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Surface Water Drainage Design Considerations

and Practices

Dieter H. Lindner

To cite this article: Dieter H. Lindner (1987) Surface Water Drainage Design Considerations and
Practices , Canadian Water Resources Journal, 12:3, 67-78, DOI: 10.4296/cwrj1203067

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Surface Water Drainage Design Gonsiderations
and Practicesl
Dieter H. Lindner2

Technical considerations and related issues affecting surface water drainage in rural
Alberta are outlined, Such items as appropriate design flow and frequency, ditch and
channel parameters, and grade and erosion control structures are addressed.
Current design philosophy and practice of rural drainage works relative to flood con-
trol are described. This paper focuses on the need to retain technical integrity, and the
desire to achieve ease and economy of construction, in the context of physical con-
straints and the institutional setting, Emphasis is placed on the design process.

Ce texte expose les grandes lignes des consid6rations techniques et des questions
connexes en ce quiconcerne le drainage des eaux de surface dans les 169ions rurales
de I'Alberta. ll traite des 6coulements et des fr6quences th6oriques appropri6es, des
paramdtres des foss6s et des canaux, ainsi que des ouvrages de contrOle de l'in-
clinaison et de l'6rosion des terrains.
ll d6crit la philosophie actuelle de la conception et de la pratique des ouvrages de
drainage en milieu rural, en rapport avec Ie contrdle des crues. Ce texte est ax6 sur le
besoin de maintenir l'int6grit6 de la technique et sur le d6sir de r6aliser des travaux de
construction faciles et 6conomiques au niveau des contraintes physiques et du cadre
institutionnel. ll met I'accent plus particulidrement sur le processus de conception.

Introduction Statues of Alberta (R.S.A.) of which the Water

Urban and rural runoff is often flashy
and Resources Act (1980) and the Drainage Dis-
damaging and as such of interest to many par- tricts Act (1980) are the most important.
ties; the general public, owners of land, buildings, These Acts, in the broad context of social and
and facilities, agencies, associations, govern- economic oblectives, endeavour to facilitate
ment departments, and the professional en- economic development and environmental
gaged in the management of water and drainage protection for the "common good." Endorsed
in particular, Drainage basically entails the con- are principles of multi-purpose development,
veyance of excess water to achieve certain initiation at the local level, avoidance of indis-
desirable oblectives, This paper addresses criminate drainage of permanent water bodies,
issues of draining surface water in rural areas and the protection of downstream landowners
and summarizes current practices in Alberta, against improper drainage by others.
with emphasis placed on the design process. The Water Resources Act provides for licens-
ing and orderly development of water resour-
lnstitutional Setting ces. lt also contains certain prohibitions and
All surface water drainage activities in Alberta provisions to order restoration,
are mandated by legislation in the Revised The Drainage Districts Act enables groups to

1 The paper was presented to the Annual Conference of the Canadian Water Resources Association,
Alberta Branch with the Soil Conservation Society of America, Alberta Chapter, Edmonton, October
23-25, 1985.
2 Head, Hydraulics Sectron, Design and Construction Division, Alberta Environment,9820 - 106
Street. Edmonton. Alberta T5K 2J6.

Revue canadienne des ressources hvdnques /Yol.12, No. 3, 1987 67

drain lands. Nine formal drainage districts exist Technical lntegnty
in Alberta which operate a network of drainage The design engineer must comply with all legal
works. These formal districts levy taxes and and regulatory requirements. He must be con-
also are eligible to receive government grants. versant with applicable technical codes and
For many years local authorities cost-shared standards and apply them carefully and mettcu-
drainage prolects with government on a 25:75 lously to his prolect. For example, structural
basis under the Alberta Water Management design is governed by the Alberta Building
and Erosion Control Program (1980). This ratio Code and National Building Code, Basically
is now 14:86, equal to cost-sharing in the irriga- design criteria is prescribed and must be
tion sector. Similarly under the same program adhered to, However, hydraulic design and
certain drainage projects are fully funded by the geotechnical desrgn codes generally do not
province, once designated as a "provincial exist. Rather, the professional engineer applies
nrn ra.t " At tha anrl nf fha cnanlrr 'm lha engineering principles and established prac-
farm water management is supported by Alberta tices to achieve satisfactory results. He also
Environment by providing free technical assist- slays abreast or past successes and'ailures.
ance to landowners but no capitai funding. new prolects and innovations to obtain an
Direct financial contributions toward cost- improved product,
shared projects in recent years have ranged
from $3 to $6 million, while "provincial pro1ects" Practicailty and Economy
entailed annual expenditures of $5 to $6 rniilion. The solution to the problem obviously should
Given the need for drainage and the level of be both practical and economical. A practical
expenditures entailed, it follows that consider- solution largely relies on tried and proven
able attentlon should be paid to implementa- materials, methods and approaches having
tion. An overview of the legislation and program regard for unique situations and available
framework for drainage in Alberta was pre- resources. when properly integrated, the
sented in greater detail by Tupper (1985), The economics normally fcllow, Economics should
institutional setting under which drainage works focus on both initial capital cost and subse-
are implemented is depicted on Figure 1. ouent operation and maintenance costs over
the life of the prolect.
Basic lssues and Considerations
Drainage of surface water is normally under- Safety and "Pubilc Good"
taken to achieve certarn desirable oblectives, two distinct components are recog-
includ ng meeting certain functional require- nized. The first relates to hazards and the need
ments. technical adequacy, practicaliry, econ- to protect the public adequately. The second
orry, public sa'ety, and "publ'c good.' All o' deals with failure (destruction) of the investment
these require the designer's attention in order to and all attendant economic losses and implica-
desrgn and build drainage prolects that perform tions. Both recognize a degree of risk regard-
adequately without compromising technical less of the actual decision made. This risk
integrity or accepting r:ndue risk. These basrc decision has moral, social, ethical, economic
project oblectives are shown on Figure 2, and legal dimensions and implications,
The "public good" component is the fun-
Functional Requirements damental driving mechanism which lustifies the
Functional requirements are generally estab- infrastructure and the institutional arrangements
lished during prolect initiation in response to which facilitate drainage works,
perceived or identified oroblems at the local
level. For example, the Environment Con- Technical Considerations
servation Authority (1976) documented ero- The desrgner endeavors to integrate all these
sion and drainage concerns for north-western factors nto a cohes've package in order to
Alberta. During the inrtiation stage, certain ultimately arrive at a well balanced, practical
expectations and possible solutions are ad- and economic drainage pro.ect. As such, a
vanced. Usually the person af'ected has a clearer perception of broad water management
fairly good appreciation of the "problem" and issues of drainage works is desirable, An under-
some ideas as to suitable solutions. The standing of related types or projects, such as
technicaland economic parameters are much flood controland erosion control, is also benefi-
less well understood and defined at that staqe cial. These basic project parameters are shown
of the process, on Figure 3.

6B Canadian Water Resources Journal /Yol, 12, No. 3, 1987

Design Flow Frequency and Alberta Environment (198.1) illustrate the
Each project is designed to accommodate a type of analysis done. Application of conven-
particular flow, having a certain return period or tional economic theory would often preclude
frequency. The design flow will be equaled or implementation of drainage prolects. However,
exceeded a certain number of times during the a considerable body o' opinion does not
project life. As such, risk is implicit in the selec- recognize economic analysis as the approp-
tion of the design flood frequency. riate decision tool, but rather favours the subject-
Based on the expected life of the works and rve social approach. Further rigorous economic
the selection of the design frequency, an assess- analysis and refinement of techniques would
ment of risk can be made. This methodology is appear to add little to the dectsion-making
well established and need not be further des- process.
cribed. The fundamental point is that a project
properly designed consistent with this approach Local Input
entails a defrnable risk. The degree of .isk The need for local initiation of drainage prolects
appropriate for partrcular pro.ects is a .natter o' is mandated by the legislation, expressed in the
judgement. supplemented by analysis and guiding principles, r'eflected by the regulations
experience. and fully endorsed by the department. Evidently
local input should not end with prolect initiation,
Design Flow Values but should flow freely throughout the design
A further point of importance is the way flow is process. Local input during the design process
measured or de'ined. Frequently either ",nstan- leading to project implementation is impera-
taneous peak" values or "mean daily flows" are tive.
provided, This is largely a function of the avail-
able data base. Desrgn engineers wit'r Alberta Drainage Channel Design
Environment obtain these hydrolog c estimates The single most important technical feature of
from the Technical Services Division of the nearly all drainage projects is a stable drainage
department while designers outsrde of the channel. Several agencies have published
.t^ t^r
uuPsr tr rrur anner,li hrrrlrnlaa
ryululv\Jr)tJ ul DUU''
^',^h comprehensive gr,rdes such as the U.S, Depart-
design values. ment of Agriculture (1973) US Army Corps of
Engineers (1974), The Roads and Transporta-
Drainage versus Flood Control tion Assocration of Canada (1982), and the U.S.
One or the fundamental questions to be an- Geological Survey (1984). These references
swered relates to prolect classification. There is may be readily consulted and allow the design
no one universally accepted notion as to what engineer to arr,ve at an acceptable design.
constitutes a "flood control" on the one hand
and "drainage" on the other. The distinctions Basic Parameters
are not definitive and no formal or regulatory Regardless of the design flow and frequency
provisions are in place in Alberta to say where selected, all channels are designed to be stable
r^, +h^ aA rrl+arln Tho nhannal
drainage ends and flood control begins, Simi- 'Ul lllg >VlUltVU
^^l^^. UllfvllA, rrrur nara-
larly, erosron control is closely linked with water meters which must be established are the chan-
management and in many instances is an nel base wrdth (b), the channel slope (So) and
integral and significant part of both flood control the normal depth (dn), having regard for the
and drainage type projects. nature of the soils, topography, existing drainage
Drainage projects occupy a partrcurar niche patterns, existing constraints, to some extent
in the broad field of water resource manage- local preferences and evidently costs. Stability
ment in the rural setting. The issue is to define describes the condition in which a channel will
where and how drainage works should be not be sublect to erosion, degradation or sedi-
implemented having regard for basic principles mentation when the selected design flow is
and the efficient and timelv use of financial conveyed. lt follows that when runoff exceeds
resources, the design flow, some degree of instability will
manifest itself,
Role of Economic Analysrs
Many drainage projects in Alberta and else- Channel Hydraulics
where have been sublected to benefit-cost The hydraulics of drainage channels are largely
studies. Benefit-cost ratios typically fall 1n the defined by the well known continulty equation
range from 0.1 to 0.3. For example, economic and Manning's formula. From these equations
studies prepared by Alberta Agriculture (1970) the importance of the shape of the channel

Revue canadtenne des ressources hvdrrques / Vol. 12, No. 3, 1 987 69

cross section and the gradient is evident. The velocity often being 30 to 50 percent greater.
section must be large enough to accommodate Secondly localized conditions such as curves,
the flow, deep enough to collect excess water, bends and obstructions may give rise to local-
have a proper width to depth relationship to tzed scour.
remain stable, and to have a appropriate chan- Use of the "permissible mean velocity"
nel slope to convey water safely. approach is the initial tool for analysis, Con-
siderable judgement is required in applying text
TypicalValues book values. Silty sandy materials are much
The following represent typical values for trape- more prone to attack and as such warrant sub-
zoidal channels in erosive soils subiect to sub- stantially lower velocities, typically in the 0.6 to
critical flow: 0.7 metres per second range.
On the other hand, cohesive soils also warrant
t tr)anrh /,,{ \ Minimum : 0.3 m careful consideration. Textbook values, such as
Maximum : 2.0 m one finds for clays, permitting velocities of 1.5 to
2.0 metres per second have proven excessive
2 Width (b) Minimum : 1 m
in Alberta, Such clay materials, while usually sta-
Maximum : 15 m
ble initially, tend to lose their cohesion (and
3, Average width/depth ratio ranging from 4 to chemical bond) on the exposed surface, prob-
B. Most frequently this ratio is too low, ably due to the weathering process and/or
freeze-thaw cycles. Invariably these have led to
4. SideSlopes: MaximumislV:3Hformain- breakdown, scour, erosion and instability entail-
tenance. Ftatter for geo_ ing subsequent repair and rehabilitation.
technrcal reasons. A good means of checking the channel
5 (lhannol Slnnoc Steaq 0.001 design is to compute the tractive force at
Fiat - 0.0003 incipient scour to ensure the applicable values
for the soil are not exceeded. Sediment loading,
6. Manning's Roughness Coefficient: usually present in drainage ditches, increases
0.025 (n < 0,030, permissible velocities and tractive force values
thereby adding to stability.
These typical channel values represent the ini-
Nonetheless, the allowable average velocity
tial construction condition and a reasonably
approach is a relatively simple and practical
well marntarned channel in the longer term res-
pectively. lt should be recognized that newly tool for arriving at suitable channel design tn
typical drainage projects, provided sound engin-
excavated channels may initially have stilllower
eering ludgement, preferably based on exper-
values, while poorly maintained channels may
ience in the vicinity of the prolect, is applied
reach a substantially higher roughness, reflect-
during analysis and design, lt is not the only tool.
ing erosion, sloughing and vegetative growth.
Deviation from the 0.9 to 1.0 metres per second
Furthermore, tailwater computations for con-
values should be explained and/or rationalized
ventional hydraulic lumptype energy dissipators
when design reports are prepared.
are typically computed for both n - 0.030 and
It should be noted that most drainage pro-
n - 0.045 for the establishment of appropriate jects are designed to maintain uniform flow.
structure elevations.
Usually this approach is sufficiently accurate for
7. Mean Velocrties: Minrmum greater than analysis. The computation of the hydraulic
0.3 m/s grade line using the "standard step method"
Maximum is less than described by Chow (1959) for gradually varied
0.9 m/s. flow is initially not warranted during design but
can be readily computed using the HEC-2
Maximum mean velocities should not exceed computer program of the U.S, Army Corps of
0,9 m/s unless the competence of the material Engineers (1981). Use of regime theory, favoured
to withstand greater velocities has been estab- by many for canal design, has no application in
lished by careful analysis or proven under rlrcinaaa nrnionic
actual field conditions. A special word of cau-
tion is required as some "designers" erroneously Other Factors Affecting Design
use values as V - 0.9 m/s as the "allowable Existing utilities, facilities, road and railway
velocity" under all circumstances. Such an crossings may impose technical constraints
approach is overly simplistic. Firstly, this average and significantly affect costs.
velocity is lust "average' with the maximum The design engineer must also be cognizant

70 Canadian Water Resources Journal /Vol. 12, No, 3, 1987

of the existing channel alignment relative to the LOCaUOn
landowner's desire to achieve better land use These control structures must be incorporated
by rerouting of the channel. The farmer's wish at locations where channel gradients are
to straighten and confine ditches to margins of excessive for the soils or lining provided, unless
his field may give rise to excessive gradients regular annual maintenance to deal with result-
and/or deep excavation. While such "require- ing problems is a viable economic option,
ments" have obvious merits from the agri- Ilnnhce keel nrncrpqqirrc cfosion in the context
cultural perspective, they often are a d rect of drainage projects can not be tolerated.
a2rqo nf hrn har annci/r ralinn a^ctc l-.)rranilrr
s, vvru
related is right-of-way acquisition. All too often Hydrauilc Jump and Standard Basrns
easements stipulate certain terms to be met Undoubtedly the most effective way of dispos-
during prolect construction which are benefi- ing of excess energy is by means of the hydraul-
cial to the landowner but non-essentia{ to ic jump. The hydraulic jump has been studied
drainage. Direct land costs usually are minor extensrvery and classified according to the
as in Alberta the local authority rs generally ope'atrve Froude Number.
required to secure ands in accordance with In most drainage projects, simplified versions
the cost-sharing agreement. of the Type lll basin developed by Smith (1985)
One of the rmportant {actors af'ectrng costs and the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administra-
is the disposal of excavated material. The least tion (PFRA) achieve satistactory results.
costly method is to spoil the material next to
the newly excavated channel or in adlacent Crest Design
natural depressions. lf a new channel is dug, The crest of each control structure serves to
reclaiming the old channel by backfilling with maintain suitable upstream tlow conditions and
borrow rather than spoil, can substantially add to admit water uniformly for energy dissipation
to the costs, Furthermore farmers usually pre- in a controlled manner,
fer extensive "landscaping' o'adjacent lands Standard textbooks and references may be
at the time the drainage prolect is constructed. consulted for classical values of crest coef-
Initial stripping of topsorl and subsequent rop- fin onrc Trrninal rrelrroc erc
soiling and seeding after construction may
add sign;ficantly to prolect costs (Lindner Concrete weir for vertical drop C - 1.83
1984). Provisions must also be made for Sheetpile weir for vertical drop C - 1.77
Tvnie:l hrna.l-r:reqle.i weir C 1.71
local rnflows.
In recent years the rmportance of regular More complex shapes with higher coef-
p.eventive maintenance has been recognized. ficients have little application in drainage struc-
Accordingly access roads, fences. gates and tu res.
additional crossings may need to be incor-
porated. While these may be legitimate require- Concrete Slructures
ments they also entail signrficant costs. Nearly all concrete grade control structures
relying on hydraulic jump basins can be readily
Gradient Control Structures designed, as described by Peterka (1964), or
Some drainage channels require gradient control somewhat simplified versions, advocated by
structures to ensure long-term stability. Over the Smith (1985). Both are used extensively by
years a great many structures have been built in PFRA on the Canadian prairie, Structures are
Alberta using a variety of construction materials quite maintenance free with a design service life
on flood control, drainage and erosion control of 50 years. AII basin lengths are defined in
prolects. terrns or a ratio to the sequent depth of the hy-
draulic jump, typically ranging from 3 to 6.
Since many channels traverse relatively steep Qtoai Qhaat Dilo f)ranc
topography, drainage channels natural or In the appropriate Froude Number range, verti-
excavated, often have excessive gradients. cal drop structures are frequently built by driving
Water collected, gains too much energy leading a steel sheet pile wall across the channel and
to scour and erosion within the project area and providing a gabion basin with downstream rock
deposition and silting in downstream reaches. A riprap armour. These structures approximate
gradient control structure is introduced to dissi- the classical concrete vertical drops with stan-
n2ia ihic aY.aea ,.,,
-,,- or
,,rergy. dard basin but are trapezoidal in cross-section.

Revue canadienne des ressources hvdriques /Vol.12, No.3, 1987 71

Th^ ^-m^
| | ru Jar ur I d;^^h^'^^
rrv ,Ini+ .^n rnvoLr
urJur rdrvv ovv r.h I <
J rread
uogu f^r
rv life is uncertain but may average 15 to 20
hydraulrc .Jmp determi.latior. Drop heig'rts years.
generally do not exceed 2 m in order to limit
sheet oile oenetration and associated costs. Pipe Drops
These structures are relatively maintenance Pipe drop structures were developed for specific
free with a prolected service life of 35 years. apprcarior-s, mar y in tl'e inigatron sector. and have
Timber sheet piling is not longer used because relatively poor f low characteristics when design
of driving difficulty, fire susceptibility and cost. flows are exceeded. They are also frequently
Similarly all piling is now driven to grade rather subject to icing during warm spells or chinook
than buried and backfilled. conditrons common io southern Alberta. Accor-
dingly, pipe drops have found few applications
Gabion Drops in surface water drainage projects in Alberta,
During the last decade, Alberta Environment
has developed standard gabion drop struc- Other Structure lnnovattons
tures which have found wide aoolication in Synthetic materials as underlays to replace
many parts of north-west Alberta on drainage, granular filter systems and the use of manufac-
flood control and erosion control prolects. Over tured interlocking block systems hold promise
100 such structures have been built to date. and will probably find wider application in the
The design was pioneered and standardized future. Similarly the use of plant material in con-
by Alberta Environment (1982) The design has junction with the traditional inert construction
the benefit of hydraulic model testing described materials of concrete, rock and steel is being
by Mah (.1981), field monitoring of a prototype pioneered in Europe as reported by Schuler
during spring runoff and a systematic follow up (1971). Flaxstraw drops developed in Sas-
inspection program descrbed by Sharp (1985), katchewan as described by Pelech (1979) and
C*ute slopes are typically lV:6H. Various prefabricated structures used in irrigation so far
fa2tr rac and 2anaatc ral2iad tn daqrnn end have seen little application in surface water
.^^l;^-t,^^ vr I hn,,a
avFriruar rln r h^a^
I 14vY or>u rhlichad
uEsr I puu'rrr nra-
ruu vre dra,nage prorects in Alberta. These develop-
viously by Lindner (1983, 1984). These struc- ments are being monitored to establish their
lr rraa a ra ahnr ri ?6 nar^ani laee an ctl\/ thtn practicability and performance with a view to
conventional concrete construction, reasonably ascertaining their potential.
maintenance free with a projected service life oI
25 years. Structure Selectron
Normally all these structure types can be ade-
Rock Chute Drops quately designed with a fair degree of certainty
Thic lrrno nf clrr rnir rro nnncicic nf adonrtetalrr- that they will withstand the forces exerted by
sized rocks piaced on a flat chute slope of suffi- runoff. The technical integrity, public safety and
cient width to limit unit discharges. The design the functional oblectives are usually met al-
must be carefully done to ensure that these though each type of structure has certain uni-
three basic parameters are properly balanced nrro
sr!, rleq The seleCtton O' the mOSt
for the design flow. Typically the available size appropriate type for grade control in drainage
of rock governs the slope and w dth of the struc- prolects is largely a question of economy. The
ture. Medium rock sizes of 500 mm, slopes at cost is greatly influenced by site conditions and
lV:BH and widths to lO m have been used, local availability of construction materials. Tim-
The ma.or weakness of type of structure ing of construction also is very important as
is inherent rn the use of rocks. When the design weather and climate favour conventional con-
discharge is exceeded some of the rock will be struction during summer and fall, Similarly the
transported down the chute, progressive failure users' expectations as to capital cost, opera-
is initiated, and concluded by complete collapse. tion and maintenance, operating characteris-
Repair o[ the erosion site and complete re- tics and projected service life influence the
building or replacement are a realistic scenario. selection made in the context of prevailing cost-
These structures are attractive because of ini- sharing policies.
tial low cost especially if a local source of suit-
able rock is readily available. Some annual Culverts
maintenance is indicated with major re-building Nearly all drarnage prolects use culverts In one
anticipated each time the design flow is signifi- form or another. On most prolects they entail
cantly exceeded. This greater inherent risk o1 significant costs and are essential ingredients.
failure must be recognized. Expected project Although they are a simple structure, they often

72 Canadian Water Resources Journal /Yol. 12, No. 3, 1987

do not receive sufficient attention durino hydraulics and has gained some hands-on
desrgn. experience the use of these comprehensive
design aids is invaluable.
F u ncti o n al R e q u i re me nts It is important that the designer check both
The culvert is basically an artificial conduit in a inlet and outlet controlto ensure that the culvert
water course to convey flow and to provide functions adequately, In most practical situations
farm access. Culverts can also provide a de- there is no reliable way of ascertaining which
nraa nf nrr^a nnntrnl condition prevails. Inlet treatment is quite impor-
tant and should be tailored to the project. Pond-
Attributes of a Good Culvert ing should be avoided, Submergence generally
A great deal of information has been published should be avoided to minimize desiqn com-
on culvert design, Perhaps the best overall sum- plications.
mary has been provided by an ASCE Task
Force on Hydraulics of Culverts. lts 13 state- Culvert Material
ments have been adopted as the guiding Alberta Environment uses primarily CSP culverts
principles for culverts designed by Alberta because of ease of handling and cost. Con-
Environment. crete culverts initially tend to be about 25 per-
cent more costly and pose transportation and
Culvert Hydraulics handling difficulties. CSPs exhibit flexibility while
Analysis of culverts can be complex. In its sim- concrete pipes are relatively rigid. These attri-
plest form the culvert represents a constriction butes may be advantageous in a particular
in the channel which causes certain loss of hy- application, However mixing of materials is
draulic head. The total loss is the summation of avoided.
the entrance loss, the frictional loss in the con- Timber box culverts and woodstave oioes
duit plus the outlet loss, all expressed as a func- are no longer used by Alberta Environment
tion of the velocity head in the culvert barrel, given the relative superiority of both CSPs and
The entrance loss reflects the type of en- concrete pipe. The expected servrce life of
trance employed with typical loss coefficients CSPs is about 20 years while concrete pipes
being 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 for headwall, metered and should be serviceable for 40 to 50 years.
projecting configurations respectively. Similar
values apply to concrete pipe. Culverts for Grade Control
The frictional loss may be computed by The basic principles of good culvert design still
assigning the appropriate Manning roughness apply except additional special attention is
coefticient "n" as follows: given to the culvert outlet. Typically rock riprap
protection can be orovided for terminal veloci-
n: 0.024 CSP
: ties to about 4 m/s. Greater velocities require
n 0,026 SPCSP
more elaborate provisions such as gabion mats
n: 0,014 Concrete
or full terminal structures. The two basic
The newer helical CSPs exhibit somewhat aooroaches available for erosion control are
lower relative roughness due to the helical flow either reduce velocities or find ways to resist
and the absence of bolts may be analysed as them. A carefully prepared design seeks to
outlined by Smith (1985). minimize the velocity increase and also pro-
Generally the culvert is placed on a slope to vides adequate downstream armour. The extent
permit drainage but not so steep as to cause of downstream rock protection is set equal to
undue acceleration of the flow within the oioe. three oioe diameter for each one metre of
Normally the culvert rs designed to avoid pond- velocity reduction sought. The appropriate
ing at the inlet during design discharge con- median rock size is determined from empirical
ditions and flow almost full over its entire expressron based on outlet velocity.
Culvert Safety
Design Aids Given the culvert's limited increase in flow
Trade associations such as American lron and capacity as the head increases, overtopping is
Steel Institute (1984) and the Portland Cement a realistic possibility. For this reason the design
Association (1964) have published design aids usually limits the head build-up at the inlet, This
and monographs which facilitate quick analysis is done by providing a swale or low point where
and design of culverts for most situations, Once the water can escape without causing a great
the designer understands the theory of culvert deal of damage. In this manner washout and

Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques /Vol.12, No, 3, 1987 73

n,ninn failrrres o' ihc crlVert inStallatlon are instantaneous peak flow values are provided
avoided. for the various frequencies. These are con-
sidered to be reasonable values to be used dur-
Culvert Design Standard ing the preliminary design. Subsequently, once
Given the frequent and extensive use of CSPs in the drainage project has been better defined,
drainage projects a separate design standard and an alternative has been selected for final
has been adopted by Alberta Environment design, the preliminary hydrologic estimates
(1982) for typical farm and road crossings, Pro- should be confirmed, Hydrographs should be
vided the instructions are adhered to a reason- developed for the detailed design. This will
able culvert design can be quickly prepared for allow consideration of storage effects and
most drainage projects. associated flood routing. Alternatively, the use
of mean daily flows may be appropriate, if these
Other Agencies effects can not be firmly established or are
Other agencies such as railways, highway rgnoreo.
departments and municipal authorities may
have more stringent requirements which need Design Process
to be recognized. For example, while the drain- The design process is initiated by the local
age project may be designed throughout for the authority and implementation ceases when the
1O-year period flood, Alberta Transportation completed drainage project is turned over to
may require the culvert under their secondary the local authority. In between the problems are
highway to be designed for the 25-year flow. defined, alternatives designed and costed, and
lndividual consultation and soecific desiqn is solutions advanced in several discrete steps.
requlreo. The department typically conducts two types of
design studies; feasibility design (Level l) and
lmplementation Process final design (Level ll), Occasionally conceptual
Surface water drainage projects can be suitably designs are also prepared. The salient features
and consistently implemented by adhering to and rationale of each are described in subse-
the basic criteria outlined. The selection of the quent seclons.
appropriate design flow and frequency and
('nnoonlt tel f)ocinn
following the design process indicated should vvIvvHruu,

ensure that the basic requirements and fune- This level of investigation is largely an "office
tional objectives are met. study" drawing on readily available information
without a great deal of field work. Problems are
Design Hydrology identified and possible solutions explored,
Most drainage projects are designed to func- largely relying on experience and ludgement in
tion adequately for flows up to a certain return the analysis, The basic purpose of the "concep-
period. When flows of rarer frequency occur, the tual design" is to explore conceptual solutions,
drainage work functions less well and indeed provide order-of-magnitude estimates, and to
may fall as a whole or in part, In dra nage pro- ascertarn whether or not, and what kind of
jects, this design frequency is typically selected follow-up investigation may be indicated, The
on the basis of experience and ludgement with project area is usually visited by the design
5-year to 10-year return periods being common engineer during the course of the investigation
values used in Alberta, to develop an appreciation of the project, gain
Occasionally, a frequency as low as 2.3 familiarity and to note special or unique features.
years, presumably equal to the "dominant dis- Cost estimates target f 35 percent. Concep-
charge,'is used, This results in a very Iow level tual designs, if done at all, are more likely pre-
of develooment and limited effectiveness. The pared on complex large-scaled drainage
entire notion of "dominant discharge" does not prolects, or when quick but cursory evaluation
enjoy universal acceptance and as such its use is desired.
as a drainage criterion is dubious,
On the other hand, the 2)-year return period Feasibiilty Design (Level I)
for design of drainage works is difficult to sus- This type of study is the primary decision-
tain, With intensive development higher expen- making tool to ascertain technical feasibility
ditures usually are a barrier even if greater and associated costs. Once initiated at the local
benefits are achieved. level. appropriate field surveys are conducted
The second hydrologic input is largely gov- and drilling and laboratory testing of soils as

erned by the available data base. Typically, done, A site inspection is normally conducted

Canadian Water Besources Journal /Yol. 12, No, 3, 1987

early during the design and subsequent site design (Level l), including the essential ele-
visit(s) to access specific issues are required. mentR n{ thtr nnn.pntr r:lizatiOn. The Level I

Typically the channel cross-sections are taken Design Report is the basic decision-making
every 40 m to 100 m and all structure sites are tool. This report defines the purpose, docu-
drilled and logged. Subsequently preliminary ments the data, investigates alternative solutions,
hydraulic, geotechnical and structural designs establishes and reaches certain conclusions, In
are prepared. The channel, grade control struc- other words, the technical integrity of the solu-
ture and culverts are designed. Alternative tion and cost thereof are established. Informed
solutions for the S-year and 1O-year return decision can then logrcally follow.
penod are conceived, developed, analysed The second step of design, assuming an af-
and costed with appropriate conclusions and firmative decision, is to prepare a frnal design
recommendations made. (Level ll) of the selected alternative for the proj-
Special issues such as land acquisitron, ect in question. The design approach is consis-
safety and environmental impacts are identified tent with the concept of the preliminary design
and also addressed in the Level I design report. :nrl loadq fn 2.^mnlata tan.lar aaa?eaa
Cost estimates are to + 20 percent. This techni- facilitating subsequent construction.
cal report and the merits (benefits) assigned to
the project determine whether implementation Closure
is appropriate. An affirmative decision will also Most surface water drainage prolects in rural
target the preferred alternative for frnal design, Alberta follow these two discrete steps in the
budgeting and cost-sharing. A negative deci- design process. As such it provides for local
sion often leads to a reconsideration of the oroi- input, reasonable project documentation, tech-
ect in light of findings, perhaps a change in nical analysis and feedback, to achieve func-
scope, and probably resurrection at a later tional and cost effective solutions to drainaqe
oate. prooiems.

Final Design (Level ll) References

During final design, the selected alternative as Alberta Agriculture. 1 970. "The Namepi-Kennedy
identified during the Level I study and supple- Creek Project, An Economic Feasibility Study."
mentary instruction if any, are carefully reviewed,
Final design thoroughly investigates all aspects Alberta Environment, 1980, "Alberta Water
of all project components. Site inspection by the
Management and Erosion Control Program."
desrgn engineer of the entire prolect area is Alberta Environment. 98 1 . "An Economic Study

considered essential with special attention paid of the Namepi-Kennedy Drainage Project,"
to specifrc problem areas. Follow-up inspec-
tions will be done as required to achieve Alberta Environment. l982. "Construction Report
solutions to outstanding issues, Additional sur- No, 1 Namepi-Kennedy Creek Project,1977-
veys, drilling and laboratory analysis will be 78 to 1981-82."
undertaken as required. Typically channel cross Alberta Environment. 1980. "Drainaqe Districts
sections are taken at 20 m intervals and all Act." fr S.A., Chapter D-39
structure sites, and potential material sources
are Investigated. Alberta Environment, 1980. "Water Resources
Detailed hydraulic, geotechnical and structur- Act," R.S.A., Chapter W-5.
al designs are prepared for the channel, grade American lron and Steel Institute. 1984. "Hand-
control structures, culverts and related works. book of Steel Drainage and Highway Construc-
Design drawrngs and written specifications are tion Products." Canadian Edition. W,P. Reymen
prepared and compiled as a formal tender pack- Associates, Inc.. New York.
age. A confrdential "engineers estimate' geared
to be within 1 0 percent of the low bid is prepared Environment Conservation Authority. 1976.
to facilitate evaluation of the bids rece ved, Upon "Erosion of Land in Northwestern Alberta."
implementation "as-built" drawings or "as- Report and Recommendations.
constructed" reports are prepared as illustrated Lindner, D,H. 1983, "Application and Design
by Alberta Environment (1982). Practise of Gabion Structures in Alberta." Cana-
dtan Society for Civil Engineering. Proceedings
Usual Design Approach of 6th Canadian Hydrotechnrcal Conference,
Most drainage projects are prepared by doing Vol. 1. Ottawa. p, 55.
investigations that comply with the preliminary

Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques /Yol.12, No. 3, 1987 75

Lrndner, D.H. 1984, "Design and Construction of Alberta Chapter, Annual Conference, Urban
the Namepi-Kennedy Drainage Pro.ect in and Rural Runoff Management, Edmonton.
Alberta," Proceedtngs of the Third Annual Tupper, D.A. I985. "Overview of Legislative and
Western Provrncial Conference. Winnipeg. p, Program Framework for Drainage in Alberta "
379. Proceedings of the Third Annual Western Pro-
Mah, J. 198'1. "Hydraulic Model Studies of Ber- vincial Conference. Winnipeg. p, 25.
wyn Stepped Drop." University of Alberta, United States Army, Corps of Engineers. 1970.
Faculty of Graduate Studies, M. Eng. Thesis. "Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels "
Pelech, Harry.1979. "Development and Use of Washington, D.C,
a Flexible Grade Control Structure." Canadian United States Army, Corps of Engineers l98l.
Society of Agricultural Engineering, Summer "HEC-2 Water-surface Profiles, Users Manual."
Meeting, Winnipeg. Paper 79-2014.
Computer Program 723-X6-L2O2A, Davis, Cali-
Peterka, A.J. 1964. "Hydraulic Design of Stilling fornia,
Basins and Energy Dissipators." U.S. Bureau of
United States Bureau of Reclamation 1974.
Reclamation, Engineering Monograph No. 25. "Design of Small Canal Structures." Denver,
Portland Cement Association. 1964, "Hand- Colorado.
book of Concrete Culvert Pipe Hydraulics." United States Department of Agriculture. 1977.
Roads and Transportation Association of Soils Conservation Service. "Design of Open
Canada. 1982. Drainage Manual,Vol. 1. Channels." Technical Release No. 25.
Schluter, Uwe. 1971. "Lebensbau" (Live con- United States Department of Agriculture. 1973.
struction), Verlag Georg Callwey, Munchen, Soils Conservation Service. "Drainage of Agri-
(Munich). cultural Land."
Smith, C.D. 1985. "Hydraulic Structures." Uni- United States Geological Survey. 1984. "Com-
versity of Saskatchewan. putation of Water-surface Profiles in Open
Channels." U.S. Government Printing Office,
Sharp. R, 1985. "Gabion Structure Evaluation." Washington, D.C,
Canadian Water Resources Association, Alberta
Branch and Soil Conservation Society of America,

FIGURE 1: Institutional Setting


cosr SHARtNG : Mirt /Yr




- " PnovrNcraL PRoJECTS

76 Canadian Water Resources Journal /Yol. 12, No 3, 1987

FIGURE 2: Basic Obiectives FIGURE 3: Proiect Parameters







FIGI RE 4: Technlcal Prrarrctors





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Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques /Yol'12, No. 3, 1987

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7B Canadian Water Resources Journal / Vol. 12, No. 3, 1987

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