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Date of planning:
Date of teaching:
Lesson 7: Project report

I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
+ review the characteristics of folk tales (plots, main characters,
+ apply simple past tense and past continuous in telling stories
+ understand the stories and perform a role-play
+ define the genre: folktale, legend, myth;
+ demonstrate creative thinking and dramatic skills to dramatize a
+ work together in cooperative groups.
II. Teaching aids:
- Textbook, Projector, costumes,
III. Methods:
- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure
A. Class organization.
- Greetings.
- Checking attendance: 8A…
B. New lesson.
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1.New lesson Review Vocabulary and Grammar
4 minutes Task 1a: Rearrange the letters to make correct words.
-Ss work in 3 groups, ring the bells to take the right to Group work
answer. T checks Ss’ pronunciation when Ss read aloud T <--> Ss
the words.
Task 1b: Drag the words under the related pictures.

2 minutes
whole class
Task 2: Review Past simple and Past continuous.
-T invites some Ss to tell all they know about the 2 tenses Whole class
and confirms with the whole class. Individual

3 minutes

Task 3: Acting in groups. (Prepared at home)

-Ss work in 3 groups.
30 minutes At home, Ss prepared the script, costumes and properties Group work
for acting.
At class, Ss introduce idioms and expressions (if any)for
the whole class to make sure the audience understand the
stories thoroughly.
-Each group has 10 minutes to introduce the title, genre,
main characters, then act a scene or the whole story and
draw a lesson or moral from that story.
Task 4: Other endings
-T gives 3 What if … questions for Ss to choose then write
5 minutes a new ending for the story on a piece of A4 paper. Group work
After 5 minutes, Ss stick the paper on the board, 1 S read it
aloud then the whole class gives comments.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Give feedback. T <--> Ss
1 minutes
4. Homework - Do exercises in the work book.
minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
V. Review

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