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• Aerobic activities are also called “cardio” exercise. Normally, these activities increase our heart and breathing rate.
This cause us to sweat profusely and breathe harder. Our heart pumps blood more vigorously, causing oxygen to
circulate throughout our body. This allows us to sustain aerobic exercise for a few minutes.

• Ex. jogging, running,swimming,and dancing • Benefits: Help lower risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and

Guidelines for Aerobic Exercise


 Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. When doing cardio exercise, especially to lose
weight, frequency is an important factor to make it more effective. Start cardio exercises for at least 3 days a week
for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days' rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase
the frequency of exercise to 5 days a week.


•To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity, that is, our heart rate should be 60 to 80%
of our maximum heart rate.


• More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in endurance. We can at
least do 20 minutes per session at first, then gradually increase it to 60 minutes.


• Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as basketball are some activities that we can
do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try diffirent exercises and activities to avoid boredom.


• Muscle strengthening activities are exercises in which groups of muscles work or hold against a force or some
weight. Muscle strengthening activities help build good muscle strength. When muscles do more work, It becomes
stronger. Therefore, haing strong and healthy muscles enable us to perform everyday physical task.

• Ex. push-ups, sit-ups,squats, and lifting


• Bone growth is stimulated by physical stress brought about by physical activity. As skeletal muscles contract, they
pull their attachment on bones causing physical stress. This consequently stimulates bone tissues, making it stronger
and thicker. Such bone strengthening activities can increase density throughout our skeletal system. This is called
bone hypertrophy.
• Ex. running, skipping rope, and playing basketball can make our bones fit.
How to optimize the energy systems for safe
and improved performance?
Stages of training

1. Warm up
2. Energy fitness
3. Muscular fitness
4. Cool down

1. Warm Up
 Begin each session with a warm up designed for your sport.
 Low energy – high skill sports – include stretching and skill rehearsal.
 Adequate warm up prevents injury and helps prepare athletes psychologically for the event.
 Stretches should be to the point of discomfort and then hold for 5-10 seconds.
 Stretch the muscles required for the activity, stretch the ones that are more easily injured and those that you have
had difficulties with in the past.

2. Energy fitness
 This is the bodies’ ability to store and use fuels efficiently to power particular muscle contractions.
 Coaches must match the energy demands of the sport in training.
Energy Pathways - The energy that muscles use to contract comes from two systems:
 Aerobic – with oxygen
 Anaerobic – without oxygen
 The system used will depend on the availability of oxygen and on the intensity and duration of the activity.

Oxygen Deficit
 At the start of exercise – where needs are immediate – oxygen consumption takes several minutes to meet
required levels.
 Steady state – when oxygen demands meets supply

Aerobic Foundation
 Training for aerobic fitness helps to toughen ligaments, tendons and connective and reduces the risk of injury.
 It also lays the foundation upon which all future practices and performances are built.

3. Muscular Fitness
 This includes strength, endurance, power, speed and flexibility.
 Experienced athletes often do strength training in the off season to build muscle size and force and then proceed to
add endurance and power during the season.
 Each component of muscular fitness can be enhanced by resistance training

4. Cool Down
 Important to prevent pooling of blood.
 Plan a cool down for each session.
 After easy jogging or easy aerobic movements, do stretching exercises to reduce the chance of delayed, muscles

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