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Steven District Hospital: SWOT Analysis & 3 Strategic Goals

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Steven District Hospital

SWOT Analysis of Steven District Hospital

Internal Analysis


- Improved HCAPS Score in 5 out of 6 criterion categories.

- Improved market share by recruiting three family practice physicians.

- Insistent quality management agenda and low reports of medical malpractice claims.


- Shortage of external as well as internal funding

- Struggles with accepting patient scheduling requests to begin care with a main care


- Continued shortage of medical personnel, especially in orthopedics, oncology, and

primary care as less fresh graduates from state medical institutes

- Downward operating margin.

External Analysis


- Increased percentage of population with chronic diseases.

- Highest average in median household income for county residents is $59,548 way above

the national average.

- Not a well established competitors

Steven District Hospital

- Need to increase operating margin

- Need to increase market share

- Increased percentage change in urgent care visits.

- Increased number of patient visits at new urgent care center

- Increased percentage use of EMR


- Increased insurance coverage patients as through the Affordable Care Act, and from

employment options from booming automotive industry in the county.

- Decreasing Operating Margin, Profits, Expenses

- Updating modern infrastructure and medical facility by competitors.

1. Financial or Economical Goal

Since, fund is an issue as no external funding is currently available, Steven District Hospital need

to find funds through their operation. But as per current year’s financials, they don’t have much

of hope as their operating income, profits, and margins on a declining trend since their operating

expenses are getting higher every year. For attaining growth and attaining vision as in “create a

large, multispecialty physician practice system that would contain at least six family practice

physicians and specialists in cardiology, oncology, and women’s services”. For this five years

goal, they need to find enough funds from operation, for this the financial goal is to,
Steven District Hospital

“Increase operating margin by 3% by next 2 fiscal years”

To do this, they need to,

- Reduce total operating expenses by 3 or 4%

- Reduce salary & benefit expenses by firing non- profit factors like extra employees for

same job, cut short few super senior employees with high salary and by recruiting 2

medium experienced or fresh graduates, cut short extra salary benefits only if employees

with performance.

- Need to raise sales and thereby, operating income & profits by recruiting specialized

qualified physician

- Need to increase income from operation.

Measures for progress and milestone: To measure the progress,

- Check the weekly, monthly as well as each quarterly financial report to know the


- The first mile stone will be at the end of first year as the progress should be sample

tested, same as the job is half done.

Evaluation Criteria Used: The main criteria used for the evaluation are the

- Weekly,

- Monthly,

- Quarterly, and

- Semi Annual & Annual financial reports.

Steven District Hospital

2. Legal or Regulatory Goal

Regulatory frameworks are vital for ensuring obedience with basic standards, but in some cases,

the contact of regulatory as well as legal and ethical issues can be major.

While the aim of regulatory surroundings should be to make sure higher quality of care, many

physicians feel as though the exact opposite is taking place. With an increased focus on

regulations, quality of patient care tends to suffer. (Robin Singh, Ms. (Law), CFE, CCEP-I,

HCCP, n.d.)

The main aim or goal is to,

“Stop the referrals by existing doctors and patients referring nearby hospitals”

This is possible through,

- Only with proper updating in hospital facility and equipments, this goal can be achieved.

- It not only the problem of doctors only, as they are making personal profits but also the

lack of enough modern facilities to diagnose and may be the remuneration of the doctors

may influence.

Measures & Milestones

The measures to evaluate the effectiveness of stopping the referrals by

- Patients feedback forums

- Better doctors salary packages

- Maintaining low reports of medical malpractices’ claims.

Steven District Hospital

3. Risk or Quality Management Goal

Quality management seeks to advance effectiveness of treatments and boost patient satisfaction

with the service. With an aging population and rising health care costs, quality management in

health care is gaining increased attention.("What Is Quality Management in Health Care?," n.d.)

In order to increase the effectiveness of treatments and increase patient satisfaction, main things

needed are the state of art technologies to diagnose disease and should have well qualified and

experienced doctors irrespective of their specializations and a consistent delivery of services to

the patients, for that Steven District Hospital should need to a have lot of funds, that will be

gained through above discussed points in the Financial Goal. When associated to the quality, the

risk is also associated. As the risk in related to quality management is higher in health care


“Consistent & Continuous Quality Management Policy for future”

As the Steven District Hospital, is well known for their name for Aggressive quality

management hospital in the health care industry for long time. For maintaining that fame is very

difficult as the competition from peer competitors is getting higher as they simultaneously

updating their quality as well as infrastructure and also with the modern medical diagnosing


- They try to keep the same existing quality policy in service deliverance, low reports on

medical malpractices,
Steven District Hospital

- Should try to add specialty treatments by hiring 1 or 2 doctors like physicians, oncologist


For everything, the funds are the main key to meet this. So they need to find enough funds from

operations as we discussed in the Financial or economical goal

Measures & Milestone

- Need to conduct regular quality management control quarterly through external third


- Need to conduct quality tests for everything from medicines, equipments, employees,


- Need to get regular feed backs from customers by giving feedback forums along with

their medical bills, it should include feedbacks about hospital infrastructures (

appearances, easy to find services), services delivery, efficiency of consultancy, how fast

disease diagnosed , how expensive medicine or services are etc.

- Every year’s there should be amendments in the existing quality policy of hospital by

recording and analyzing those regular feed backs from quality management appraisals,

and from patients.

Steven District Hospital


What Is Quality Management in Health Care? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Robin Singh, Ms. (Law), CFE, CCEP-I, HCCP. (n.d.). Top 10 Regulatory Challenges in the

Healthcare Environment? Retrieved from


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