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Subject: M R S M

An Assignment

Submitted on 6th August 2014



Evg. BOVAS E. T.

Member of Faculty




Course: M DIV II

Dated August 2, 2014




1. Introduction Page 3

2. History of Socio – Religious Movement of Muslim League in India 3

3. Religious Population in India 3

4. Religious Population in Kerala 4

5. Muslim League safe guards Socio-Religious Interest of Community 4

6. Muslim League in Democratic Free Indian Union 5

7. Indian Union Muslim League 5

8. The Objectives of the Party of Indian Union Muslim League 6

9. Kerala State Muslim Youth League 6

10. Conclusion 6

Bibliography 6



This is an attempt to give an account of information regarding the Socio –

Religious Movement of Muslim League as political party especially in India. Modern
Religious and Social Movements include “Muslim League” in India. In 2014, World
Population has reached 7 Billions of which 1.63 Billions are Muslims. This is above
23 percent of the World Population. Muslim Population is now heading for One –
Fourth the World Population. Muslim Population is increasing faster than other
religions. Muslims have organized into political parties in many countries like
Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. They have named like Pakistan Muslim League,
Bangladesh Muslim League, All India Muslim League, etc. For Socio – Religious
Movement of Muslim League as political parties in these countries has made
considerable impact in society.

History of Socio – Religious Movement of Muslim League in India

In 20th Century History of Socio – Religious Movement of Muslim League in

Indian Sub–continent began. It was originally All India Muslim League, the political
group that led the movement calling for a separate Muslim Nation. The nation-wide
struggle for Independence of India was carried out in peaceful means ever since 19 th
Century by Indian National Congress. People of Muslim community wanted political,
social and religious freedom and justice. And they were of opinion of a separate
sovereign state for Muslims to be created at the time of 1Partition of British India in
1947. All India Muslim League was founded on 30.11.1906. Mohamed Ali Jinnah
was AIML leader who led the struggle. Muslim League opted for Pakistan. Pakistan
became an independent Muslim State in 1947. All India Muslim League founded on
30.11.1906 was dissolved on 14.8.1947 on Independence of India from the British.

Religious Population in India

Population that occupies now in Indian Territory is about 1.27 Billion and it is
about 17.3 percent of the 7 Billion World Population. In 2001 the 2Indian population
was below 1.03 Billions. It has increased 23.4 percent during13 years from 2001 to
2014. Religious Population in India for different religions increased from 2001 to
2014 at various rates. Population of Hindus was 80.5 percent of total in 2001 below
828 Million which increased almost 20 percent to become 993 Million in 2014.
Population of Christians was 2.3 percent of total in 2001 and below 24.1 Million. The
Christians increased less than 11 percent on All India basis during 2001 – 2014 to
become 26.6 Million. In India Population of Muslims was 138.2 Million 13.4 percent

1 Encyclopaedia Britannica
2 Government of Kerala, Census of India [Kerala: 2001].

of total in 2001. During 2001 – 2014, Muslims increased 30 percent to become

almost 180 Million.
Other Religious and Ethnic Population in India was less than 40 Million 3.8
percent of total in 2001 but now these are about 75 percent increased during 2001 –
2014 to become 70 Million.

Religious Population in Kerala

In 1901 Kerala had total 6.4 Million people and Kerala 3Population rose to
13.55 Million in 1951. The Population of Kerala grew only a little more than double
fold. It was a rise of about 7.15 Million in a span of 50 years during 1901 – 1951.
During that period India was divided into many nations. It was a period of two world
wars; and India was in Independence Struggle under foreign rule. 4Population of
Kerala became 21.35 Million in 1971 with an increase of 7.8 Million in twenty years.
And Population of Kerala became 29.1 Million in 1991 by an increase of 7.75 Million
in twenty years’ period. Next twenty years from 1991 to 2011 population increase
4.3 Million in Kerala as 5Population in 2011 was about 33.4 Million.

Muslim League safe guards Socio-Religious Interest of Community

In Kerala during the first half of 20th Century the Population did not increase so
rapidly as in second half of 20th Century. Next twenty years from 1991 to 2011
population increase 4.3 Million in Kerala as 6Population in 2011 was about 33.4 Million.
The decrease in the population growth from 1991 to 2011 was because of the
introduction of almost compulsory sterilization7 during the period after 1975 in India.
However Muslim community were against sterilization while Christians are not. In 2011
out of these 33.4 Million, Hindus were 16.668 Million, Muslims were 6.788 Million and
Christians were 5.622 Million approximately. Peak of population increase has happened

3 Government of Kerala, Census of India [Kerala: 2011].

4 In 1947, Kerala was divided into three portions: two portions Kingdoms one under King of Cochin and the other under King
of Travancore, and third portion was Malabar under British Rule. In 1952 India became a sovereign republic. In 1952 with Malabar
remaining with Madras State, Travancore – Cochin State was formed. In 1956 the State of Kerala was formed linking Travancore,
Cochin and Malabar together.
5 Ibid., [2011].
6 Ibid., [2011].
7 Kerala Population Rate of Rise before after 1975 when compulsory sterilization introduced in India:
Census Years and corresponding Population Period Increase Rate / year
From in Million To in Million in years in Million in Million
1901 6.4 1951 13.55 50 7.15 0.143
1951 13.55 1971 21.35 20 7.8 0.39
1971 21.35 1991 29.1 20 7.75 0.3875
1991 29.1 2011 33.4 20 4.3 0.215 (.)
Peak of population increase has happened during 1971 – 1991 period and close examination shows that it was after 1975.
Declination on Population Rate started from 1981 Census. It is seen that the declination began after 1975 when large scale fringe
benefits for those accept the sterilization procedures were introduced in India. Muslim community refused to sterilization
upholding the reasons of religious conservations! See how bold Muslim League is to safe guard the Socio-Religious Interest of
the Community from collapsing before dubious destiny.

during 1971 – 1991 period and close examination shows that it was after 1975.
Declination on Population Rate started from 1981 Census.
It is seen that the declination began after 1975 when large scale fringe benefits
for those accept the sterilization procedures were introduced in India. Muslim community
refused to sterilization upholding the reasons of religious conservations! See how bold
Muslim League is to safe guard the Socio-Religious Interest of the Community from
collapsing before dubious destiny.

Muslim League in Democratic Free Indian Union

Erstwhile British India had Muslim League as political party. Major part of
Muslims left for Pakistan which included Bangladesh at the time of Partition of
British India in 1947.
And then All India Muslim League [founded on 30.11.1906] was dissolved on
14.8.1947 up on Independence of India from the British. Yet a Minority of Muslims
did not leave India especially from southern states. Thus the remnant group of
Muslim community felt the need of union and wanted political party for their social
and religious freedom and justice. Socio – Religious Movement again started in the
free India. Indian Union Muslim League was formed in Chennai on 10.3.1948.
Indian Union Muslim League had units in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It was
represented in the parliament from 1952. It joined coalition Government of Kerala in
1959 and 1970. Muslim League became a party of considerable influence in Kerala
with Indian National Congress that its leader C H Mohammed koya was renowned
leader and been Chief Minister in Kerala in 1979. Mohammed koya held as Chief
Minister in Kerala from 12.10 1979 to 1.12.1979. Indian Union Muslim League, in
1980, broke into two parties IUML and AIML; and later in 1985 these two units
Now this Democratic Free India has more than 70 Million Muslims of which
the state of Kerala has 7 Million. Also now West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry,
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Assam have considerable Population of
Muslims. So they started Muslim political parties similar to Kerala, Tamil Nadu and
west Bengal Muslim League Party to represent Muslim community. Apart from
Kerala and West Bengal, states like TN, Pondicherry, Maharashtra, Karnataka, UP
and Assam also have MLAs in State Assemblies now in 2014.

Indian Union Muslim League

E AHMED is a notable leader of Indian Union Muslim League and he was a

Minister of Centre Government owing to coalition of IUML with Indian National
Congress till recently. Indian Union Muslim League has National Level Committee
with E Ahmed as President; K M K Mohideen as General Secretary with many vice-
Presidents and secretaries and committee members. As on mar 24, 2014, its State
Level Committee is with many members registered with Election Commission of
India. The President of State Level Committee is S H S Thangal and the General
Secretary is K P A Majeed.

The Objectives of the Party of Indian Union Muslim League

The Party of Indian Union Muslim League was formed with the following aims
and objectives:
 IUML is for the well being of Indian Union;
 IUML is to secure and protect the Muslims and other minorities in the state
and to promote harmony of Muslims with other Communities of India. IUML
has been working since the beginning keeping the cultural identity of the
Muslims on its religious and national outlook.
 IUML is to represent the Muslim community in India in the Indian Parliament.
 The party still has an alliance with Indian National Congress and shares the
governance in Kerala; and even it shared at Centre Government till 2014.
 The Party of Indian Union Muslim League It stands for secularism with other
democratic parties. It has Members of Parliament in both the Lok Sabha and
the Rajya Sabha of the Parliament.
 IUML is against extremism and stands for coexistence.
 It stands for social justice.
 IUML stands for Muslim personal law ‘Sharia.’
 IUML is against compulsory sterilization.
 IUML is to protect Muslim interests of the religion, and of the society and its
culture, and is for all special rules for them in Socio – Religious Existence to
keep their religious identity.

Kerala State Muslim Youth League

The Party of Indian Union Muslim League has state units also one among
them and very active one is Kerala State Muslim Youth League. It is also having
Office bearers and Committee and they are concentrating on the well being and
maintenance of youths and social and community activities of Muslim youths.

People of Muslim community wanted political, social and religious freedom
and justice. The IUML has been working since the beginning keeping the cultural
identity of the Muslims on its religious and national outlook. IUML is against
extremism and stands for coexistence. IUML should stern on their stand against
sterilization. Muslim population increased immensely despite many objections while
other parties failed to stand for promotion of their community for social economic
and religious issues. National level they insist the Government to oblige for their
worship period on Friday in addition to the week-ends being for them too.

Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Government of Kerala: Census of India [2001].
Government of Kerala: Census of India [2011].

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