 R + Low (2)
Where R is the distance between the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) and Low
is the penetration loss of an outdoor wall [9].
For calculating path loss between femtocell and user [9]:
PL(dB) = 38.46 + 20 log10 R + 0.7d2D,indoor + 18.3n((n+2)/(n+1)−0.46) + q* Liw
Where n is the number of penetrated floors, q is the number of penetrating walls, Liw
is the penetration loss of the wall separating apartments, m 0.7d2D,indoor takes account
of penetration loss due to walls inside an apartment and is expressed in m [9].
When considering association of an outdoor to indoor femtocell user:
PL(dB) = max(15.3 + 37.6 log10 R, 38.46 + 20 log10 R)
+ 0.7d2D,indoor + 18.3n ((n+2)/(n+1)−0.46) + q∗ Liw + Low (4)

21 | P a g e
Algorithm for Power Scheme:
For the requirements of our simulator, we study two different power configurations.
The first one is the easiest, allocating a fixed value for each FBS, and is used for
comparison. Inappropriately, its ease comes with key performance inadequateness.
The second method followed is introduced in [10], and confirms a constant coverage
femtocell radius. Each femtocell sets its power to a value that on average is equal to
the power received from the closest macrocell at a target femtocell radius r, subject to
a maximum power of Pmax [12]. The FBS transmit power can be calculated in decibels
as [12]:
𝑷𝒇 = 𝐦𝐢𝐧(𝑷𝒎 + 𝑮𝜽 − 𝑷𝑳𝒎 (𝒅) + 𝑷𝑳𝒇 (𝒓), 𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 )
PLf(r) is the line of sight path loss at the target cell radius r and Pm is the transmit
power of the macro BS in which the femtocell is located. Gθ is the antenna gain in
direction of the femtocell where θ is the angle to the femtocell with respect to the sector
angle and can be calculated for the case of a 3-sector cell site [12]

𝜽 𝟐
𝑮𝜽 = 𝑮𝒎𝒂𝒙 − 𝐦𝐢𝐧[( ) , 𝑮𝒔]
Where −π ≤ θ ≤, β = 70/180 the angle where gain pattern is 3 dB down from peak, Gs
= 20 dB the side lobe gain level and Gmax = 16 dB the maximum gain level [12].
PLm(d) denotes the average macrocell path loss at the femtocell distance d (excluding
any additional wall losses) [12]. This achieves a constant cell range that is independent
of the distance to the macrocell [12]
Algorithm for FFR:
Macro cell Inter-cell interference Calculation (ICIC) arrangements that are explored
when femtocells are positioned upon them comprise of IFR3 and SFR. IFR of factor
three allots dissimilar sub-bands for neighbour cells [12]. Interference is quickly
abridged for cell-edge workers and their performance gets better-quality, at
expenditure of low spectrum utilization [11]. Cell-centre users experience performance
deprivation due to bandwidth division [12]. Where the cell coverage area is separated
in two areas: the inner one, which is near to the base station (BS) and outer one, which
is located to the edges of the cell [13]. The bandwidth is separated in three sub-bands

22 | P a g e
that are allotted to the edges of the cells identically to the IFR3 distribution, achieving
a reuse factor of 3 [13]. The inner areas of the cell are permitted to share sub-bands of
edge users of adjacent cells [14]. It is most suitable for circumstances where spectrum
utilization is of main implication, and minor growth in interference related to IFR can
be accepted [15]. When IFR of factor 3 (IFR3) is utilized by macro BSs, femtocells
may use reference signal received power (RSRP) measurements to determine the
frequency sub-bands of the lowest priority, and schedule their transmissions through
these sub-bands [13]. Since IFR3 works by allocating different sub-bands for adjacent
macro cells, femtocells that are aware of their environment will result in utilizing the
frequencies allocated to the neighboring macro cells of the cell that they are located

Figure 14: FFR allocation Schemes

3.2.3 System Architecture:
The environment of the simulation is very user friendly, which hiding all the
required complex calculations in it. In the GUI the user is asked to enter the parameters
and then user places it on the map. As the simulation is activated it performs all the
calculation. For means of having details a temporary macro or femto user is placed and
the calculations are performed with respect to the comparision of the other, this helps
to distinguish between co-tier and cross tier interference. The simulation works on the
same principle of path loss model. The workflow of calculation starts from path loss
and performing step by step calculation it leads to the calculation of SINR and
throughput at the end.

23 | P a g e
Figure 15: Framework architecture of simulation 2

24 | P a g e
Following is the pseudo-code performing calculation and analysing values

Figure 16: Pseudo code of simulation 2

25 | P a g e
Figure 17: Interface of simulation 2
3.2.3 Testing
Following are the testing parameters that are given as input with their standard
values as well as inputs

Table 3: Simulation 2 parameters

26 | P a g e
Chapter IV


Senerio 1:

4 squares represent 4 buildings each containing femtocell.

Femtocell is represented by the circles
Red dots are macro users
Blue dots are femtocell users.
First scenario based on 20 MHZ/64QAM (BW/MODULATION)

Figure 18: Interface of Simulation Tool

27 | P a g e
Details of Femtocells

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 1st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 2st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 4st block

28 | P a g e
Scenario 2:

4 squares represent 4 buildings each containing femtocell.

Femtocell is represented by the circles
Red dots are macro users
Blue dots are femtocell users.
Second scenario based on 20 MHZ/16QAM (BW/MODULATION)

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 2st block

29 | P a g e
Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 2st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 3st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 4st block

30 | P a g e
Scenario 3:

4 squares represent 4 buildings each containing femtocell.

Femtocell is represented by the circles
Red dots are macro users
Blue dots are femtocell users.
Third scenario based on 20 MHZ/QPSK (BW/MODULATION)

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 1st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 2st block

31 | P a g e
Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 3st block

Comparison of femtocell and macrocell users in 4st block

32 | P a g e

In the particular experiment, in order to inspect the interference in

circumstances that replicate the improver nature of the phenomenon, we explore large-
scale femtocell deployments that simulate better the real-life circumstances.
As for investigating the inference by a macro user that is moving from cell
centre towards edge. In the case we have placed 30 femto BS randomly to measure the
macro user experience.
After activation of all femto BS it was experienced that there is a great
decrement in throughput of macro user at two points. Firstly, when user reaches a
distance of 150m where 10-19 femto BS were interfering and secondly when the user
is 200m away from macro BS were 7-20 femto BS is interfering with it.
This performance showed that cross-tier interference gives huge losses to the
Application of Power Control:
Interference majorly depends on the positioning of the femtocell as compared
to the macro cell antenna, so using same power configuration will be inappropriate.
Thus controlling the power transmission of each Femto BS separately, configuring it
to the custom conditions is preferable. In this part there are results of the simulation,
which is configured to encompass power control, for the experiments with this
technique we choose available bandwidth of 20MHz, and 64QAM modulation.
Femtocell default transmit power was set to 11 dBm.
In Fig. 19 and in Fig. 20, example of the simulation results is given,
highlighting the different approach to the power control models. In the first simulation,
constant power levels for femto base stations are set, and the throughput of a potential
macro user is displayed throughout the entire map.
Fixed power approach proves unsuitable, especially for the cell-edge areas with
a close-by femto cell. In this situation, the received power from MacroBS is
significantly low due to path loss, and gets over taken by the FemtoBS transmission,
even on the outside of the buildings. It become even more unsuitable in the case of

33 | P a g e
indoor environment, since the received power from the MacroBS goes down even
more because of increased in path loss added by the outer walls.
These results comply with the findings of the previous subsection. In Fig. 20
instead, femto cell transmit power is enhanced when required, in respect for macro cell
performance, maintaining a Same radius of FemtoBS coverage as a result, the ratio of
macro cell and femto cell signal strength is independent of where the latter is placed
relative to the macro cell and depends on the distance between the UE and the attached
FemtoBS. On the other hand, since an upper limit for femto transmitting power is set,
its domination by a close-by macro cell antenna cannot be avoided, especially when
multiple users are served by the femto BS.

Figure 19: Throughput with standard power levels Figure 20:Throughput with Power Configuration

Application of FFR:
As same network consider in previous simulation we observed case of a possible ICIC
situation and the particular subcarrier allocate for the femto cells. Since IFR3 with
femto cells using the obtainable spectrum showcases co-channel interference, there is
no point for the data rate map. Instead, Fig. 19 shows data rate map of IFR with femto
cells using the whole bandwidth. When macro cell ICIC is used in macro cell layer,
for deployed femto cells it important to be conscious of it also by sensing their
environment or during their initial configuration. Or else, fractioned bandwidth beside

34 | P a g e
with interference originating from transmitting femto cells, result to tremendously
poor SINR as shown in figure 20. The latter is valid for all frequency partition schemes,
including SFR.

Figure 21:Data rate map of SFR with adapted femtocells

On other hand Fig. 20 depict aware femto cells in SFR situation. It is clear that the
conflicts are neglected, and the only basis of interference exists when there are femto
cells near the inner/outer borderline, and their range overlaps the neighboring area. we
evaluate the mean network’s performance for every case and for escalating number of
femto cells. Fig. 22 shows collective comparison of all likely scenarios, against the
number of femto cells deployed in the cell. To find the squalor of network’s output for
small area of deployed femto cells when spectrum division is used, and the femto cells
density, beyond which the latter is compensated by the interference mitigation it offers.
For small-scale femto cells deployment, power control and no provision, showcase
two times the throughput when FR is employed, however, their advantages decrease
rapidly. co-channel operation becomes inferior as early as for 20 femto cells, while
power control is the finest choice for 35 and less. Beyond these densities, co-channel
interference becomes a more main factor than macrocell spectral effectiveness, making
FR schemes the choice. Small cells’ deployment of the available spectrum offers both
overall spectral efficiency, and max network throughput, on big-scale femto cell

35 | P a g e
deployment. IFR compare to SFR are slightly worse behavior, since SFR is
characterized by better spectral efficiency. There is a little drop off in SFR though,
when femto cell increases in numbers, a observable fact attributed to the fact that when
the number of femto cells increases the probability of them to be located near borders,
where they can affect neighboring areas becomes larger, thus increasing the
interference levels.

Figure 22:Average throughput performance for macro

Figure 23: CDF of throughput for different scenarios

Figure 23 presents the CDF of data rate when 15 femto cells have been scattered in the
cell. Although as we saw power control behaves best regarding average throughput, it
cannot provide protection to the worst-case users, as FR schemes do by allocating them
exclusive bandwidth. The majority of worst-case users are located near the cell edge.
In addition, due to weak signal received, it is the area where the use of femto cells is
most needed, thus an increased femto cell density is expected in these areas. We
consider a cell-edge user when he is located at distance greater than 120m from the
macrocell antenna. The average throughput of cell-edge users for increasing femto cell
density deployment is shown in Fig. 24. The figure is similar with the total cell average
throughput, but femto cell density is a more important parameter now, since inter-cell
interference makes the area already substandard. Frequency partition methods (IFR,
SFR) demonstrate better performance than simple co-channel for less than 15 femto
cells, while power control stops being the best solution for less than 25 femto BSs.

36 | P a g e
Figure 24: Overall throughput performance for macro users for each ICIC at cell’s

Figure 25: CDF of SINR at cell’s borders for different scenarios

Beside the average throughput we focus on the worst-case users. Figure 25

demonstrates the CDF of the SINR for cell - edge users when 15 femto cells have been
scattered over the cell. Dedicated bandwidth to macro users through FR ensures the
protection of every macro user in the cell. Otherwise, many users would not be able to
maintain the minimum SINR required for access to service.

37 | P a g e
Chapter V
A standout amongst the most widely recognized issues with Internet network is the
impact of numerous clients on execution.

The particular framework is designed for replicating configurable femtocell topologies

over macrocellular infrastructure. The persistence of the framework is to let the
investigation of Cross-tier and Co-tier interference. It is also used to estimate
accessible choices to overcome this problem.
The framework includes the core existing techniques planned to lessen
interference and allot existing resources justifiably, safeguarding access to service
throughout the cell.
The simulation outcomes concluded the merits and demerits of respective
method, and concluded on their appropriateness for different network situations.
Precisely, it was revealed that simple self-configured power control profits the
best outcomes when a small number of femtocells is deployed [12]
However, when an extensive deployment is estimated, it would be superior to
include the ICIC approach and allocate the accessible spectrum to femtocells.
The simulator proved that the selection of the optimal configuration depends
on multiple parameters, and the usage of a high-configurable simulation framework is
necessary to evaluate custom complex heterogeneous networks [12]
Future research ought to investigate how different clients associated at the
same time could influence the conduct and execution of femtocells and Macrocell gave
availability. Scientists could make a situation where numerous clients get to the system
at the same time and perform tests that monitors movement through all system
Research would should be led that would make an engineering to fuse the
Femtocell in field conditions and tests is capacities to perform in conveyed
circumstances. Issues requiring examination incorporate strategy imperatives too,
especially in universal settings

38 | P a g e

Matrix Model:

Structure / Simulatio
Author & Title Network n based Survey
Architectur Solution

[1]   

  
  

 

[5]  

[6]  

[16]  

[8]   

[10]  

Table 4: Matrix Model

39 | P a g e

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