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West Visayas State University

Iloilo City



Cedie C. Bataga

Bryan N. Casaig

Kaith Pearl A. Mallorca

Chapter 1

The Problem

Chapter 1 is divided into five parts: (1) Background and Theoretical

Framework of the Study; (2) Objectives of the Study; (3) Significance of the Study;

(4) Definition of Terms; and, (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, provides the

background, justifies the needs and reasons for conducting the study, and

presents the theory which will be used as the anchor of the study.

Part Two, Objectives of the Study, presents the general and specific

objectives of the study.

Part Three, Instruments, presents the gathering tools that will be used during

the study.
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Iloilo City

Part Four, Procedure, states the steps as on how the study will be conducted.

Part Five, Data Analysis, presents the statistical tool that will be used in the

analysis of the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

The first words are often the hardest, even when they come easily. The first

words are ones that open up a new world, introduce us to new characters, ones

that we might not necessarily be acquainted with, at least not in action even if you

have filled the pages of a notebook with character traits and have countless

images pinned on a Pinterest board. For a writer, the beginning is the most testing

time of writing. The road ahead seems so long and in between those stretches of

road where things seem partially illuminated, the overall route feels very dimly lit.

Such is the art of writing (Carnevale, 2016).

Considered as a ‘complex, cognitive process that requires sustained

intellectual effort over a considerable period of time’ , writing makes necessary the

need to organize the development of ideas or information; ambiguity in meaning

must be avoided through accuracy; the writer must choose from complex

grammatical devices for emphasis or focus; and finally, they must pay attention to

the choice of vocabulary, grammatical patterns and sentence structures to create a

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Iloilo City

feasible meaning and an appropriate style to the subject matter and reader

(Hedge, 2005).

As time flew by, writing has developed a standardized method. This is equally

important to the very purpose of writing, which is the capability of carrying a

message of expression and information. Writing in any means has been commonly

accepted as an active non- verbal language in the world. Professionals and

students alike ponder writing as their personal expertise. Therefore, many people,

particularly communication major students, ought to master the technique of

writing (Nurdquist, 2018).

Moreover, as a communication practitioner, one who will go through the

process, being able to know the steps, techniques and aspects of writing is a must.

Being embedded in the studies of communication, one must be able to organize

the ideas, construct the sentences, use punctuation, and spelling well. Besides,

they must be able to arrange their writing into consistent and well-organized


Consequently, mastering the techniques, methods and practices of writing

is an important value a communication student must have. By grasping these,

students can improve themselves both in academic and life skill. It has always

occupied a place in most communication courses, particularly in journalism and

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Iloilo City

broadcasting. To be an effective future media practitioner, communication

students must have good capability in writing. After being placed at the tail of the

language skills for decades, writing has seen as an important skill for

communication students. It is well recognized that the student’s ability to write is a

very important means of instruction (Walsh, 2010).

Writing is a complex activity. It is of a fundamental importance to teaching,

to personal development and achievement into the educational system (Melouk,

2013). Therefore, written communication is considered to be one of the most

critical competencies for students who take up communication courses.

Emphasis on writing skills suggests the need for assessments of writing

proficiency to inform curricular and instructional improvement (Sparks et al.,


Writing skill offers a way of communicating one’s thought and feelings on

paper. So the message must be loud and clear between the teacher and the

students. According to Clifford, (1991), the teacher has to encourage learners to

write for communication. They should focus on the ideas and meanings they wish

to convey rather than on mechanics of writing, such as spelling, and handwriting.”

The teachers play an important role in teaching writing and they are the only ones

who could help prevent problems of writing that could slow the process of learning
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Iloilo City

English, specifically writing. It can be done by encouraging students to write to

communicate student to student, student to teachers, etc.

Many of them consider writing as a passion and an addiction. It offers escape

and wonder and teaches lessons of human life. They feel persevered into the

thread of consciousness, the pulse of humanity. It is satisfying to write about the

young life of President Rodrigo Duterte or the growth of the economy — the concept

of the yellow journalism and what are the latest trends in fashion and style.

Journalist, PR specialist, historian, health communicator, sports editor— the world

awaits through an invitation of a good article (Penn, 2012).

Writing gives the opportunity to the students to be adventurous with the

language, to take the risk and to go further of what is learned to talk about. The

teachers of writing classes who teach writing techniques and principle are aware of

the difficulties involved in the process of learning how to master the different types

of writing tasks and how to produce fairly coherent, accurate, meaningful and

proper composition (Shouman, 2002).

The psychiatrist Frankl in 1942 posited that the main search of mankind is

not happiness or pleasure but meaning. He wrote in Man’s Search for Meaning that

life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and

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Iloilo City

Writers are uniquely gifted to find meaning for their selves and to help others

find meaning. In fact, this has always been the main task of storytellers. Every

story matters to the person living it, and our job is to tell the universal stories, the

stories that reveal the story of every person on the earth. We write to bring

meaning to the world (Bunting, 2012).

Communication students find writing a tedious process. As mentioned,

communication teachers find writing a difficult skill to teach. Writing skill involves

planning, writing, editing, and perhaps rewriting and these skills are not easily

taught nor learnt. Psychologists believe that expectations play a very important

role in students' success in learning. Writing teachers would agree that among

some of the reasons why students cannot write well is because they perceived

writing as ”difficult” (Rahmat et al., 2017).

Writing problems seldom occur in inaccessibility and improvements in writing

go hand in hand with the development of other non-writing-specific skills. Thus, a

problem with the development in one of these areas is likely to interfere with a

student’s progress as a writer (Zsuzsi, 2017).

Many areas of professions are facing writing difficulties today, and the mass

media field is not exempted to this. It is a common reality that there are media

practitioners who fails to write news and information accurately. Thus, resort for
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

the mass media consumers to raise question about credibility and performance as

a practitioner (Porral, et al., 2014).

Although one of the most influential field, the communication and writing

profession in today’s 21st century is not exempted to face various problems.

Problems may vary from political, social, economic or personal. However, in this

current era of great economic, political, technical, and cultural upheaval,

communication educators and trainers worldwide have an unprecedented

opportunity to fortify and significantly shape the future of journalism profession

thus making plenty of rooms to make writing problems narrower. In the end,

improving writing performance requires both time and work (Goodman, n.d.).

This is what should be future writers knew. Especially the neophytes. If they

push past the discomfort by treating their first draft with gentleness and

reverence, there will come a point that his or her story will take hold of him or her,

instead of them taking hold of the story. With every sentence of dialogue, with

every scene, with every article they almost take a back seat as their characters

show us where they want the story to lead (Carnevale, 2016). This is indeed the

beauty of writing.

Meanwhile, difficulties encountered by WVSU communication students in

writing remained an issue. This study aims to contribute and compensate for
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Iloilo City

the absence of information

As AB Journalism students, being able to write well is a must since they are

expected to raise the banner of journalism especially the writing discipline.

Therefore, there is a need to conduct this study because this will find out the

difficulties students faced on the said field, and somehow, future practitioners will

have the opportunity of adjusting on the writing difficulties and pursue possible

solutions on the mistakes confronted when it comes to writing.

Aside from pioneering the study, the researchers’ account for doing the

research is to point communication students’ encountered difficulties in writing so

to give them a heads up on matters that need to be learned on future writing


It is desired that this study would contribute to the advancement of the

students as well as the convenience of the WVSU communication students by

knowing the reasons through ranking the frequency of the participants’ answers.

As mentioned, writing is one of the most basic fields in a communication

course. Thus, the researchers recognized the need for discussing the basics in

writing articles and proses and therefore, this study would not only recognize the

difficulties but also will reinforce those and will serve as a tool in educating and

them to be more interested of the field.

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Iloilo City

By conducting the study, the researchers believe that this can contribute to

the existing body of knowledge.

This study utilized Social Cognitive Theory as an anchor.

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) started as the Social Learning Theory (SLT) in

the 1960s by Albert Bandura. It developed into the SCT in 1986 and posits that

learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the

person, environment, and behavior. SCT considers the unique way in which

individuals acquire and maintain behavior (Behavioral Change Model, 2016).

The theory suggests that people maintains certain behavioral patterns whilst

providing basis for intervention strategies. Evaluating behavioral change depends

on the factors environment, people and behavior. SCT provides a framework for

designing, implementing and evaluating programs (Communication Studies

Theories, 2017).

Environment refers to the factors that can affect a person’s behavior. There

are social and physical environments. Social environment include family members,

friends and colleagues. Physical environment is the size of a room, the ambient

temperature or the availability of certain foods. Environment and situation provide

the framework for understanding. The situation refers to the cognitive or mental

representations of the environment that may affect a person’s behavior.

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

The situation is a person’s perception of the lace, time, physical features and

activity (Glanz et al, 2002).The Social Cognitive Theory was applied in the study by

measuring the difficulties encountered in writing among communication students

of West Visayas State University.

This construct grew out of the theoretical framework developed by Bandura

(1986) focusing on the influence of acquired and maintained behavior. The writing

difficulties are the acquired and maintain behavior of communication students in

these context, making writing the “situation” difficult in the mindset of students.

Bandura supports that students should be encouraged to develop and

nurture self- efficacy such attribute during the course of their education. Students

who possess self-efficacy belief personally will be productive, organized and

independent in carrying out tasks that would result in performance effectively.

According to Knight and Yorke (2003) it is not adequate to have a set of cognitive,

social, emotional and behavioral sub-skills, but it is crucial to integrate them into

experiences faced by undergraduates before they graduate. Based on these

premises, self-efficacy plays an important part in personal development, therefore

it is a very significant factor to counter challenges in writing.

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the writing difficulties encountered by WVSU

communication students.

Specifically, it seeks answers the following questions:

(1) How are the writing difficulties ranked among the WVSU

communication students when taken as a whole and classified according to:

(a) sex,

(b) Field of Specialization, and

(c) GWA?

(2) Are there differences in writing difficulties among the WVSU

communication students when taken as a whole and classified according to:

(a) sex,

(b) Field of Specialization, and

(c) GWA?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may be beneficial to the following groups of people

in the following context:

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Iloilo City

Communication professors, may be made aware of the difficulties

encountered by their students in writing, and so they can find ways and means to

address them.

Communication students, may be given an idea about the difficulties they

may encounter in writing, thus could develop a mechanism to counter or solve

them and may hone their skills and improve weak areas in writing which can help

in their future profession in the media and writing industry.

Parents may be given ideas about the difficulties of their children when it

comes to writing and eventually improve, support and enrich their child’s writing


The Writing enthusiasts, especially those who are amateurs can benefit from

this study because they can get information in regards to possible difficulties they

may encounter in the field of writing and can think of strategies to overcome


Future Researchers may use this study as future reference for parallel

researches that they will be conducting, or as basis for determining trend of

writing difficulties.
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Definition of Terms

For purpose of clarity and understanding of the study, certain important

terms used was defined conceptually and operationally as follows:

Communication--is the transfer of information form one person to another.

It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, feelings, thoughts, facts and

values (Newstrom and Davis, 2015).

In this study, communication referred to the field of study of the participants.

Difficulties--a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal

with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome ( Dictionary,


In this study, difficulties referred to the hardship and uneasiness encountered

by WVSU Communication students in writing.

Encounter--to experience something, especially something unpleasant

(Cambridge Dictionary, 2018).

In this study, encounter referred to an experience in writing by WVSU

Communication students.

GWA (General Weighted Average)--is a representation (often numerical) of

the overall scholastic standing of students used for evaluation (Academic Grading

in the Philippines, n.d.).

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

In this study, GWA referred to the classification of participants whether high,

average and low.

Major--is a college or university student's field of specialization during his or

her associates or undergraduate studies (Molfoff, 2018).

In this study, major is the field of concentration among WVSU

Communications students.

Sex--the distinguishing property, quality, or assemblage of properties by

which organisms are classified as female, male, or intersex on the basis of their

reproductive organs and functions (Boundless Psychology, n.d.).

In this study, sex referred to the classification of the participants whether

male or female.

Students--are persons who studies an attentive and systematic educational

institution or those who formally attends school (Collins Dictionary, n.d).

In this study, students referred to the Communication students of West

Visayas State University.

West Visayas State University--is a state university in the Western Visayas

region of the Philippines with its main campus in La Paz, Iloilo City. It is one of the

twenty accredited Philippine Universities of the University Mobility in Asia and the

Pacific (Philippines Universities and Colleges Guide, n.d.)

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

In this study, West Visayas State University referred to the place where the

study will be conducted.

Writing--is a series of activities going on and involves several phases, the

preparatory phase, and the content development and review, as well as

revisions or improvements posts (Jonah, 2007).

In this study, writing referred to the non-verbal ability of WVSU

Communication students.

Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the writing difficulties encountered by WVSU

Communication students.

The investigation was conducted during the second semester of the School

Year 2018-2019.

The participants of the study were the randomly-selected WVSU

communication students.

To gather the data, the researchers had utilized a researcher-made

questionnaire-checklist approved by the adviser and validated by experts.

Frequency and ranks are the statistical tools to be used for analysis and

interpretation of data.
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Iloilo City

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Chapter 2 consists of two parts: (1) Conceptual Literature and Studies about

the Writing Difficulties; and, (2) Conceptual Literature and Studies about

Communication Students.

Part One, Writing Difficulties of Students, covers the conceptual literature

and studies related to difficulties encountered in writing.

Part Two, Communication Students, presents the conceptual literature and

studies relevant to the perceptions of students in writing.

Writing Difficulties

Writing as a means of communication has its origins in the strip of fertile land

stretching from the Nile up into the area often referred to as the Fertile Crescent.

Most early writing systems begin with small images used as words, literally

depicting the thing in question. But pictograms of this kind are limited, some

physical objects are too difficult to depict and many words are concepts rather

than objects. The first known writing derives from the lower reaches of the two

greatest rivers in the region of Fertile Crescent, the Nile and the Tigris on present

day Egypt and Iraq (Plain Text History, 2018).

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Iloilo City

The Polish American Assyriologist Ignace Gelb distinguished four stages in

this evolution, beginning with picture writing, which expressed ideas directly;

followed by word-based writing systems; then by sound-based syllabic writing

systems, including unvocalized syllabaries or consonantal systems; and concluding

with the Greek invention of the alphabet (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018).

Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language and

emotions with signs and symbols. It is not a language, rather a tool used to make

languages be read. It has been instrumental in keeping history, maintaining

culture, dissemination of knowledge through the media and formation of legal

systems. As human societies emerged, the development of writing was driven by

pragmatic exigencies. In the 21st century, writing has become an important part of

daily life as technology has connected individuals from across the globe through

systems such as e-mail and social media (Palmer, 2009)

Literacy has grown in importance as a factor for success in the modern world

and learning to write is a key aspect of everyday life. Writing facilitates reflection,

expression and enables individuals to compose their thoughts, therefore providing

us with the framework for one of the prominent methods of daily communication.

Written communication is an essential element of expression; the ability to

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

articulate oneself through the written word provides on one with the opportunity to

share their knowledge in a meaningful and effective way (Fullerton, n.d).

Writing is an intricate and complex task; it is the most difficult of all the

language abilities to acquire. It is a mental and cognitive activity, since it is a

product of the mind. However, as has been pointed out, “writing can be

understood only from the perspective of the society rather than a single individual

(Burke, 2010). It usually suffers from a lack of interaction, which stimulates oral

production in conversation (Maesin, et al., 2010).

Many students assume that writing is the most difficult subject among the

other language skills because the process of writing not only writes what they feel

but also convey a message to the readers. Therefore, the students have problems

to make good writing. Cafarella and Barnett found that students’ lack of confidence

in their writing ability made it harder to make revision decisions and explain the

decisions to the feedback providers. This was especially the case when there was

conflicting feedback from different faculty (Can, 2009).

Most people never consider the complexity and difficulty of the writing

process. In fact, relative to all other academic activities, writing requires more

basic skills than perhaps any other. One of the difficulties in writing in a second or

additional language is that it is generally believed to require some mastery of

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Iloilo City

writing in the first language.

There seems to be a perception that once learners can write sentences and

paragraphs in their first language, they will automatically transfer such skills to

other languages. However, it has to be noted that this may be possible only if a

certain degree of proficiency in the first language is attained (Kereni, 2004).

As writing tasks become more difficult, students must call on an increasingly

wide range of skills to not only write legibly, logically and in an organized way but

also to invoke rules of grammar and syntax. This combination of requirements

makes writing the most complex and difficult use of language. It is evident that

writing is the biggest challenge for many students. The problem is the lack of both:

the adequate stock of English vocabulary and creativity in writing. Many students

are able to understand the language but most of the students face the problem of

communicating their ideas effectively. Students do not write very often and most

of what they write is classroom-bound. The most important factor in writing

exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the

learning experience of great value (The Importance of Writing, n.d).

Encouraging student participation in the exercise, while at the same time,

refining and expanding writing skills, requires a certain pragmatic approach. The

teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is trying to develop. The teacher
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Iloilo City

needs to decide on which means (or type of exercise) can facilitate learning of the

target area. Once the target skill areas and means of implementation are defined,

the teacher can then proceed to focus on what topic can be employed to ensure

student participation. By pragmatically combining these objectives, the teacher can

expect both enthusiasm and effective learning (Arini, n.d.).

Writing is no longer only about putting pen to paper. Author-teacher William

Zinsser reminds us that "the new information age, for all its high-tech gadgetry, is

finally writing-based. E-mail, the Internet, and the fax are all forms of writing, and

writing is, finally, a craft with its own set of tools, which are words. Like all tools,

they have to be used right Fortunately, successful strategies for teaching writing

have been identified and innovative programs implemented with a demonstrable

impact on student learning. However, their broad dissemination remains a critical

challenge for serious school reform (Nagin, 2006).

Several studies have been consulted and reviewed in relation to writing

difficulties of students.

The study entitled, News Writing Difficulties Encountered and Perceived

Causes among Journalism Students of WVSU was conducted by Salting, et al., in

2014. This descriptive study aimed to determine the news writing difficulties

encountered and perceived causes among Journalism students of West Visayas

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

State University. This undergraduate thesis was conducted at WVSU in the first

semester of school year 2013-2014, the study made use of a researcher-made

questionnaire-checklist validated by experts. The results revealed that the top five

newswriting difficulties encountered by Journalism students of WVSU were:

struggling with the correct words or terms to use, needing to exert too much effort

in understanding technical terms, struggling with writing the appropriate headline

for a story, taking time to sort and select facts and data, taking down notes slowly,

and difficulty in writing Filipino or Hiligaynon. The top five perceived causes were:

sleeping late because of doing other things, being shy, feeling inferior to other

reporters/journalists, not fond of reading, having so many assignments other than

news writing, settling for printed materials as source of news, not being able to

memorize the attributes/characteristics of news, and being daunted by interviews.

Another study entitled, Constraints and Difficulties in the Process of Writing

Acquisition was conducted by Klimova in 2013. The study aimed to propose what

teaching method should be exploited when teaching writing purposefully.

Descriptive type of research was employed in the study. In the summer semester

of 2012, 20 students of Management of Tourism of the first and the third years

were given a questionnaire in order to find out what difficulties/problems they face

when they write in L2 (in this case in English). As it has been mentioned above,
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

the general outcome of students’ errors was a low proficiency of their English since

they stated the following difficulties when writing. The difficulties are ordered

according to their frequency in students’ questionnaires: correct words order, use

of articles, restricted range of vocabulary, use of formal language, correct spelling

of English words, grammar structures, use of commas, finding the ways how to

start their writing, transforming ideas from their native language into English,

writing references and bibliography. In conclusion, one might say that L2 writing

might become a challenge for students if teachers carefully consider their students’

personality, their learning styles, social, cultural and cognitive factors and

appropriate teaching methods/strategies. Obviously, the most effective strategy is

to promote writing as often as possible, together with thinking and conscious

reflection on it. Finally, students must be provided with feedback on what they

have written in order to realize the errors they have made because without

sufficient and relevant feedback students are not able to improve both their writing

and language skills.

Finally, the study by Aragon et al., (2013) entitled An Analysis of the Writing

Skill Difficulties of the English Composition I analyzed the current writing skill

difficulties of the English Composition I students, as well as to know some of the

errors these students usually make and the reasons why they have this kind of
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

problems when creating compositions. Sixty-seven students from the Foreign

Language Department of the University of El Salvador were employed in the study.

The team applied purposive sampling technique while for the collection of data,

the researchers administered an interview from the teachers of English

Composition I. The research team selected the survey as the instrument for

collecting information from the students; it was addressed to the groups 01, 02

and 03 of English Composition I in the first semester of 2013. Content analysis

technique was applied for examining the results of the instruments addressed to

students and teachers. In conclusion, most English Composition I students have

difficulty applying some writing techniques such as mapping and editing because

they do not know what those techniques are due to the fact that students did not

have a previous explanation about them. Students generally come to English

composition I without any idea about organizing their ideas, even in their mother

tongue. Students in English Composition I class considered mapping as the most

difficult technique. This was due to the lack of information about it and the need of

practice and explanation, as well as the difficult structure of such technique which

is considered not adequate for the level of English of these students. FLD students

writing quality is close to the superficial way in which English Composition I is

taught, as well as the lack of practice, the few time invested studying this subject
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

and the deficient methodology applied. English Composition I professors usually

make use of the following techniques: brainstorming, free writing, making a list,

editing and mapping. These techniques are presented according to their

effectiveness where the most accepted are brainstorming, free writing and making

a list. Professors argue that the main problem for students in organizing their

pieces of writing is that students do not usually read and this is the reason why

they cannot organize their ideas because they do not know what to write about.

Communication Students

Choosing what degree to take up in college has always been a dilemma for

many graduating high school students. For instance, peer and family pressure may

instill a 'required feeling' of what degree to pursue. While many students go with

the flow of that supposed to be 'the most popular degree' and take up courses that

their loved ones think would best benefit them, there are some who decided to

take the road less travelled.

The scope of communication studies as a discipline gives rise to the

challenge of clarifying just who are the people behind this field are and what are

they about. For those exploring communication studies as a possible major it is

useful to have a brief sense of the extent, the history and the current state of the
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

discipline. The breadth is due, in part, to the reality that communication studies

are an arts and humanities discipline with rich ties to history, philosophy, literary

and performance studies. It is also a social science, sharing a more recent history

as well as concepts and methodologies with sociology, psychology and political

science. Finally, they are a practical craft. Historically that craft has been public

speaking, while today it also includes the crafting of messages in various digital

media and applied contexts such as public relations and journalism. Aristotle called

communication studies (then known as rhetoric) a discipline without boundaries

and that is still true today (University of North Carolina, 2018).

Communication as a course may be underrated but it covers a lot of fields

such as television, radio, print, film, photography and other creative industries.

Through a generalized curriculum, students have been able to have a grasp of

these different areas and find out where they excel the most. Aside from the

lessons learned in the areas of photography, film, print, radio and television, it's

principles and techniques, one also had a chance to try and apply what were

written in the white board through the hands on training of communication

teachers. Some of these include television production, radio drama, advertising

and marketing strategies applied, theater production, photography exhibit and film

production. Through these activities, students were able to experience a glimpse of

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

the real media industry (Mansell, 2011).

Most scholars in the discipline of communication begin the formal,

recorded history of the discipline of communication with the study of rhetoric in

Ancient Greece. Clearly, however, many ancient cultures developed systems and

theories of communication. Some of the earliest surviving works from ancient

civilizations read like primers for communication – including the Egyptian

manuscript, the Precepts of Ptah-hotep“ If you are a leader of peace, listen to the

discourse of the petitioner. Be not abrupt with him; that would trouble him. Say

not to him: ‘You have already recounted this.’ Indulgence will encourage him to

accomplish the object of his coming. As for being abrupt with the complainant the

way to obtain a clear explanation is to listen with kindness (Westmont College,


Communications involves gathering information and effectively distributing

it to others via the written or spoken word. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in

Communications degree programs offer a wide breadth of learning in

communication methods, and they also commonly offer emphasis areas, such as

corporate communications or investigative journalism, to prepare students to enter

specific job markets for communications most importantly, writing. For example,

journalism students hone their skills in researching, interviewing, and analytical

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

writing. Public relations enthusiasts, who share information about companies,

products or events with the community, must be able to orally and verbally convey

details to individuals and groups and have promotional skills. Corporate

communications specialists need to have highly developed skills in email and

newsletter writing (Media Communication, 2018).

Communication Studies is the perfect major for students with multiple

interests and diverse talents because the discipline provides theory, tools, and

techniques for analysing, managing and improving communication in every arena

of professional and personal interaction.

Mass communication is the study of communicating with the masses, but is

also about storytelling with strategy and purpose. The study of mass

communication is centered on how messages persuade and affect the behavior

and opinion of the person or people receiving the content. The Mass

Communication sequence will help one develop research methods and analysis

skills that can be applied to a number of different fields, including law, academia,

and the professional sector (Texas State University, 2018).

The discipline embraces many approaches to understanding communication

– some approach the study within a humanities perspective, focusing on historic

speeches and social movements, rhetorical analysis of film, or ethical critiques of

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

contemporary political discourse. Some approach the study of communication

within a social scientific framework, focusing on the effects of advertising on

children, the role of gender in how we approach negotiation, or what makes one

leader more successful than another (Westmont College, 2017).

A communications major can be prepared for a wide variety of careers,

including journalism, marketing, broadcast media, copy writing and politics. Some

schools offer communications degrees with a concentration in a specific type of

communication such as journalism, while others provide students with a broad

base of classes in an assortment of communications-related skills (Thompson,


As communication students, writing help them to express their thoughts,

ideas and feelings on paper. The researchers write articles, literary pieces,

speeches and anything under this area of discipline. As expected, they should be

able to express with fluency, accuracy and style on what we know about different

subjects, topics, ideas and the like through writing. If he or she fails to develop

certain basic writing skills, he or she will be unable to write with speed and fluency

required in this field. Indeed, for communication majors struggling with a writing

problem, the writing process itself interferes with learning (Imane, 2015).
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Despite the breadth of communication studies, there are a few ideas that

have traditionally held it together as a discipline. The first is the centrality of

symbol use to our own humanity. Philosophically humans are firm believers in the

power of communication and its central role in both citizenship and personal

development. This power has been recognized for centuries. Isocrates an ancient

Greek Historian noted that there has been implanted in us the power to persuade

each other and to make clear to each other whatever we desire, not only have we

escaped the life of wild beasts, but we have come together and founded cities and

made laws and invented arts; and, generally speaking, there is no institution

devised by man which the power of speech has not helped us to establish

(University of North Carolina, 2018).

Each school establishes its own curriculum for a communications major, and

reviewing the course catalog for a prospective school can help make them the

right choice. Most curricula include classes in writing and English, public speaking,

theories of persuasion, group communication, rhetoric, debate, interpersonal

communication and media communication. If choosing a specialty within a

communication major, an upper-level classes will focus on that specialty. he or she

will be expected to take classes in conflict management, negotiation and

interpersonal psychology (Thompson, n.d.).

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Media and communications degrees cover the history and effects on society

of various forms of media as well as the way that they can be used to

communicate different messages. Such courses may draw on elements from the

social sciences and the humanities but the core focus remains mass

communication and communication studies (Times Education, 2017).

Graduates of with communication courses have launched careers as free-

lance videographers, wedding planners, designers, information specialists,

diplomats, political scientists, research analysts, writers, editors, community affairs

as leaders in the non-profit sector, and in corporate and institutional media

(producing visual, audio, written, and multimedia materials for training and

instruction, internal and external communications, sales, and public relations etc.).

Communications students need strong reading and writing skills, and some

schools administer a placement test to incoming freshmen and transfer students,

although at most schools, there are no specific prerequisites for communications

majors. A low score on this test might mean you have to take remedial courses in

reading or writing before taking core classes or classes related to your major

(Thompson, n.d.).

Today’s 21st century world, the discipline and career opportunities for

students in the communication field remain strong and firm. Technologies continue
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

to change and evolve but the basic human need for connection: to understand and

be understood, remains as important – and as robust ever.

Related studies were sought to enrich the present study from various


A study entitled, Exploring Agricultural Communications Students

Perceptions of Communication Apprehension and Writing Apprehension in the

Classroom was conducted by Ahrems et al., (2016). The purpose of this study was

to qualitatively explore agricultural communication students’ perceptions of

Communication and Writing Apprehensions. Eleven participants were identified and

agreed to participate in the study based off previously collected data from Texas

Tech University students who indicated they were willing to participate in a one-

on-one interview following a questionnaire. To gather the data, a qualitative

research design was used for this study in order to gain students perspective about

of Communication and Writing Apprehensions. Semi-structure, one-on-one

interviews were used with pre-established questions, but allowed the freedom to

ask questions as they emerged during the course of the interview. Interviews were

audio-recorded then transcribed and each interviewee was assigned a pseudonym.

After analyzing the interview transcripts five major themes emerged: (1) One-on-

one with instructor: students gain deeper understanding, students learn from each
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

other, more hands-on. (2) Group work is problematic: good to have other opinions

and points-of-view, can play off everyone’s attributes, I like to be in control, can

be frustrating. (3) More speaking opportunities: practice, Agricultural

Communications public speaking course. (4) Grade them suckers hard:

constructive criticism, writing workshops, peer reviews and discussions. (5) I’m my

worst Enemy: personal struggle, get out of my comfort zone, suck it up.

Understanding Communication and Writing Apprehensions among agricultural

communications students is important for faculty so they can tailor instructional

techniques to help students grow in their oral and written communications skill

sets while also providing and ideal learning environment.

Another study entitled, Examining Mass Communications Final Year

Undergraduates Writing Self- Efficacy for Employability was conducted by Saheed,

et al., (2016). This study uses quantitative survey approach to examine Final year

Mass Communication undergraduates’ writing self-perception. This study sets out

to investigate the writing self-efficacy of final year mass communication

undergraduates of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The study sample was drawn

from Lagos State University ( LASU), University of Lagos ( Unilag), Lagos State

polytechnic ( LAPOSTECH) and Yaba College of Technology ( YABATECH) in

Lagos, South-Western Nigeria. To evaluate the undergraduates’ self- efficacy in

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

writing, it was operationalized into 3 measures. The aggregate number of

undergraduates studied comprise of 405 respondents out of which around 64.2%

are female while around 35.8% are male. The variables measured were local and

global writing process knowledge, physical reaction in writing and time/ effort in

writing. The items were adopted from the instrument developed by Schmidt and

Alexander (2014) to evaluate writing self-efficacy. The questionnaires were

distributed cross-sectional simultaneously. The methodology adopted for the study

is quantitative; hence, the measurement was based on a ration scale ranging from

0-100 using a writing self-efficacy questionnaire. The respondents self-efficacy was

determined by requiring them to rate themselves from (“very unconfident”) to 100

(confident). The findings re-established the importance of self-efficacy in writing as

a vital aspect of employability. The practical implication is that tertiary institution

curriculum should be made to emphasize writing self-efficacy as well as other

forms of employability skills, and there should be a paradigm shift from teacher

centred learning approach to student’s method in order to further help students

develop in their writing self-efficacy and thereby get them prepared for the

employment market likewise there shows that there is opportunity to improve on

the writing self-efficacy of the undergraduates to equip them better in terms of

employability skills. Moreover, the implication of this study in practical sense is that
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

it provides significance information to tertiary institution, namely; universities and

polytechnics educational policy makers and curriculum experts in Nigeria, as well

as administrators to adjust the teaching methodology to further accommodate

master of experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion and good emotional

conditions as advocated by the self-efficacy theory ( Bandura, 1994), These would

go along to further facilitate the writing self-efficacy of the undergraduates. The

overall, the result shows that mass communication undergraduates in Nigeria have

above average or moderate writing self-efficacy having scored generally above

average in the three variables used in measured for the measurement of their

writing self-efficacy.

Finally, a study conducted by Scott Kuehn and Andrew Lingwall from Clarion

University of Pennsylvania entitled, “In their own words: A Thematic Analysis of

Students’ Comments About their Writing Skills in Mass Communication Programs”

was conducted on September, 2012. The study aimed to explore self-perceptions

of writing skills among students in mass communication programs at 13 public

state universities in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The study

addresses implications for faculty members who wish to better understand their

students in order to devise more effective writing instruction. The researchers

administered a paper survey questionnaire to 860 anonymous students enrolled in

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

communication courses at thirteen comprehensive state universities in the Mid-

Atlantic region in the United States. The instrument contained three sections with

check-off and Likert-type items to determine demographic information and student

self-perceptions of writing skills. Out of the pool of 860 returned surveys, 397

came from communication. Nearly half of all respondents in this study reported

basic skill deficits. As a result, they desire and need new approaches from

instructors – approaches that many instructors have not had to emphasize before.

Based on this qualitative narrative analysis, the researchers concluded that many

millennial students need: 1.) personal understanding along with extensive one-on-

one help from their instructors; 2.) focused feedback. They want to write drafts,

make corrections and then resubmit their papers; 3.) intensive work on basic

grammar, spelling, punctuation and mechanics. These results clearly show that

mass communication majors also need a focused reality check on how media

professionals write and what media employers expect from them as writers. They

need instruction that will help them mature into professional media writers who

know what the field requires of them as writers as they begin their careers.
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3 consists of five parts: (1) Purpose of the Study and Research

Design; (2) Participants or Subjects of the Study; (3) Instrument; (4) Procedure;

and, (5) Data Analysis.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design, presents the purpose

and describes the design that will be used in the study.

Part Two, Participants, describes the participants who were involved in the


Part Three, Instruments, presents the gathering tools that used during the


Part Four, Procedure, states the steps as on how the study was conducted.

Part Five, Data Analysis, presents the statistical tools used in the analysis of

the study.

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The study aimed to determine the writing difficulties encountered by WVSU

Communication students.

The descriptive method of research was employed in the study. It is devoted

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

to the gathering of information about prevailing conditions or situations for

the purpose of description and interpretation. This type of research method is not

simply amassing and tabulating facts but includes proper analyses, interpretation,

comparisons, identification of trends and relationships (Aggarwal, 2008).

This study was conducted during the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2018-

2019 at West Visayas State University Iloilo City.

A questionnaire checklist was constructed by the researchers approved by

the adviser and validated by

experts in language, research and communication was used as data gathering


Frequency and rank were used as statistical tools.


The participants of the study were the 100 randomly-selected


students of West Visayas State University, taken as a whole and classified

according to field of specialization, sex, and GWA.

In terms of sex, there were 36 (36%) and 64 (64%) female participants. In

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

of field of specialization, 34 (34%) Broadcasting, 38 (38%) Journalism, and 28

(28%) Development Communication.

In terms of GWA, High average 22 (22%) and Average 78 (78%).

Table 1 shows the distribution of the participants.

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

Table 1

Distribution of the Participants

Categories f %

A. Entire Group 100 100

B. Sex

Male 36 36

Female 64 64

C. Field of Specialization

Broadcasting 34 34

Journalism 38 38

Development Communication 28 38


High Average 22 22

Average 78 78
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City


To gather data for the study, the researcher-made questionnaire was

constructed. The instrument was utilized to gather data on the writing difficulties

encountered by WVSU Communication Students. This was approved by the adviser

and was validated by set of experts in language, research and communication.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part contained the

participants’ personal data such as sex, general weighted average (GWA) and field

of specialization.

The second part of the questionnaire focused on the pre-identified writing

difficulties for which the participants were instructed to check the column that

corresponded to their answer. They will check the column yes if they encountered

such difficulty and leave blank if they did not.

The instrument were personally administered by the researchers to the



Certain steps were observed in the preparations of this study.

The researcher submitted three thesis titles that was subjected for

improvement and approval of the Introduction to Research Professor.

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

The improved and approved proposed thesis proposal title was presented

and defended before the Research Committee of the College of Communication –

West Visayas State University during the title defense.

Upon the approval of the committee, suggestions were noted by the

researchers regarding the thesis title, statement of the problem and other details

that has been corrected or improved.

After the title approved by the panel, researchers choose their thesis

Adviser to guide them in the duration of thesis writing.

The researchers then proceeded with the writing of the outline for each

chapter. The outline for Chapters 1 to 3 was drafted and submitted to the thesis

adviser. The researchers also presented the topic sentences for conceptual

literature and the basic facts of the related literatures identified by the researchers

as part of Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 was filled up by the researchers as well. The researchers had to

present the Research Design and Methodology that was employed on the chosen

study. After which, the corrections and suggestions’ of the adviser was then

worked out by the researchers. Helpful criticisms, suggestions and

recommendations were given by the thesis adviser about the initial outlines for

each chapter.
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

The learning Resource Center of West Visayas State University, College of

Communication and the World Wide Web were visited to search for useful

information, related studies and literature regarding the identified topics to enrich

the content of chapters.

All the corrections that was done during the consultation were noted,

portions were the researchers had errors had been replaced with correct

information in consult

with the research adviser. Moreover, all lessons introduced during the class

discussions were incorporated as the researcher prepares to draft the thesis


Before the second semester of Academic Year 2017-2018 ends, the

researchers drafted the thesis proposal which includes the first three chapters of

the thesis namely: (a) The Problem, (b) Review of Related Literature and (c)

Research Design and Methodology. A reference page was also prepared.

For the proposal the researchers submitted a draft to the thesis adviser for


Before the first semester of Academic Year 2018-2019 starts, the researchers

Had drafted the thesis proposal and defend before the panel of Communication

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

As soon as the suggestions and critiquing among the panel were done, the

researchers started preparing for the conduct of the study by making the

questionnaire-checklist and have it validated among the group of experts in the

field of language, communication, and research in the second semester of

academic year 2018-2019.

The validators checked the questionnaire-checklist in terms of language

used, content, and validity of the questions. The suggestions of the validators were

considered to improve the instrument. After the revisions, the researchers

conducted the study.

The authors consolidated all the results and consolidated them through the

use of tables, and computed them through the use of the appropriate statistical


Based on the results, the researchers interpreted the data gathered and

created their data analysis and interpretation, conclusions, and recommendations

which were included in chapters 4 and 5, respectively. A reference was also


The researchers proceeded on making the entire research paper and

submitted the draft to the adviser and research professor for improvement. Further

corrections made by the consultants were applied in the paper.

West Visayas State University
Iloilo City

After the final paper is ready, the researchers prepared for the final oral

defense which was presented to the panel. Corrections that were done by the

panel were noted by the researchers.

As soon as corrections of the panel were applied by the researchers, the final

research paper was passed to the panel and the dean for approval.

After which, the research paper was reproduced and bounded,

Data Analysis

The data gathered for this study was subjected to the following

statistical tools:

Frequency count. Frequency count was used to count the number of

respondents in a particular writing difficulty.

Rank. Rank was used to identify the order of difficulties

encountered by WVSU Communication students in writing.

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