Vesper Creative

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Narrative Details: While Tungkung Langit is away, Alunsina doubted

Tungkung Langit’s faith and love. She started getting jealous and sent
some breeze to spy Tungkung Langit.

Tungkung Langit: You’ve done something wrong to me, Alunsina.

Alunsina: What? What did I do?

TL: While I was away, I felt like the wind is following me and you’re
the only one who can control it.

A: What are you talking about?

ND: Tungkung Langit gets really mad at Alunsina because she’s not
telling him the truth.

TL: Why did you do it? Don’t you trust me?

A: No, I trust you but I feel threatened while you’re away.

TL: You are just blinded with your jealousy. I did everything just to
make you feel loved.

A: I only did it because I’m scared of losing you.

TL: No. You’re only giving me a reason to push you away.

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