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1 Laplace Transform

Laplace Transform enables one to get a very simple and elegant method of solving linear
differential equation by transforming them into algebraic equations. It is well known that
chemical processes are mathematically represented through a set of differential equations
involving derivatives of process states. Analytical solution of such mathematical models in time
domain is not only difficult but sometimes impossible without taking the help of numerical
techniques. Laplace Transform comes as a good aid in this situation. For this reason, Laplace
Transform has been included in the text of this “Process Control” course material though it is
purely a mathematical subject.

III.1.1 Definition of Laplace Transform

Consider a function f(t). The Laplace transform of the function is represented by f(s) and defined
by the following expression:

( III.1 )

Hence, the Laplace Transform is a transformation of a function from the t -domain (time
domain) to s -domain (Laplace domain) where both t and s are independent variables.

III.1.2 Properties of Laplace Transform

• The variable s is defined in the complex plane as where .

• Laplace Transform of a function exists if the integral has a finite value, i.e. , it
remains bounded; eg . if , then f(s) exists only for , as the integral becomes
unbounded for .

• Laplace Transform is a linear operation.

III.1.3 Laplace transform of a few basic functions

The Fig. III.1 shows a few basic functions which are frequently used in process control

N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
(a) Step function (b) Ramp function

(c) Pulse function (d) Impulse function

Fig. III.1: Few basic functions which are frequently used in process control applications

Step function : See Fig. III.1(a) for the schematic of a step function




Ramp function : See Fig. III.1(b) for the schematic of a ramp function f(t)=at for t>0 where a is
a constant


N. Vinaya
Assistant professor


Exponential function : for t>0 where a is a constant




Sinusoidal function :



Delayed function : , i.e .f(t) is delayed by seconds


Now, let us take , hence . At and at

. Thus,




N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
Pulse function : See Fig. III.1(c) for the schematic of an unit pulse function. The area under

the pulse is 1. The duration of pulse is T and hence it achieves maximum intensity of . Thus

the function is defined by

It can also be defined as the “addition” of two step functions which are equal but with opposite
intensity, however, the second function is delayed by T .

Hence, it is evident that is equal to in intensity however it is delayed by time

Thus, . Since is a step function of intensity , the following

expression will hold.



Impulse function : See Fig. III.1(d) for the schematic of an unit impulse function. This is
analogous to a pulse function whose duration is shrinked to zero without losing the strength.
Hence the area under the impulse remains 1. The function can be expressed as the following:


As the duration of the impulse tends to zero, its maximum intensity ideally tends to .
Mathematically it is termed as Dirac Delta function and is represented as . The following
relation holds for unit impulse:


Thus the Laplace transform of the impulse function can be derived as the following:


N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
L'Hospital's rule has been applied in the above derivation. Hence,


The following table presents the Laplace transforms of various functions.

able III.1: Laplace transforms of various functions

Function in time domain Laplace Transform
Unit impulse 1

Unit pulse of duration T

Unit step

Ramp : f(t)=at

III.1.4 Laplace Transform of derivatives

The Laplace transform of derivative of a function f(t) is derived in the following manner:


N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
Where f(0) is the value of the function at t=0. Similarly it can be proved that


Where f'(0) is the value of the derivative of the function at t=0. In general, it can be proved that


Where are the initial conditions of the respective

order derivatives of the function.

III.1.5 Laplace Transform of Integrals

The Laplace transform of integral of a function f(t) is derived in the following manner:


Integrate by parts by considering the following: .

Then, and . Hence,




III.1.6 Final value theorem

N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
The final value theorem allows one to compute the value that a function approaches as
when its Laplace transform is known.


III.1.7 Initial value theorem

The Initial value theorem allows one to compute the value that a function approaches as
when its Laplace transform is known.


III.1.8 Solution of linear ODEs using Laplace Transform

Following example illustrates the method of solving ODEs using Laplace Transform. Consider the
following set of equations arisen from a modeling exercise:



With . Task is to find a solution for x(t) and y(t).

Taking Laplace Transform of eqns. (III.27) & (III.28) we obtain,



After rearrangement of the above we obtain,



Taking the inverse Laplace Transform we obtain,



N. Vinaya
Assistant professor
N. Vinaya
Assistant professor

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