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Lab Exercises

Exercise 1
Import of Data, finding gaps and duplicate records
1. Import the “Account trans file.xls” to IDEA.

2. Choose “Duplicate” worksheet for finding Duplicate transaction.

3. Choose “Find gaps or missing records” worksheet for finding missing transaction


4. Document the audit steps.

Lab Exercises
Exercise 2
Import of Data, Virtual Numeric Field, Numeric Function and Join

1. Import the “customer data.txt” to IDEA.

2. Check “DOB” field while importing, change its format to “DDMMYYYY”

3. Import the “emp data.txt” to IDEA.

4. Use “Field Manipulation” (right click on any value). This will display the field properties.
5. Select “emp data” right click on any cell to insert “Virtual Field (Numeric)” give it a
name “MOB” with parameter @JustNumbers(MOBILE).
6. Select “customer data” file. Use Join database option from File menu.

7. This will display the Primary file as “customer data” file and option to select secondary
file. Select “emp data” as secondary file.
8. Click on Match and select “Mobile_No” in primary file and “MOB” in second file, select
“Matches Only” and then ok. It will display results in Join file which has Employees and
Customres with common mobile numbers.

9. Document the audit steps.

Lab Exercises
Exercise 3
Import of Data, Virtual Numeric Field, Numeric Function, Field Statistics & Direct Extraction
1. Import the “Books Sale.xls” to IDEA.
2. Check Field Statistics under Properties. (Right side of the screen)
a. Check all the three field type
b. Under Date field type:-
i. Find how many transactions were done on Weekends (Saturday &
c. Under Time field type:-
i. Find how many transactions were done after Office Timing.
3. Select Data and right click on any cell to insert “Virtual Field (Numeric)” give it a name
“TOTAL” with parameter “COST * QUANTITY”
4. Now Check is there is any difference in Calculation:-
d. Choose Data ExtractionDirect Extraction
e. Now provide Criteria “AMOUNT <> TOTAL”
5. Document the audit steps.

Lab Exercises
Exercise 4
Import of Data, Field Statistics, Stratification & Benford’s Law
1. Import the “Value.xls” to IDEA.
2. Check Field Statistics under Properties. (Right side of the screen)
a. Check the Numeric field type
i. There we have negative values in files
3. Now Stratify data by using
a. Analysis  Stratification
b. Choose Field under “Group by”  Provide lower & upper limit with difference of
1,00,000 – 2,00,000
4. Find the probability all the digits from 1 – 9 by using benford’s law
a. Analysis  Benford’s Law
5. Document the audit steps.

Output after Stratification

Output after using Benford’s Law

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