Funteachtic Learning Center Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora ST., Batangas City

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Reviewer in English VII

First Quarterly Assessment

I. Determine what part of speech is indicated in each of the underlined word in the following sentences.
___________ 1. We walk across the bridge.
___________ 2. A peacock walked through our yard.
___________ 3. The dog howled.
___________ 4. The caring father rocked the baby.
___________ 5. The shuttle flew into space.
___________ 6. The extremely cute koala hugs its mom very tightly.
___________ 7. The frog sat in the flower.
___________ 8. The loving mother comforted the baby.
___________ 9. The hummingbird sat and waited.
___________ 10. Wow! That jump is amazing.
II. Using the rules in subject-verb agreement, encircle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.
11. Your friend (talk, talks) too much.
12. The boys (walk, walks) to school every day.
13. The weather on the coast (appear, appears) to be good this weekend.
14. Everybody (was, were) asked to remain quiet.
15. Nobody in the class (has, have) the answer.
16. Margo and her parents (visit, visits) each other often.
17. Either the workers or the boss (deliver, delivers) the merchandise.
18. Mumps (is, are) one of the most uncomfortable diseases.
19. It (doesn’t, don’t) seem so cold today.
20. A pound of cookies (cost, costs) about a dollar.
III. Identify the terms that is describe by the following statement. Choose the correct terms from the box and
write it on the space provided.
Nasal cavity soft palate tongue alveolar ridge jaw respiratory system
lips lungs hard palate vocal cord teeth larynx articulatory system mouth

__________21. A system that is used to produce sounds.

__________22. It is the two small membranes in the throat that produce the sound of the voice.
__________23. It is used in the production of several consonant sounds like /p/, /b/, /m/ and others.
__________24. It is used in the production of the consonant sounds /f/ and /v/.
__________25. It is the hard part at the top of the mouth.
__________26. It is the slightly rough area behind the top teeth. The tongue touches it when saying the
sounds /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /l/ and /n/.
__________27. This is where the sound production begins.
__________28. It is involved producing all the sounds of English, consonants and vowels.
__________29. It moves up and down to allow the mouth to open and close.
funTEACHtic Learning Center
Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City
__________30. It is the space inside the nose where air passes in and out when we breathe through our
nose. It is important in producing sounds /m/, /n/ and etc.
__________31. It is the softer part of the roof of the mouth, farther back than hard palate and it is also
called velum.
IV. Write the letter of the correct stress patterns for the following sentences on the space provided.
_______ 32. Can you take me a picture? A. pícture B. pictúre
_______ 33. We will watch a movie today. A. tóday B. todá y
_______ 34. He is the employee of the year. A. é mployee B. employé e
_______ 35. She has lot of assumptions in mind. A. assúmption B. assumptíon
V. Identify the literature being described on the following.
__________36. A narrative that handed down from the past about the origin of a particular place or thing.
__________37. It consists of verses, with measure and rhyme, line and stanza, and has a melodious tone.
__________38. A long narrative divided by chapters and events.
__________39. It is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and single expression.
__________40. It is an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural control.
__________41. A song that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such style.
__________42. Words of wisdom
__________43. Stories about gods, goddesses, and supernatural beings
VI. Complete the table below.
Elements of the Story Legend of Maria Makiling The Good Prince The Tale of Marinduque
Main Character 44. 48. 52.
Setting 45. 49. 53.
Mood 46. 50. 54.
Theme 47. 51. 55.

Prepared by:

funTEACHtic Learning Center

Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City
Reviewer in English VII
First Quarterly Assessment
Answer key:
1. Pronoun 21. articulatory system 41. Folksongs
2. Noun 22. vocal cord 42. Proverbs
3. Noun 23. lips 43. Myths
4. Adjective 24. teeth 44. Maria Makiling
5. Verb 25. hard palate 45. Talipapa
6. Adverb 26. alveolar ridge 46. Love
7. Preposition 27. lungs 47. Loving your fellow people
8. Verb 28. tongue 48. Prince Bantugan
9. Conjunction 29. jaw 49. Kingdom of Bumbaran
10. Interjection 30. nasal cavity 50. sad
11. talks 31. soft palate 51. power and jealousy
12. walk 32. A 52. Maring/Duque
13. appears 33. B 53. Mountain
14. was 34. B 54. Love
15. has 35. A 55. Freedom to choose whom to
16. visit 36. legends
17. delivers 37. poetry
18. is 38. novel
19. doesn’t 39. short story
20. costs 40 epic

funTEACHtic Learning Center

Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City

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