Assignment 1

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Object Oriented Analysis and Design: Assignment Week 1

Total Marks : 20

July 23, 2017

Question 1
Elements of complexity of a Software system are? Marks 2

a) 1. Difficulty of Managing the Development Process, 2. Complexity of the Problem Domain,

3. Vendors of the Software, 4. Issues in characterizing behavior of Discrete Systems

b) 1. Complexity of the Problem Domain, 2. Difficulty of Managing the Development Process,

3. Flexibility of Software, 4. Issues in characterizing behavior of Discrete Systems

c) 1. Difficulty of Managing the Development Process, 2. Software usage, 3. Vendors of the

Software, 4. Issues in characterizing behavior of Discrete Systems, 5. Complexity of the
Problem Domain

d) 1. Complexity of the Problem Domain, 2. Software usage, 3. Vendors of the Software, 4.

Issues in characterizing behavior of Discrete Systems

Answer: b)
Explanation: The four Elements of Complexity of Software System as defined by Grady
Booch are 1. Complexity of the Problem Domain, 2. Difficulty of Managing the Development
Process, 3. Flexibility of Software, 4. Issues in characterizing behavior of Discrete Systems
which helps to understand a domain, addresses challenges of team development and large code
bases, explore the flexibility of the software and characterizes behavior of Discrete Systems

As per slides.

Question 2
Complexity of understanding Problem Domain, is one of the main components which con-
tributes to software complexity. Which of the following are part of the problem domain com-
plexity? Marks

a) Communication Gap between users and vendors

b) Evolving Requirements during development

c) Workforce Management

d) Non-Functional Requirements are difficult to justify in budget

Answer: a), b), d)

Explanation: As per slides.

Question 3
What are the Five Attributes of a Complex System? Marks 2

a) 1. Hierarchic Structure, 2. Relative Primitives, 3. Separation of Concerns, 4. Attributes 5.


b) 1. Hierarchic Structure, 2. Relative Primitives, 3. Behaviour 4. Attributes 5. Methods

c) 1. Hierarchic Structure, 2. Relative Primitives, 3. Separation of Concerns, 4. Common

Patterns, 5. Stable Intermediate Forms

d) 1. Hierarchic Structure, 2. Relative Primitives, 3. Behaviour 4. Attributes 5. Stable

Intermediate Forms

Answer: c)
Explanation: As per slides.
The five attributes of a Complex system are 1. Hierarchic Structure (to understand interrelated
sub systems), 2. Relative Primitives (to understand the basic blocks of a system), 3. Separation
of Concerns (to decompose systems into identifiable parts), 4. Common Patterns (to identify
reusable structures), 5. Stable Intermediate Forms (to identify robust sub systems)

Question 4
The choice of Relative Primitive depends on: Marks 2

a) Intracomponent linkages

b) Software standards defined in ISO

c) decomposable hierarchies

d) Expertise of Designer

Answer: d)
Explanation: Relative Primitive helps in identifying the basic blocks, hence it is based on
Expertise and Perception of a Designer.

Question 5
he major elements of a transport system are listed (sorted alphabetically) below. Build them
into a natural hierarchy to answer the following questions.

1. Air Vehicle

2. Airplane

3. Boat

4. Helicopter

5. Land Vehicle

6. Ship

7. Train

8. Truck

9. Van

10. Vehicle

11. Water Vehicle

• Q 6a: Identify the first (top) level components of the transport system hierarchy. Marks
Note on how to answer the questions: Write down the component numbers in the order given
separated by a space. Example: 6 7 8 14 15
Answer: 1 5 11
Explanation: These components can be further broken down.

• Q 6b: Identify the building blocks (leaf level components on the hierarchy) of the trans-
port system from the list below. Marks

a) Air Vehicle
b) Truck
c) Vehicle
d) Train

Answer: b), d)
Explanation: Truck and Train form part of Land Vehicle. Marks 2

• Q 6c: Identify the correct hierarchies among components of the transport System. Marks

a) Vehicle -> Air Vehicle -> Land Vehicle

b) Air Vehicle -> Land Vehicle -> Water Vehicle -> Vehicle
c) Ship -> Land Vehicle -> Vehicle
d) Boat -> Water Vehicle -> Vehicle

Answer: d)

Question 6
Which of the following is a abstraction (IS-A)? Marks 2

a) Eye, Human

b) Snake, Reptile

c) Earth, Planet

d) Petal, Flower

Answer: b), c)
Explanation: Snake is a Reptile, containing all the common attributes of a Reptile and
contain some additional features. Similarly Earth is a Planet, containing all the common
attributes of a Planet, along with additional features.

Question 7
Which of the following is a decomposition (HAS-A)? Marks 2

a) Line, Word

b) Company, IBM

c) Device, Mobile

d) Computer, Keyboard

Answer: a), d)
Explanation: A Line is contained in Word and Keyboard is part of the Computer.

Question 8
Identify the correct statement(s). Marks 2

a) Class Structure: Abstraction (IS–A)

b) Object Structure: Decomposition (IS–A)

c) Class Structure: Abstraction (HAS–A)

d) Object Structure: Decomposition (HAS–A)

e) Class Structure: Abstraction (IS–A, HAS–A)

f) Object Structure: Decomposition (IS–A, HAS–A)

Answer: a), d)
Explanation: Class Structure represents an Abstraction. Abstractions are refined at every
level, hence creating Hierarchy. Also an object is an instance of the class, and while in operation
it interacts with other objects through messages, as required to complete its activity, hence
decomposition relationship.

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